
The Universal Web of Dreamscapes and Slumber

In the realm of Consciousness, where the tangible meets the intangible, exists the Dreamweave, an ethereal tapestry woven from the dreams and thoughts of all beings in Rolara. It is not a place you can touch or see in the physical sense, but rather a realm that exists in the minds, in the very essence of every creature. It is a realm that dances on the edge of perception, a whisper in the subconscious, a fleeting glimpse in the corner of the mind's eye.   The Dreamweave is a realm of endless possibilities, a place where the ordinary gives way to the extraordinary, where the laws of reality bend to the whims of the dreamers. Here, landscapes shift and morph with every passing thought, creating a kaleidoscope of surreal beauty that defies description. It is a realm where the impossible becomes possible, where the only limit is the boundary of one's imagination.   But the Dreamweave is more than just a realm of dreams. It is a place of exploration and discovery, a metaphysical journey into the depths of consciousness. Here, one can traverse the dreamscapes of others, delve into the depths of their subconscious, uncover secrets and stories that are as unique as the dreamers themselves. It is a journey that is as much about self-discovery as it is about exploration, a journey that can reveal truths about oneself that were previously hidden.   Amidst the surreal beauty and the occasional nightmares, there are elements of familiarity, echoes of other realms that serve as a comforting reminder of the threads of commonality that bind the multiverse together. The succubi and incubi of the Baator Conglomerate, for instance, are as real here as they are in any other plane. They offer a touch of the familiar in a realm that is otherwise alien, a touch of comfort in a realm that can sometimes be disconcerting.   The Dreamweave is a testament to the power of consciousness, to the profound impact that our dreams and thoughts can have on the world around us. It is a realm that invites us to dream, to explore, to discover, to become more than what we are. It is a realm that seduces us with its beauty, its mystery, its endless possibilities. It is the Dreamweave, the realm of dreams, the realm of consciousness, the realm of the mind.


The Dreamweave is a realm of infinite possibility, a place where the fabric of reality is woven from the threads of dreams and Consciousness. It is a realm that exists beyond the physical, beyond the tangible, a realm that is as vast as the collective consciousness of all beings in Rolara.  
  As you step into the Dreamweave, you find yourself standing on a vast, shimmering expanse that stretches out into infinity. The ground beneath your feet is not solid, but rather a soft, ethereal substance that ripples and shifts with every step. It is not of any particular color, but rather a kaleidoscope of hues that change and morph, reflecting the dreams and thoughts of the countless beings whose consciousness it encompasses.   Above you, the sky is a swirling tapestry of colors and patterns, a Celestial canvas painted with the dreams of a thousand different minds. It is not a sky of blue and white, but rather a sky of dreams, a sky that is constantly changing, constantly evolving. One moment, it might be a brilliant azure, dotted with fluffy, cotton-candy clouds. The next, it might be a deep, velvety indigo, studded with stars that twinkle with a light that is not of this world.   Around you, the landscape is ever-changing, morphing and shifting in response to the dreams and thoughts of the beings whose consciousness it encompasses. One moment, you might find yourself standing in a lush, verdant forest, the air filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers and the melodious song of unseen birds. The next, you might find yourself in a bustling city, the air filled with the hum of conversation and the clatter of carriage wheels on cobblestone streets.   In the distance, you might see towering mountains, their peaks wreathed in ethereal mist, or vast oceans, their waters shimmering with a light that seems to come from within. You might see castles made of clouds, or rivers that flow with liquid Silver. You might see forests of crystal trees, or fields of flowers that glow with an otherworldly light.   The Dreamweave is a place of surreal beauty and terrifying nightmares, of profound wisdom and utter confusion. It is a place where the laws of physics and time do not apply, where the impossible becomes possible, and where the line between reality and fantasy is blurred.   But despite its ever-changing nature, there is a sense of peace and tranquility in the Dreamweave, a sense of unity and interconnectedness. It is a place where every dream, no matter how small, matters. It is a place where every thought, no matter how fleeting, leaves a mark. It is a place where the power of consciousness is made manifest, where dreams can shape reality, and where the fate of the world can be decided in the realm of dreams.


The Dreamweave is a realm of Consciousness, a metaphysical plane where the physical laws of biology and ecology as we understand them do not strictly apply. However, it does have its own unique dynamics and interactions that could be likened to an ecosystem.  


  The environment of the Dreamweave is a surreal, ever-changing landscape shaped by the collective dreams and consciousness of all beings in Rolara. It is a realm where the ground might ripple like water, where the sky might be painted with the colors of a thousand sunsets, where mountains might float in the air, and where rivers might flow with liquid light. It is a place where the impossible becomes possible, and where the line between reality and fantasy is blurred.   The physical environment of the Dreamweave is not made of matter, but rather of thoughts, emotions, and dreams. It is a place where a thought can create a mountain, where an emotion can shape the color of the sky, and where a dream can give birth to a forest of crystal trees.  

Dynamics and Interactions

  In the Dreamweave, the dynamics and interactions between the inhabitants and their environment are governed not by biological needs or physical laws, but by the nature of dreams and consciousness.   The flora and fauna of the Dreamweave, being manifestations of dreams and consciousness, do not require food or water to survive. Instead, they are sustained by the thoughts, emotions, and dreams that gave birth to them. A creature born from a dream of peace and tranquility might thrive in a serene landscape of soft, ethereal light, while a creature born from a nightmare of fear and despair might thrive in a chaotic realm of shadows and storms.   The inhabitants of the Dreamweave interact with their environment in unique ways. The Celestial Stag, for instance, might leave a trail of starlight in its wake, transforming the landscape with its presence. The Infernal Serpent, on the other hand, might cause the ground to crack and smolder, reflecting its fiery nature.   The Succubi and Incubi, being creatures of flesh and blood, interact with the Dreamweave in a different way. They cannot shape the landscape with their thoughts or emotions, but they can manipulate the dreams of others, creating illusions and altering perceptions to suit their needs.   In the Dreamweave, the dynamics of the ecosystem are shaped by the interplay of dreams and consciousness. It is a place where every thought matters, where every emotion leaves a mark, and where every dream can shape reality. It is a testament to the power of consciousness, a realm where the mind is the architect and the dreamer is the creator.

Localized Phenomena

Indeed, the Dreamweave, being a realm of Consciousness and dreams, is home to several unique phenomena that are distinct to its metaphysical landscape. These phenomena are shaped by the collective dreams and consciousness of all beings in Rolara, resulting in occurrences that are as surreal and varied as the dreams themselves.  


  One such phenomenon is the Dreamstorm, a tempest of raw, unfiltered thoughts and emotions that sweeps across the Dreamweave. Dreamstorms are often triggered by significant events in the waking world that cause intense emotional reactions, such as wars, natural disasters, or widespread joyous celebrations. During a Dreamstorm, the landscape of the Dreamweave becomes particularly volatile and unpredictable, shifting and morphing with the chaotic flow of thoughts and emotions.  

Eidolon Veil

  Another unique phenomenon is the Eidolon Veil, a rare event where the barrier between the Dreamweave and the waking world becomes thin, allowing elements of the Dreamweave to bleed into physical reality. During an Eidolon Veil, individuals in the waking world might see fleeting glimpses of the Dreamweave, such as a Dreamglow in the sky or ethereal creatures that vanish as quickly as they appear. These events are often accompanied by a surge in creativity and inspiration, as the minds of individuals are touched by the boundless possibilities of the Dreamweave.  

Consciousness Confluence

  A Consciousness Confluence is a supernatural event where the dreams and thoughts of a large group of individuals converge, creating a powerful nexus of shared consciousness. This can result in the creation of new, complex entities or landscapes within the Dreamweave, shaped by the collective consciousness of the group. Consciousness Confluences are often triggered by shared experiences or collective actions in the waking world, such as communal rituals, mass meditations, or significant cultural events.  

Dreamweave Echoes

  Dreamweave Echoes are residual imprints left behind by particularly powerful or emotionally charged dreams. These echoes can linger in the Dreamweave long after the dreamer has awakened, creating pockets of the Dreamweave where the dream continues to play out like a memory. Dreamweave Echoes can sometimes be perceived by other dreamers, giving them a glimpse into the dreams of others.  
  These phenomena, while unique to the Dreamweave, are a testament to the power and complexity of consciousness, and the profound impact that our dreams and thoughts can have on the world around us. They serve as a reminder that the Dreamweave is a living, breathing realm, shaped by the collective consciousness of all beings in Rolara.  

Observations on the Law of Oneiric Convergence

  When the Principle of Oneiric Convergence manifests, it creates a series of unique phenomena that can be observed differently depending on the observer's location, whether they are situated physically in the Dreamweave or in the Prime Material Plane.  

Observations from the Dreamweave

  From within the Dreamweave, the manifestations of Oneiric Convergence are more direct and intense. The observer can witness the raw, unfiltered interplay of dreams and reality.  
This luminescent phenomenon is more vibrant and dynamic within the Dreamweave. The observer can see the ethereal light radiating from the elements of the dreamscapes, shifting and shimmering in a mesmerizing dance of colors. The Dreamglow is not just a visual spectacle but also a tangible energy that the observer can feel, a warm, soothing presence that resonates with the rhythm of the Dreamweave.  
Oneiric Echoes
Shared dreams, or Echoes of the Waking World, are more vivid and immersive within the Dreamweave. The observer can experience these echoes as if they were their own dreams, complete with the accompanying emotions and sensations. The Dreamglow that accompanies these echoes is more intense, enveloping the observer in a soft, comforting light.  
Dream Residue
The Dream Residue left behind by sentient beings in the dreamscapes is more perceptible within the Dreamweave. The observer can see these residues as ghostly imprints, lingering in the landscape like echoes of a past dream. They can also experience the associated sensations, such as scents or sounds, more directly.  
Oneiric Navigators
The Oneiric Navigators, when actively traversing the dreamscapes, are more visible within the Dreamweave. The observer can see the Dreamglow in their eyes, a beacon of light that guides them through the ever-changing landscape of the Dreamweave.  

Observations from the Prime Material Plane

  From the Prime Material Plane, the manifestations of Oneiric Convergence are more subtle and ephemeral. The observer can perceive the bleed-through of elements from the dreamscapes into the physical world, but these manifestations are often fleeting and elusive.  
From the Prime Material Plane, the Dreamglow appears as a soft, ethereal light that seems to emanate from nowhere. It is a beautiful, albeit eerie, sight to behold, like a piece of the aurora borealis brought down to earth.  
Oneiric Echoes
Shared dreams, or Echoes of the Waking World, often leave a lingering sense of déjà vu among those who experience them from the Prime Material Plane. This is accompanied by a faint Dreamglow, visible only to the individuals who shared the dream.  
Dream Residue
The Dream Residue left behind by sentient beings in the dreamscapes can sometimes be perceived in the physical world. Individuals sensitive to the aetheric plane may experience fleeting visions or sensations related to these residues.  
Oneiric Navigators
The Oneiric Navigators, when observed from the Prime Material Plane, often exhibit a Dreamglow in their eyes, a sign of their Consciousness being partially tethered to the dream reality. This glow fades once they fully return to the physical world.


In the metaphysical realm of the Dreamweave, traditional concepts of climate, governed by physical parameters such as temperature and weather patterns, do not apply. Instead, the Dreamweave operates under a unique set of conditions, dictated by the collective emotional and psychological states of the dreamers whose Consciousness shapes this realm.  

Emotional Climate

  The Dreamweave's "climate" is an emotional climate, a reflection of the collective emotional and psychological state of all beings contributing to its existence. This emotional climate is not a static condition; it fluctuates, mirroring the ebb and flow of collective emotions and psychological states in the waking world.   During periods of widespread joy or celebration, the Dreamweave experiences a "warm" emotional climate. The dreamscapes radiate with vibrant hues, pulsating with pleasant dreams and positive emotions. The metaphorical "sky" might shimmer with a radiant azure, and the ethereal "air" might exude a sense of warmth and comfort.   In contrast, times of widespread fear or sorrow cast a "cold" emotional climate over the Dreamweave. The dreamscapes darken, becoming turbulent arenas for nightmares and negative emotions. The "sky" might brood with stormy greys, and the "air" might carry a chilling, oppressive sensation.  

Dream Seasons

  Beyond the emotional climate, the Dreamweave experiences "Dream Seasons"—periods marked by the prevalence of certain types of dreams or emotional states. These seasons are not tied to the physical world's cyclical changes but are influenced by cultural, societal, or cosmic events impacting the collective consciousness.   A societal upheaval or significant change might usher in a "Season of Storms," where the dreamscapes reflect the chaos and unpredictability of the waking world, embodying the collective anxiety and uncertainty. On the other hand, a period of peace and prosperity might herald a "Season of Blossoms," characterized by serene and vibrant dreamscapes that mirror the contentment and optimism of the waking world.

Fauna & Flora

The Dreamweave, a realm of infinite possibility, is home to a myriad of unique flora and fauna, each a manifestation of the collective dreams and Consciousness of Rolara's inhabitants. These entities, while not physical in the traditional sense, are as real and vibrant as any creature or plant in the waking world.  

Archetypal Creatures

  Certain creatures recur across the Dreamweave, serving as archetypes or motifs in the dreams of many. These creatures often embody universal themes or emotions, their forms shaped by the collective consciousness of entire cultures.   The Celestial Stag, for instance, is a common sight in the dreams of those who value harmony and peace. This majestic creature, with its antlers made of starlight and eyes that hold the depth of the cosmos, represents wisdom, serenity, and the interconnectedness of all life.   The Infernal Serpent, on the other hand, often appears in the dreams of those grappling with fear or deceit. This creature, with its scales that shimmer like molten lava and eyes that glow with an eerie, malevolent light, embodies danger, treachery, and the darker aspects of the subconscious.  

Dream Orchid Blossom

  Among the flora of the Dreamweave, the Dream Orchid Blossom stands out for its ethereal beauty and rarity. This flower, with its petals that shimmer with a soft, dreamy light and a scent that evokes a sense of peace and tranquility, is a coveted sight in the Dreamweave.   The Dream Orchid Blossom is said to bloom only in the dreams of those who have achieved a profound level of inner peace and understanding. Its presence is considered a sign of spiritual growth and enlightenment, and many seek to cultivate these blossoms in their dreams as a form of spiritual practice.  

Succubi/Incubi of the Baator Conglomerate

  Even in the Dreamweave, there are entities that serve a more sinister purpose. The Succubi and Incubi of the Baator Conglomerate are such entities. These creatures, with their alluring forms and enchanting voices, are not native to the Dreamweave but are rather emissaries from the Nine Hells.  
  Unlike the other inhabitants of the Dreamweave, the Succubi and Incubi are not manifestations of dreams or consciousness, but rather beings of flesh and blood who have learned to navigate the Dreamweave. They enter the dreams of others, not to guide or enlighten, but to manipulate and deceive.   Despite their treacherous nature, the Succubi and Incubi are not malevolent beings. They are simply doing their job, punching the time clock before heading back to the Nine Hells. Their presence in the Dreamweave serves as a reminder that not all dreams are pleasant, and that even in the realm of dreams, one must be wary of deception and manipulation.


Ah, the Dreamweave of Rolara, a realm that offers a unique kind of vacation for the intrepid traveler. Imagine, if you will, a place where the landscapes are painted with the brushstrokes of dreams, where the flora and fauna are born from the seeds of imagination. It's a place where every sight, every sound, every scent is a reflection of the collective Consciousness of Rolara's inhabitants.   Now, you might be thinking, 'But Traveler, dreams are the same everywhere, aren't they?' Well, my dear reader, that's where you'd be mistaken. You see, in most worlds, dreams are confined to the minds of the dreamers. They're personal, private experiences, glimpses into the subconscious that fade with the dawn. But in Rolara, dreams are so much more. They're tangible, shared experiences that shape the very fabric of the Dreamweave.   In this realm, you're not just a passive observer of your dreams, you're an active participant. You can shape your dreams, mold them to your will, create your own personal paradise. And the best part? You can share your dreams with others, invite them into your world, experience the joy of shared dreaming.   But the Dreamweave isn't just about pleasant dreams and idyllic landscapes. It's a place of exploration, of discovery, of adventure. You can traverse the dreamscapes of others, delve into the depths of their subconscious, uncover secrets and stories that you won't find anywhere else. It's like exploring a new world, but instead of mountains and forests, you're exploring thoughts and emotions, ideas and memories.   And let's not forget about the locals. The Dreamweave is home to a host of unique entities, manifestations of dreams and consciousness that you won't find in any other realm. And yes, that includes the succubi and incubi of the Baator Conglomerate. They might be a bit... unconventional, but they're a part of the Dreamweave's charm.   So, if you're looking for a vacation that's out of the ordinary, a journey that's as much about self-discovery as it is about exploration, then the Dreamweave is the place for you. It's a realm where the impossible becomes possible, where the line between dream and reality blurs, where every dream is an adventure waiting to happen. And who knows, you might just discover something about yourself along the way.
— a traveler
Alternative Name(s)
The Dreamscapes
Plane of Existence
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Inhabiting Species


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