The Eternal Vigil Station Geographic Location in The Gulf of Zuros | World Anvil
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The Eternal Vigil Station

Located deep inside the The Broken Chasm  stands a mighty fortress that conducts it's vigil on this fledgling Imperial sector.   The Eternal Vigil Station is the beating heart of the Ordo within the Gulf.  All the sectors of the Ordo have offices and accommodation on the Fortress and it acts as a base of operation to any element of the Inquisition and their immediate allies.


The fortress itself is only the tip of the iceberg.  The fortress continues throughout the asteroid core itself becoming a huge sprawling base.

Natural Resources

There are several useable metals in the asteroid and the surrounding ones that the Inquisition mine for their own purposes.


The Enternal Vigil Station began its life as a palace that the Brutus Dynasty of Rogue Traders was creating to act as an operating based for their ever expanding tasks within the Gulf until a cult kidnapped one his the Dynasty Head's wives and family.     They disappeared from the attack into the shadows and no clues were left.  Being his favourite wife the Leader of the Dynasty they rogue trader house expended huge amounts of resources in the search for the missing family members.   From the shadows are a collection of men and women who offered their help.  The Inquisitor rosette branded on show.  They offered to assist for a fee to be named later and the Dynasty accepted.  Within a few months the wife was found and the head of the dynasty was overjoyed.    In return the Inquisition demanded the ownership of the palace simply stating that the new sector of space need the enteral vigilance of the God Emperor, as such the new name was given.   The Inquisition brought the consider resources to bear in finishing the fortress in a matter of years.  The based was flooded with retainers and serfs of the Ordo and the libraries and armouries were filled.     The Ordos brought their defenders with them and they can be seen passing.  Massive forges began to produce arms and ammunition for the never ending fight against the enemies of the Imperium.   In the deepest layer of the completed fortress in the darkness of cells the cult leader was placed.  Chained to the wall by manacles and hanging naked, the only item remaining was a battered beaten I on a chain around his neck.
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