Frost Kobold Species in The Known World | World Anvil

Frost Kobold

Frost kobolds are particularly renowned worshippers of white dragons, especially the infamous white dragon titled the 'Frozen Ruin', whose consort ravaged the nation of Meyland fifty years ago.   With scales that vary in color from sky blue to pale white, frost kobolds are many in number and range all across most of the world's northern hemisphere. Frost kobolds make their warrens near the lairs of white dragons, digging through solid ice or making their homes in caves atop frostbitten mountain tops.   Frost kobolds serve white dragons with vigorous zealotry and have an exceptionally cold-hearted view of outsiders. While they are individually weak, they are capable of powerful sorcerous Magic. Most Frost kobolds once served Malinis, Bride of the Frozen Ruin, until she was slain by Hunter's Keep. Her skull currently hangs within their Duunhollow lodge.

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution


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