Interviews By Question in Palimpsest | World Anvil

Interviews By Question

Are you a morning person, or more of a night owl?
Appears in: Owl.
What’s the first thing you notice about a person when you meet them?
Appears in: All-Seeing Eye.
You see a huge spider in your room, what do you do?
Appears in: Spider.
If you could go back and change one decision you made in the past, what would you change?
Appears in: History of Palimpsest.
Tell me about your first kiss.
Appears in: Noble Marriage.
Do you give people second chances?
Appears in: Whisper Vote.
Are you a cat person or a dog person?
Appears in: Cat, Dog.
Do you think you’re attractive?
Appears in: Satine's Tiara.
What’s your worst habit?
Appears in: Drugs of Palimpsest, The Prince in Saffron.
When was the last time you cried?
Appears in: The Orphan Maker, Widowrage.
Are you a good liar?
Appears in: The Thief.
What’s your biggest pet peeve?
Appears in: Termagant, the Iron Sultan(a).
Have you ever had your heart broken?
Appears in: Conscript Hodge, the Walking Wounded.
Are you more likely to use your fists or your words in an argument?
Appears in: Military of Palimpsest.
What’s something you’re naturally good at?
Appears in: The Tailor.
What’s something you had to work hard to be good at?
Appears in: The Tinker.
Can you tell when someone is flirting with you?
Appears in: Yvette the Courtesan.
Do you think money can buy happiness?
Appears in: Finance of Palimpsest.
Do you believe in destiny?
Appears in: Palimpsest Tarot.
Are you a good cook?
Appears in: Culinary Arts.
What do you think happens after you die?
Appears in: Garden Beyond the Stars.
Did you have to grow up fast?
Appears in: Tybalt, the Prince of Orphans.
Who do you look up to?
Appears in: The Starry Sky.
When you go to a tavern, what do you order?
Appears in: Drinks.
What do you like most about yourself?
Appears in: Salsabil.
What do you like least about yourself?
Appears in: Alnar.
Do you want kids someday?
Appears in: Prince's Wards.
Are you a planner or more spontaneous?
Appears in: The Beggar Man.
Can you keep a secret?
Appears in: Court Rumours.
Do you like being the centre of attention?
Appears in Silver Apple.
If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, what would you do today?
Appears in: Wandering Moon.
Do you enjoy getting all dressed up for a special occasion?
Appears in: Textile Arts.
Where do you feel safe?
Appears in: The Briarpatch, The Prince's Playground.
Do you love or hate being alone?
Appears in: Survivor Stars.
What’s the last nightmare you remember having?
Appears in: The Thing In the Downstairs Room.
Do you admit to mistakes when you make them?
Appears in: Panopticon, the Eyes and Arms.
Do you want to grow up to be like your parents?
Appears in: The Poor Man.
How do you deal with being sick? Are you stoic or super whiney?
Appears in: Medicine of Palimpsest.
What did your parents expect from you when you were born?
Appears in: The Plan.
Do you have a strong sense of style?
Appears in: Church of the Tailor.
Would you rather camp outdoors or stay the night in an inn?
Appears in: Structures of Palimpsest.
Is there a food that most people like but you absolutely hate?
Appears in: Food.
Are you more of a hoarder or a minimalist?
Appears in: The Rich Man.
Are you superstitious?
Appears in: Known Heresies Catalogued for Record.
Are you the kind of person who remembers people’s birthdays and pet’s names and stuff?
Appears in: Calendar of Palimpsest.
What do you do to feel better when you’re sad?
Appears in: Whirling-In-Rags, the Queen of the Sea.
Is it hard for you to trust someone?
Appears in: Worgoth, the Wolf at the Door.
Are you susceptible to peer pressure?
Appears in: Peerage of the Second Court.
If you decided to stop adventuring and settle down, what kind of job would you take?
Appears in: Professions/Classes of Palimpsest.
As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Appears in: Professions/Classes of Palimpsest.