
Mashant is a deity with domain over money, travel and the mercantile. He is the youngest god in the pantheon of the Twelve. As the Patron Deity of Trade, he is a controversial figure. Mashant was ritualistically killed and his effigy hung from the tree alongside three tax collectors during the revolt in Thouves under the Sign of Dragons, 116 IE. His descendants, House Mashant, claimed the god really did die during the revolt but was reborn as the Hanging God, with a new set of reformed tenets that fit the peasant demands.   Mashant is revered by merchants, tradespeople, travellers, and rogues.



Mashant Hanging

  This aspect of Mashant is by far the most popular in modern days. The imagery of Mashant hanging was commissioned en masse by House Mashant to coopt the visual and defang it from a sign of protest to a symbol of personal reformation and growth.  

Mashant Plenty

  Mashant Plenty is worshipped by all who want to turn a profit. Plenty Coins, also called Merchant Coins, are sold in all temples. These coins are created by the clergy from regular coins, adding fortuitous engravings and pressing a hole in the middle. This hole allows the coins to be strung, either to be worn around the neck or hung up before a door so they chime as people enter.  

Mashant Roadwalker

  This aspect of Mashant protects travellers from bandits and wildlife. He is invoked by travellers, especially merchants who bring expensive merchandise with them. Mashant Roadwalker smiles upon those who are tasked with patrolling the roads to keep them safe, and is said to appear at his roadside shrines to those who have truly gone above and beyond and grant them minor boons.   Mashant Roadwalker is also worshipped by bandits and thieves, in hopes that he might be swayed in their favour rather than that of the merchants.  

Mashant Virile

  Mashant Virile is often invoked both by those who want to concieve and those who wish to avoid it. He is considered the god of youthful masculine fertility, as opposed to Scur, the god of fatherhood. This aspect is often depicted alongside Hedona, the goddess of youthful feminine fertility.   This aspect is also popular among those who want to be seen as handsome.  

In Myth and Art



  Mashant often takes a trickster role in myths about the Twelve. Sometimes he fools others, but he often plays the role of the fool himself. One myth describes how one day Mashant decided to attempt to be a highwayman in order to understand how to best them, but learned that there was quite a lot of money to be made. The other gods had to kidnap him to bring him back to his senses.  

Depiction in Art

  Mashant is often depicted as a beautiful young human man. From 114 IE onward, he is commonly depicted hanging, either by rope or holding himself up by his legs or arms.

See Also


Religions of the Morning Realm

Related Articles

The TwelveAbundtiaAurumCastellanHedonaLuciaMashant

God of Travel and Trade

Faith Temple of the Twelve
Domains Trickery, Light, Life
Descendants House Mashant
Star Sign Sign of Dragons
Symbols Phallus, Feathers, Bags of Coin, Plenty Coins


  • Keep your books in good order
  • Do not hoard your goods in hopes of great profit, trade freely and often.
  • Charity begets goodwill, goodwill begets profit

Character Portrait image: Le tarot dit de Charles VI by Unknown


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