
As seen in

Cindela Yorn

In the shadowed corners of Rolara, where the ethereal meets the earthly, dwells a figure of silent strength and ethereal beauty - Cindela Yorn. A Shadar-Kai of the Shadowfell, she is a guardian, a protector, a beacon of resilience in a world often shrouded in chaos.   Her form, honed by centuries of discipline and duty, is a testament to her strength and agility. From her nimble feet to her Silver cascade of hair, she embodies the grace of a seasoned guardian and the elegance of her elven heritage. Her eyes, a captivating steely violet, hold a wisdom that belies her youthful appearance, their gaze as sharp and alert as a drawn blade.   Clad in dark leather armor that hugs her athletic form, she moves with a feline grace, her every step a whisper against the ground. A cloak of shadow silk drapes over her, shimmering with an otherworldly quality, its dark folds framing her striking features. Around her waist, a belt adorned with pouches and sheaths speaks of her preparedness, while the arcane symbols etched onto her bracers glow subtly with a violet hue, a testament to her magical prowess.   Yet, beneath the guardian's armor and the spellcaster's symbols, lies a woman of deep emotions and unwavering resolve. A mother, a sister, a friend. Her heart, though often shrouded in the shadows of duty, holds a warmth that defies the cold of the Shadowfell. Her love for her family, her loyalty to the Aermond Royal Family, and her commitment to her duties are the driving forces behind her actions, her every decision a testament to her strong sense of justice and responsibility.   Cindela Yorn, the silent guardian of Aermond, is a blend of strength and elegance, of earthly resilience and ethereal beauty. In her, the shadows of the Shadowfell meet the light of Rolara, creating a figure that is as captivating as she is formidable. She is a testament to the strength of the Shadar-Kai, a symbol of resilience in a world often marked by chaos, and a beacon of hope for those she protects.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Cindela Yorn is a paragon of physical fitness and agility, her body honed by centuries of training and experience. Her slender, athletic build is a testament to her disciplined lifestyle and her commitment to her duties. Despite her age, she shows no signs of physical ailments or afflictions, her Shadar-Kai heritage granting her a longevity that defies the passage of time.

Body Features

Cindela Yorn's physical form is a living testament to her Shadar-Kai heritage and her disciplined lifestyle. Each feature of her body, from the tips of her toes to the top of her head, is a harmonious blend of strength and elegance, a physical embodiment of her character. Her physique speaks of a life dedicated to discipline and duty, a life shaped by the rigors of guardianship and the harsh realities of the Shadowfell.   Beginning at the base, her feet are nimble and sure, their arches high and toes slender, reminiscent of a dancer's. They carry the silent grace of a seasoned guardian, each step a whisper against the ground, a testament to her stealth and agility. Her footsteps, light and measured, are the echoes of countless patrols and stealthy pursuits, their silence a symbol of her dedication to her role as a protector.   Her legs, long and lithe, are honed with lean muscle, their shape a testament to her physical prowess and agility. They are the legs of a runner, a climber, a warrior, their strength and endurance evident in their toned contours. Each muscle in her legs tells a story of endurance and strength, of long sprints through dense forests and steep climbs over treacherous terrain.   Moving upwards, her hips and waist are slender yet strong, their shape a perfect blend of femininity and strength. Her abdomen is firm, the subtle ridges of her muscles hinting at her physical fitness and disciplined training. Her core is the foundation of her strength, a testament to countless hours of training and a disciplined lifestyle.   Her chest is modest, her breasts proportionate to her athletic build. They do not detract from her strength, but rather add to her feminine allure, a reminder of her womanhood amidst her warrior's physique. They are a symbol of her femininity, a contrast to her muscular build, a reminder of the balance she maintains between strength and grace.   Her arms, like her legs, are lean and muscular, their shape a testament to her strength and agility. They are the arms of a guardian, their strength evident in their toned contours and the subtle play of muscles beneath her skin. Each flex of her arm muscles speaks of power and control, of countless battles fought and won.   Her hands are strong yet delicate, their fingers long and nimble. They are the hands of a spellcaster, their dexterity a testament to her arcane prowess, their touch as gentle as a feather yet as firm as iron. Her fingers, capable of casting complex spells and wielding deadly weapons, are a testament to her versatility and skill.   Moving upwards, her neck is slender and graceful, leading up to a face that is both striking and serene. Her features are sharp yet feminine, her high cheekbones and slender nose adding to her ethereal beauty. Her face, with its sharp features and serene expression, is a mirror to her soul, reflecting her strength, determination, and inner peace.   Her eyes, a steely shade of violet, are perhaps her most striking feature. They are the eyes of a guardian, their gaze sharp and alert, their depths holding a wisdom that belies her youthful appearance. Her eyes, with their intense gaze and vibrant violet hue, are windows to her soul, reflecting her wisdom, experience, and unwavering resolve.   Her hair, a cascade of Silver, falls past her shoulders in a shimmering wave. It is as ethereal as moonlight, its silvery strands a stark contrast against her dark skin, adding an air of mystique to her appearance. Her hair, with its silver hue and ethereal quality, is a symbol of her Shadar-Kai heritage, a stark reminder of her roots in the Shadowfell.   Finally, her ears, long and pointed, are a testament to her elven heritage, their shape a reminder of her roots in the Shadowfell. Her ears, with their pointed tips and elongated shape, are a physical reminder of her elven heritage, a symbol of her connection to the mystical and arcane.

Facial Features

Cindela Yorn's face is a captivating blend of strength and serenity, each feature a testament to her Shadar-Kai heritage and her unique journey. Her face, with its sharp contours and ethereal beauty, is a mirror to her soul, reflecting her experiences, her resilience, and her unwavering resolve.   Her forehead, high and smooth, is often the canvas for her concentration, a testament to her focus and determination. It is a symbol of her intellectual prowess, a testament to her strategic mind and her arcane knowledge.   Her eyebrows, slender and arched, frame her eyes perfectly, their shape a testament to her expressive nature. They dance with her emotions, furrowing in concentration, arching in surprise, or softening in moments of quiet reflection.   Her eyes, a steely shade of violet, are perhaps her most striking feature. They are the eyes of a guardian, their gaze sharp and alert, their depths holding a wisdom that belies her youthful appearance. The steely violet of her eyes is a captivating hue, a blend of the ethereal and the earthly, a testament to her Shadar-Kai heritage and her role as a guardian. Her gaze, intense and unwavering, speaks volumes of her strength, her determination, and her unwavering resolve.   Her nose, slender and straight, adds to her sharp features, its shape a testament to her elven heritage. It is a symbol of her resilience, a testament to her ability to weather the storms of life with grace and dignity.   Her cheeks, high and defined, add to her ethereal beauty, their contours a testament to her disciplined lifestyle and her Shadar-Kai heritage. They are a canvas for her emotions, flushing with exertion, paling in concentration, or warming in moments of quiet joy.   Her lips, slender and soft, are often curved in a serene smile, their shape a testament to her inner peace and her quiet strength. They are the gatekeepers of her words, their movements a dance of expression, their touch as gentle as a feather yet as firm as iron.   Her chin, strong and defined, adds to her sharp features, its shape a testament to her strength and determination. It is a symbol of her resolve, a testament to her unwavering commitment to her duties and her unyielding spirit.

Identifying Characteristics

Firstly, her posture is one of her most identifying traits. Cindela carries herself with the grace and poise of a seasoned guardian, her movements fluid and measured. Even in silhouette, her posture is distinctive, a testament to her discipline and her training. Her stance, always alert and ready, speaks volumes of her vigilance and her readiness to spring into action at a moment's notice.   Secondly, her hair, a cascade of Silver, is a striking feature that sets her apart. Its ethereal quality, reminiscent of moonlight, is a stark contrast against her dark skin, adding an air of mystique to her appearance. Even from a distance, her silver hair is easily recognizable, its shimmering waves a beacon in the darkness.   Thirdly, her eyes, a steely shade of violet, are perhaps her most captivating feature. Even at a distance, their intense gaze is noticeable, their steely violet hue a captivating contrast against her dark skin. In the right light, her eyes seem to glow, their steely violet hue a testament to her Shadar-Kai heritage and her arcane prowess.   Finally, her ears, long and pointed, are a testament to her elven heritage. Even in silhouette, their elongated shape is distinctive, a physical reminder of her roots in the Shadowfell. Their pointed tips, a characteristic feature of her elven heritage, add an air of otherworldliness to her appearance, a testament to her connection to the mystical and arcane.

Apparel & Accessories

She typically dons a suit of dark leather armor, its surface a deep shade of midnight blue that almost blends into the shadows. The armor is form-fitting, hugging her athletic build closely, its design a testament to her need for mobility and stealth. The leather is supple yet sturdy, its surface etched with subtle, swirling patterns that hint at her arcane prowess.
Over her armor, she wears a long cloak of shadow silk, a material native to the Shadowfell. The cloak, as ethereal as her Silver hair, shimmers with an otherworldly quality, its color shifting subtly with the light. The cloak's hood, when drawn up, frames her face perfectly, her steely violet eyes and silver hair providing a stark contrast against its dark folds.   Around her waist, she wears a utilitarian belt, its leather surface adorned with various pouches and sheaths. Each pouch holds a variety of components for her spells, their contents a testament to her preparedness and her arcane knowledge. The sheaths, on the other hand, hold a variety of daggers, their blades as sharp and deadly as her gaze.
  On her wrists, she wears a pair of bracers, their surface etched with arcane symbols. The bracers, made of reinforced leather, provide her with additional protection, their design a blend of functionality and aesthetics. The arcane symbols, glowing subtly with a violet hue, are a testament to her magical abilities, their glow a stark contrast against the dark leather.   Finally, around her neck, she wears a simple silver chain, its length adorned with a single, teardrop-shaped pendant. The pendant, made of moonstone, glows with a soft, ethereal light, its glow a testament to her Shadar-Kai heritage. The pendant, despite its simplicity, is perhaps her most personal accessory, a symbol of her connection to the Shadowfell and her roots.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Cindela Yorn's personal and family history is a complex tapestry woven from threads of love, loss, duty, and secrecy. Her life, marked by significant relationships and pivotal moments, has shaped her into the guardian she is today.   Cindela's personal history is deeply intertwined with her relationship with her Human husband, Mouran Sasounyan. Their union, a blend of shadow and light, was a testament to their shared love and respect. Mouran, with his human warmth and compassion, provided a counterbalance to Cindela's shadowy origins, his presence a comforting constant in her life. Their bond was strong, their love enduring, a beacon of hope in Cindela's often tumultuous life.   Their union bore a son, Dikran Sasounyan, a Half-Elf crusader who would go on to make a name for himself in his fight against undead monsters. Cindela was immensely proud of her son, his courage and determination a reflection of her own virtues. Dikran's crusade against the undead was particularly significant to Cindela, given her own reservations about her father's dark pursuits. In her son's actions, she saw a glimmer of hope, a chance for redemption.   However, the passage of time brought with it the inevitable. Mouran, being human, succumbed to old age, his death a profound loss for Cindela. His passing marked a significant turning point in Cindela's life, her world dimming with the loss of her beloved. Mouran's death had a profound impact on Cindela, deepening her resolve to protect those she cared about.   Despite her loss, Cindela chose not to remarry or seek any romantic connection. Perhaps it was her deep love for Mouran, a love that transcended death, or perhaps it was her desire to focus on her duties, her commitment to protecting the royal family of Aermond. Regardless of her reasons, Cindela's decision to remain alone is a testament to her strength and resilience, her ability to endure loss and continue her vigil.   Cindela's family history, on the other hand, is marked by secrecy and distance. Despite her strong bond with her son, Dikran, and her pride in his accomplishments, she chose to remain unknown to the House of Sasounyan. This decision, likely driven by a desire to protect her son and his descendants from the shadows of her past, has resulted in a distant familial connection. The House of Sasounyan, the richest family in the world, is unaware of their connection to Cindela, their lineage traced back to her through Dikran.   Similarly, the Aermond Royal Family, despite their reliance on Cindela's shadowy protections, is unaware of her full identity and her distant familial connection. They know her only by her first name, their knowledge of her limited to her role as their guardian. This secrecy is a necessary precaution, a means for Cindela to protect those she cares about from the dangers of her past.  

Gender Identity

Cindela Yorn, as a product of the Shadowfell and a member of the Shadar-Kai, has a nuanced understanding of gender that is shaped by her personal experiences and cultural background. In the Shadowfell, gender is often seen as fluid, a spectrum rather than a binary, with individuals free to express their identity in a way that aligns with their inner selves. This understanding of gender, combined with Cindela's personal experiences and values, shapes her perception of her own femininity.   Cindela cherishes her femininity, seeing it as an integral part of her identity. She does not view her femininity as a limitation, but rather as a source of strength and empowerment. She embraces her feminine traits, such as her empathy, intuition, and resilience, and uses them to her advantage in her role as the guardian of the Aermond Royal Family. Her femininity, combined with her skills and abilities, makes her a formidable protector, her presence a comforting assurance in the shadows.   Cindela also uses her femininity to navigate the complex social dynamics of the Shadowfell and the world of Rolara. She understands that perceptions of gender can influence interactions and relationships, and she is adept at using these perceptions to her advantage. Whether it's disarming an adversary with her charm, or gaining trust with her nurturing demeanor, Cindela's femininity is a tool that she wields with skill and confidence.   However, Cindela's understanding of gender extends beyond her own femininity. She recognizes and respects the diverse expressions of gender in the world around her. She understands that gender is a personal journey, a unique expression of one's identity, and she respects the individual journeys of those she encounters. This understanding of gender, combined with her own cherished femininity, shapes Cindela's interactions and relationships, adding depth and complexity to her character.


Cindela Yorn's approach to sexuality and sexual orientation is deeply personal and shaped by her life experiences. Prior to her marriage to Mouran Sasounyan, Cindela exhibited a heterosexual orientation, expressing sexual interest in males. Her relationship with Mouran was a significant part of her life, a bond marked by deep affection and mutual respect. Their union was not just a meeting of minds and hearts, but also a physical connection, a testament to their shared love.   However, Mouran's death marked a turning point in Cindela's approach to sexuality. The loss of her beloved husband was a profound blow, a wound that time has yet to fully heal. Mouran's death left a Void in Cindela's life, a void that she has chosen not to fill. Since Mouran's passing, Cindela has shown a lack of sexual interest, her focus shifting to her duties and responsibilities.   In simple terms, Cindela's current approach to sexuality can be described as asexual. She does not express sexual interest, her energies instead directed towards her role as the guardian of the Aermond Royal Family and her commitment to her duties. This shift in her sexual orientation is not a rejection of her past, but rather a reflection of her current state of mind and her focus on her responsibilities.   It's important to note that Cindela's asexuality does not negate her capacity for deep emotional connections. She continues to cherish her bond with Mouran, their love enduring despite his passing. She also maintains strong emotional ties with her siblings, particularly Midal, despite their often antagonistic relationship. Her capacity for love and emotional connection remains strong, a testament to her depth of character and her resilience.


Cindela Yorn's education is a blend of formal instruction, self-guided learning, and experiential knowledge, shaped by her unique upbringing in the Shadowfell and her life experiences.   Born into the Yorn family, Cindela was exposed to the arcane arts from a young age. Her father, Tah'Caluss Yorn, was a powerful figure in the Shadowfell, his knowledge of the arcane arts vast and profound. Under his tutelage, Cindela received her initial education in the arcane arts, her father's teachings laying the foundation for her future abilities.   However, Cindela's education extended beyond the arcane arts. As a member of the Yorn family, she was also exposed to the political dynamics of the Shadowfell, her father's position providing her with a unique perspective on power and influence. This exposure to politics and power dynamics was an integral part of her education, shaping her understanding of the world and her place in it.   Cindela's education was also shaped by her personal experiences and her self-guided learning. Her decision to sever ties with her father and embark on her own path marked a significant turning point in her education. Away from her father's shadow, Cindela sought to expand her knowledge and skills, her self-guided learning driven by her desire for independence and her commitment to her duties.   Her role as the guardian of the Aermond Royal Family further shaped her education. In her silent vigil, Cindela honed her skills and abilities, her experiences providing her with practical knowledge and insights. Her encounters with threats and dangers were lessons in strategy and survival, her successes and failures shaping her understanding of her role and her responsibilities.


Cindela Yorn's work history is as intriguing as it is diverse, marked by a series of stages that have shaped her into the guardian she is today. Her career path has been a journey of self-discovery and growth, each stage providing her with new experiences and insights.   In her early years, Cindela was deeply involved in the affairs of the Shadowfell, her father's influence providing her with a unique perspective on power and influence. She was exposed to the arcane arts, politics, and the complex dynamics of power, her experiences shaping her understanding of the world and her place in it.   However, Cindela's path took a turn when she chose to sever ties with her father and embark on her own journey. This decision marked the beginning of a new stage in her career, a stage marked by exploration and self-guided learning. Away from her father's shadow, Cindela sought to carve her own path, her journey taking her to the far corners of Rolara.   During this stage of her career, Cindela had numerous adventures, each one providing her with new experiences and insights. She encountered a variety of creatures and cultures, her experiences broadening her horizons and honing her skills. She faced challenges and dangers, her successes and failures shaping her understanding of her abilities and her limitations.   One of her notable adventures during this period was her encounter with a rogue necromancer in the outskirts of what is now called the Tatharian Empire. The necromancer, driven by a lust for power, was wreaking havoc in the region, his undead minions causing fear and destruction. Cindela, driven by her sense of justice and her opposition to necromancy, took it upon herself to stop the necromancer. The encounter was a test of her skills and her resolve, her victory a testament to her abilities and her commitment to justice.   Following her adventures, Cindela found her way to the Kingdom of Aermond, where she took on the role of the silent guardian of the royal family. This role, while often challenging, has provided her with a sense of purpose and a focus for her abilities. Her silent vigil over the royal family, her encounters with threats, and her commitment to her duties have shaped the current stage of her career, her experiences adding depth and complexity to her character.

Morality & Philosophy

At the core of Cindela's morality is a strong sense of justice. She believes in the inherent value of all beings and the importance of treating others with fairness and respect. This belief is reflected in her actions, from her decision to sever ties with her father due to his dark pursuits, to her commitment to protecting the royal family of Aermond. Her sense of justice is unwavering, guiding her actions even in the face of adversity.   Cindela's morality is also shaped by a deep-seated sense of responsibility. She feels a strong duty towards those in her care, whether it's her siblings, the royal family of Aermond, or the people of Rolara. This sense of responsibility drives her to put the needs of others before her own, her actions often marked by selflessness and sacrifice.   Her philosophy, on the other hand, is marked by a belief in the power of independence and the importance of carving one's own path. Cindela values her independence, seeing it as a means to define her own identity and make a difference in the world. This belief is reflected in her decision to distance herself from her father and embark on her own journey, her path shaped by her own choices rather than the expectations of others.   Cindela also believes in the power of resilience and the importance of perseverance. She understands that life is often marked by challenges and adversity, but she believes in the ability of individuals to rise above these challenges and grow stronger. This belief is reflected in her own journey, her resilience a testament to her strength and determination.

Personality Characteristics


Cindela Yorn, the estranged daughter of Tah'Caluss Yorn, is a character driven by a complex web of motivations, desires, and priorities. Her actions, her choices, and her path in life are all shaped by these driving forces, painting a picture of a character who is as complex as she is intriguing.   At the core of Cindela's motivations is a strong desire for independence. Born into a family of power and influence, Cindela has always been aware of the weight of her father's legacy. However, rather than being content with living in her father's shadow, Cindela yearns to carve her own path, to define her own identity separate from her father's. This desire for independence is what led her to sever ties with her father and embark on her own journey, a testament to her strong will and determination.   Closely tied to her desire for independence is a deep-seated sense of justice and morality. Cindela is deeply troubled by her father's dark pursuits, his willingness to delve into the arcane arts of necromancy and manipulate life and death for the sake of power. Her moral compass, her sense of right and wrong, is a driving force in her life, guiding her actions and shaping her path. It is this sense of justice that drives her to protect the royal family of Aermond, her actions a silent protest against her father's dark pursuits.   Cindela's motivations are also shaped by a strong sense of duty and responsibility. Despite her estrangement from her father, she cannot completely sever her ties to her family. She feels a deep sense of responsibility towards her siblings, particularly her younger brother, Midal. Their relationship, while often antagonistic, is marked by a deep-seated affection and mutual respect. Cindela's sense of duty towards her family is a driving force in her life, a motivation that often puts her at odds with her desire for independence.   Finally, underlying all of Cindela's motivations is a deep-seated desire for redemption. Despite her strong will and determination, Cindela is haunted by her past, by her ties to her father and his dark legacy. She yearns for redemption, for a chance to make amends for her father's actions. This desire for redemption is a constant presence in her life, a driving force that shapes her actions and guides her path.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Cindela Yorn, in her quest for independence and her silent vigil over the royal family of Aermond, has honed a set of skills and abilities that set her apart. Her savvies, as it were, are a testament to her resilience, her determination, and her adaptability.   Foremost among her savvies is her prowess in stealth and subterfuge. Born in the Shadowfell, a realm of darkness and mystery, Cindela has mastered the art of moving unseen, her presence unknown to those she watches over. Her ability to blend into the shadows, to become a part of the darkness, is a skill that has served her well in her role as the unseen guardian of the royal family of Aermond.   Closely tied to her stealth is her skill in combat. Cindela is a formidable fighter, her movements swift and precise, her strikes deadly. She is adept at using a variety of weapons, her skills honed by years of training and experience. Her combat prowess, coupled with her stealth, makes her a formidable protector, a silent sentinel watching over the royal family.   Cindela is also savvy in the arcane arts. Like her father, she has a natural aptitude for Magic, a gift she has nurtured and honed over the centuries. Her magic, however, is a stark contrast to her father's dark pursuits. While Tah'Caluss delves into necromancy, manipulating life and death for the sake of power, Cindela's magic is more subtle, more attuned to the shadows and the unseen. Her magic is a tool, a means to aid her in her silent vigil, a testament to her adaptability and her resourcefulness.   Despite her savvies, Cindela is not without her ineptitudes. Her desire for independence, while a driving force in her life, often puts her at odds with others. She struggles with forming and maintaining relationships, her independence often perceived as aloofness or indifference. Her relationship with her siblings, particularly Midal, is a testament to this struggle, their interactions often marked by tension and conflict.   Cindela also struggles with her past, her ties to her father and his dark legacy a constant source of inner conflict. She yearns for redemption, for a chance to make amends for her father's actions, but struggles with feelings of guilt and regret. This inner conflict, this struggle with her past, is a constant challenge for Cindela, a testament to her complex and often conflicting motivations.  

Linguistic Repertoire

As a seasoned guardian and a well-traveled individual, Cindela Yorn has acquired a diverse linguistic repertoire that aids her in her duties and adventures.   First and foremost, Cindela is fluent in Common, the most widely spoken language in Rolara. Her proficiency in Common allows her to communicate effectively with a broad range of individuals, making it an invaluable tool in her role as the guardian of the Aermond Royal Family.   Cindela is also fluent in Elvish, a reflection of her Shadar-Kai heritage. Elvish, with its fluid script and complex grammar, is a language of beauty and elegance, its nuances and subtleties a testament to the rich culture and history of the elves. Cindela's fluency in Elvish allows her to connect with her roots and engage with the elven communities of Rolara.   Given her father's influence and her upbringing in the Shadowfell, Cindela is also proficient in Undercommon, the language of the Underdark. Undercommon, with its harsh tones and complex syntax, is a language that reflects the harsh realities of life in the Underdark. Cindela's proficiency in Undercommon is a testament to her adaptability and her ability to navigate the complexities of the Shadowfell.   In addition to these languages, Cindela has a basic understanding of Draconic, the ancient language of dragons. While not fluent, her understanding of Draconic allows her to decipher texts and engage in basic communication, a skill that can prove useful in her adventures.   Finally, Cindela has a keen understanding of body language and non-verbal cues. As a guardian, she understands the importance of observing and interpreting non-verbal signals, her keen eye and intuition often providing her with valuable insights.

Virtues & Personality perks

One of Cindela's most notable virtues is her courage. She is unafraid to stand against the tide, to challenge the status quo, and to make difficult decisions. This courage is evident in her decision to sever ties with her father, a powerful figure in the Shadowfell, and to carve her own path. It is also evident in her role as the silent guardian of the royal family of Aermond, a task that requires her to face danger and uncertainty on a regular basis.   Cindela also possesses a strong sense of integrity. She is guided by a moral compass that refuses to waver, even in the face of temptation or adversity. Her integrity is reflected in her rejection of her father's dark pursuits and her commitment to protecting the innocent. Despite the allure of power and influence, Cindela remains steadfast in her principles, a testament to her strong character.   Another of Cindela's virtues is her resilience. Life has thrown many challenges her way, from her estrangement from her father to the dangers she faces as the guardian of the royal family. Yet, Cindela has always managed to rise above these challenges, to adapt and persevere. Her resilience is a testament to her strength and determination, qualities that have served her well in her journey.   Cindela's virtues are complemented by a number of perks that enhance her abilities and effectiveness. As a product of the Shadowfell, she possesses a natural affinity for the shadows, an ability that allows her to move unseen and strike from the darkness. This affinity for the shadows, combined with her training and experience, makes her a formidable guardian and a force to be reckoned with.   Cindela also possesses a keen intellect and a sharp wit. She is a quick thinker, able to assess situations rapidly and make strategic decisions. Her intellect, combined with her courage and integrity, makes her a formidable strategist and a valuable ally.




Towards Mouran Sasounyan

Mouran Sasounyan


Towards Cindela

Tah'Caluss Yorn

Father (Important)

Towards Cindela




Daughter (Trivial)

Towards Tah'Caluss Yorn




Tah'Caluss Yorn's relationship with his youngest daughter, Cindela Yorn, is a complex tapestry of love, pride, and ultimately, heartache. From the moment of her birth over a millennium ago, Cindela held a special place in Tah'Caluss's heart. He watched her grow with a father's pride, his affection for her evident in his every interaction. However, their relationship took a turn when Cindela reached her third century. Fueled by a rebellious spirit and a desire for independence, Cindela severed ties with her father and left, disappearing from his life. The loss of his daughter was a blow to Tah'Caluss, a wound that still aches. Despite the passage of time, the estrangement from his daughter remains one of Tah'Caluss's greatest regrets, a shadow that looms over his otherwise impressive legacy.   From Cindela's perspective, her father's relentless pursuit of power and his willingness to delve into the dark arts of necromancy were deeply troubling. She saw in him a man who was willing to cross moral boundaries, to manipulate life and death, all in the name of maintaining his power and achieving his goals. This was a path she could not follow, a path she could not condone. Her father's actions, his choices, were a stark contrast to her own values and beliefs. The man she once looked up to had become a figure of fear and disappointment. The final straw came when she reached her third century. Unable to reconcile her father's actions with her own principles, Cindela made the difficult decision to sever ties with him. She left, seeking her own path, away from the shadows of her father's legacy. The estrangement was painful, but necessary. For Cindela, it was a step towards independence, a step towards defining her own identity separate from her father's.

Nicknames & Petnames

While there is no specific record of pet names or nicknames between Tah'Caluss Yorn and his daughter Cindela, their relationship was marked by a deep, albeit complex, affection. Tah'Caluss, being a figure of formidable power and authority, was not one for diminutives. He saw in Cindela a reflection of his own strength and resilience, and he addressed her as such, always with a tone of respect and pride.   Cindela, on the other hand, saw her father as a figure of awe and reverence, but also of fear and disappointment. She addressed him by his titles, a sign of respect but also a reminder of the distance between them. The absence of pet names or nicknames was a reflection of their complex relationship, a testament to the respect they had for each other, but also the tension that existed between them.   Their affection was shown in other ways. Tah'Caluss, despite his stern demeanor, showed his love for Cindela through his actions. He was protective of her, always ensuring her safety and well-being. He was proud of her achievements, his eyes lighting up whenever she demonstrated her prowess or outwitted an opponent. Cindela, for her part, showed her affection through her respect and admiration for her father. Despite their differences, she looked up to him, her eyes filled with awe whenever he demonstrated his power or achieved a victory. Their relationship, while complex and fraught with tension, was marked by a deep, albeit unspoken, affection.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Tah'Caluss Yorn and his daughter Cindela shared a deep interest in the arcane arts. Both were naturally gifted spellcasters, their abilities honed by years of study and practice. They shared a fascination with the mysteries of the Shadowfell, their home realm, and the potential it held. Their shared interests often led to long discussions and debates, their differing perspectives leading to enlightening exchanges.   Tah'Caluss's interest in Cindela, his seventh child, was particularly strong for several reasons. Firstly, Cindela was born at a time when Tah'Caluss was at the peak of his power. His position as the Master of the Murkwrought Marauders was secure, and he had the time and resources to devote to his youngest child. Secondly, Cindela demonstrated a natural aptitude for the arcane arts, an aptitude that reminded Tah'Caluss of his own youth. He saw in her a reflection of his own ambition and potential, and he took it upon himself to nurture her abilities.   Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, Cindela was born of a union that held a special place in Tah'Caluss's heart. While the details of this union are shrouded in mystery, it is clear that it had a profound impact on Tah'Caluss. Cindela, being the product of this union, was a constant reminder of a time and a person that Tah'Caluss held dear. His interest in her was not just as a father, but also as a man who had loved and lost.   Despite their eventual estrangement, the bond between Tah'Caluss and Cindela was strong. They shared interests, ambitions, and a deep, albeit complex, affection for each other. Their relationship, while fraught with tension and heartache, was also marked by moments of understanding and shared joy, a testament to their shared history and their shared blood.


Sibling (Important)

Towards Midal




Sibling (Important)

Towards Cindela



Lawful Good
Current Location
Year of Birth
522 PE 1005 Years old
Mouran Sasounyan (spouse)
Midal (Sibling)
Current Residence
Steely violet
Medium length, pale ashen hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ashen white
130 lbs


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