Drondok Calafoirt Settlement in Tariek Rough Collection | World Anvil

Drondok Calafoirt

Along the north-west coast of Suranth, strategically nestled where the Tiber rushes out to enter the Nor-Westor Sea, the capital of the Stormlands Province is one born of and around the need for a naval presence. The city is on three land masses, controlling the two large islands at the mouth of the Tiber, with the largest public section on the mainland, built upon and around a plateau and along the ocean coast. Strangely though, the city on the mainland is the newest part of Drondok Calafoirt, the islands forming the sprawling operation that is the home port of the Suranthi Western Fleet. Drondok Calafoirt is the largest active naval garrison in all of Suranth, for it is here, in this city, a city of skilled shipwrights by fame and reputation, that many of Suranth's ships are produced. Merchant vessels, ships for private use are made here too. But what Drondok Calafoirt is truly known for across all of Suranth is being the hub, the place, the city that produces the vessels for the Suranthi Navy. Rivaled only perhaps by Geata-Iarainn in sheer capabilities of ship-building, and with less than one quarter Geata-Iarainn's population to work with, that reputation is well earned. Drondok Calafoirt is a city founded by men of the sea, another human tribe whom stand blessed to be recognized 'as dwarf' by the dwarven peoples, codified in the laws that govern Suranth. Sailing and naval combat are in the very core, the very heart, the very pulse of the culture and peoples of this city. Her ports always busy, the waters always bustling with great masts, colors flying high, whipping in the wind, an image of power, of adventure, of prosperity, of strength.


Below, for reference as you feel appropriate to use, here is the population breakdown by race. As always, this does not count kids (14 or younger for humans, translate based on lifespan accordingly)

Race Population % Count
Dwarf 22% 2525
Elf 1% 115
Halfling 14% 1607
Human 28% 3214
Gnome 5% 574
Vrock 18% 2066
Tiefling 12% 1377


1) Stormhaven Castle: The seat of power in the province, doubling as the main command station for the Suranthi Western Fleet, this large fortress is first and foremost the home and seat of Lady Protectorate Giselle Storm-Born and her family. However, she is also captain of the Western Fleet's flagship Storm-Dancer, and is second only to the Fleet Admiral Yvette in the Suranthi Naval chain of command. Within the castle also are the homesteads of many of the castle's staff, and then further homes built in the grounds to house the Storm-Dancer's crew and their families. This is an old tradition and standard practice. The provincial government is also housed here, as well as the highest court in the province, of course.

4) Drondok Calafoirt Police Precincts: The local police, like one would find in almost any city or large town. The difference here is given the rather large navy presence on a mostly permanent basis, the city's police force is bolstered by two dozen members of the Iron Dragons whom are not in rotation for active military service, instead acting in their role as Suranth's Military Police. Drondok Calafoirt's police force numbers some hundred and ten officers, bolstered by the Iron Dragons as well. The presence of so many military police in the city is not unique to Drondok Calafoirt, however it is a uniquely high ratio when compared to population. For scale and reference Geata-Iarainn only has forty or so Iron Dragons acting in that capacity at any given time. Geata-Iarainn's population is near five times that of Drondok Calafoirt.

21) Drondok Calafoirt Port Authority: These are the offices of domestic shipping and travel, that is the offices and government staff that control the flow of such things, and the rules therein. This includes everything from contraband investigations to tax collection and everything in between you can think of.

26) City Hall: Simply, this is where the city council is run from and held at. This is also where one goes to handle many administrative tasks, such as building permits, registering guild licenses, to pay citations, and more. City council is made up of nine individuals, seven of whom are elected, whilst the other two are the local Chief Justice, and Lady Protectorate Giselle, or more appropriately, her appointed warden/trustee.

27) Calafoirt Courts: This large building is the city's courthouse. Not to be confused with where any cases involving military service members are handled, this large and busy legal building is surrounded in close proximity, by legal firms and offices. This legal block, 'law town' as some call it, is always busy. Crime is actually the lower percentage of what is being handled at any given time of course. Mostly its business interests, large scale transactions, that sort of thing.

34) Drondok Rail Authority: Similiar in task to the Port Authority, along with being the posting point for the city's Rail Wardens.


Drondok Calafoirt is odd in its design in that it is not fully encompassed by walls, and even still, the walls are where they need to be. Her best defense is being the home port of the Suranthi Western Fleet, meaning there is always a naval presence, ready and willing to muster to defend the city, and exert control by force of the waters around her as required.

11) Stormside Garrison: The name of this sprawling naval base, designed to be a nightmare to land in, and a nightmare to approach by sea, the Western Fleet calls this home. Every building is designed to be a minature fortress, to turn any attempt to land and take the base into a brutal bloodbath of vicious and unforgiving building by building combat. It is designed and built this way as well to make it relatively easy to control and defend in naval combat, but due to the various landmasses, without control of some of the smaller land masses, it is almost impossible, or at least exceedingly costly, to effectively blockade from a strategic standpoint.

12) Western Fleet Command Center: These two buildings are where the Western Fleet is run from, where missions are documented, reports filed, all that administrative business is handled here first, done out in triplicate, with one copy being kept on site, one copy being filed and sent once every three months en masse to Geata-Iarainn as should be done and is only right and proper, and the originals being sent to Lady Protectorate Giselle Storm-Born, as the Fleet Commander.

Industry & Trade

5) High Bank Markets: The higher end market in the city, this busy center of commerce and trade is where one will find much of the best Drondok Calafoirt has to offer in ways of food, drink, goods and services. Many of the best craftsmen in the city have shops run here where their best and highest end work is sold.

10) South Isle Markets: This market place is one favored by many for its consistency. It is a place with consistent goods of consistent quality, a busy and bustling middle class marketplace.

14) Craftsmen Bastion: This busy and bustling region of the city is a place of bustling industry and manufacturing. It is here most of the city's craftsmen run their workshops and it is here many raw resources are processed and turned into goods of all varieties. On top of this, they are all centred here for the sheer volume of business that can be done from the dry docks directly. Breweries, smithies, shipwrights, tailors, the list goes on.

18 and 23) Pierside Markets: These dockside markets are as one might expect. Mostly they handle goods from import, that is goods shipped in by sea, along with food. All manner of fish, whale meat, seal and more are sold here fresh daily.

22) Dockside Processing: These facilities are where the fishing, kelp harvesting, sealing and whaling bounties are processed. This can mean canning in cases of some of the fish, but much is merely gutted, headed, and then sold on the markets here in the dock districts. Besides that, you also have seals, and the whaling industry. Within these busy processing plants is the Drondok Ghel Factory, which is steadily kept busy by the three whaling crews that work out of Drondok Calafoirt.

29) Railside Markets: This market place is similar in nature and consistency to the South Isle Markets, but is also augmented by being the point of contact and sail for goods coming and going by rail, as well as being home to the city's postal office, as mail comes and goes by rail as well.


13) Dry Docks: These channels, engineered and built by dwarf and human hands, are a marvelous addition to a city such as this, a strategically important naval port, and the home port of one of the Suranthi Navy Fleet. These three busy channels are the addition to an already busy district to allow repairs and updates to be done to many ships at once, en masse. Navy vessels take priority, however private vessels are not ignored, far from it. Merely that the Navy can demand priority if needed.

25) The Piers: These are the public access and civilian docks and ports. Always quite busy, as not only vessels coming and going, but also ferries running regular trips between the mainland and the two islands. Busy and bustling dock district, nothing that fascinating about it.

30) Drondok Naval Academy: This prestigious academy is an officer school, specifically geared towards the navy. However its large and extensive library is open to the public.

35) Drondok Railyard: The coal smoke, the squeal of breaks, the loud clamor of machine parts and locomotive whistling, the familiar business of a railyard. It is no different here than others in Suranth, very familiar in how it is run and how it feels.


3) High Shore: This small neighborhood features beautiful manor style homes and estates, massive in their design, busy in their scope. These are the homesteads of the wealthiest of the city's citizens, nestled up close to the naval base, close to the biggest defense that Drondok Calafoirt has. Many of the wealthy also employ full time house staff, and some of their properties include staff housing.

8) Sailor's Cove: This larger neighborhood gets its name due to the fact that prodominantly the people whom choose to move and live here are the families of navy personal whom are stationed in the city as their home port. The houses here are notably smaller than in High Shore, and with more variety in size, a wider range.

16) Trade Isle: This moderate neighborhood gets its name for being home to a large part of the skilled tradesfolk and craftspeople in the city, and their families. Many of the homes here are designed in a simple double floored layout, where each floor is an entire homestead, with seperate entrances.

20) Dockside Rows: This neighborhood gets its name for its location, along the docks and is predominantly the homes and flats where many whom work the civilian/commercial side of the oceanic industries live. Dock workers, sailors, whalers and fishermen, the men and women whom work at either of the local canneries, or the city's Ghel factory.

28) Law-Town: This neighborhood gets its name from..well being predominantly home to the middle management types involved in government of the legal field, or involved in administrative positions or authoritative positions in the railyards or on the piers.

33) Coal-Town: This neighborhood gets its name for the fact that the smell and hue of coal smoke is a permanent fixture. This is where some of the lower end of midddle class, and the working poor live, many of whom work the rails. There are a lot of small flats, apartment style homes subdivided and rented cheaply, generally in not the best condition. This district also sees perhaps the highest volume of beggars and homeless folk.


The sea is her most valuable asset, and is well harnessed for food and all manner of raw materials. Fishing, whaling, both are done off the coastal waters of Drondok Calafoirt and beyond.

Guilds and Factions

15) Guilder Point: This little region of the city is home to the guild offices and halls within the city. The largest of these, unsurprisingly, is the Warehouser and Shippers United Guild, representing the Stevedores, Rail Rats and other laborers whom handle the loading and unloading of goods coming in and out of the city, or moving between the mainland and either island. Others of note include the Unified Carpenters and Woodworkers Guild, representing framers, furniture makers, carpenters and, the biggest group, shipwrights. Besides this, the Smithies and Metal Workers Guild also holds a influence and note. Along with the likes of the Rat-Catchers Guild, The Weaver and Tailors Guild and one or two others, are the big ones. The others are smaller, most are represented but generally are sharing offices and guild halls, splitting the administrative costs because their membership in the city is lower. Those named above keep an office of their own and a hall of their own.

17) Temple of the Lance: The church of Sir Kartheart is well represented in the city, though only one building of worship stands, not counting the chapel kept on base, as is standard in any military garrison or base. This large church houses the bulk of the churches operations and the church has notable political pull. The lack of graveyard is not unexpected, as most are merely cremated. Those whom are not are buried at sea, an expensive service to hire for your loved one, but one that some choose to do.


2) Portside Field: This stadium, seating about six thousand, is the home field of the Calafoirt Orca, the home team of the city in the SCL. Caid, as it is across Valerick, is a big attraction in Suranth, and that is no exception here. It is rare to see empty seats for an Orca home game. Besides this, as noted of any such pitch, other entertainments are held here, most commonly during the off season.

6) The Dicehouse: This tavern is a favorite of sports gamblers, card players and others whom love a good game of chance. Such entertainments are legal and regulated here but are readily available, as is fine drink and good food. Wealthy folk, visitors or locals, love this establishment. Everything is open, and seemingly above board.
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GM NOTE: This establishment is actually also involved in some...rather despicable activity. There is a undeclared basement brothel run for the rich utilizing some less than willing tags. How dark you wish to make this concept is up to you. But yeah that rich clientele is not so innocent.

7) The Kraken: This tavern and eatery is named for its legendary squid dishes of which there are many. It is a local favorite, and the proprietor, one Leslie Gonaliz, a halfling, is a moderately famous chef, specializing in seafood of all sorts. This is a higher end dining establishment, one can't get in here for less than a four silvers a person. A favorite among the wealthy the city, most frequenting the establishment two or three times a week.
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GM NOTE: Chef Leslie is actually a Wave-Runner, and has built this place and hand picked her staff to do her job. Monitor the economic 'pulse' of the city. This is a place of intelligence, a place where business deals are hashed out and agreed to on the regular. Both the legal and less than legal or downright dirty kind. And Chef Leslie has records of it all. Out of Her staff of ten (2 dishwashers, 2 other cooks, 1 bartenders, 3 servers, and 1 'floater'; which is someone who greets and seats guests, and serves, bartends or cleans as needed) are all Wave-Runners under her. Of course this is merely a cover job hence her staff being big enough to have everyone only needing to work 4 days a week. Basically everyone works all three days at the end of the week, and everyone then has at least three days off, mixed and matched, except Leslie of course. On those days 'off' little spy ring takes care of anything else that comes with their real job that needs doing. Survaillence, intelligence acquistion, coded message correspondence, etc etc.

9) The Drunken Orca: This inn and alehouse is a busy one, a favorite of sailors, travelers and locals alike. It is a big establishment, and well run. Capable of housing sixty guests for the night, and with two large dining and drinking spaces on the main floor that are always busy at all hours of the evening, it is a place of news, gossip, drink, and merriment.

19) The Salted Bunkhouse: This inn is a simple, affordable bunkhouse that has steady business and is generally a favorite stopping point for travelers passing through the city.

24) Fire and Feast: This is a large portside inn and eatery targeting sailors. One can 'hire' company here for a fair rate for the night to warm, or 'light a fire' in their beds for the night, and the food and drink is fairly priced and proper large portions a nice change for sailors putting into port after days or weeks at sea. This is also the place to go if one is looking to hire on with a vessel that is not military. Mercenary guards are prized by trade vessels, and Suranthi mercenaries are highly prized and well paid, as their is a cultural perception (well earned but not always true) that the Suranthi are tough, hard and loyal folk whom are fearless.

31) Blackwort's Cookhouse: This eatery is always busy and smells wonderful. Fires blaze, dishes cook, stews, soups, meats, breads, and more. It is a favorite stop for working folk for lunch or dinner, a favorite stop for visitors as well. Good food, friendly service, and infamous for their bitters, that is their secret ingredient, the 'twist'
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The 'twist' in the bitters here is cooking grade ghel, basically drops of whale fat.

32) Boris' Bunkhouse: This inn is simple and welcoming, capable of housing thirty people, and is one of the most frequented inns in the city, given its proximity to the rails. Run by an old Vrock named Boris Huncrav.
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GM NOTE: Boris is a crafty old fox, and a smuggler. Hes a Thieves Guild Fence now, and if you ask him about 'full service and sale' he'll nod sagely, and late that night, through secret passages in the walls and floors of his inn, visit your room and bring you down to the hidden basement where he stores stolen goods for you to make a purchase or sale should you so desire. This is not well known information, and should not be easy to come by.


  • Drondok Calafoirt
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Nov 30, 2021 03:26

A really good article, full of information. I also like the spoilers.   Aemon