Storm-Born Duchy Geographic Location in Tariek Rough Collection | World Anvil

Storm-Born Duchy

These lands along the northern stretch of the mighty Tiber River, are the homeland and center of influence of the Storm-Born clan, a human tribe that has in time and allegiance, earned the right to be called 'as dwarf', and be counted amongst Suranth's High Clans. This means the current head of their household, during the Conclave of the Crowns, the time when a new High King or Queen must be elected, could in theory be elected. Giselle Storm-Born, the current Lady Protectorate and head of the family. The lands here are the most populated in the province, and it is a center of commerce in the region. 

The lands encompassed by the Storm-Born Duchy cover a variety of peoples and settlements. A busy hub within the province, and the center of power of the Storm-Born family, this region is known for its naval presence and production, which are both vast in quantity. It is a region home to much in the way of productivity, from boats to weapons, to tools and pottery. As one might expect from a more racially diverse population center of sorts, a wide variety of skilled craftsmen work within the region, plying their trade quite successfully. 



River Rime: This river gets its name, flowing from the Frigvold Glaciers to join the Tiber, for its bitter cold temperature, cold even to people used to a tundra climate. It is a dangerous river to ply any craft on, but otter is a favored prey for their pelt and meat here, along with the river oysters that live in within the river. Harvesting or hunting these creatures is highly dangerous, due to the extreme cold of the river. Hypothermia does not take long to set in on someone whom falls into the river.


Drondok Calafoirt: (11478): Drondok Calafoirt is the most populated city in the Duchy, the only real city in the region actually. It is a fortress city, a key naval position as well. It is the seat of the Storm-Born family, and houses the Suranthi Western Fleet. Drondok Calafoirt is a bustling port city, one known for being a place of varied trade and shipping. It is also well known for its less savory folks in some districts, and the varied connections those folk can offer, for a price of course. It is a relatively standard port city for the northern stretches of Valerick, modeling itself similarly to others, such as An Pointe Thoir. Really the difference here is the sheer volume of the naval presence, what with one of the nation's fleets using the city as a home base.

Iron-Forge Garrison: (7081): Iron-Forge Garrison and the surrounding town is another island naval base town, not unlike others scattered about Suranth, including the large fishing and whaling fleets and associated industries. However in the last two months three vessels have gone missing or been capsized, and supposedly at least one group of survivors were met upon a lifeboat, and they tell tale of some great beast that attacked their vessel, a monstrous thing with many arms and a vicious grip that cracked and crushed the hull of their ship. 

Novac Station: (3107): Named for the owner and founder of the town, the owner of the local railyard, this town basically lives and dies off the trains keeping rolling, as it is a railyard hub, and the railyards employ somewhere between 1/3 and 1/2 working age adults in some way shape or form. As such any threats to the rail-lines in or around the town is considered a massive danger and met with heavy opposition by the townspeople. Rail Wardens heavily patrol the rail-lines and surrounding areas all about them.

Rimehold Crossing: (2105): This small town is built at and along the river crossing over the River Rime. It is a town well known for its high quality leather, made from otter and beaver hides. As a bit of a crossroads town, unsurprisingly one will find a larger variety of inns and taverns than one might have originally expected in town. It is a town also well known for its famous Rimer River Oysters, a delicacy heavily encouraged to be tried by any well traveled in the region.


  • Storm-Born Duchy
    These are the lands directly entrusted to the Storm-born family, that is, not passed down the chain to one of their sworn banners.
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