Shanghaï Settlement in Special Agent | World Anvil



Shanghaï has a total population of 41 Million people which is made up entirely of humans, the city is one of the three largest cities on Earth making it a major economic center. The population is particularly dense in the city centre, which has the most high-rise buildings.


The city is headed by a mayor who is elected by popular vote for a four-year term and sits at City Hall which is located in the city centre, near the Huangpu River. The city has a municipal council composed of elected officials who, like the mayor, are elected by universal suffrage and vote on resolutions, regulations or other proposals from the executive.


The city does not have a concrete defense, it relies on defense in orbit to prevent any landings of an army which would aim to invade the city. However, a military base is present near the Shanghaï spaceport, troops are permanently stationed there. Also, in the event of an invasion, it is planned to use the very dense environment of the city to facilitate its defense by giving opportunities for ambushes, practicing guerrilla techniques or providing the troops with hiding places to hide from the enemies.

Industry & Trade

Thanks to its spaceport, the city is an essential commercial crossroads in the solar system as well as in the whole Republic. Indeed, a number of Space Routes end or pass through the Earth and therefore through the Shanghaï spaceport, which means that it sees hundreds of ships pass every day. Also receiving some of the raw materials from the solar system and other nearby systems, the city has become an important industrial center.


The city has within it the largest spaceports on the planet, an important network of public transport composed of metro and tram lines. Highways and streets have been built to accommodate autonomous mini-buses or buses and traffic related to the delivery of goods, public services or private vehicles in peripheral areas of the city where it is not prohibited. An important cycling network is also present to encourage active transport which is accompanied by the streets of the city, which are for the most part reserved entirely for pedestrians.

Points of interest

The main points of interest in the city are its spaceport, which provides quick and easy access to space, as well as the Federal Courthouse, which houses the judiciary apparatus of the Republic. The city also has dozens of recent and historicals monuments which testify to its long history.


Shanghaï is like all republican cities, it has a lot of vegetation which is present almost everywhere as well as uses ecologic materials for the for medium and tall buildings. Solar panels and miniature wind turbines are installed everywhere on the buildings which reduces their energy consumption. The city is dense, with very tall buildings covered with vegetation which adopted more extravagant shapes often taking several urban levels in certain areas. Greenery had an omnipresent place in this city, whether on buildings, inside them and in public spaces. The neighborhoods a little further from the center have medium-sized buildings with the same characteristics of vegetation and materials used, for the periphery, the low-medium ones form the majority of the urban park while the low density may be present, but This is the minority.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
Pearl of the East
41 Million
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Included Locations
Owning Organization


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