Paris has a total population of 31 Million people which is made up entirely of humans, the city is one of the five largest cities on Earth making it a major economic center. The population is particularly dense within the borders of the ancient city of Paris before it became a megalopolis.
The city is headed by a mayor who is elected by popular vote for a four-year term and sits at City Hall wich is located on the north bank of the Seine near the “Île de la Cité”. The city has a municipal council composed of elected officials who, like the mayor, are elected by universal suffrage and vote on resolutions, regulations or other proposals from the executive.
The city does not have a concrete defense rather it relies on defense in orbit to prevent any landings of an army which would aim to invade the city. A military base is however present near the Paris spaceport where troops are permanently stationed there. It is also planned in the event of an invasion to use the very dense environment of the city to facilitate its defense by giving opportunities for ambushes, practicing guerrilla techniques or providing the troops with hiding places.
Industry & Trade
The city is an essential commercial crossroads in the solar system as well as in the whole Republic thanks to its spaceport. Indeed, a number of Space Routes end or pass through the Earth and therefore the Paris spaceport, which means that it sees hundreds of ships pass every day. However, unlike other cities on the planets like New York or Shanghai. Paris is much more a governmental and administrative center than an industrial one, even if the city does have a few industrial zones. All of this has the consequence that the traffic of the Paris spaceport is more centered on the transport of passengers than of goods.
The city has within it the second largest spaceports on the planet with an important network of public transport composed of regional rail, metro and tram lines. The streets have been built inside the city to accommodate autonomous mini-buses, public transit, local deliveries and service vehicules. The private vehicles are allowed in peripheral areas of the city and this is why highways have been built even if these are really small by having only one lane in each direction. This is feasible by the fact that cars and trucks operate autonomously on the freeway drastically increasing their capacity. An important cycling and pedestrian network is also present to encourage active transport wether on the streets of the city or in fully dedicated corridor.
Points of interest
The most important point of interest in the city is obviously the Presidential Building which houses the head of the executive apparatus of the Republic. However, this building alone does not contain the entire executive apparatus with dozens of other buildings accommodate the headquarters of various federal departments or agencies. They are concentrated in a district called the government district located near the Eiffel Tower. The Paris spaceport is also an important point of interest by offering easy and direct access to space. Finally, dozens of recent and historical monuments are present in the city such as the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre Museum or the Republic Plaza.
Paris has a lot of vegetation which is present almost everywhere as well as uses ecologic materials for the for medium and tall buildings like all republican cities. Solar panels and miniature wind turbines are installed everywhere on the buildings which reduces their energy consumption. Unlike other cities in the Republic, but like many Earth cities on the European continent, the historic center of the city has less tall buildings except in a dedicated area. The other buildings are either historic ones renovated to make them carbon neutral or new ones that have been built respecting the general height of the city. We can still see the presence of Hausmanian facades in Paris, but almost all of the buildings as such have either been destroyed to make way for new constructions or so much renovated that they are no longer recognizable.
Founding Date
259 BC
Alternative Name(s)
Ville Lumière
31 Million
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Included Locations
Owning Organization
Characters in Location