The Morning Realm

14rd Sign of Rocs, 270 IE

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The Morning Realm is a DnD setting for those who want a classic escapist fantasy with a lot of heart and history.

Welcome to
The Morning Realm
written and illustrated by Annie Stein
  • Geography
  • History
  • Ancestry
  • Factions
  • Bestiary
  • Library
  • Calendar
  • Magic

  •   This is a wiki for the Morning Realm. The Morning Realm is a DnD setting for those who want a classic escapist fantasy with a lot of heart and history. Read more by clicking any link, scrolling down, or by clicking the introduction article below!  
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    The Morning Realm
    Generic article | Oct 1, 2021

    An Introduction to the Morning Realm, the setting for my current DnD campaign.


    Did you know...?

    • ...that MS Annwn was lifted out of the sea after almost four centuries?
    • ...that the Castellan Kingdoms is ruled by Divine Right, and taxed by it too?
    • ...that all long-distance teleportation routes through a strange woods known as the Crossroads?

    Ancestries of the Realm

    Ancestries of the Morning Realm

    Ancestries of the Morning Realm by Annie Stein

    High ElfHumanWood ElfDwarfHalfling

    Geography of the Realm

    The Boiling Mountains
    The Boiling Mountains by Annie Stein

    The Boiling Mountains, a massive mountain range, runs from east to west and divides the realm. To the north of the mountains the Lichen Marches traps water in it's endless marshlands, and the undead swarm east towards the Castellan Kingdoms. The elven bastions of the Empire of Trinais and Courdonne also run along the northern ridge.   To the immediate south is the Argosian Desert that spawned the Argosian Empire. The Empire now stretches all the way to the southernmost tip of the realm. To its east is Storest, the home of the great artisan guilds and companies. To it's west is the Theocracy of Krorus, led by lichen lords who have declared war upon the rest of the realm.