Agronidrome in The Hellecian Sector | World Anvil
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The Agronidrome is a multi-purpose stadium where sponsored teams of Hamariot drivers compete in various games.

Hellecians celebrate major events by throwing games at their capital planet's Agronidrome. The most popular event is the Hermigron or race.

The races are broken up based on the types of Hamariots used:
  • Omnigron= One engine
  • Bigron = Two engine
  • Trigron = Three engine
  • Quadrigron = Four engine
Adding an engine to a Hamariot, increases the length and number of turns in a race. Attacking other racers and their mounts is encouraged.

The winners of these planetary races gain the most glory points. The team with the highest points at the end of the regular season move on.

Starting at planetary finals (names derived from local mascots), followed by cluster preliminaries (prefixes are added to their names), then regionals (clusters are added to their names), and finally the Neo-Dyloth Glory Circuit.

Sector Finalist teams are broken up into the four progenitors (Archaenus=blue, Iodium=gray, Aeonia=red & Dodros=yellow).

The following sports are played during these celebratory games (going from highest to lowest popularity):  
  • Thesigron - boxing/wrestling contest
  • Thanagron - gladiator fight to the death
  • Dodrigron - Hoplon squad battle to the death (for spectacle fights, imports monsters to fight from the outer rings)
  • Athenigron - battle robot fight (replaces Thanagron in the inner rings, replaced with Thanagron in outer rings)
  • Poseidigron - Star-Deck race
  • Artemigron - shooting contest (imports monsters from outer rings, usually end in a fight to the death)
  • Apolligron - music contest
  • Dionysigron - drinking contest (the inner rings make it a theatrical contest)
  • Demetigron - eating contest
  • Hephaestigron - smithy contest (think Antique Road Show if they sold weaponry)
  • Dactigron/Goeyemigron - Engineering conference for new technology (not inside the Agronidrome per say; the inner rings call it the first after Dactylon the Inventor while outer rings/Aeonites call it the latter for Goeyemedes the Engineer).
  • Dodekoiigron - Dodekoi (article) card game tournament (not inside the Agronidrome).

Greek Equivalent: Hippodrome

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