Murder World

Welcome to Murder World, where the secrets are plenty, alliances are fleeting, and the key to victory might be rewriting the rules of the game. Who will survive?


I am your host, Arcade!

Don't be fooled by our current surroundings!
Murder World has been an island before, it is true.
But Murder World can be situated within

the Frozen Steppes of Mongolia
deep in the Amazon jungle
rising from the ruins of
abandoned city Kolmanskop, Namibia
or sheltered under a dome in the desert core of Western Australia

No matter where we have constructed our Villain Resort, rest assured
Murder World
is here to show you, the Black Masks of the world, a thumping good time!
Now I want to reiterate to all of my Contestants
the very few few restrictions on your fun:
  1. Your two week vacation is nonrefundable.
  2. If you receive injuries at the hands of Murder World's Cast, no medical care will be provided.
  3. If you do not like how a Contest Round was judged, feel free to take it up with your fellow Contestants!
  4. Cast in white lab coats are invalid targets. These are the little people who work behind the scenes to make Murder World the great vacation it was meant to be.
  5. We strive to maintain a good reputation with the Henchmen's Union around the world. Any deviation from the Henchman Arrangement is completely the villain's decision, and all fallout from that deviation will land squarely on the villain's neck.
  6. Capes and Cowls exist in Murder World for the sole purpose of adding a challenge level to a Contest Round.
    Got that?


Generic Murder World Security army:  
  • mostly Named Henchmen such as Negate
  • ===
  • these are effectively Commandoes, handing the personal security of the highest-ranked personnel of Murder World
  • Dex: 04
    Str: 03
    Body: 04
    Int: 04
    Will: 04
    Mind: 04
    Infl: 03
    Aura: 03
    Spi: 04

    Initiative: 011

    • Acrobatics (Climbing): 04
    • Acrobatics (Dodging): 02
    • Medicine (First aid): 03
    • Military science (Camouflage, cartography, danger recognition, demolition, field command): 05
    • Vehicles (Sea, land): 04
    • Thief (Stealth): 04
    • Weaponry (Infantry weapons): 04
    • BODY ARMOR {Body 05, Blunting: 06, Mind Field (Self only, No range): 02, Radio communication: 05, Skin Armor: 01, Limitation: Partial coverage (vest)}.
    • Heavy High-tech Assault Rifle {BODY 04, Projectile weapons: 07, Ammo: 20, Telescopic vision: 03, Ultra-vision: 06, R#02, Recommended STR: 03.
  • These are mostly Support Personnel, backup to other Security groups. They rely more on "special equipment" and numbers than they do on physical intimidation.
  • Dex: 02
    Str: 02
    Body: 02
    Int: 04
    Will: 04
    Mind: 04
    Infl: 03
    Aura: 02
    Spi: 03

    Initiative: 009

    • Gadgetry: 04
    • Thief: 04
    • Vehicles: 04
    • BODY ARMOR {Bod 05, Blunting: 06, Mind Field (Self only, No range): 02, Radio communication: 05, Skin Armor: 01, Limitation: Partial coverage (vest)}.
    • sapper gun just like Intergang!
  • the most populous variety of Security
  • These employees probably did not get any special training and are likely on limited contracts
  • Dex: 03
    Str: 02
    Body: 03
    Int: 03
    Will: 02
    Mind: 03
    Infl: 02
    Aura: 02
    Spi: 03

    Initiative: 008

    • Vehicles (Land): 03
    • Weaponry (Firearms, Melee): 04
    • One other military oriented skill (Military science or Thief subskill, other Vehicle, other Weaponry): 04
    • BODY ARMOR {Bod 05, Blunting: 06, Mind Field (Self only, No range): 02, Radio communication: 05, Skin Armor: 01, Limitation: Partial coverage (vest)}.
    • Assault Rifle {Bod 04, Projectile weapons: 06, Ammo: 08, R#02, Advantage : Autofire}.
    Hospitality, Resort
    Parent Location


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