

I thought I was good as a dead man, with my light extinguished. I stumbled my way through that terrible dark which was almost palpable in hopes of retracing my steps towards safety. In my blindness, I fell into a river, and was swept into its depths. When I awoke I was met with a pale, eyeless face.
— A Rektouzk trader
  Tteunor is the oldest Beuttepeun civilization. Built within the dark of Tchaoxlik, there are no lights with which to spy it from the distance. Few outsiders have made contact with them, as the pale, eyeless people which reside within are often mistaken as monsters. This has led to conflicts and a general mistrust of sight-wielding strangers. A devout people, their culture heavily revolves around the Auroullrob faith.  

Unknown Origins

Tteunor— and the Beuttepeun which inhabit it— has only existed for around 150 years. While there are traces of long since past civilizations within Tchaoxlik, none seem to share any artistic themes, stylings, architecture, or even size with the sightless people who inhabit the depths now. The settlements of Tteunor seem almost purposefully built away from those strange, primeval ruins. It is almost as if the Beuttepeun had sprung into being at the behest of some ancient power, rather than any sensible means.  

A split nation

Within the past year, a massive schism has occurred within the subterranean country. Peub Neubo, of the nation's Council of Mothers had heard their deific leader Auroul discussing terrible plans which would lead to the destruction of their race with another councilmember in private. A great evil, she heard, was fast approaching. Something great and terrible which had chased their beloved Auroul, their All-Mother, across the world. This being wanted nothing more than to devour her— and it was closing in on the caverns which they called home.

  The plan was simple. Use the Tteunorians as a shield. A great festival would be held within the capital of Onett, inviting Tteunorians from throughout the nation to celebrate. The ravenous devil wouldn't be able to resist the meal, and as it devoured the innocent people along with the city— Auroul would escape once again. Afterwards, the vast caverns would be sealed off— trapping the evil beast and allowing the All-Mother to finally, truly, live in peace. The councilmember was in complete agreement, perhaps so devout in her worship of Auroul that her life mattered not, or perhaps believing that she would escape with Auroul.

  Whatever the reasoning behind it, Peub couldn't believe that her All-Mother had so little care for her children— and left in anger. She soon brought a a handful of other councilmembers to her side, and together they revealed the terrible news to the whole of the nation. Soon debate struck out in every household. Those who believed strongly in the old ways, and in their All-Mother, were ready and willing to die. Others— especially younger Tteunorians— began to question their long-held beliefs.

  Eventually, Peub declared the city of Nott— which she had presided over for years by that time— and the surrounding settlements to be the new nation of Pottott. The name coming from the Auroullott potto, meaning "children," and ttott, meaning "no more." With this split, a civil war has broken out as Pottott fights for its independence— both with Tteunor, and its own dissenting citizens.  
Our All-Mother has betrayed us, and we must grow— no longer as children— but as adults. Without her.
— Peub Neubo

Governing Structure

Tteunor is a matriarchal society, led at the highest level by Auroul, their beloved All-Mother— though it is not often that she steps in. Laws are determined by an eight-member group known as the Council of Mothers— composed of those who have borne the most children in the nation. Each council member can also act as governor for a city, or town. Below them are various councils of elders— composed of the eldest women within a given area— that preside over smaller, local matters.  


Tteunor is largely built from broken or loose stones arranged atop one another to form domed structures. With these stones masterfully balanced, and often interlocked— these structures are sturdier than one might expect from their feeble appearance. Most buildings consist of three domes; one large central dome, and two smaller domes somewhere along the sides. Arches are common sights, and stalagmites will often grow atop roofs. Furniture is composed of monster bones, hides, and more stones— should it need to be more sturdy, or hold a lot of weight.

  Tteunorian structures can become impressively large if the stacked stones are mixed with the walls of the vast caverns. If one could see in the blackened depths, they could see these impressive domed towers from miles away. Along the borders of each city, are specialized towers with angled walls and open faces, meant to amplify sounds from the distance— acting like giant ears. These enable guards to "see" up to a mile away by enhancing their echolocation.  

Assets, Industry, & Trade

Tteunorian territory, currently, consists of most of Tchaoxlik. Reaching westward until the Hounzet river, and stopping at everything beyond Rott Allen in the east where Pottott lies.

  Anything that needs to be transported is done so over rivers, the sea of Rott Allen— or simply carried off in handcarts, as there are no pack animals within the depths. Roads are difficult to spot without eyesight, though they are often marked with small stacks of stone along their winding paths.  

Subterranean sustenance

Tteunorians cannot simply till vast swathes of fertile land and produce crops without the warmth of the sun. Instead of the traditional methods utilized by most nations above, they must turn to other means. Along the rocky walls of Tchaoxlik's rivers and lakes, Tteunorians farm moss, scraping it from the stone— yet leaving just enough behind to grow back. From the sea of Rott Allen, algae is collected.

  Mushrooms grow well in most areas, and various farms dot the settlements of Tteunor. Families, too, commonly have their own small beds in which to grow mushrooms. The sweet, sugary fettep mushroom is a much-beloved treat. Tteunorians also raise the small— but ferocious— holl within walled-off ranches to aid in their hunts.  

Waste nothing

As monsters are often assailing Tteunorian borders, hunting parties called Bneull are sent out to protect the people. From fallen foes, everything but the meat is collected— as it is believed that monster meat is tainted by their hunger. Should one partake of it, they too will share the slain beast's ravenous appetite. The bones are taken to create weaponry, furniture, and jewelry. Hides are dried and used for armor, and furnishings as well. Teeth, eyes, tails, claws, organs and everything else that remains are taken to alchemists— who in turn create potent brews with which to draw out strength from their hunters and warriors. Some, even, have taken to powerful body-altering potions— taking on physical aspects of beasts slain by their hands in a symbolic show of man's power over nature.  


The Tteunorian military can be levied from any able-bodied males. There are, however, a few permanent forces— especially with the recent civil war. These permanent forces are housed within the Renett fort to the east, occupying Tten to the north, and installed throughout the capital of Onett.

Tteunorian military forces, and hunting parties called Bneull wear leather strips tied around their torsos with sharpened bone stuck through— ensuring that anything foolish enough to get close will be injured. Lower ranking foot soldiers and hunters will wear a single strip diagonally off the shoulder down around the lower back. More accomplished hunters will wear one strap over each shoulder. Commanders will wear another around the hip.

  For weaponry, Tteunorians use the sturdy horns from the bneuptt as dual-wielded rapiers, or thrusting weapons. To keep monsters at a distance, they also fashion whips from treated leather strips— attaching various claws and teeth along their lengths.

  When faced against monsters— or humans— that can see, Tteunorians will wear the reflective hides of the Llibttell or, "light beast" to blind their opponents.

When fighting other Beuttepeun, a unique tactic is adopted— jamming the enemy's echolocation by copying the frequencies of their clicking.

The holl are trained to fight alongside Bneull and military units.    

Falling Behind

Tteunor is still notably farther behind their contemporaries technologically— most importantly— they have yet to discover fire. As they are more of a vegetarian race— this seems to be surprisingly less of an issue. However, this also means they cannot forge armor— and rely on thick hides and bone instead of metal for protection.  


Men are taught by their fathers what they will need to know to live a good life, or trained as Bneull— should they be deemed strong enough by an elder. Women, however, are taught by a local elder— everything from hunting, farming, managing, to ruling is taught over the course of their lives.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
Dwellers, Clickers
Training Level
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities

Skilled hunters

Bneull— hunting parties— protect the nation from the monsters gathering at their borders. Each Bneull typically consists of three to five men, and two holls. There isn't a set leader for each Bneull— with this, they operate as a team.

  Together, they will track monsters through the caverns. Once found, the holl are sent out first— charging at the targeted creature with their sharp tails raised on either side. With the beast confused momentarily, the team runs in with their weapons ready.

  Monsters, of course, do not go down without a fight. While hunters try to keep their distance whenever possible— they cannot rely on the holl to kill the creatures for them due to their small size. They may try and cripple the beasts, but they must close in eventually. Hunter deaths are not uncommon, and are— in fact, somewhat of an expected outcome.

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