Tah'Caluss Yorn

Master of Darkness

Master of the Murkwrought Marauders Tah'Caluss Yorn (a.k.a. Shade)

Tah'Caluss Yorn, the Master of Darkness, is a figure of formidable power and unfathomable age. He is the Master of the Murkwrought Marauders, a nation of Shadar-Kai, and his presence is as enigmatic as the shadows he commands. His titles are many, but it is as the Darkness Incarnate that he is most feared.   Tah'Caluss is a man of masculine presentation, his form shrouded in the mysteries of the Shadowfell. His eyes, like the realm he hails from, are deep and dark, holding secrets that few dare to uncover. He carries with him a spellbook of Elven High Magic, the Manual of Obstruction of Light, a testament to his mastery over the arcane and the shadows.   His motivations are fueled by a deep-seated resentment. He despises the Shadowfell, the realm he was born into, and resents the fey of the Moonwilde for taking Magic and all things beautiful with them when they sundered the Feywild. His desire to merge the shadows with the light, as his Queen had intended eons ago, drives him to seek the Spirit of Nature itself, the Ancient Wood.   Tah'Caluss is a plotter, a nemesis, and a mentor. He is a master manipulator, playing nice with royalty while plotting his revenge against the Eladrin of the Moonwilde. His plans are as intricate as the shadows he commands, and his methods are as ruthless as they are effective.   As the Master of the Murkwrought Marauders, Tah'Caluss commands a formidable force of elite warriors, assassins, and spellcasters. His stronghold, the city of Arvanshad, is a testament to his power, filled with guild halls, training facilities, and marketplaces. His coffers are filled with wealth amassed from conquests and trade deals, and his collection of magical artifacts and relics is impressive.   Yet, despite his power and influence, Tah'Caluss remains a figure shrouded in mystery. His true intentions are known only to him, and his plans are as intricate as the shadows he commands. He is the Darkness Incarnate, a figure of formidable power and unfathomable age, and his presence is as enigmatic as the shadows he commands.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tah'Caluss Yorn, the Master of Darkness, is a figure of imposing stature, his lean and muscular form adorned with intricate tattoos and piercings that tell tales of his ancient lineage. His agility is unmatched, moving with a predator's grace that belies his age, his every motion a dance of shadows. Despite his age, he shows no signs of frailty or illness, his body a testament to his resilience and the dark power that fuels him.

Body Features

Tah'Caluss Yorn's body is a canvas of stories etched in ink and metal. His skin, as pale as moonlight on a winter's night, is a stark contrast to the intricate tattoos that swirl and twine across his form. Each line, each curve, is a testament to his ancient lineage and the countless battles he has fought. They are a tapestry of shadows and secrets, a visual representation of the power he wields and the mysteries he guards.   His tattoos are not mere decorations but symbols of his devotion to the Raven Queen and his commitment to the Murkwrought Marauders. They are a blend of ancient Shadar-Kai glyphs and abstract designs, each one imbued with a story, a victory, a memory. They are as much a part of him as his flesh and blood, a constant reminder of his purpose and his past.   But it is not just ink that adorns his skin. A myriad of piercings punctuate his form, each one a testament to his resilience and his defiance. They glint in the dim light of the Shadowfell, a constellation of metal against the backdrop of his pale skin. Each piercing is a symbol, a marker of a significant event or achievement in his life. They are not just adornments but badges of honor, each one earned through blood and shadow.   His piercings are as varied as the stories they represent. Some are simple rings of Duscaebron, the rare and durable metal found only in the Shadowfell. Others are intricate designs of Silver and Gold, adorned with precious gems that catch the light and cast fleeting shadows across his skin. Each one is a testament to his strength, his courage, and his unwavering dedication to his cause.   Tah'Caluss Yorn is not just a figure of power and mystery. He is a living testament to the history of the Shadar-Kai, a walking tapestry of shadows and secrets. His body tells a story, a tale of resilience and defiance, of devotion and power. And it is a story that is still being written, with each new battle, each new victory, adding another line to his ever-growing tapestry of tattoos and piercings.

Facial Features

Tah'Caluss Yorn's face is a study in contrasts, a blend of sharp fey features and shadowy power. His ashen skin, as pale as the Moon on a cloudless night, is stretched taut over high cheekbones and a sharp jawline, giving him an ethereal, otherworldly appearance. His forehead, usually smooth and unmarred, is interrupted by a dark stone embedded directly into his skull. This stone, a totem of shadowy power, is a gift from the Raven Queen herself, a symbol of her favor and a source of his formidable abilities.   The stone is a stark contrast to his pale skin, its dark surface absorbing light and casting an eerie shadow over his face. It is a constant reminder of his devotion to the Raven Queen and the power she has bestowed upon him. It is a symbol of his status, his power, and his unwavering dedication to his cause.   His ears, pointed and delicate, bear the most intricate piercings. Rings of Duscaebron, studs of Silver and Gold, and delicate chains dangle from his lobes, each one a testament to his resilience and his defiance. They are a symphony of metal and shadow, a visual representation of his strength and his courage.   But it is his eyes that are the most captivating. Smoky quartz in color, they are deep and mysterious, holding secrets that few dare to uncover. They are the windows to his soul, revealing a depth of wisdom and power that is both intimidating and mesmerizing. When he looks at you, it feels as if he is peering into the very depths of your being, his gaze as piercing as the shadows he commands. His eyes, like the rest of him, are a testament to his power, his mystery, and his unwavering dedication to the Raven Queen.

Apparel & Accessories

Atop Tah'Caluss Yorn's head rests a crown of wicked, slender spires, forged from blackened Gold. Each spire is a testament to his victories, a symbol of his power, and a warning to those who would dare oppose him. The crown, like the man who wears it, is both beautiful and terrifying, a blend of elegance and Menace that perfectly encapsulates the Master of the Murkwrought Marauders.   His cloak, as dark as the Void itself, seems to swallow the light around it. It is not just a garment but a piece of the Shadowfell itself, a tangible manifestation of the realm he calls home. The cloak moves with him, flowing like liquid shadow, its edges blurring the line between fabric and darkness. It is a constant reminder of his connection to the Shadowfell and the power he wields.   Always at his side is his Book of Shadows, a tome known as the Manual for the Obstruction of Light. This book, bound in shadowy leather and inscribed with glyphs of ancient Elven High Magic, is his most treasured possession. Within its pages, he hides his most treacherous designs and evil spells, each one a testament to his cunning and his mastery over the arcane. The book is more than just a repository of knowledge; it is a symbol of his ambition, his power, and his unyielding pursuit of his goals.   On his fingers, he wears a collection of rings, each one enchanted and each one representing a nemesis who failed to destroy him. These rings, forged from various metals and adorned with precious gems, are not just adornments but trophies. Each one tells a story of a battle won, a foe vanquished, a victory earned. They are a testament to his resilience, his strength, and his indomitable spirit.   Tah'Caluss Yorn's equipment and accessories are as much a part of him as his tattoos and piercings. They are a visual representation of his journey, his victories, and his power. Each piece tells a story, a testament to his resilience, his strength, and his unwavering dedication to his cause. They are a constant reminder of who he is and what he stands for, a visual representation of the Master of the Murkwrought Marauders.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Tah'Caluss Yorn, the Master of the Murkwrought Marauders, is a figure shrouded in mystery and power. His personal history is as complex and intricate as the tattoos that adorn his body, a tapestry of victories, losses, and unyielding determination.   Born in the Shadowfell, Tah'Caluss was a child of darkness and mystery. From a young age, he showed a keen interest in the arcane, demonstrating a natural aptitude for manipulating the shadows that surrounded him. His parents, recognizing his potential, encouraged his studies, providing him with ancient texts and tomes that fueled his thirst for knowledge.   As he grew older, Tah'Caluss's power grew with him. He became a formidable spellcaster, his mastery over the arcane matched only by his ambition. He was not content with simply understanding the shadows; he wanted to control them, to bend them to his will. This desire led him to the Raven Queen, the enigmatic deity who ruled over the Shadowfell. Intrigued by his ambition and his power, the Raven Queen took Tah'Caluss under her wing, teaching him the secrets of the shadows and bestowing upon him a dark stone, a totem of shadowy power.   Under the Raven Queen's tutelage, Tah'Caluss's power grew exponentially. He became a figure of respect and fear within the Shadowfell, his name whispered in hushed tones by those who knew of his power. But with power came enemies, and Tah'Caluss found himself the target of numerous attempts on his life. Each attempt, however, only served to strengthen him, each failed assassin becoming another ring on his finger, another trophy of his victories.   Despite his power and his status, Tah'Caluss was not content. He resented the Shadowfell, the realm he was born into, and the fey of the Moonwilde for taking Magic and all things beautiful with them when they sundered the Feywild. His desire to merge the shadows with the light, as his Queen had intended eons ago, became his driving force, leading him to seek the Spirit of Nature itself, the Ancient Wood.   His journey to the Ancient Wood was fraught with danger and challenges. He faced numerous foes, each one more formidable than the last. But Tah'Caluss was not deterred. He fought with the ferocity of a cornered beast, his power and his determination carrying him through each battle. His victories added more rings to his fingers, each one a testament to his strength and his resilience.   Upon reaching the Ancient Wood, Tah'Caluss was faced with his greatest challenge yet. He had to convince the Spirit of Nature to aid him in his quest, to help him merge the shadows with the light. This was no easy task, for the Spirit of Nature was wary of his intentions and his power. But Tah'Caluss was not deterred. He used his cunning and his charisma to convince the Spirit of Nature to aid him, promising to restore balance to the realms and bring an end to the sundering of the Feywild.   With the Spirit of Nature's aid, Tah'Caluss returned to the Shadowfell, his resolve stronger than ever. He took control of the Murkwrought Marauders, a nation of Shadar-Kai, and used his power and his influence to shape them into a formidable force. Under his leadership, the Marauders grew in power and influence, their name becoming synonymous with fear and respect.   Today, Tah'Caluss Yorn stands as the Master of the Murkwrought Marauders, a figure of power and mystery. His personal history is a testament to his resilience, his determination, and his unwavering pursuit of his goals. He is a figure to be respected, to be feared, and to be admired. His story is not yet over, and with each passing day, he adds another chapter to his ever-growing legacy.  

Family History

  Tah'Caluss Yorn's personal history is not only marked by his pursuit of power and his devotion to the Raven Queen, but also by his complex and often tumultuous familial ties. His genetic lineage, a blend of fey and shadow heritage, has resulted in a diverse array of offspring, each one as unique and intriguing as their father.   His firstborn, Ninnurta, is a testament to one of Tah'Caluss's most unusual unions. Born of a Dragon, Ninnurta inherited his father's strength and his mother's draconic heritage, resulting in a Half-Elf, half-dragon hybrid of formidable power. Ninnurta's birth marked the beginning of Tah'Caluss's legacy as a father, a role that would bring him both joy and heartache in the centuries to come.   Following Ninnurta were Aeno, Vonnel, Skudol, Erinethe, and Midal, each one a product of a different union, each one a testament to Tah'Caluss's complex romantic history. These children, while not as unusual as their half-dragon brother, were extraordinary in their own right, each one inheriting a portion of their father's power and ambition.   However, it is his youngest daughter, Cindela, who holds a special place in Tah'Caluss's history. Born over a millennium ago, Cindela was the apple of her father's eye. But their relationship was not meant to last. Upon reaching her third century, Cindela rebelled against her father, severing their ties and disappearing from his life. The loss of his youngest child was a blow to Tah'Caluss, one that he still feels to this day.   Yet, it is not just his children who have left their mark on Tah'Caluss's history. His younger brother, Nergal, a Tiefling born of another unusual union, also played a significant role in his life. Born over a millennium and a half ago, Nergal was a constant presence in Tah'Caluss's early life. However, at the tender age of 16, Nergal left home and disappeared, never to be seen again. The loss of his brother is a mystery that still haunts Tah'Caluss, a wound that has yet to fully heal.   Tah'Caluss Yorn's personal history is a tapestry of power, ambition, and familial ties. His relationships with his children and his brother have shaped him, influencing his decisions and his actions. They are a part of his legacy, a part of his story, and a part of the man he has become. Despite the losses and the heartache, Tah'Caluss remains a figure of power and mystery, his personal history a testament to his resilience and his unwavering determination.


Tah'Caluss Yorn, as a being of immense power and age, has a complex and multifaceted sexuality. His numerous paramours and diverse offspring are a testament to his broad attractions and relationships. He has been known to form connections with a variety of beings, regardless of their race or gender, suggesting a fluid and open approach to his sexual and romantic relationships.   His relationships are often marked by a deep intellectual and magical connection, as well as physical attraction. Tah'Caluss values power, wisdom, and ambition in his partners, often forming relationships with those who can match his cunning or challenge his perspectives.   However, it's important to note that his relationships are not solely defined by his sexuality. Tah'Caluss's connections often serve a strategic purpose, whether to form alliances, gain knowledge, or further his goals. His sexuality, like many aspects of his life, is intertwined with his pursuit of power and his devotion to the Raven Queen.

Personality Characteristics


The Shade is a figure driven by a complex web of motivations, desires, and goals. His every action, every decision, is fueled by a burning ambition that has been smoldering within him for over two millennia.   At the core of Tah'Caluss's motivations is a deep-seated resentment towards the Shadowfell, the realm he was born into. He despises the darkness, the shadows, the lack of Magic and beauty that characterizes his home. This resentment is not just a passive dislike; it is a burning hatred, a raging fire that fuels his every action. It is this resentment that drives him to seek the merger of shadows and light, a goal that has become his life's mission.   His desire to merge the shadows with the light is not just a means to transform the Shadowfell. It is a testament to his devotion to the Raven Queen, his deity and mentor. He believes that by merging the shadows with the light, he can fulfill the Queen's original intention and bring about a new era of balance and harmony. This desire is not just a goal; it is a sacred duty, a divine mission that he has taken upon himself.   Tah'Caluss's priorities are as complex as his motivations. His devotion to the Raven Queen is paramount, his loyalty unwavering. He is dedicated to his cause, willing to go to any lengths to achieve his goals. But his loyalty is not blind; he is a cunning strategist, always planning, always calculating. He knows when to strike, when to retreat, when to negotiate, and when to fight. His priorities are flexible, adaptable, always changing to suit the situation at hand.


Tah'Caluss Yorn

Father (Important)

Towards Cindela




Daughter (Trivial)

Towards Tah'Caluss Yorn




Tah'Caluss Yorn's relationship with his youngest daughter, Cindela Yorn, is a complex tapestry of love, pride, and ultimately, heartache. From the moment of her birth over a millennium ago, Cindela held a special place in Tah'Caluss's heart. He watched her grow with a father's pride, his affection for her evident in his every interaction. However, their relationship took a turn when Cindela reached her third century. Fueled by a rebellious spirit and a desire for independence, Cindela severed ties with her father and left, disappearing from his life. The loss of his daughter was a blow to Tah'Caluss, a wound that still aches. Despite the passage of time, the estrangement from his daughter remains one of Tah'Caluss's greatest regrets, a shadow that looms over his otherwise impressive legacy.   From Cindela's perspective, her father's relentless pursuit of power and his willingness to delve into the dark arts of necromancy were deeply troubling. She saw in him a man who was willing to cross moral boundaries, to manipulate life and death, all in the name of maintaining his power and achieving his goals. This was a path she could not follow, a path she could not condone. Her father's actions, his choices, were a stark contrast to her own values and beliefs. The man she once looked up to had become a figure of fear and disappointment. The final straw came when she reached her third century. Unable to reconcile her father's actions with her own principles, Cindela made the difficult decision to sever ties with him. She left, seeking her own path, away from the shadows of her father's legacy. The estrangement was painful, but necessary. For Cindela, it was a step towards independence, a step towards defining her own identity separate from her father's.

Nicknames & Petnames

While there is no specific record of pet names or nicknames between Tah'Caluss Yorn and his daughter Cindela, their relationship was marked by a deep, albeit complex, affection. Tah'Caluss, being a figure of formidable power and authority, was not one for diminutives. He saw in Cindela a reflection of his own strength and resilience, and he addressed her as such, always with a tone of respect and pride.   Cindela, on the other hand, saw her father as a figure of awe and reverence, but also of fear and disappointment. She addressed him by his titles, a sign of respect but also a reminder of the distance between them. The absence of pet names or nicknames was a reflection of their complex relationship, a testament to the respect they had for each other, but also the tension that existed between them.   Their affection was shown in other ways. Tah'Caluss, despite his stern demeanor, showed his love for Cindela through his actions. He was protective of her, always ensuring her safety and well-being. He was proud of her achievements, his eyes lighting up whenever she demonstrated her prowess or outwitted an opponent. Cindela, for her part, showed her affection through her respect and admiration for her father. Despite their differences, she looked up to him, her eyes filled with awe whenever he demonstrated his power or achieved a victory. Their relationship, while complex and fraught with tension, was marked by a deep, albeit unspoken, affection.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Tah'Caluss Yorn and his daughter Cindela shared a deep interest in the arcane arts. Both were naturally gifted spellcasters, their abilities honed by years of study and practice. They shared a fascination with the mysteries of the Shadowfell, their home realm, and the potential it held. Their shared interests often led to long discussions and debates, their differing perspectives leading to enlightening exchanges.   Tah'Caluss's interest in Cindela, his seventh child, was particularly strong for several reasons. Firstly, Cindela was born at a time when Tah'Caluss was at the peak of his power. His position as the Master of the Murkwrought Marauders was secure, and he had the time and resources to devote to his youngest child. Secondly, Cindela demonstrated a natural aptitude for the arcane arts, an aptitude that reminded Tah'Caluss of his own youth. He saw in her a reflection of his own ambition and potential, and he took it upon himself to nurture her abilities.   Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, Cindela was born of a union that held a special place in Tah'Caluss's heart. While the details of this union are shrouded in mystery, it is clear that it had a profound impact on Tah'Caluss. Cindela, being the product of this union, was a constant reminder of a time and a person that Tah'Caluss held dear. His interest in her was not just as a father, but also as a man who had loved and lost.   Despite their eventual estrangement, the bond between Tah'Caluss and Cindela was strong. They shared interests, ambitions, and a deep, albeit complex, affection for each other. Their relationship, while fraught with tension and heartache, was also marked by moments of understanding and shared joy, a testament to their shared history and their shared blood.


Lieutenant (Important)

Towards Tah'Caluss Yorn



Tah'Caluss Yorn

Master (Important)

Towards Mordrakas




Tah'Caluss Yorn and Mordrakas the Thoughtstealer's relationship began with a chance meeting in the Shadowfell. Tah'Caluss, ever the opportunist, saw potential in the illithid's psychic and arcane prowess. Mordrakas, on the other hand, was intrigued by the Shadar-Kai's power and the promise of arcane knowledge.   Their meeting led to a dark pact, with Mordrakas forsaking his eldritch heritage to serve Tah'Caluss. The pact granted Mordrakas arcane knowledge and power in exchange for his loyalty and service. This pact not only bound Mordrakas to Tah'Caluss but also transformed him, his body molded by fey shadows, turning him into an entity of evil and shadows.   Despite the dark nature of their pact, Mordrakas proved to be a valuable asset to Tah'Caluss. As his lieutenant, Mordrakas utilized his psychic powers and arcane mastery to advance Tah'Caluss's schemes. However, beneath his loyalty, Mordrakas harbored his own ambitions, ever watchful for opportunities to seize control for himself.   Their relationship, while based on power and ambition, has proven to be mutually beneficial. Tah'Caluss gained a powerful ally in Mordrakas, while the Thoughtstealer gained access to arcane knowledge and power. However, the balance of their relationship is precarious, hinging on the fulfillment of their individual ambitions and the continuation of their dark pact.

Relationship Reasoning

The pact between Tah'Caluss Yorn and Mordrakas is shrouded in mystery and shadows, much like the individuals involved. It is a relationship born out of mutual benefit, but also one that is tinged with hidden agendas and ulterior motives.   Mordrakas, the Thought Stealer, is a rare type of illithid, one who has supplemented his psionic power with arcane spells. His decision to forsake his eldritch heritage and serve Tah'Caluss Yorn was not made lightly. Mordrakas is driven by a thirst for knowledge and power, and his pact with Tah'Caluss offers him a unique opportunity to satiate his desires. However, his goals likely extend beyond mere power. As a Mind Flayer, Mordrakas is a master of manipulation and deception. He may be using his position as Tah'Caluss's lieutenant to further his own mysterious, eldritch goals, which could involve gaining control over the Shadowfell, or even usurping Tah'Caluss himself.   Tah'Caluss Yorn, on the other hand, is a master of shadows and secrets. His pact with Mordrakas serves his own ambitions, providing him with a powerful ally in his quest to merge the shadows with the light. However, Tah'Caluss is likely aware of Mordrakas's own ambitions, and he may be using the pact to keep a potential threat close at hand. Furthermore, having a powerful Mind Flayer as a servant enhances Tah'Caluss's own reputation and influence, making him an even more formidable figure in the Shadowfell.   In essence, their pact is a delicate balance of power and ambition, with each party using the other to further their own goals. It is a relationship marked by mutual benefit, but also by hidden agendas and potential betrayal. Only time will reveal the true nature of their pact and the dark, eldritch goals that lie beneath the surface.

Neutral Evil
Current Status
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
4652 AW 6179 Years old
Smoky Quartz
Long, Void Black Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ashen, Pale Skin
140 lb
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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