High Elves Ethnicity in The Lost Lands | World Anvil

High Elves

Most elves encountered in eastern Akados or in human cities elsewhere are high elves, most initially hailing from the Forest Kingdoms to the east of Bard’s Gate or from the Harwood Forest. Many high elves are subjects or vassals of the elven kingdom of Parnuble and revere the beloved queen of that realm and gladly rise to defend her honor. Most high elves have honey-blond hair, though some have black hair, and blue, green, or sapphire eyes.   Though preferring forests, many high elves encountered outside their homelands are widely traveled and cosmopolitan, and are on friendly terms with humans, as well as gnomes and halflings. They are reasonably tolerant of hill dwarves, but dislike mountain dwarves. They find wood elves to be fascinating throwbacks, view the wild elves as arrogant and insular, and generally hold grey elves in legendary awe. They hate drow on general principal.


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