
The Plane of Reflection

In the vast expanse of the multiverse, where the tangible meets the intangible, lies the plane of Karma. Unlike the other Outer Planes, Karma is unaligned, a realm where the physical and metaphysical intertwine, overlapping all other planes where a creature exists. Yet, it is not a Transitive Plane. Travelers can enter or leave Karma from anywhere, but they must return to the point of their departure, a unique characteristic that sets it apart.   Karma is a realm of spirit and thought, a cosmic ledger where the morality of all entities in the Multiverse is weighed and measured. It is a place where actions have consequences, where good deeds and malevolent intentions are tallied and balanced. It is a plane where justice is not just an abstract concept, but a tangible, ever-present force.   Scattered throughout Karma are pockets of Demiplanar space known as Purelands. These heavenly oases, gifts to great sages and teachers from the enigmatic figure known as Kano, provide a respite from the plane's relentless judgment. Yet, Kano is not a ruler, but a master who understands the intricate workings of Karma.   The geography of Karma is as fluid and changeable as the karma of its inhabitants. A journey through Karma is a journey through one's past actions and potential futures. Good-aligned travelers may find themselves walking through a meadow of memories, reliving moments where they tipped the scales of karma in a positive direction. In contrast, those with evil intent may find themselves traversing barren wastelands, haunted by their past transgressions and regrets.   At the heart of Karma lies a mountain that never summits, shrinking infinitely as one approaches the peak. Orbiting this center is the tauroid city of Sigil, a constant reminder of the plane's connection to the wider multiverse.   Travelers to Karma undergo a transformation, their physical forms morphing into astral bodies upon arrival. Time flows normally, yet outside of combat, the past, present, and future intertwine, allowing creatures to perceive memories of the past and visions of possible futures.   Karma is a plane of consequence and introspection, a place where actions echo through eternity. It is a testament to the balance of the multiverse, a realm where every deed matters, and no action is without consequence.


The geography of Karma is as fluid and mutable as the karma of its inhabitants, a reflection of the deeds and intentions of those who traverse its expanse. It is a plane where the physical landscape is shaped by the metaphysical, where the terrain is a manifestation of moral alignment and past actions.   For those of good alignment, Karma presents a journey through a meadow of memories, a serene landscape where each blade of grass, each blooming flower, is a testament to their positive deeds. The air is filled with the soft rustling of leaves and the gentle hum of celestial creatures, the sky a canvas of pastel hues. Here, the balance of personal karma or the karma of the universe is tipped towards the positive, and the environment reflects this harmony.   In stark contrast, for those of evil alignment, Karma is a realm of torment. The landscape transforms into barren wastelands, a stark, desolate terrain that mirrors their inner turmoil. The air is thick with the scent of brimstone, the sky a brooding storm of dark clouds. Fiendish creatures lurk in the shadows, their presence a constant reminder of past transgressions. Here, the traveler is confronted with their strongest aversions, shames, and regrets, a relentless barrage of their darkest moments.   Yet, despite its infinite expanse, Karma has a definite center. A mountain that never summits, its peak shrinking into infinity, a paradox that encapsulates the plane's enigmatic nature. Orbiting this center is the tauroid city of Sigil, a constant presence in the ever-changing landscape. As in the Outlands, it is impossible to walk into or out of the city, a testament to the plane's unique rules.   As avatars of Death guide departed souls through the Border Ethereal, these souls occasionally catch glimpses of their own Karma. These fleeting visions serve as a reminder of the plane's omnipresence, a hint of the judgment that awaits all creatures.   The geography of Karma is more than just a physical landscape. It is a reflection of the moral fabric of the multiverse, a realm where every action leaves a tangible mark. It is a testament to the balance of karma, a plane where the past, present, and future intertwine in a complex tapestry of cause and effect.

Localized Phenomena

The localized phenomena of the Plane of Karma are as intriguing as the plane itself. Travelers who venture into this realm undergo a transformation, their physical forms morphing into a semblance of their astral bodies. This metamorphosis occurs harmlessly upon arrival and reverts just as harmlessly upon departure, a testament to the plane's metaphysical nature.   The most common method of travel to Karma is through the use of the Measure Karma spell. This spell allows the user to enter a dreamlike state and psychically visit the plane, a process akin to Astral Projection. However, unlike Astral Projection, this method involves no Silver Cord and thus carries none of the associated risks. During this journey, the traveler's corporeal body enters a deep meditative state, becoming unresponsive to stimuli as it resembles a deep coma or sleep.   In terms of direction, Karma extends infinitely in four dimensions - three of space and one of time. Yet, despite its boundless expanse, travelers always reappear in the nearest unoccupied space and within a few seconds of the time they left when they depart from Karma. During their journey across the plane, travelers often describe their movement in terms of moving Inward or Outward, referencing the central point of the plane.   Time in Karma flows as it does in the Material Plane, with creatures moving at normal speed in combat. However, outside of combat, the plane's unique properties come to the fore. Travelers can perceive memories of the past and visions of possible futures based on their history and alignment. This temporal fluidity also affects certain divination spells, altering their function due to the unique flow of time in Karma.   The localized phenomena of the Plane of Karma serve to highlight its unique nature, a realm where the physical and metaphysical intertwine, and where actions and intentions shape reality. It is a testament to the intricate balance of the multiverse, a place where every action echoes through eternity.

Fauna & Flora

The flora and fauna of Karma are as mutable and varied as the plane itself, their forms and behaviors shaped by the perspective of the travelers who traverse its expanse. This unique characteristic of Karma means that the plane's wildlife and vegetation can vary dramatically from one traveler to the next, a reflection of their moral alignment and past actions.   For a traveler of good alignment, the flora of Karma might take the form of lush meadows filled with vibrant wildflowers, their petals a riot of colors under the soft glow of the plane's sky. Majestic trees might dot the landscape, their branches heavy with ripe fruit, a testament to the traveler's positive deeds.   Conversely, for a traveler of evil alignment, the vegetation might be sparse and twisted, the trees gnarled and leafless, the ground covered in thorny bushes and poisonous plants. This barren landscape serves as a constant reminder of their past transgressions, a physical manifestation of their negative karma.   The fauna of Karma is equally varied. Celestial creatures might accompany a good-aligned traveler, their forms radiating with a soft light, their behavior friendly and helpful. On the other hand, fiendish creatures might stalk an evil traveler, their forms a terrifying sight, their behavior hostile and threatening.   However, one creature that is notably native to Karma is the Owlpanda. These unique creatures, with their owl-like faces and panda-like bodies, are a common sight in the plane. Their peaceful and balanced nature is a reflection of the plane's inherent balance of karma, making them the perfect inhabitants of this realm.   In Karma, the flora and fauna serve as more than just part of the landscape. They are a reflection of the traveler's karma, a constant reminder of their past actions and their potential future. They are a testament to the plane's unique nature, a place where every action has a tangible consequence, and where the physical and metaphysical are inextricably linked.  

Present Dangers

Indeed, the native lifeforms of Karma, both flora and fauna, are unique in that they are manifestations of the traveler's soul and psyche. They are reflections of the traveler's inner self, their past actions, and their moral alignment. As such, they pose a danger to the traveler only to the extent that the traveler poses a danger to themselves.   For a traveler of good alignment, the flora and fauna of Karma are likely to be benign, even helpful. The plants might provide nourishment and shelter, while the celestial creatures might offer guidance and assistance. These manifestations are a reflection of the traveler's positive karma, their past good deeds, and their harmonious nature.   Conversely, for a traveler of evil alignment, the flora and fauna can be hostile and threatening. The plants might be poisonous or covered in thorns, while the fiendish creatures might be aggressive and dangerous. These manifestations are a reflection of the traveler's negative karma, their past transgressions, and their malevolent nature.   However, it's important to remember that these manifestations are not separate from the traveler. They are part of the traveler's psyche, a physical representation of their inner self. As such, they serve as a mirror, reflecting the traveler's actions and intentions back at them. They are a reminder of the balance of karma, a testament to the plane's unique nature where every action has a consequence, and where the physical and metaphysical are inextricably linked.   In Karma, danger is not an external force, but an internal one. It is a reflection of the traveler's own actions and intentions, a reminder that in this plane, one is only as dangerous to oneself as one's own deeds.
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