Celestial Aura

Celestial Aura is a form of energy that radiates from large celestial bodies. It has unique properties that differ depending on which body it hails from.

A black mountain range silhouetted against a starry sky with two moons.
Cyra and Nox landscape by Aster Blackwell

Not all matter reacts to Aura. Matter that does is considered to be "Luminous". In SanZera, the three most prevalent Luminous elements are kaalite, edylium, and iakine. Compounds with significant amounts of any of these three elements can react to Aura, and are also considered Luminous.

Organisms can use edylium to collect and harness Aura. Aura that is being used by a lifeform is known as Glow. Plants and animals that can use Glow are called Glowflora and Glowfauna.

Aura and Glow are critically important to the ecosystems of SanZera. There is nowhere on the planet that its influence is not felt.


Physical & Chemical Properties

Celestial Aura has two forms, known as Luminosities. The Luminosity of Aura depends on its source. Aura that originates from either of the suns has a Solar Luminosity; Aura from the moons has a Lunar Luminosity.

Solar Aura is also known as Hot Aura because it raises nearby temperatures when it is exposed to air. Lunar Aura cools its surroundings and is therefore nicknamed Cold Aura. Aura's effect on temperature is one of its key properties, but it is sparsely understood.

A third form of Aura radiates from the planet and is called Terrestrial Aura. It has the same properties as Lunar Aura but interacts with the Celestial Auras differently.


The origin of Aura determines its color. Solar Aura ranges in hues between red and yellow. Lunar Aura comes in hues between blue and violet. Rarely, Lunar Aura can glow in the ultraviolet spectrum, making it invisible to some lifeforms.

Three Laws of Celestial Interaction

When a Luminous body contains a lot of Aura, it is considered to be "charged". Charged bodies respond to additional Aura stimuli in special ways. If the object contains a substantial amount of Aura, it may generate an Aura field around it. An Aura field is a portion of space near a highly charged Luminous body in which other charged bodies begin to be affected.

Celestial Attraction

When a charged Luminous body enters an Aura field of its same Luminosity, it will be drawn to the center of that field. The strength of this attraction is the sum of the charges in both bodies.

Celestial Negation

Lunar and Solar Aura cannot exist in the same body at the same time. When opposing Auras collide, one or both of them must be forced out. The ratio of Luminosities determines which will be displaced--if more Lunar Aura is present, then the Solar Aura will be displaced, and vice versa. In cases where the forces are equal or close to equal, both Auras are forced away and the body remains without a Luminous charge.

The way this manifests in nature is a "cancellation" effect. Powerful blasts of Aura can neutralize bodies of their opposing Luminosity, and Luminous bodies that enter more powerful Aura fields of the opposing Luminosity will have their Aura charge drained.

Celestial Repulsion

The third and lesser-known Celestial interaction occurs between the Celestial Auras and Terrestrial Aura, also known as Gloom. Gloom is the Aura that the planet itself produces.

For reasons not entirely understood, Gloom-charged bodies repel Aura-charged bodies of either Luminosity. Luminous bodies within Gloom fields will be slowly pushed away from the center of the field, and vice versa.

Contrary to popular assumption, the Attraction forces of the suns and moons have a negligible effect on the natural world. Instead, Celestial Repulsion is the driving force behind floating islands, the functionality of dragon wings, and all other floating phenomena.


A display of a sparkly blue rock, a cluster of reddish pink crystals, and a small glass bottle filled with sparkly golden liquid
Luminous Elements Display by Aster Blackwell

Aura can only be absorbed by Luminous elements. On SanZera, those elements are kaalite, edylium, and iakine. Luminous elements are capable of forming bonds with normal elements. The resulting compound is considered to be a Luminous compound. Its reactivity depends on the ratio of Luminous and non-Luminous atoms within it.

Kaalite and iakine can be found in their pure forms in monoliths. Edylium comes from organic sources. Its pure form can be harvested from the blood of some Luminous organisms. It travels the biosphere along with the carbon cycle.

Origin & Source

Aura radiates from celestial bodies. Each body radiates its own wavelength of Aura. Similar bodies have similar wavelengths. The suns, Sao and Aza, both radiate what can be called Solar Aura. They are similar enough that Aura from either sun can occupy the same body at the same time, but they differ enough that Luminous organisms can be selective about which source they derive Aura from. It is the same for the moons, Cyra and Nox, and their Lunar Auras.

The celestial body that a Luminous organism is in sync with is called its Glowsource. An individual organism can only have one Glowsource. Cases of Dual Luminosity are exceedingly rare and usually the result of a mutation. Organisms with Dual Luminosities often experience negative side effects to the excess Aura.


Skybleed is a spectacular event that occurs as a result of an Aura flare. Aura flares are sudden spikes in the normal Aura output of a celestial body. They are completely unpredictable and vary in intensity. Unlike solar flares, which are similar, Aura flares can also come from the moons.

When a powerful Aura flare crosses paths with the planet, a Skybleed occurs. Skybleed events may create or destroy floating islands, raise or drop floating monoliths, and induce Glowflora or Glowfauna to combust. Skybleeds begin with little warning and end just as quickly as they started.

"The sky was on fire.

"The air shimmered like embers and the ground felt slippery under my feet. The very pebbles of the earth were trembling, rising into the air. It felt as if gravity were reversing and we would soon be flung upwards into the blazing void."

— Cassia

History & Usage

Everyday use

Use of Glow is a trademark of SanZeran lifeforms. Both sapient races have Luminous abilities. There are countless possible benefits to using Glow.

Luminous organisms access Glow through the use of edylium-derived organs or organelles. They can use Glow internally, externally, or both. Internal usage refers to ways that organisms use Glow to affect their own body. External usages are when organisms use Glow to affect their environment or other organisms. Generally, internal tasks require less Aura than external ones.

Passive and Active Absorption

Lifeforms absorb Aura either passively or actively. Passive absorption is the most common. In this case, the organism's body automatically absorbs Aura from the environment without any conscious input. Passive absorption is the simplest method of capturing Aura and is therefore more common in simpler lifeforms. Passive absorption usually has a hard limit to the amount of Aura it can obtain in order to prevent damage.

Active absorption is when an organism uses conscious effort to absorb Aura. This allows them to directly control how much Aura they have and how much Glow they use at any given time. It is a more complicated process and is therefore present in more complex lifeforms. Active absorbers can store more Glow than passive absorbers can. This can put them in danger of absorbing too much Aura and hurting themselves. Both sapient races are examples of powerful active absorbers.

Celestial Core

Colored rendition of a Celestial Core. It is a circle with a dark red outer rim, a bright red spongey layer, another red rim, and a glowing yellow center that appears to have lightning coming off of it.

Celestial Core Rendition by Aster Blackwell

Large animals use an organ called a celestial core to actively absorb Aura. A celestial core can store remarkable amounts of Aura in a small space. No manmade mechanism has come close to its capabilities.

Limiting Factors

Disease, mutation, or external factors can have strange effects on Luminous organisms. Glowlessness is a condition where a Luminous organism cannot use Glow. Glowless organisms often struggle to survive without their Luminous adaptations.

The direct opposite of Glowlessness is Dual Luminosity, which is when an organism is in sync with both Solar or both Lunar bodies. Dual Luminosity often results in the organism absorbing more Aura than it can handle, which is usually fatal. It is possible to manage it, however, with careful moderation.

An organism with both a Solar and a Lunar Luminosity cannot exist because of the Law of Celestial Negation. This is why lilthumans are (almost) always Glowless.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Glow is integral to the cultural traditions of both sapient races. It is used in combat, medicine, religion, and artistic expression. Glow is so central to people's lives that those who cannot use it are often stigmatized and socially excluded.

Everyday Life & Technology

Glow is a normal presence in everyday life. Small pulses of Glow can be used to create light or change the temperature of food. Simple Glow-powered tools, such as Glow Torches and Glow Magnets, can be found anywhere there are people. Weapons augmented with Glow are as old as history, and are often the first technologies to be upgraded.

More complex devices made with Luminous materials are known as Auratech. For centuries, Auratech was limited to simple machines. In the past decade, new advances in physics and mathematics have allowed for the invention of much more complicated creations. Semi-automated or even fully automated machines are easier to make than ever. Vehicles powered by Glow are becoming more efficient and practical.

Some societies are eager to progress, but others are more cautious about potential dangers.

Rituals and Traditions

The extent of Glow's impact on social life is impossible to summarize. It is at the center of every major belief system. It has a close association with the soul, the mind, and the sense of self. It is revered and respected in all societies.

Luminous elements play a major part in countless traditions. Floating formations of kaalite are frequently designated as holy ground or other cultural landmarks. Bondstones are small gems created by fusing the extracted edylium of two married individuals to symbolize their partnership. Drops of iakine are used for healing rites, matchmaking, interpretation of dreams, or fortune-telling.

The Celestial Core and Celestial Nexus are as important as the heart, brain, or lungs. The Core is known as the "second heart" or "Luminous heart." It is often associated with one's deep internal desires. The Nexus is paired with the veins and nervous system, and its focus points are important in medicinal and therapeutic practices.

The Arts

In visual arts, performance arts, and literature, Glow can represent power, glory, happiness, fertility, love, joy, or light. How it is portrayed in any particular work can create endless messages about politics, emotions, or nature.

Glow is so important to society that those without it are excluded and stigmatized. Glowless individuals suffer prejudice in all forms--from mild social stigma to physical violence. Stereotypes and superstitions associated with the Glowless condition can make it difficult for Glowless people to make meaningful connections. They often find themselves on the lower rungs of the social ladder.

Related Species
Glowflora(category link)
Glowfauna(category link)
Solar can be red or yellow and Lunar can be blue or violet
Common State
Related Technologies
Related Elements
Related Materials
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Listed in the order they appear. Complete Vocabulary Guide here

Luminous. Able to use, absorb, or otherwise interact with Celestial Aura.

Glow. Aura that is being used by an organism.

Luminosity. The form of Celestial Aura that a Luminous organism or material reacts with (either Lunar or Solar).

Terrestrial Aura. Form of Aura that radiates from the planet and has unique interactions with Celestial Auras.

Aura Field. A portion of space near a highly charged Luminous body, in which other charged bodies begin to be affected.

Law of Celestial Attraction. Charged Luminous bodies will be drawn to the center of Aura Fields that share their Luminosity.

Law of Celestial Negation. Aura of opposing Luminosities cannot exist in the same body at the same time.

Law of Celestial Repulsion Charged Luminous bodies will be repelled from the center of Terrestrial Aura Fields.

Luminous Compound. Material that is formed from bonds between non-Luminous and Luminous atoms.

Dual Luminosity. Condition where a Luminous organism is in sync with both sources of Lunar or Solar Aura.

Passive Absorption. Process by which an organism absorbs Aura without conscious effort.

Active Absorption. Process by which an organism absorbs Aura with conscious effort.

Glowless. Condition where a Luminous organism cannot use Glow.

Auratech. Technology that uses Aura as its primary energy source.

Cover image: SanZera world cover by Aster Blackwell


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Nov 22, 2023 15:12 by Chris L

What a cool concept to build your worldbuilding around! I enjoyed this article very much.

Learn about the World of Wizard's Peak and check out my award winning article about the Ghost Boy of Kirinal!

Nov 22, 2023 16:06 by Aster Blackwell

Thank you!! <3 I'm so glad you enjoyed the article!

Nov 24, 2023 22:04 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Oh my gosh, you've done so much work on this concept and it shows. I'm going to enjoy seeing how this weaves into your other worldbuilding. :)

Nov 25, 2023 00:34 by Aster Blackwell

Aaaaa thank you so much <3 You're so kind!!