Ichor Material in The Hellecian Sector | World Anvil
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Used as a means of commerce, social status, and the physical embodiment of power given by the Cosmic Aurora among the members of the Patrokonoi-Hellecia; Ichor is the standardized currency of the sector as its stored in the bloodstream of Hellecians in various concentrations based on one's genetics, tribe, socio-economic status, and/or profession.


Also known as Theoglobin, Ichor is a form of microscopic cells produced in the bodies of celestial beings who can commune/connect with the Cosmic Aurora.

After the death of the Pantheon Hegemony at the hands of Hellecians, armed with weaponry fueled by COAG, they siphoned the Ichor from the murdered Olympians and infused select ones into the leaders of the four tribes of the Patrokonoi-Hellecia evenly:
  • Thesacles - Leader of the Archanians (after the death of their patriarch Archanus by the gods).
  • Dodrius - Patriarch of the Dodrians
  • Aeonia - Matriarch of the Aenoites
  • Ionium - Patriarch of the Ionites

Upon the proliferation of Ichor among the members of the four tribes of Hellecians, the subsequent generations were able to produce Ichor themselves (at a significantly reduced rate). Each tribe would develop traits and abilities unique to each tribe and the Olympians they absorbed.

This would further diverge the physiology and traits of the four tribes into the Patrokonoi-Hellecia we know over the course of the series today.

Thus, the roles of each Hellecian in this new society without the gods became very well-defined. So much so, the value of Ichor became intrinsic in expanding and maintaining both the economic and social bonds of the Hellecian population.   

Economic Use:

Similar to gold, Ichor is stored within the body of its possessor and is measured in ounces for financial transactions.

When traveling to worlds within the Hellecian sector, a traveller would stop at what's best described as a "blood mint" and convert how many ounces of Ichor into "Ichma" or the regional currency of the planet. 

If a merchant is dealing with metropolitan areas with highly standardized customers, they would convert their Ichor into "Digitized Ichma." However, if a merchant is dealing with backwater smugglers on the fringes of the sector, it's best to convert into "Minted Ichma." 

Most planets would have a tribe that holds primary hegemony over the planet. So one many possess millions of gallons of Ichor. However, it's worthless until said Ichor is converted into Ichma to keep a relatively stable value on Ichor on the planet and throughout the sector.

However, this would lead criminals who wanted to rob someone of their valuable by either draining the Ichor out of them using stolen filtering devices from "blood mints" or by just stabbing victims and collecting their blood.

Social Currency:

Aside from being used to purchase milk and bread, having high concentrations of Ichor in your bloodstream was seen as a way to show the vitality and purity of their genetic line.

Much of Hellecian society revolves around how much Ichor they can produce naturally. Because the more Ichor you can produce, the fewer time you have to spend working. Which can also be seen in their physiology because the higher the concentration of Ichor in one's body, the more prominent/powerful their tribe's trait will be shown.

While the four tribes had their own means of social engineering similar to their Greek counterparts, most of the administrative roles were elected. And like most elections on Earth, candidates for high offices use grand displays of affluence and prestige to show their "aptitude" for the position.

Many of these displays would include showering public areas with beams of ionized Ichor. It would boost a citizen's ability to produce their own Ichor, literally showering bystanders with money.

Another display of status would be having an entourage of "Lessors" or Hellecians paid to hold another person's Ichor in their bodies. 

Once you've been elected to these higher offices, you're in office for life. You'll have access to an inner circle of influence no mortal could ever dream within the administration of the Patrokonoi-Hellecia.

However, these higher officials can be removed from office posthumously for any number of reasons. If an official is removed from duty, they're required to take their own lives to prevent the Patrokonoi's secrets from circulating.

So every moment is spent asserting their influence and power over their subjects by whatever means necessary.


Having Ichor in your bloodstream at all is a symbol by itself within the Hellecian Sector. Ichor is used as the economic and social adhesive that binds Hellecian society together among the four tribes. Even being born from Hellecian parents doesn't guarantee citizenship.

A Hellecian newborn or any conquered natives applying for citizenship must pass several tests including the Dacdelian Pedigree Prognosis (DPD) which determines the receptiveness of your cells towards Ichor, one's projected Ichor-blood concentration and the susceptibility of developing Poisoned Femur Madness.

Once the applicant has passed these tests and a projected IBC > 50%, they can be accepted as a citizen, be given treatments to stimulate growth of Ichor receptors in their cells, and determine their social status based on their IBC.

If any applicant fails to reach this threshold, they will not be given Ichor and remain as a barbarian. However, if an applicant has an IBC > 85% or even 95%. They're considered Soipsomenos or an "Exalted Orphan" of the Gods.

Under any version of the DTOS, any person found with this IBC is to be evaluated by a Level 8 citizen to determine their sentencing. Either to be imprisoned for eternity or handed over to the Final Hegemony for termination. 

Giving any barbarian Ichor of any kind is the strictest of social taboos and civil/criminal law. If a citizen is found supplying barbarians with Ichor, they will be stripped of their citizenship first off. And either imprisoned or executed, based on the severity of their crimes.

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