King Jon Reed II Character in Pentos | World Anvil
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King Jon Reed II

King Jon II Arthur Reed (a.k.a. The Late King)

King Jon Reed II, King of the East of the Houses in Rebellion. A man who suffered and died before he could see peace achieved and corruption removed. An honourable man.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Before he was dead, Jon was a very healthy man who kept in shape. Even at his age, he was still as strong as ever.

Body Features

Light skin tone, short black hair, missing his left middle finger

Facial Features

Short black beard, green eyes, small faded scar on his left cheek

Special abilities

Deathbane's secret power

Apparel & Accessories

He wears the noble garb of a Lord Paramount and the armor of a King

Specialized Equipment

He wielded the two Gazzarite Steel blades in House Reed's possession: Deathbane and Peacebinder

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Jon Reed, second of his name, was born to Reginald Reed and Barpholomet Reed (Sand). He grew up in SwampsShore in luxury. House Reed held a high position in the Fourteen Kingdoms under House Renly and King Richard Renly because of their history.    Jon spent his childhood among the Rich and Nobility of the Reedlands, although he often found it closed off and wanted to see the other side of SwampsShore. Like all Nobility in the Reedlands, he was enrolled into the Virtue Academy. He excelled in his Combat studies and had a decent level in Leadership. However, Jon did have a stutter something that severely hampered his natural charisma and if it continued his future as Lord Paramount.   Jon was sent to the Court Physician to see if he could do anything about the stutter, but it wasn't a medical problem. It was more of a Mental issue. Jon went under therapy to remove his stutter and after years of counselling and practice managed to remove the stutter.   His cousin, Norvil Reed - Son of Constantine - spent a lot of time around Swampshore as well and they grew to be close friends. Norvil was different to Jon and spent more time with Books rather than swords. Norvil was more dedicated in worship of The Old Gods, while Jon did it because he had to. But instead of finding it weird, Jon found it intriguing and decided to study a common education alongside his special Lordship studies at the Academy. He learned more than most nobility and found it enlightening.    Jon's brother, Dickon Reed was always a better fighter and dreamed of being a knight or a member of The kings guard. This started a bit of a rivalry between the two sons of Reginald as they always found themselves in fights trying to prove one of them was a better fighter than the other. This rivalry escalated throughout their lives, and they never truly reconciled their differences.    Reginald Reed died of a terrible illness and left Jon as Lord Paramount of the Reedlands. He immediately got to work establishing friendship with King Richard Renly. He sent a letter establishing his new position to Richard and suggested in a sign of good faith that Dickon Reed should become a member of the Kingsguard. This was not Jon being kind to his brother, it was more to do with their rivalry. Dickon had married Yennefer Ironborn but Jon was always infatuated with her and they were secretly in a relationship. Yennefer's marriage was arranged by Reginald shortly before his passing and he was unaware of the amorous connection with Jon. Jon despised Dickon for this and hated it even more when they had a child - Terrence. Sending Dickon off to the Kngsguard meant that he could marry Yennefer and Dickon would be out of the picture.   Sadly, Yennefer would die during child birth, delivering Yara Reed. Jon went into mourning after her death and some say never truly recovered.   Jon's next marriage was more one of business than love. He married Meera Snow. They had three children, Jacken Reed, Vera Reed and Ramsay Reed.   Ramsay was unexpected and some Old God prophets believed that the child will bring the end times upon all of Pentos. They were correct in assuming the child would cause chaos, he was diagnosed with insanity when he was four. When Ramsay was six he burned down most of the Valour District in outer Swampshore.    The rest of Jon's reign was in relative peace like it had been in the Reedlands for three centuries. Until the events at Kings Keep. King Richard Renly had asked for emissaries from every Royal House. Jon, wanting him out of his hair, sent Ramsay Reed to Kings Keep in his stead. This proved disastrous. Ramsay insulted the King and suffered for it. But he did alongside his "Friends" found out that Richard Renly had evil planned. But Ramsay was about to show him true evil.    Ramsay reluctantly sent a Raven to Jon in Swampshore warning about the plans of Richard Renly which made all Houses that attended Kings Keep call for a meeting at Isenhold. The meeting discussed what should be done with this horrible information, with assistance from Gazza they decided to form a rebellion against the King and elected Jon to be their ruler. He was named King in the East of the Houses in Rebellion.   Shortly after the meeting, a purple cloud gathered over pentos. It didn't take long to discover that Ramsay Reed and his "friends" (Ramsay and Co.) had released Pure evil back into the world. They had escaped to the The Island of Aglonby and seeked asylum with the The Mages of Aglonby. Ramsay found a fascination with the Purple Orb and like most people would. Broke it. Murdering some mages along the way. He and Duncan Sand released literal evil into the world. Ramsay then consumed it (further details at Ramsay Reed).   Jacken Reed died shortly after the incident, being posiened, the culprit was never found but it's often theorized that it was a member of House Mormont. The death shocked Jon, and took a heavy blow to his health. He believed that House Reed might be nearing it's end.                                                                                                                                                              Jon elected Craster Stone as his first Hand of the King, a decision the Rebellion would regret. To skip time, Craster basically controlled the Rebellion from the shadows until he was forced out of the position and replaced by Peter Sand who served as Hand instead.   (SKIPPING WAR FIGHTS FOR TIME)   Jon Reed sadly died at the Warhaven Camp after a band mercenaries raided it at nightfall. He gave a valiant defense but unfortunately died. Unable to see the Rebellion end. Vera Reed was left in charge of the Rebellion but abdicated after it threatened the stability of House Reed




Excelled in Leadership studies and Combat at the Virtue Academy in SwampsShore. Unlike other rulers of the Reedlands who also studied a basic education alongside his nobility studies. During his time at the Academy, he helped reform some of the education to be more inclusive so Nobility would learn more about normal topics.


N/A He is a Royal, they don't do jobs like some sort of commoner.

Accomplishments & Achievements

He was voted as the first elected King in the East of the Houses in Rebellion. He was found worthy of Deathbane and Peacebinder.

Failures & Embarrassments

His eldest son, Ramsay Reed was not the best child in the world and is certainly an embarrassment to the entire Reed name. Failing to recognise the corrupt ways of Craster Stone earlier.

Mental Trauma

Learning that Ramsay and Co. had released all Evil back into the world. The death of Jacken Reed.

Intellectual Characteristics

He was a smart man, given his general education at the Virtue Academy. He was a strategist and generally knowledgeable

Morality & Philosophy

He wants to do the best he can for the Reed people, and is bound by the Honor that has defined House Reed since it's founding.


Some say that King Jon was someone with dark plans, who wanted to make House Reed the most powerful House in Pentos. But, these are superstitions and have no factual evidence.

Personality Characteristics


Win the Rebellion and return House Reed to prosperity.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: His Children, Hunting, Dueling   Dislikes: Craster Stone, King Richard Renly

Virtues & Personality perks

He was a very Honorable man who deserves a monument to his memory. Although he had his moments of deviancy, he was mostly a good and decent man.

Vices & Personality flaws

He wanted to be known, obsessed with the importance of his family.


Family Ties

He married Yennefer Ironborn, Ex-Wife of his brother Dickon but she unfortunately died during Child Birth having Yara Mormont (Reed). After her death, he married Meera Snow and had his other children. His mother belonged to House Sand, Bapholomet Sand.

Religious Views

He supported freedom of worship in the Reedlands. Distrustful of The faith of the seven. He personally worshiped, like most Reeds, The Old Gods.

Hobbies & Pets

He helped take care of Jacken Reed's dog Dorritahh, even though Jacken promised he wouldn't have to.   He had a strong friendship with his horse who he called Seth, after the famous ancient Reed King Seth 'The Fortifier'.   He was a big fan of writing and history. He famously wrote the book on the recent history of House Reed and the book "A Retrospective on the MacReeds Divergence".


When he was young he had a stutter which was thought to have harmed his future as King. But, luckily, he got over it and managed to live without it. However, on certain occasions, it has returned especially when he was stressed or panicked.


King Jon Reed II


Towards Meera Reed

Meera Reed


Towards King Jon Reed II

King Jon Reed II


Towards Dickon Reed


Dickon Reed


Towards King Jon Reed II


Wealth & Financial state

A Large treasury that varied from 400g to 1500g during his lifetime
Lawful Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
King in the East, Lord Paramount of the Reedlands, Lord of Swampshore, the Late King
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Date of Birth
2nd of April
1417 ACE 1472 ACE 55 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Heir to SwampsShore
Circumstances of Death
Murdered by bands on the snow pass between Loch Harbinger and Jon
Meera Reed (spouse)
Dickon Reed (Brother)
Short black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
162 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I have a sense of oncoming doom"
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Pentosi, Old Crannogman
Ruled Locations
Character Prototype
Angory Tom


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