Breguine Cuisine

After much effort from agents of the Knowledgeholders, the secrets of the Breguine cuisine have been preserved for posterity

Preserving the Lost Nation's Culture

A Breguine old man of llama phenotype and judgemental, exasperated look
Veceron by Naelin
In all of the Haan Archipelago, the nation of Bregos was the worst hit by the disaster of the High Rust, with almost the entire population and most of its architecture being lost in the event.   With the survivors numbering a few dozen and many of them having escaped the settlement, the Breguine culture is at great danger of being wiped from history.
For this reason, the Knowledgeholders took a special interest in their neighbouring city-state, and dedicated many resources and research parties to preserve what knowledge is left there while the survivors can still remember.


Stew of Everything

"Stews are always better the next day, and they get even better when you turn them into something new each time."
Stews were the staple food of the Breguine people, with many combinations of ingredients being known by every family.
However, the most traditional, popular and versatile way to cook was known as "Making a stew of everything", Those consisted in slow cooked stews with dozens of whichever ingredients they were able to find in their kitchens, generally with a small base of strong meat or pasta and a majority of assorted vegetables.
Usually made in very big pots, they were intended to last several days and be modified day by day by adding a different "base" that would change the overall texture of the stew, or even transform it into the dressing of something else.   Stews of everything were "a recipe" in that they had a specific structure and would require a certain type of ingredients, instead of specific ones.
A normal stew of everything would contain at least a base broth, two strong vegetables or meats, three spices, and four side ingredients. Most importantly, one would try to also have prepared potential "fillers" to be added for variety in the days after the stew is first made.  

The High Stew

Above every other stew type in the settlement was the "High Stew", which differentiated from a Stew of Everything for having a more unique set of high-quality ingredients, flavoured with imported spices and strong flavours.
High Stews were at the same time a special family meal and a display of mastery, and the fact that many of its ingredients were imported made its price fluctuate strongly (usually upwards), to the point where Breguines started measuring their economy on the "amount of high stews" that could be made with the same money as the year before.  

Chenoa Towers

"Wow actually this tastes pretty amazing... what did I put in here again?"
While not an actual recipe in itself, chenoa towers is the name used by Breguines for when they created new dishes by combining leftovers from previous days.
Salads with cold meat cut in little cubes were popular for the day after a barbecue, as well as sauteed pasta with vegetables, small pies of multiple flavours, and weird, unidentifiable but delicious sauces with herbs.
Many popular dishes with actual recipes started their lives as chenoa towers.
The origin of the name is uncertain, and Breguine parents like to make up wild stories about it.
It is considered that the name could come from a chef named Chenoa and lost to time, while others argue that there probably is some sort of linguistic explanation to it.  

Cross-grilled Game

With such limited land to keep any sort of livestock, hunting was the main way for the Breguine to acquire meat. Doisus, vylkas, esgots, wild trelises and sometimes even a hopist shot down from the skies were the main targets of Breguine hunters.
The meat of such fibrous creatures would be softened by marinating it in milk, oils, vinegar and herbs, then after at least a day they would be grilled by extending the whole carcass in a structure of metal bars positioned at an angle above the open fire.  

Mushrooms and Cheese

Several sorts of mushrooms gathered from the mountainside were used in the many hearty dishes of the Breguine, but also were especially prized as standalone ingredients of entrees and party dishes.
They were fried in trelis grease alongside bacon and served with lycern cheese.
Veceron's Recipe Book by Naelin
Primary Related Location
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Current Times

It makes more sense for us to eat all together nowadays
— Soup kitchen helper
While the surviving Breguines still make their traditional dishes, the abrupt shrinking of the population took with it not only a lot of family secrets but also the ability of many to secure all necessary ingredients by themselves.   The ruined settlement turned into a communal society, where food is often cooked and served in one place and distributed among the survivors.
This reduced quite a bit the variety of meals and ingredients, though some miners still make a substantial effort in trading with the Thaurian to acquire rare spices and preserves.

Take part in the research effort

Unusual to say the least, the names of the three agents that documented the secrets of the Breguine cuisine and secured an invaluable original recipe book from a surviving elder were recorded, as well as their adventurous endeavour.   Read and revive the field work of Plegamin, Sanska and Alue in this one-shot adventure!  
One-Shot Adventure: The Stews Must Survive
Plot | Jul 9, 2023

Help preserve the cuisine culture of a dead nation in this one-shot adventure!

Cover image: Bregos Banner


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Jul 9, 2023 19:29 by Simo

Ohhhh neverending stews and salads! So nice, makes me want to make an hearty stew even if here it's way too hot for it today

Jul 9, 2023 21:27 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Mushrooms and cheeeeese <3   I love the idea of neverending stews. I want stew. It is too hot for stew.

Jul 10, 2023 19:12 by Barron

Nothin beats a good stew to keep things simple and cheap. I like how you have both the high and everything versions of it. Well done Naelin <3

Jul 12, 2023 14:00 by Laure Yates

'The Stew Must Survive' - that's a battle cry I can always rally to. Not so strangely then, I went with a stew for my culinary article as well. Steeeews!

Jul 23, 2023 14:15 by JRR Jara

I can't believe you put ALTO GUISO in your fantasy furry world. You, my friend, are something else and I admire you very much.

Creator of Hanzelot and many more.
Aug 11, 2023 02:58

HAHAHAHAHA after 2 years someone finally gets it, I am so proud of myself XD (I referenced this in SC 2021 as well)