Stormlands Province

The mighty Tiber river really divides this region into two defined geographic 'zones' in many ways. From the eastern bank of the Tiber out towards the Frigvold Glaciers is a cold, harsh plateau that is really only well known for its benefit of being mostly flat ground, with plentiful small streams and creeks. That benefit however, means that routes of travel are as secure as one can hope, if nothing else, and are also plentiful. Because of this, so are settlements, and in fact around 60% or so of the regions inhabitants live east of the Tiber. The forests and mountains west of the Tiber though hostile and not heavily inhabited, roughly 40% or so of the regions populace calls these lands home, working to harvest the resources they provide, along with the massive paper production boom along the Budthorn River-Road valley. Indeed the Stormlands Province accounts for somewhere in the neighborhood of 2/3rds of Suranth's domestic paper production, for any and all needs one can think of. Paper would not seem a complex idea to many, but to those that manufacture it, the world of paper is a varied and complex beast, filled with many specialties. Of course that is not all the various coniferous trees in the region are harvested for, and the softwood lumber industry here is quite strong. Mining the foothills and various edges of the Howling Peaks all along the Budthorn River Valley is another strong industry, with a variety of mines, mostly coal and iron mines, strong steady demand resources that bring in healthy margins. The region gets its name of course, for its Protectorate, but also for the fact that the region is known for its vicious Nor'Westors', and gets hammered by anywhere from eight to a dozen of the beastly storms yearly. Besides all of this across the region, one of the biggest local economic drivers in Drondok Calafoirt is the shipyards. The city is responsible for producing some fifty percent or so of the Suranthi Naval fleet, and as such, is likely the third most fortified city in all of Suranth, outside of Geata-Iarainn itself, and Suaitheantas.


As within most of the Tundra Realms, there are a few whom hold enough political, social, and economic sway to effectively alter how the region operates its business. However, the four most noted, whom surround themselves with circles of a variety of advisors, are given here, that is the four nobles whom their estates encompass the lands that make up the Stormlands Province.

Lady Protectorate Giselle Storm-Born: The great grand-daughter of the hero Twaren Storm-born, reclaimer of her family's seat of governance after three generations she is a titan of a figure to return home. As a fourth generation to serve in High King Cormac's honor guard, and one whom saved the High King's life at least twice on field of battle, and once facing down a group of dark elf corsairs, killing six of them single-handedly, at the ripe old age of twenty-seven she was married, and ordered by her High King to stand down her watch, and take upon herself a duty far greater in demand. To return to her family's seat of power with a new title bestowed upon her and her blood. "Comhoinann Dawi" or 'As if a dwarf." bestowed upon them for all time, enshrined into law within the nation's hallowed archives. As such, her family now holds the sixth seat of power fully, the second human family to do so, and be counted amongst the High Clans. She has no interest, however, in being High Queen. In her mid thirties now, with a pair of children she dotes on, her husband Vincent and herself are well loved by the provinces people. She is a warrior queen, and one whom inspires through deed not words, entrusting a large part of governance to her husband for long periods whenever regional military response is needed to protect her peoples from Greenskin, Corsairs, Raiders or worse, she always takes charge, but never takes authority, serving as second, showing respect for her military officers of rank. She marches, eats, and fights with the men and women whom defend these lands often and they love her for it. 

Duchess Dorimanil'noc Wyr'vani: The leader of the Wyr'vani elven conclave, a group the common folk would call snow elves, they hold sway over this region by virtue of an allegiance with Giselle and by virtue of that, are recognized by the High King and greater Suranth at her insistence, carrying this on from her uncle and great uncle's plans. This has born fruit, seeing the Wyr'vani become fully intergrated, to the point where Dorimanil'noc is officially recognized as a Duchess, and is a sworn banner of the Storm-Born family. They've allowed integration within their lands and settlers along the rails and roads. However they do keep their distance still from many affairs of men and dwarf, especially political in nature. Her duchy is the least populated region of the Stormlands Province of course, as elves are still...strange. However they pay their taxes and keep the peace well enough, so Giselle, and therefore the Suranthi Military are not so inclined as to ask to many questions.

Fiolag Tukka Korvaf: The Vrock noble whom holds sway over the lands encompassed by the Korvaf Baruntacht, he is old and sickly now, the reins soon likely to pass to his eldest son, a firebrand named Kels. He has been fighting some kind of wasting illness for years. Tukka holds little care any longer for the day to day duties of governance of course, the man is dying. But that Vrock blooded loyalty shines through, as he continues to push himself through day to day affairs, though he completes less and less of them, leaving his aides and son more and more work. But the herculean effort is what counts and what is remembered.

Fiolag Alvar Tobalmac Govari: This middle aged dwarf and his clan are known as some of the hardest working and most ingenious and effective mine and tunnel operators all across Suranth. It should come as no surprise then that they have been entrusted with this holding and region, to govern, defend, and maximize growth and resource acquisition. As such, he is known for his logistical prowess and know how, along with his admittedly vast economic knowledge within the sphere of mined and quarried resources. His clan are also, by virtue of this, known to be the providers for some of the Suranthi Armed Forces most skilled and talented saboteurs. They may not be engineers capable of handling the vast quantities of math and planning for such an operation, but give them the plan and location, and they are believed to be capable of undermining nearly any fortified structure.


The culture of this region and its peoples is one of the bold, the explorative, the brave. They are a people focused outward, Suranth's most willing and eager to move into the frontier lands so long left forgotten, unclaimed, or in the hands of beasts and monsters. It is a culture focused forward, and one that focuses on the group working as a whole. Unity is strength, strength is in unity, that sort of thing. As such infrastructure, such as roads, shipping routes, and rail lines are a forward cultural focus. As is even one other massive project. Only just started, and not likely to be finished for another 3 years or so, as they have just begun moving equipment and zoning and marking the land for the various parts of the enterprise. That is a Sky-port, one of the goals for the region is to have Drondok Calafoirt become the second city in Suranth to have a fully operational Sky-port, second after Geata-Iarainn. As such, transportation infrastructure, be it maintenance, patrolling or protecting, upgrading, or even building new and additional infrastructure, is always a key focus of the local governments, nobles and bureaucrats at any given time.


Iron-fang Garrison, a massive naval base, training facility, and fleet mooring station in the waters north-east Drondok Calafoirt is a notable one. Located right along a major shipping route, it holds a strong position for use and deployment of vessels all along the coast, offering a stronghold capable of responding to corsairs, raiders, or worse efficiently and generally with overwhelming force. It is a bastion along the northern coast and trade waters, one relied on by many. Besides this, paper production of course, of all varieties, along with ship manufacturing are two major industries and assets the region has in large amounts, that it wields for economic and political capital. Iron and coal, though no where near as big as timber, ships or paper, are two other modestly large industries the region has great success with. It is these industries and the goods and resources they produce and trade in that allows the region to fund its growth and wield the influence and power the region does.

Besides this, a healthy military presence of course is well maintained throughout the province, and the numbers and various troop types are noted below. The Stormlands Province in total can field about 5040 troops within the Suranthi Armed Forces in various positions. Given the regions population of about a hundred thousand, this is considered quite reasonable for a rate of career membership to the military directly. After all more localized groups with appropriate skills, such as hunters, or law enforcement make up a cross section of available militia sorts whom can step up if needed and defend themselves and their neighbors.

1827 Clansmen

1172 Saltbeards

530 Tundra Rovers

378 Iron Riders

252 Storm Lancers

252 Iron Dragons

189 Warpriests/Priests/Magisters/Physicians

189 Engineers/Artisans

252 Wave-Runners (An assumed number based on percentage of Suranth's population the region has, that report to a handler in the region. No real concrete basis for this number.)

Demography and Population

Home to roughly 100000 Suranthi citizens, their breakdown is noted below in a table. As always, this counts adults, whom pay taxes, so beggars and their ilk, and even some criminals, are out. Also only adults, not their kids, generally, So 14 years of age, or the equivalent, dependent on life span of the race. This region is interestingly one of the most diverse and tolerant, and as such, has become a haven for many, including a wildly high and significant population of Tieflings. This is very likely due to the frequency of raids by the Sea Wolves. A group from far off Norva, the land of naught but ice, snow and death, where the hole in the world lies, the Abyssal tear. They are a sin worshipping cultist like barbaric peoples. Dark Elf corsairs are not unheard of, though such raids generally only occur during the short Suranth summer months. These beings carry the taint of the abyss, often through mutation in the case of the Norvi, or just by existing in the case of the dark elves. Such raids are not often without a shaman or two as well. Tieflings, being naturally resistant to the Abyss' taint, are worthy allies in such a place. So they are far more openly accepted and welcomed here, with even the more zealous sorts of religious authorities held in check. This region is one of the few places that has seen a Witch-Hunter put on trial for the criminal murder of a Tiefling. Not only was this over-zealous witch-hunter put on trial, he was executed by hanging, despite the church trying to apply pressures to the governmental figures in the reason, from blackmail to open threats. It was a highly polarizing event.

Race Population % Count
Dwarf 37% 36740
Elf 1% 1260
Halfling 14% 13880
Human 18% 18560
Gnome 4% 4100
Vrock 13% 12800
Tiefling 12% 12660


The Stormlands Province encompasses everything north of the Budthorn woods all the way out to sea, and runs from the west coast all the way east to the western edges of the Frigvold Glaciers. As everywhere, there are vast swathes of this land that is claimed, but with no settled occupants, being to dangerous, hazardous, or otherwise as of yet unsettled in. In one case, the Howling Peaks along the west coast, the land is known to still be tainted, with the leylines of manna tangled and constantly discharging energy in random and oft dangerous events. Abyssal Storms are common here, only adding another layer of danger to everything. Another example is the Frigvold Glaciers themselves, which if you believe legends, and believe that it is fanciful madness to assume all dragons were destroyed during the Draconic wars, the story is deep within the icy, cold valleys and caverns of these glaciers, there is the lair of just such a beast, an ancient polar dragon. Though such stories are seen as mere unsubstantiated bedtime stories to scare children with nowadays. All in all, this region covers some 194000 square kilometers or so, with the coastal waters it is responsible for besides.

Technological Level

Post Renaissance - Early Industrial Revolution


Unlike the other provinces, where there is an obvious dominant faith among the various Ascended, here it is a far less easy thing to measure. Given the region is something of a cultural melting pot, one finds all the Ascended hold a place here amongst the people in the region.

Foreign Relations

Refer to the Nation of Suranth and their diplomatic relations and foreign policy.

Agriculture & Industry

Agriculture in the region is next to none, for the most part, though along the riverbanks, some small self sustaining families and villages manage a little of it. For the most part, produce is imported, traded, mostly with the peoples and towns in the Icevale province just south of here. The region is known, beyond all else, for its industrial capability specifically in the realm of ship and boat building, along with all the accompanying accoutrements one would wish for Navy vessels. Some fifty percent or more of Suranth's naval vessels and various equipment are manufactured here.

Trade & Transport

As a place of naval manufacturing, one might not be surprised to find that sea and river travel are both heavily trafficked. The rails are busy as well, unsurprisingly, as movement of raw materials and goods is a must. It is a well traveled region, and as such, the various high traffic travel routes are well patrolled and generally well protected. Storm Run is one of the most heavily patrolled roads in all of Suranth, particularly the stretch in this Province.


There are many options available for education, many and varied. In larger communities there are many different schools and trade facilities, as well as the various guilds of course. The Stormlands are a cultural melting pot, and it shows in the available education options as well. Drondok Calafoirt even houses its own branch of the Magisterium Collegiate that is near as large, prominent and successful as the one in Geata-Iarainn.


Stone, timber, and iron, a place where techniques, cultures and methods blend and mix.

Come face the Storm!!


  • Korvaf Baruntacht
    The lands and settlements under the governance and trust of the Korvaf Family.
  • Stormlands Province, Suranth
    The most diverse, in population, of the Tundra Realms, the Stormlands encompass everything east of the Frigvold Glaciers all the way to the west coast of Suranth, including a mountain range known aptly as the Howling Peaks. Extending south to the Budthorn Woods and to the Glacial Sea where the Tiber exits it, flowing north-west to the ocean.
  • Drondok Calafoirt
  • Wyr'vani Duchy
    The lands and settlements under the sway and trust of Duchess Dorimanil'noc Wyr'vani
  • Storm-Born Duchy
    These are the lands directly entrusted to the Storm-born family, that is, not passed down the chain to one of their sworn banners.
  • Govari Barony
    The lands under the trust and governance of Fiolag Alvar Tobalmac Govari and the Govari Clan
Geopolitical, Province
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Economic System
Mixed economy
Gold Suns 

Silver Moons 

Copper Stars
Major Exports
Boats and Ships, nautical equipment of all kinds are the regions biggest exports.
Major Imports
Produce and all manner of spices of course. Along with a variety of lumber (softwood like birch, or pine) and other exotic materials.
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles


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