Koruna Hinterlands Geographic Location in The Known World | World Anvil

Koruna Hinterlands

The Koruna hinterlands are a snowy region located along the middle-eastern peninsulas of Ragnarok. The hinterlands are home to both to the largest concurrent populations of mountain-folk clans on the continent, and is the closest thing that mountain-folk can call a homeland beyond the Behemoth's Back Mountains.   Gentle, rolling slopes from the Bairuse Shrublands gradually turn into mountainous terrain several hundreds of feet above sea level, and evergreen valleys of boreal pine trees pepper the landscape. These pine tree forests are home to the reclusive Tilesh Conclave, a satyr society that reveres the winter seasons.   Geothermal activity in the region gives way to numerous natural hot springs, the largest of which is the Shiversprings. It is some of the least-forgiving lands in Ragnarok, second only to the Dead Wastes, and no farming is possible, which forces its mountain-folk populations to hunt for their food by necessity.   The northern and southern hinterlands slope down towards the great Casmian river, which cloven the hinterlands in two over thousands of years.   The Koruna hinterlands are one of the few places in the world where great white mammoths are found, and they frequently serve as livestock and mounts for the local mountain-folk clans. Other deadly beasts include the vicious, white-furred saber-cats, dire bears, wooly rhinos, and even the rare white dragon.   The Steel Legion holds dominion over the hinterlands, and it holds tenuously peaceful relations with the hinterland's clan-born mountain-folk. The dominion will generally leave them to their own devices, and many monutain-folk clans of the hinterlands observe the legion with distrust. However, some mountain-folk families from the hinterlands will migrate to Kroth or Midbay for a less strenuous lifestyle built around survival, preferring a more civilized lifestyle. These mountain-folk are often recruited into one of the three High Legions.
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