Hill Dwarves Ethnicity in The Lost Lands | World Anvil

Hill Dwarves

The most common type of dwarf seen outside the deep mountains are hill dwarves. These ruddy-skinned, stocky folk have beards and/or sideburns that tend to be thick and in hues of dirty blond to dark brown. They are mainly miners and craftsmen and can be found throughout the world, from the Xha’en Hegemony to Reme to The Plains of Mayfurrow, and eastward to the hills of Irkaina and Shamash Kush in Libynos. They get along quite well with humans and can tolerate elves, having not been a party to either the battle at Lake Crimmormere or the Great Betrayal at Hummaemidon. They tend to avoid their mountain dwarf cousins, however, as the two groups have little love for each other.


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