Half-Elves Ethnicity in The Lost Lands | World Anvil


Many half-elves trace their ancestry to the aftermath of the Hyperborean wars, though many others are the offspring of more recent interbreeding between humans and elves (usually high elves). As a general matter, half-elves are accepted by most human realms on Akados, particularly where they are more common; in some locales where they are rare, they may be seen as a bit of an oddity, though they still would not elicit hostility. As evidence of their acceptance, particularly in eastern Akados, many leaders of human cities are and have been half-elves.   Half-elves and high elves are usually on quite friendly terms. Ironically, it is among their other cousins that half-elves are most likely to meet animosity. Typically, wild elves and wood elves would view half-elves as half-breeds, while grey elves would think of them as little more than humans. Only in some of the eastern lands of Akados would wood elves be willing to accept half-elves as companions or friends.


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