Upper Prime Settlement in P'Ache | World Anvil

Upper Prime

"I may not be an Upperian, but please understand that Upper Prime is very much my spiritual home. I have owned a house in this fair city since I became Head of Integrity, and have been spending four or five days here every year since.   It is the city of my heart, and always will be."  
— Extract from Travels Through My System: An Exploration of P'Ache Solar System
by Peacekeeper V'Kly  


The majority of the citizens who own residences within Upper Prime fall within the following demographics.
Demographic Percentage in Upper Prime*
Works for The Alliance
Over 50 years old
* It should be noted that numbers were accurate at time of writing (13 Three 4748 PT).
  That being said, there are, of course, people of other walks of life who call Upper Prime home.  
Approximately 10% of Upperians identify as a heritage from one of the other planets within P'Ache Solar System. Most are of Majoran or Minoran descent, with only 1.13% being Macran.   The remaining 9% are from ethnicities which find their roots in other systems within Peacekeeper Territories. The largest proportion of these are from The Primary Territories, with only a handful of them being from ethnicities which hail from further afield.
The majority of those who do not work for The Alliance, find their work in maintaining the city. This is everything from technicians all the way up to merchants and those who work in the tourist industry.   4.21% of Upperians classify themselves as unemployed. As there is no support for those unable to work, these people are likely either homemakers or criminals.
There is also a tendency among Peacekeepers to spend some of their formative years off planet. This tends to happen between the age of twenty and forty. As a result, approximately 23% of Upperians are under the age of twenty, and are likely still living in the family home.
While there are more women than men on P'Ache Prime, the same is not true of Upper Prime. This is partly because those living in the more exclusive parts of the city likely own multiple residences, one in the capital and at least one elsewhere on the planet for their family. It is more traditional that women live in these other residences.


Upper Prime is governed by a group of three Peacekeepers who report into a representative for P'Ache Prime who in turn reports into P'Ache Command, the government for the solar system. They govern in that they represent the wants of Upper Prime, but they don't have any control over the laws and long-term decisions made about the city.   These representatives manage the day-to-day running of the capital, and are also effectively the judges for any criminal cases within the city. Not all criminal cases make it to court, and a lot are decided without the need for a judge present.


There are multiple districts under the mantle which are where the majority of people within Upper Prime live. These areas are referred to as the Mantle Districts and have ranging levels of exclusivity. In the centre of the Mantle is the First Contact Scraper, which is where the majority of business, retail and recreation occur.  

The Mantle Districts

There are six residential areas of Upper Prime within the Mantle, which are known as The Mantle Districts. The space inside the Mantle is split into three different major levels, and residents are classified based on whether they are closer to the edge or closer to the interior.
High Edge
The most prestigious area, for the elite of the elite.  
High Interior
The second most prestigious area, for the elite.  
Middle Edge
Mostly owned by elite who work on Space Station One.
Middle Interior
Mostly owned by upper management who work on SS1.  
Standard Edge
Mostly owned by aspirational Peacekeepers  
Standard Interior
Considered the "old town", and where a lot of the working class people live.
  Unfortunately, there are people who can't afford or don't have the status to own a dwelling beneath the mantle. This district is known as the Colony of Crystals.  

Colony of Crystals

The Colony of Crystals sits outside the Mantle of Upper Prime which puts it in the path of the many storms which scour the planet's surface. Because of this, the majority of the colony is underground, built into the abandoned mines from before the planet achieved space flight.   When the first Macrans relocated from P'Ache Micro, there wasn't space for them in the city itself, so they made a home in these mining tunnels, and that has been the habit ever since. As a result, the Colony of Crystals is the most ethnically diverse area of the capital
  NOTE: In recent years, there have been an increasing number of inexplicable anomalies in and around the area of the Colony of Crystals. These include people disappearing and reappearing several weeks later with no knowledge that time has passed.



Early Age
-6000PT to -3500PT   War Age
-3500PT to -2000PT   Industrial Age
-2000PT to -800PT   Space Age
-800PT to -500PT   Expansion Age
-500PT to 1PT
  Upper Prime is one of the oldest cities on P'Ache Prime, with evidence found to date it as far back as the Early Age.   It wasn't until the beginning of the Industrial Age that Upper Prime, then known as Udrarvia, really came into its own. There was a healthy cache of crystals beneath area the city now occupies and these were fundemental in some of the development and later technologies. Industry grew up around this cache, and by the time the crystals had run out, the capital was established.   By the beginning of the Space Age, the sky scrapers and the mantle were built, and the city was renamed as Upper Prime.

Points of interest

There are multiple points of interest within Upper Prime, as the capital of P'Ache Prime which is the heart of Peacekeeper Alliance. A few of these are listed below.  

First Contact Scraper

The First Contact Scraper is an enormous sky scraper which sits in the middle of the Mantle, its peak actually sitting outside the dome. It is the center for retail, recreation and business within the capital.   The name comes from the fact that the spire itself was where the first signal was successfully sent to P'Ache Minor. This was from the end of the Expansion Age when the spire was residential. The scientist who designed the technology lived in the spire and used the point at the top to extend the signal.   Now, the spire has been rebuilt multiple times, and, for the most part, is the playground of the elite. Some business is conducted here, and there are courts here too, but most of the space is given over to recreation and retail.

Breakthrough Lab

Breakthrough Lab has been the birthplace of a lot of the developments which the Peacekeepers are known for. This is where the development of Space Station One took place, and before the facilities were added to the Space Station, this was the heart of the Peacekeeper Efficiency Pillar.   It is still active today, and is where a lot of the experiments which are too dangerous to take place on the SS1 are located. In the last two centuries, that has included the development of an A.I. which the Peacekeepers are hoping to be able to use to further streamline their progression.   The Breakthrough Lab is also home of the servers which hold all of the data for the entire Peacekeeper Territories. As such, areas of it are carefully guarded and require high level security to access.

Shining Light Port

The Space Port in Upper Prime is known as the Shining Light Port, a name it fulfils both metaphorically and in actuality. The light from the port can be seen from space, and many a captain have breathed a sign of relief at the sight of it. It is also by far the most advanced space port in the Peacekeeper Territories. There has been a fair amount of experimentation to allow it to get to this point, some of which have been described as reckless, particularly the people of the Colony of Crystals for whom it is situated far to close to home for comfort.


"If you ever get the chance to visit P'Ache Prime, it is very lightly that you will land in Shining Light Port and end up staying in or near the First Contact Scraper. As well you should, it is well worth a visit.   The range of foods from across the galaxy are exquisite, far better than on the planets they are from. Trust me, I have travelled the Territories, and these Primian chefs take the original dish and elevate them past anything anyone else is capable of.   And then, of course, there's the low gravity zone. I am blushing just thinking about it. This one time, there was a particularly lovely young Macran woman..."  
— Extract from Travels Through My System: An Exploration of P'Ache Solar System
by Peacekeeper V'Kly  
  Tourists visiting the P'Ache Solar System will almost definitely make a stop at P'Ache Prime. And if they land on P'Ache Prime there is a 84% chance they will land in Upper Prime. There is certainly plenty to keep a tourist entertained.   Most tourists will take the opportunity to do a "storm walk" - a supervised trip out of the city through the regular storms which torment the planet surface. Visits to the First Contact Scraper and the various delights that are on offer are also common among those tourists who can afford it.   For those who can't afford the deignts of the Scraper, there are tours of the old Crystal mines (although these are considered somewhat distastful by the Primians, and an easy way to part a fool from their credits).

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Culture Peacekeeper, Pachian
Locations P'Ache Prime, P'Ache Solar System, Peacekeeper Territories
Organisations P'Ache Prime Media Outlets, Peacekeeper Alliance
Founding Date
-7431 PT
7.413 million
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ethnicity | Jun 13, 2024
Peacekeeper Alliance
Organization | Jun 12, 2024


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Jan 11, 2024 16:13 by K.S. Bishoff

Well done! I can see this settlement without the need for a map!

Come vist my worlds
Jan 11, 2024 20:44 by Elspeth

Thank you so much! That's such a lovely compliment! <3