


It is beautiful here, yet I still cannot shake the memories of our true, ancestral, home. It will have to do, for now.
— Ouns Teus
  Ponouli is the home of the Kyteux?, at least, as they see it— for now. Situated north of Zilopnou?— who the Kyteux believe took their sacred homeland— Ponouli has waged war against their southern neighbors since its very inception.  


Ponouli is the second nation that the Kyteux have called home, its name literally translating to "once home" or "temporary home" within the Kyteux Qetlec? dialect. The Kyteux were driven from their homeland of the Cipou River Delta? by the Lliaqeu? who later founded Zilopnou— over the course of a four-year war. This displacement would entirely disrupt the structure of the Kyteux government, as various officials were killed in the war.   As the Kyteux began to flee towards the end of the war, they turned to the leadership of the then well-respected— and trusted— Teus family. The Teus were wary of this new responsibility— but, caring greatly for their people, did their best to ensure the safety of both their lives and their culture. During this time, the city of Aeuto? was the Kyteux's capital, from here the Teus would begin to send out scouting parties to find a temporary home from which the entrenched people could recover and eventually take back their homeland.   In a few month's time, their scouts would return with news of arable land in the Tilou Peninsula— though between them spanned a great stretch of desert. Their armies would remain partially behind to cover their escape, ideally, the Kyteux would be gone by the time the full force of the Lliaqeu came down upon Aeuto. It is said the Teus rarely slept during this time as they began preparing their people's mass migration, aiding everyone from retreating troops, to the weak and the elderly.

Extra Info

Teus Dynasty
Governmental System
Tilou Peninsula
Qetlec?, Kyteux dialect

An Opportunity

With the The Devouring of Lliaq, it is now only a matter of time before Ponouli will once again attempt to take back their ancestral homeland.   The remaining city-states of Zilopnou will likely be unable to stop them— unless they were to somehow band together again, an unlikely outcome given Aeuto's recent rebellion.   Much of Lliaq's military force was absent for the catastrophe— fighting none other than the forces of Ponouli— but now have no home to return to.   The question on the minds of many is simple— will they flee, or will they fight once more?
  Despite their preparation, many would die along the way— either from thirst, heatstroke, or in the hungering jaws of wandering monsters. More tragic still, the migration would not be complete before the invasion of Aeuto— the Teus were lucky to have escaped, as they had waited til the last possible moment so that they could ensure the safety of their comrades before their own. Though several Teus perished in their escape, regardless. Once established along the Tilou Peninusla, the family would found the government of Ponouli— though they themselves objected when it was suggested they become the nation's first rulers.  
If we were to lead you now, and do our jobs well, then our children— and their children— may find themselves upon the throne simply due to our name. This would create a dynasty of complacent, self-assured rulers who would undoubtedly lead our people astray. But if there is no other option, we will do what we must.
— Ouns Teus
  Unfortunately, their fears would be justified generations later— as the Teus have become Ponouli's sole dynasty, leading the nation through tragedy after tragedy— and a centuries-long campaign upon their southern neighbors which has taken the lives of countless faithful Kyteux, and their families.  

Familial Rule

  Centuries after the nation's inception, the Teus Dynasty continues to rule Ponouli— which has waxed and waned with each new tichan. At current, the nation is ruled by one Youns Teus, an impatient man who cares for little else beyond the long-promised reclamation his his people's homeland. Under his guidance, Ponouli's population has drastically shrunk— as he has thrown army after army at the Zilopnou border to the south.  
If I cannot do what my family has promised for generations— then I am no more than another fool.
— Youns Teus
  He has done so even in the midst of an outbreak— which lead most of the deployed army to die of illness before reaching the battlefield. This is, unfortunately, not a unique era in the history of the nation— many a Teus has used the nation's people for their own egos, gain, or ideals, rather than placing their people's needs first and foremost as their ancestors had once done.

Governing Structure

Today, Ponouli is run entirely by the Teus. Their tichan is always the eldest of the Teus, whose eldest children follow shortly as the nations' governors, whose cousins or other relatives act as leaders of Ponouli's individual settlements. Other family members fill the tichan's court as advisors, financeers, generals, and nobles.  
One family, one rule.
— Teus motto


Due to the believed temporary nature of Ponouli, their cities are not planned— and sprawl out widly like wild willow leaves. Structures are built wherever there is room— though at the very least, certain desirable locations are set aside for the Zytex? church.
Worry not where you build, for we shall not reside here for long.
— An architect

Assets, Industry, & Trade

Ponouli's borders expand across the entire Tilou Peninsula, and end in the south along contested lines with the northern borders of Zilopnou. Their armies continue to shrink in size at current, though they still occupy and maintain a fort at the tip of the peninsula.  

A Fresh Catch

There is one particularly great boon of the Kyteux's new home— an abundance of fish. These can be found both within the Tilou Bay, and within the inland lakes of their territory. What they catch can be used to provide for the nation's people in two ways— by directly feeding them, and as exports, to receive other necessary and luxury goods from elsewhere in the world.  

Willow Wear

The Kyteux make textiles from the bark of willow trees, to them, this is a symbolic act— to foreigners, this is a stylish luxury. As other nations do not yet know how to create these fabrics, Ponouli is the sole exporter of a good that is rising in popularity worldwide.  


While Ponouli does have full-time soldiers and generals— such as those stationed in the fort at the northnern tip of the peninusla— the grand majority of their armies are levied from the able-bodied population as needed. As their attempts to take back their homeland have failed time and time again, they have begun compulsory military training for those who may one day find themselves in their armies. Family members are often placed in the same regiments— as it is believed there is no stronger bond.  
Their spears may pierce our hides, their arrows may pin our feet, yet nothing they do can change the fact— that we are family.
— Common solider's chant

Blessed soldiers

It is believed that some bloodlines are inherently strong.   Soldiers that descend from past military heroes are trained and treated as elite warriors.   It is believed that by treating them as their notable anscestors once were, that these heroes may fight once more through the bodies of their descendents.
  Armor donned for battle is sparse, typically only consisting of iron or bronze plates tied over the abdomen, and occasional arm or leg bracers. Typically a solider will have their family mark their armor in some form before they head to battle. Either they will braid willow leaves into it, scratch their names into its surface, or attach an heirloom— such as a piece from an ancestor's own armor. For weaponry, Ponouli soliders wield barbed spears— not unlike those used to fish, slings loaded with stones or metal balls, and occasional bows.    

Religion & Education


The official faith of Ponouli is Zytex— a faith which focuses primarily on family and one's ancestors— entirely omitting a pantheon of gods. For what force in the world could possibly be stronger than blood?


Education is left to families, many will have their eldest teach their youngest— and when a child nears adulthood, they will learn a trade from a family member familiar with it.

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Author's Notes

Feedback is very much welcome! Whether on the content, or the formatting! Please, point out typos if you spot any!

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Dec 17, 2020 20:46 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

'Weary' should be 'wary' in the second paragraph of the Uprooted section. That's the only typo I noticed though.   I was really proud of the Teleu family, so my heart sank at the fact that they've turned into not great rulers (or at least, ones that care more about the homeland than their people). :(

Dec 17, 2020 21:00 by Grace Gittel Lewis

Thanks for catching that! And yeah, that was the idea! There are dangers in deifying great leaders.

Dec 22, 2020 22:10 by R. Dylon Elder

Well done as per usual, timepool. I did find a little type with a link   "With the The devouring of lliaq" no biggie. I like this alot. I love how their city planning is all over the place simply because "we won't be here long" That's just beautiful. lol you capture the culture so well. It sucks that the teus ended up being poor rulers as time went on, course such is the way with many rulers, I feel. Well done man.

Dec 23, 2020 04:55 by Grace Gittel Lewis

Thank you! Glad it jived, been too long since my last country article.

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