Episode 4: Well Begun is Hard Won Plot in Ruslavia | World Anvil

Episode 4: Well Begun is Hard Won



Having discovered the unmelting ice shard in their new ally Kiki's hidey-hole, the trio have been guided by Baboushka's patron to find answers in the Glittering Valley.



Back to the Valley

The trio will head to the Glittering Valley, possibly accompanied by Kiki, to confront the Samovila. They might try to gain extra assistance from the Pea and Mushroom Leshys, or they may enter the Timberwolf Cave.  

Fighting the Samovilla

It will immediately be apparent that the Samovila of the Glittering Valley is different from the one in the town. It's more aggressive and a DC15 perception check will reveal a glowing ice-blue gash in the creature's chest. The party will have no choice but to fight (or flee) the Samovilla. If they fight, they will either lose or win. If the Samovilla is reduced to 0 hit points, they will be requested to stop by Birch, who has shown up with Leshee. If they lose, they will wake up in the home, with Leshee and Kiki taking care of them.   If they flee, they will meet Birch some other way, probably by returning home, and Leshee bringing Birch to them. Note, this is how they will meet Birch if they choose to go into the Timberwolf Cave to fight the Samovilla.  

Timberwolf Cave

If the party choose to enter the Timberwolf Cave, the timber wolves will recognise Bogdan, but be wary of allowing everyone (particularly the Kikimora and Sergie) into their cave. Diplomacy (DC10) will convince these helpful-inclined wolves to allow everyone to pass.   As the adventurers near the back wall of the cave, Bogdan's Flint of the Malachite Maid will start glowing green (to indicate the entrance to caves), and Greeb will also glow green (to indicate magical aura). A DC20 Perception check will allow them to find the hidden entrance, but they will also be unable to enter the Arcane Lock.
Show spoiler
Use the following stats if Vasilly goes at it with his axe:
Stone (Natural): Hardness (8), Hitpoints (90), Break DC (65).
  Once through, they will find themselves in the Malachite Cavern. Here (depending which way they go (see the map on Malachite Cavern page) they will have to traverse hazards, including dangerous plants (Purple Moss and Subterranean Bramblelash), deadly Headchomper and Pit traps, and hazardous Bad Air.   If they succeed all this, they will reach the Well Spring, the underground domain of the Samovila of the Glittering Valley. They will have no choice but to fight her, or run away. DC15 Perception check to notice that her chest is glowing ice blue, DC20 (Baboushka, who has studied it) or DC25 (others) to recognise it as the same kind of ice that was in Kiki's hidey hole.   They may actually meet a Shubin at this point - probably Rockstar, who is incredulous that they managed to survive all the traps. If they fail to the point where they are all unconscious, they will come to in the Timberwolf Cave, tended by Rockstar, who consoles them that the mines are designed to keep people like them out.   If any of them die, they will be directed to the Malachite Maid, who will revive them for a price (they will be directed to travel (above ground) to the Cherti Mountains, to drive out the elves from the Moria Citadel and place the citadel back in Cherti control.  

Birch and Leshee

After the Samovilla has been defeated, the party will be greeted by Leshee and Birch. Birch will talk to them about the ice curse that is affecting creatures of the forest. Initially it makes the creatures more agressive, particularly to outsiders, but as the curse progresses, the creature starts to fade until all that is left is a shard of unmelting ice. She believes that, as the new beliefs stake their claim on Ketterzan, the Winter Witches are muscling in on the Forest of Frost.   She tells the party about The Glade, and organisation of Grove People and their allies who have ties and commitments to protecting the Forest of Frost and Old Beliefs from the corrupting influence of the Orthobog religion and the Winter Witches.   Birch asks the party for their help protecting the Old Beliefs, and tries to enroll them as members of The Glade. If Vasilly refuses, Birch will be disappointed, and tell him that his wife joined them before she disappeared. If pressed, Birch will reveal that, by the time she met Anna, there was no baby Oleg.   The party will each receive a Posy of the Glade (even Kiki!) if they agree to join up. Leshee says she will stay with the party and help them on their travels, if they will have her.