Hamariot in The Hellecian Sector | World Anvil
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Hamariots are flying single-rider, anti-gravity racer designed for spectacle race Hermigrons in a local cluster's Agronidrome stadiums.

To show their mastery over the Gods, Hamariots are powered by the defeated Mycestians Stable Lords who've given into their animal-like nature (called Myquestrians; Hermigron teams call them 'mounts' or 'hides' for short). 

Hamariots don't rely on the animals physically pulling the vehicle rather the driver or Agroniteer draw out Ichor from the animal's blood into the vehicle's engine(s) and keeping the beast breaking from its mount.

The process puts serious strain on the mounts. So rotating mounts between races is important. Otherwise, an overworked hide could either exhaust its Ichor stores/die during the race/drive the mount into a frenzy.

The sport combines the sport of horse racing with the race car engineering of Nascar.  

As a result, the Hamariots can customized to the sponsors/Agroniteer's team specs. The biggest design elements is determined on the number of horses pulling the driver:
  • Omnigron (one-hide race), a glorified motorcycle with a glowing horse mane. Built for speed and tight maneuvering like a dirt bike. 
  • Bigron (two-hide race), two glowing horse manes engines, built into a light frame; Bigrons are drag races to see who has the mount with the most endurance.
  • Trigron (three-hide race), three glowing horse mane engines, one lead steers the vessel while the two rear provides the speed; best configuration for anti-gravity races (allows lead to switch directions; puts the most strain on mounts). Most dangerous race in the Hermigron.
  • Quadrigron (four-hide race), four glowing horse mane engines, two-by-two configuration (lead hide steers on their respective side while the rear pushes the vessel essentially Nascar with the engines acting as wheels.

  Violence in the Hermigron is a way of life. Raming the driver's chassis or its Myquestrian engines are perfectly legal, leading to spectacular crashes and deaths during these races.

Use of Myquestrian engines as battle mounts in a cluster's Thanogron is prohibited in the inner ring. Those in the Shackle would take more liberties with this rule. The purpose being: the more worked up a mount gets inside an engine, the more unruly the mount gets.

So Hermigron teams are encouraged to treat their hides well because a content Myquestrian operates better than an agitated one.

Eventually, if a mount survives five years on the circuit. They're required to go into retirement as a breeding mount to continue the sport.

The best Myquestrian mounts for Hermigrons can be found in the Boeton Stables or the Eubedon Plow in the Frontier Worlds/Outer Ring.

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