Dominion of Torment Organization in The Known World | World Anvil

Dominion of Torment

"To live in Torment is to know the suffering of our kind. We suffer so that our brethren can allay their doubts. We suffer that our brethren can indulge in their frivolities. Our suffering, ash-breathers, is our nobility, and we are all lords in our own right!"
- Steel Legionnaire, Liska 'Blue Dragon' Aul'Luma
  As demon-kind first armed themselves against further angelic hostility and the vicious monsters native to the sulfurous wastes of northern Ragnarok that preyed on their people, they established the first of the three dominions: the Dominion of Torment. Its name was a message of defiance against the High Heavens and a monument to the suffering early demon-kind experienced at the hands of Lucifer's curse.   With the help of the former mighty Archangels, the Mountain-folk, they built a great fortress citadel. Fortress Kroth. With the near impenetrable city for safety, demon-kind survived and built their armies.   A fierce sense of honor and discipline permeates the culture of Torment, not too dissimilar from the orc to the far south eastern corner of the world. Torment has always had a military culture for the sake of necessity, as the lands of ancient Ragnarok before the Rebirth were hostile and filled with vicious beasts. Not only that, they also faced the constant threat of invasion by angelic forces. Even after the Rebirth, the culture of martial prowess and an emphasis on military might has never truly disappeared.  
To this day, thanks to the Dominion of Torment, Ragnarok has one of the largest conscripted armies in the world, both standing and reserve, rivalled in power only by the Karthan Commonwealth's navy and the armies of the orcish Empire of the Celestial Dragon.   Great heroes are revered with admiration and respect, such as Warlord Ashbane Aul'Karlon, who fought during the Crusading War a long, bitter fight between demon-kind and the High Chalice of the Karthan Commonwealth. Those with the blood and lineage of war heroes are expected to become great champions for the protection of Ragnarok and demon-kind as a race.

A Respect for Command

At the center of Torment’s militaristic society is a chain of command which all citizens are raised to respect. The dominion can be described as a hierarchical military kratocracy, as at the head of this chain is the High Imperator, or "Imperator Tormentum". The current holder of this rank is Ignhara Aul'Dirk, who commands the High Legions of Ash, Steel, and Arcane. Each legion is led by a single Tribune, who in turn commands a company of elite Primuses. Centurions rank beneath Primuses and lead a number of companies to coordinate large-scale operations. Legionnaires command single companies, often assisted by lieutenants and officers beneath them.

A Militant Culture

The Dominion of Torment is a military culture where society, technology, and relationships are focused on supporting war. Society is built around military units which citizens become a part of from childhood. Any tasks that aren’t strictly dedicated to the military, like agriculture and commerce, are often left to the young, infirm, injured, and retired. Regardless of a citizen’s profession, they are always seen as a soldier and possess a soldier’s outlook on life. Irrationality and fragility are often seen as contemptible characteristics.   Most relationships are causal and, while family units are recognized, most adult citizens have little connection with their parents or children. Sometimes a parent or child may keep an eye on each other should one’s actions reflect either negatively or positively on their family’s honor and prestige.

From a Young Age

After a child is considered old enough to handle a blade, they are inducted into the creche of their parent’s legion; Torment's equivalent of a school. Though there is little influence on a child’s upbringing from their parents at this point, many will secretly visit the creche or send gifts.   Children in creches are taught to unify and encouraged to define their own social structure, thus forcing them into tight-knit companies. During this time a Primus is largely in charge of their education and upbringing, training them as a military unit and instilling loyalty to the legion of their creche. These companies of children are considered adults when the Primus no longer needs to keep watch over them.   These tight-knit companies are seen as one’s family. As such, the connections and allegiances to one’s company are often far stronger than those to blood relatives. Some may leave their companies, others may lose close friends, but these bonds always leave deep impressions.

A Well-oiled Machine

The Dominion of Torment is industrious and, through the ingenuity of the Ash Legion, their furnace-powered machinery rivals the rune-forged clockwork and steam-power of dwarves. Torment is renowned and feared for its military technology, having spearheaded the invention of airships in Ragnarok.   It is through this wartime technology that even domestic advances have been achieved. For example, in conjunction with dwarves, the dominion has contributed to the relatively new development of the printing press. Though many citizens of Torment are more than happy to embrace these new advances in technology, others do so to the detriment of all Magic, viewing it as a sign of weakness, sometimes to the extent of viewing all spell-casters with suspicion.
Map of Rangarok
Geopolitical, Stratocracy
Leader Title
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
Like most places in the world, the Dominion of Torment uses the standard gold-based currency system. It has its own stylings and imprints on copper, silver, gold, and platinum, frequently depicting the face of Ashbane Aul'Karlon.
Parent Organization
Official Languages

Imp and Mountain-folk Citizens of Torment

Though they are considered minorities among demon-kind, it is not uncommon for mountain-folk and imps to quickly adapt to Torment’s culture and military structure. In fact, mountain-folk often form the front lines of Torment’s armies and the natural intellect of imps is vital in the creation of vicious machines of war. Imps will typically find themselves in the Ash and Arcane legions while mountain-folk may be more at home in the Steel legion.


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