Who's Who in Whoville? Prose in The Centurion's Riddle | World Anvil

Who's Who in Whoville?

This recording sits on the Menu Module of Lockette Endrinmaster XII-2, and features the voices of Kauma Gonjodonque and Riley Logan.   Gonjo: “Very well… You will forgive me if I ramble, but there are pieces to this you must understand — some of which I myself have just begun to discover — before you can understand the politics… We must begin with a physics lesson, I’m afraid.”   Gonjo: “Without getting into mathematics, let us take three laws as fact. First, that this universe as we know it begins and ends with relatively the same frequency. Second, that this universe is a three-dimensional space, bound by the fourth dimension of time. Third, there exists a method by which one can take a time-bound signal with a known frequency, and create a domain where the signal is torn into its component parts—”   Riley: “—think music! Any one point in time during a song is just a combination of notes: a little guitar, a little drums, a little brass. Using this transform, we can isolate the individual notes. If the song were a file, and the file were put through the transform, in a perfect, noiseless world you would receive one music file per instrument that was in the original song. Well, not really, but the metaphor stands — what beast boy is trying to say here is… What if you could do that to the entire universe?”   Gonjo: “Precisely! You could take each of the Iterations of the Entwined Infinities, but rather than have them happen sequentially, what if you could manipulate them such that they exist all at once? Every possible universe Bast was able to dream, and every nightmare Crow could have summoned. An infinite amount of Petals, that would live only once, by breaking apart the single Petal that lives infinitely.”   Riley: “And with one stupid idea comes a heap of politics.”   Gonjo: “Keeping opinions separate from the facts, the initial proposal of this idea led to a war that has split the forces of the Entwined Infinities into various factions…”   Gonjo: “There are the main players that make up the Infinity Petal, including the Creator Gods, Bast, and Crow. Their role is what defines the Infinity — Bast tries to kill Crow, Crow tries to kill Bast, neither ever really succeeding, kicking off another Iteration at End Day.”   Gonjo: “Those related to that story, specifically Riley, Foly, Sara, Chang Lu, and Valka all have their own personal motivations surrounding the Infinities—”   Riley: “—I’m here to save my grandson or put him down. Foly has the naïve notion that he’s going to be able to save everyone and take them to therapy! From what I’ve gathered from your conversations, Sara has gone A-grade bonkers and wants to kill Bast, so much that she would form temporary alliances with Crow. Chang Lu was always looking after Bast, and I imagine that hasn’t changed. As for Valka… Never did like that girl. Could never tell what she was thinking.”   Gonjo: “...right. Annabell was the first to propose the idea of breaking the signal, and is the de facto leader of the group attempting to transform the Infinities. While the members change each Iteration, this time we may include at least Kesil, Chess, Asmodeus, and Valentina Terris. Their interest is for each of them to Hop to a new Petal just before the transform completes, to universes where they themselves are System Admins and Creator Gods — or some combination thereof that satisfies them — and rule over that new Petal as their own domain.”   Gonjo: “Others… Think this whole transforming business is a stupid idea, because it would create a feeding frenzy among the Cagn. While they love to chew at our regenerative Petal, this would be like throwing a bucket of blood into an ocean full of sharks. And with Crow acting as a part of their hivemind, they would certainly send out the call once it happened. You can count your friends in the Triad among this faction, along with some reservations, the System itself. While freeing Bast and Crow from the cycle may be beneficial, the System was meant to kill Beasts of Armageddon, not save them. As the System Admin, I also am not keen on a resolution that serves the powerful, and leaves the weak cast across all of space-time.”   Gonjo: “In between these groups are those who wish for change, but not of Annabells’ design. The Dark Walkers would be one of these, who wish to let the Infinity Worm chew apart Bast and Crow both, leaving a Petal built of their remains—”   Riley: “—although what happens to the Infinity Worm after that, I would love to know—“   Gonjo: "—and there are also factions adjacent the Triad — collectively called the Insensate Sodality, or in a different age the Skinless — that wish to ‘push down’ on Azkhrumdar, splitting Tyrnog and the Other Side in half, and freeing the ax so that it may return to Norn. You may also be familiar with the efforts of the First Ones, who wished simply to leave this Petal instead of affecting it directly.”   Gonjo: “There are those who don’t wish for any change at all, and believe the Petal should exist as it has been. If the Petal is to die, it should be via a natural death, not one crafted by schemes and manipulation. They are the gods in Pharasma’s camp, the Guardians of the Basin, and many of the lawful races, such as the Angels and Psychopomps. Thankfully, many of them are starting to realize this Iteration is not the same as those that came before it, and may avoid outright hostility with you, but will remain firm in their goal.”   Gonjo: “Then there is the Cult of the Elder Mythos, led by Carsai the King, a Herald of Nyarlathotep. While they manipulate Crow, and Crow works with them, their goals aren’t exactly the same. Whereas Crow simply wants existence to die, not caring how it is done — by Sara, Cult, or Cagn — the Cult wants the Petal to fall to the Dark Tapestry. They’re not a fan of Annabell’s idea, because that makes their goal harder to pull off, but they prefer that to any that would maintain the status quo.”   Gonjo: “Outside of the obvious forces like the Cagn themselves, or all the little people on this Petal reaching for an advantage, oblivious of what is about to befall them... There is you. The unknown factor. Goals a mystery—”   Riley: “—don’t go down that rabbit hole! They can figure all that out later. Get to the bit about the kid.”   Gonjo: “Right. I suppose I should lean on the side of clarity, and state some of the obvious."   There is the distinct sound of Wyatt grunting.   Gonjo: "You will no doubt have recognized everyone’s interest in the Ruby Keys, and more importantly, the lost planet of Golarion. When the Braves and I sealed it away, we’d attempted to secure Rovagug from forces that might seek to do harm with its power. We knew the danger, but not the why…”   Riley: “They call her the Worldbreaker, which is a fancy euphemism for the transform!”   Gonjo: “Yes. A creature of Vic’s design, his very first. An attempt to create a being that could defy the existing cycle, and make new realities without the influence of the Creator Gods. Unfortunately for him, Vic at the time of creation rarely understood the full extent of what he was doing, or the true nature of the Infinities. And although he had no memory of the recurrent making, each Iteration Vic appears to have gotten a little better, and Lalantha a little stronger… Until the current day, where she stands capable of Annabell’s dream, and several other realities besides.”   Riley: “Get the girl, change the world. One way or another. But put her back with her madness — that’d be the Devourer — and you could achieve exactly what the Cult is looking for. In other words, good job getting those Keys, kids! It’s a matter of days before everyone starts looking to take them from you.”


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