Ketterzan Geographic Location in Ruslavia | World Anvil


The central state of Ruslavia, Ketterzan is the biggest and most powerful region. The capital, Ketterburg, is the seat of the Tzar of Ruslavia, and the rest of the state has been divided by appanage between the Tzar's three sons: Dmitri, Yuri and Oleg.


Ketterzan, the central state of Ruslavia, is split into four regions: three principlalities and the ruling capital.
East Ketterzan
Belligerant East Ketterzan, headed by Prince Oleg, protects the rest of Ruslavia from the invading armies of the Hoary Wastes. It also borders the rougher half of Moss Covia.
This militaristic principality is mostly comprised of poorly equipped dragoon towns. The capital is Ketterpost, which is situated along the eastern wall that separates the region from the Hoary Wastes.
North Ketterzan
Wild North Ketterzan, prosided over by Prince Dmitri, borders the Sabrelands and the Forest of Frost.
West Ketterzan
Elegant West Ketterzan is overseen by Prince Yuri. It borders the Cherti Mountains and the western half of Moss Covia.
Ketterzan Emblem
Cultured Ketterburg is the Capital of all Ruslavia and is the seat of power for the Romanov Royal Family. It is presided over by Tzar Peter and is a hub of arts, technology and learning.
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
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