Scytauroi Ethnicity in The Hellecian Sector | World Anvil
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Originally from the Thessalis Anvil, the Scytauroi are a band of horse-like nomads occupying the Isbarbous Spout.

Given their ancestry between Aeonites & Mycestians, their enormous/unrestrained Ichor production allow them to pilot and power their Hamariot-like fighters.

As a result, Scytauroi fighters possess more firepower and maneuverability than other tribes. Not to mention being fierce shock troopers on the ground and during boarding operations.

However, their wild/untamed demeanor and veracious appetite for undiluted mead cause them to be exiled to the Spout by King Thesacles.


Scytauroi have existed long before the Hellecians or even the Pantheon, mainly as bands of semi-intelligent societies of Mycestian amalgams.

It wasn't until the downfall of the Lazlith prince Scytarus that the Hellecians attached these bands of barbarians under a catch-all term. 

Scytarus and his brother Lazlion (progenitor of the Lazliths and the mercenary group The Sprokriots) were born to a Mycestian princess Cenae and the founder of the Hephaestopolis: the Aeonite laborers guild during the time of the Mycestian Stable Palaces.

Discovering the pregnancy, her father banished her to the mines with her Aeonite lover in shame. They lived a hard but simple life. But Cenae died giving birth to the brothers.

Unlike Archaenus & Iodium, the two half-brothers were inseparable and their difficult childhood in the Mycestian mines.

Lazlion managed the book-keeping while codifying standards for their workers. Scytarous collected dues from their Hellecian employees and protected them from overzealous Mycestian drivers based on Lazlion's standards.

In fact, their dynamic and positions within the Hephaestopolis were instrumental in establishing the framework that would create the Professional Guilds of Aeonite Craftspeople after the Patrokonoi-Hellecia overthrew the Pantheon.

Eventually, their work got the brothers recognized as valued administrators and were brought into their regional Stable Palace on the Anvil. All while keeping their lineage a secret.

Before the Invasion of the Progenitors, Scytarus was enjoying his Ambracian mead a little too much and spilled their secret to a beautiful Mycestian princess in the palace.

While Lazlion was able to bribe their silence, the brothers knew it was only a matter of time. To save themselves from the firing squad from the ruthless Mycestian king, the brothers sided with the progenitors and sacked the palace.

Once the Hellecians put the brothers in charge of the Anvil, the royal line of Cenaelith (in honor of their mother) was born.

And thus Scytarus' filter vanished and slowly began his downfall into debauchery.

Scytaurus abused his Mycestian underlings and showed contempt to his level-headed brother, who tried to restrain his brother's unruly nature. Namely his love for Pantheonic nectar.

His parties drained their family's Ichor as fast as Scytarus drained kegs of the nectar. That is until Lazlion put his own brother under house arrest as a means of intervention.

Unable to go without a drink, Scytarus would sneak out undetected. However, he soon found Lazlion put an embargo on Pantheonic nectar, even replaced with a far more profitable alcohol.

However, this thirst for nectar overshadowed his need for alcohol.

In his ravenous search for nectar, the prince came across a shady merchant that supplied Scytarus with the nectar he craved.

Overjoyed, Scytarus faked his sobriety while secretly keeping flasks and barrels of nectar hidden throughout their holdings. Allowing only his closest friends and paying customers some of his precious nectar.

However, this kind of nectar slowly changed Scytarus' physiology. Drinking the undiluted nectar, it brought out his Mycestian traits and slowly transformed him into more of a horseman.

The Wedding:

Embarrassed of his brother's transformation, Lazlion hid Scytarus and his mutant friends away while the family doctors worked on a cure.

Meanwhile, Lazlion was busy with the responsibilities of running the Anvil; one of the only bastions of civilization following the Helio-Apollan Binary Supernovae.

The Cenaeliths supplied the sector with the best shipwrights and the most lucrative mineral resources outside the Taygestronese (see Topographical History of the Sector).

At the same time, one of Lazlion arranged a political marriage with one of his cousins to a rising Aeonite faction. This would cement the Cenaeliths as the premiere ruling house in the Anvil.

Lazlion invited the who's who of the Patrokonoi-Hellecia, including the legendary Commander-Ultimos of The Psygorellius himself: King Thesacles.

However, someone left Scytarus' door open. The wild prince and his retinue wandered out.

While the wedding was dry, one of the guests snuck in a flask of Pantheonic nectar. Smelling the nectar from afar, Scytarus and his retinue stormed the wedding. A battle then ensued between Scytarus and the wedding goers.


With the help of Thesacles, the Lazliths beat back the Scytauroi. But the damage had already been done. The Aeonite faction broke the wedding off and retaliated against Cenaelith holdings for the unprovoked attack.

A civil war broke out in the Anvil just as the Perxis-Sadem invaded the fractured sector.

Many believing the merchant who sold Scytarus his nectar was a Perxis spy who poisoned the drink with a medimizing agent that fused two creatures into ungodly humanoid-creature amalgams.

After the Perxis were pushed back from the Anvil (now factionally divided between multiple ruling families), the Scytauroi were banished to the newly-formed Isbarbous Spout with the other unruly Isbar Nomad Confederacies by the surviving Lazliths.

While modern Ionite scholarship from would end here, the works of the infamous historian Cherdovasu would try to shed an educated light on this complex and deeply misunderstood people.

Especially since he's the only Hellecian/non-Ionite Rector willing to live with the herds out in the Spout to record their culture.

Regardless, most Hellecians see Scytauroi as wild savages. Raiding settlements at even the slightest whiff of Pantheonic nectar (now an expensive & highly rare commodity).

Home Cluster: Thessalis Anvil

Affiliation: Isbar Nomad Confederacies


Progenitor: Scytharus


Greek Comparison: Scythians/Centaurs


Primary CHONPS Spectral Element: Carbon

Side Effects of Ichor: Telepathic control of their mounts.

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