Saurmazonii Ethnicity in The Hellecian Sector | World Anvil
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Offspring from the union of a minor Scytauroi war-herd and the queens of the Amazons, the Saurmazonii are one of the more prolific Isbar Nomad Confederacies in shaping the post-Helio-Apollan Binary Supernovae political map.

Like their Amazonian matriarchs, Saurmazonii stirred fear in their enemies through the Cosmic Aurora.

During the Age of Anarchy, their war bands forced whole colonies to re-settle on planets difficult for coordinated waves of nimble Saurmazonii Hamariot fighters to swarm their fleets.

Most of the capital planets within the various star clusters were established to coordinate local defenses against the Saurmazonii along their section of the DST Accelerator Lanes.

Over time with better coordinated defenses from the unified Patrokonoic Militia Fleet, Saurmazonii war bands were pushed out of the sector and into the Isbarbous Spout.

However, many still roam the interior of the sector instilling fear in their victims before extracting tribute or blood. 


According to Isbar historian Cherdovasu, the Saurmazonii started out as a Scytauroi war herd, led by Szajuk the Founder.

However, the name Szajuk in Isbaruk means "chieftain" or "leader." So the identity of the singular founder of the Saurmazonii remains a mystery.

Regardless, during the reign of the Pantheon hegemony, the Amazonian Queens of the neighboring lands made raids to take away Scytauroi men to drain their Ichor and keep the unruly tribes in line.

One day, when the Amazons arrived to thin out a smaller herd, the eponymous Szajuk ambushed the unsuspecting warrior women. Rather than enacting revenge, the minor horse lord had the warriors give him an audience with their Queens.

The Scytauroi humbled himself before the three queens and offered a deal:

Szajuk would drive out the troublesome tribes of Scytauroi and Hellecians encroaching on Amazonian lands. In exchange, the two people would commingle and grant each other children (girls for the Amazons, boys for the Scytauroi) to continue both their lines of succession every year.

Confident of their failure, the queens swore this agreement on the Aurora.

When Szajuk returned with streams of Ichor, countless heads, and even the recaptured altar of their father Ares. The deal was struck.

Thus, the Saurmazonii were brought into existence. Under their agreement, both groups flourished and became the dominant forces on the steppes of the god planet.

That is until the Invasion of the Progenitors.

Age of Anarchy:

The Saurmazonii kept the Amazons' land safe while they fought the Patrokonic forces trying to overthrow their parents.

However, when the Helio-Apollan Binary Supernovae destroyed the god planet, the Saurmazonii saw their pact with the missing/dead Amazonian Queens void.

The Saurmazonii raided the Amazonian lands. After taking their technology/survivors, they splintered into hundreds of raiding parties, war bands & confederacies of varying sizes.

Pillaging the remaining Stable Palaces and Pantheonic wealth up for grabs during the Age of Anarchy.

Most of the surviving Amazons taken away in the various bands became queens and matriarchs in their own rights.

Enough so that when Antiope was found to be alive and with King Thesacles aboard The Psygorellius, the desperate war bands were summoned to hunt the kidnappers down and reclaim their queen.

While it ultimately remained unsuccessful and ended in Antiope's death inside the Delot homeworld of Dyloth, the Saurmazonii dispersed back to their raiding ways.


The Age of Anarchy came to a close when the Patrokonoi-Hellecia pushed the Saurmazonii, Perxis-Sadem and various Scytauroi bands out of the sector and into the Isbarbous Spout.

Given their unique Ichor and more coordinated efforts compared to the other disparate nomads, the Saurmazonii war bands became a dominant power in the Spout and a nuisance in the sector.

They will come to blows several times with Ulysses "Ollie" DylosAJM-001, & Eucidrie and their Psygonauts throughout the series.

Home Cluster: The Isbarbous Spout/Pontic Shell

Affiliation: Colcion Confederacy


Progenitor: Szajuk the Founder/Three Queens of the Amazons (Hippolyta, Antiope & Penthesilea)


Greek Comparison: Sarmatians/Amazons


Primary CHONPS Spectral Element: Carbon

Side Effects of Ichor: Instill fear into their enemies through the Cosmic Aurora; inoculated through Amazonian parentage.

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