Space Station Thracia Geographic Location in The Gulf of Zuros | World Anvil
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Space Station Thracia

Thracia stands on the extreme limit of Imperial controlled space. Set up by the Mechanicus and Imperium to research the systems close by and the acting as a repair and control centre for ships going beyond the limits of Imperial Space.


The station is a huge work of Imperial wonder.  The station is broken down into several segments that handles different actions.   The quarters are broken down as follows:   Mechanicus Quarter - The Mechanicus sees to all the research beyond the boarders of the Imperium.  As well as the final stop for expedition fleets before they move into unknown space.   The market - The market is a huge part of the space station, Rogue Trader fleets return to trade goods they gave found in the unknown space.  At any point there are dozens of merchant and dynasty ships coming and going buying and selling everything from beasts to relics.   Administration Quarter - The Administration Quarter holds dozens of cogitators, where hundreds of adepts process the data returned by the fleets in unknown space.  Diligent to a fault the information is filed and forward to the sector governor to be sent to the High Lords of Terra to prepare for the coming expansion.   Imperial Fleet Quarter - The Imperial Fleet maintains a large detachment of vessels at the station to protect the Gulf from the Xenos threats of unknown space.  They also oversee the ship repairs at the station allowing most ships access to their yards to effect essential repairs.
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