Helio-Apollan Binary Supernovae in The Hellecian Sector | World Anvil
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Helio-Apollan Binary Supernovae

More influential than the Invasion of the Progenitors or the discovery of COAG, The Helio-Apollan Binary Supernovae is a combined explosion of the Hellios & Apollo suns that fractured the god-planet Karoj-Menos.

Thus, birthing the various start clusters and planets that would shape the Hellecian Sector forever.


During the creation of the god planet, the twins Apollo and Artemis (along with their opposing Titan colleagues Helios and Selene) were tasked to maintain orbit of the opposing binary suns and moons around Karoj-Menos to keep the planet together.

To maintain opposing orbits, Apollo and Artemis used ships (precursors to a Hellecian Hamariot) manned with teams of minor deities to deal with the dailies as they frolicked on the planet.

While their contemporaries (Helios & Selene) stayed in orbit, realizing their place in the new Cosmos as servants to the Pantheon Hegemony.

While the twins frolicked and eventually slew the twin serpents Python and Delphyne, Apollo received visions over the place they killed them.

Unable to shut these visions out, Apollo asked his sister to cover for him while he explored the anomaly. Several days later, Apollo returned and brought the temple of Delphystes (Temple of Delphi) into existence; expelling the resident Phylistes and installing his adopted Dopheans to act as his priests and caretakers of this temple.

When Apollo sat in this temple, he travelled through time and space to find answers to the prophecies that consumed his every thoughts.

After Apollo divided his duties between Delphystes and his sun, Artemis was seeing to her duties as a goddess of youth (or the orderly transition from youth to adulthood).

Rewarding those who wished to stay youthful and chaste with immortality. Punishing those wanting to remain wild and untamed with stampedes of animals more wild and untamed as them with her hog-like Oygimenos (before becoming the modern Bovitons.

While watching over everyone else who transitioned to adulthood.

Seeking guidance from her retinue of virgins and even her colleague Selene about her brother's behavior, they all concluded not to worry. Everything is happening as it should.

And, for a while, she believed them and ignored her brother's mad ravings about doom and gloom.


Days before the invasion, Artemis was exhausted send scores and scores of her servants: the Bovitons and Eubedons to prosecute the wild and untamed masses of Hellecians and other sentient species on Karoj-Menos.

One day, she was called by Pan and Dionysus to settle a dispute over who held the wildest parties over in what would become the Thermetolian Wedge.

Tired and irritated, she met them not too far from Delphystes when the gods paralyzed Artemis with poisoned Nectar.

Promised amnesty by the Patrokonoi-Hellecia for Dionysus and revenge for what Apollo did to his friend King Mydius at a music contest for Pan, the two gods dragged Artemis to the Temple of Delphystes.

Whipping all the nearby creatures into a panic with his scream, Pan and Dionysus watched as frenzied Bovitons nearly trample Apollo's temple to rumble when:

Up in orbit, relaying energy between himself and Helios during the "Karojian Merger," Apollo noticed the plight of his sister and his temple. Ending the process prematurely, Apollo holds back the boars by firing a barrage of heated plasma around Delphystes.

Seeing the plan failing, Dionysus (out of jealous spite and to Pan's horror) kicks a paralyzed Artemis into the quagmire of stampeding pigs and bolts of fire.

At the same time, Archaenus and his fleet closed in on the distracted god as they sealed one of the sun gods into an experimental Zeta Shield bubble aboard the mythical Achillean Planet Cracker (its shields would make the formation of the Achillean Quake cluster possible).

Overcome with grief, Apollo manages to rip through the shield and damage Archaenus' flagship.

If it hadn't had been for the bravery and quick-thinking of his son: King Thesacles, the Mycestians would've freed their master and ended the invasion right there.

Instead, Thesacles stops the Mycestian fleet and gives enough time for the Aeonite mechanics to fix the shields and keep Apollo from helping his comrades.

The "Accident":

Apollo was held in orbit by the Zeta Shields along with the help of Helios & Selene (promise by Hellecians to be the only ones in the sky in exchange for their help) for the duration of the invasion.

It's at this point where the details get murky.

Something happened on the surface that not only began The Merging Process. But proceeded to force Helios out of his orbit on a collision course with Apollo.

Tearing a massive gash in the planet's crust with a massive particle beam between the two suns, Apollo and Helios began to rapidly age as their gravitational field grow more and more powerful.

Just then, another Zeta shield bubble appears around Helios and slammed the two suns together at the precise moment the two suns' cores collapse.


The resulting explosion shatters the planet into pieces. Creating the various star clusters that form the shape of the Greek peninsula.

To this day, no one knows exactly who restarted The Merging Process that cause the destruction of their homeplanet (see Topographical History of the Sector).

Even now, nobody knows what's keeping the clusters from drifting off into space. All the Hellecians know is an impenetrable wall of rock and space debris known as The Pontic Shell holds the clusters in place and keeps anything from getting in or out.

Like the sector is held between a set of hands the size of two galaxies.

Regardless, It's on this day the Patrokonoi-Hellecia celebrates their national holiday: The Festival of Shattered Gold. A month of celebrations commemorating the day they defeated the Pantheon, ending when the Last Gold Meteor from Karoj-Menos completes its orbit and returns back inside The Squeeze.

Date of Event: 1 BFH

Parties Involved:

Significance: Formation of modern-Hellecian Sector

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