


I have been away for far too long, and have begun to retread the continent in my dreams. Past the great lake Chluetichlon?, west to the red sands of Cipou Canyon,? and into the east to wander the proud peaks of Nipinoul— so near to the stars. Oh, how I wish to return!
— A Rektouzk trader
  The continent of Rqet is home to a variety of peoples, nations, and natural landmarks. Most notably among these are the nation of Rektouzk?— one of the most powerful nations in the known world, Nipinoul: The Great Spine which contains the world's highest peak, Tchaoxlik?— the great cavern, and Ytoulch Chotol?— Qet's largest rainforest.  

Beneath the Sun

Rqet hosts myriad geographical features, including a number of differing climates. In the west, the land is tinted in brilliant reds, pinks, and oranges. Great deserts stretch as far as the eye can see, broken by the Tchoul Salt Flats,? and of course— the life-giving Cipou River. This vast, dry area is nearly cut off from the rest of the continent by the Tchtnox Mountains,? past which lies much more arable land. North of these lies a once fertile basin, home to the now cursed Rotomul forest, which grows endlessly— the screaming lumber thus requires an annual controlled burn.   The land here bears the scars of these repeated burns, and is often charred black as a result. Inadvertently, this has created more fertile farmland for the people who live there. North of this basin lies the Xhloui River,? the marshes at its mouth, and the Youti islands to the northwest. West of the basin lies the Rollk Desert— a desolate landscape of broken stone, lying in the shadow of Nipinoul: The Great Spine, a precipitous mountain range.   East of these mountains, the great rainforest Ytoulch Chotol grows wild beside the Dohe Reef? directly to its west. Along the south of the continent lies tropical forests, and the great, bottomless lake— Chluetichlon. Finally, beneath it all lies the vast caverns of Tchaoxlik.  
A map of the continent of Rqet.


All of Rqet is subject to constant assaults of the sun's heat. While areas such as the deserts in the west may be significantly hotter— annual temperatures within the continent average at 94°F. Rainfall is more common in the north and south, as are terrible hurricanes each hotyixok?. During hotchalit,? the deserts in the west are deadly— one can boil alive should they venture too far from the canyon's shadow. Within the basin and in certain areas in the west, terrible windstorms form during hotyezil.?  
Sweat forms along my brow once more, but I do not wipe it away this time. I welcome it. It tells me that I am still alive, and provides welcome relief.
— A wanderer

Home to Many

There are, at current, eleven different nations that claim territory within the continent. In the west, Zilopnou? dominates the Cipou Canyon, while Ponouli? along the northern peninsula launches constant invasions to reclaim what was once theirs.   At the southern edge of the great deserts, lies the cursed island city of Shoal'Ghnu.? Past the Tchtnox Mountains lies Romtol, tensely watching their northern neighbors across the Xhloui River for their inevitable attack— the alchemical nation of Louh. Isolated from this conflict by the Youti islands west of the river's mouth, lies Noktyoul.?


Several powerful beings reside within Rqet, including aspects of Qetlon.   This includes the Ahndel Veha— Qetlon's ears, Auroul— Qetlon's womb, and recently, Ytzkla?— Qetlon's mouth.   Unrelated to Qetlon, there is also Chluetichlon, the ancient ones in Noktyoul, Ytnolshola, the Lost Nation of Ur'agthl, and more...
  Back east, within the watchful peaks of Nipinoul, reside the Gokh Tribes. These very same mountains cut off the musical nation of Hanviehl? from contacting their neighbors until recent times. At the southern edge of the continent lies the diminutive Chlotoun.? In the vast dark of Tchaoxlik, the nation of Tteunor is at war with Pottott— which split from their nation after a recent schism. And finally, controlling the southeastern lands of Rqet, and a significant portion of Tchaoxlik, lies the great mercantile nation of Rektouzk.?  

Native commodities

Beyond the variety of humans present within Rqet, the continent is also home to a great number of unique flora, fauna, and minerals. Two particularly popular items demanded throughout the world are both found within Rektouzk land, the yoult tree and the glittering couleuz crystal— which some say contain the whole of the stars.   Tchaoxlik contains many more forms of life seen nowhere else, such as the sweet fettep, and ferocious llibttell.


Author's Notes

Feedback is very much welcome! Whether on the content, or the formatting! Please, point out typos if you spot any!

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Apr 24, 2021 17:26 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

This is such a great overview of the continent, and I really love your new version of the map! :)

Apr 25, 2021 07:17 by Grace Gittel Lewis

Thanks! Hopefully it's the final one...

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