Lathander Character in Not Forgotten Realms | World Anvil


Утренний Лорд Вдохновенный Рассвет, Розово-золотой Бог
Латандер - бог весны, рождения и обновления, божество зачатия, здоровья, молодости и самосовер-шенствования. Он бог не солнца, но рассвета, кото¬рый представляется началом нового дня, полного новых возможностей.  
Латандер - бог начинаний. Люди часто возносят ему свои молитвы, прежде чем начать какое-то дело или отправиться в путь. Имя Латандера поминают, заключая союзы и основывая предприятия и ком¬пании. Это привело к повышенной его популярно¬сти среди купечества, от чего его церковь не мало выиграла.     Восходящее солнце - его символ, а розовый, зо¬лотой и фиалковый - его цвета. Храмы и святыни Латандера выполняют различные функции, как муниципальные, так и частные. В таких местах проходят церемонии бракосочетаний на рассвете, оглашаются начала гражданских проектов, и даже принимаются роды, когда такое возможно, для того, чтобы ребёнок родился «под счастливой звездой».  
  Последователи Латандера приветствуют основа¬ние новых поселений и рост цивилизации, пока это обеспечивает всех потенциалом для успеха. Они презирают нежить, видя в ней искажение есте¬ственного порядка и отрицание новшеств, так как нежить цепляется за своё старое существование, вместо того, чтобы двигаться далее.     Лорд Утра Великое божество   Символ: Восход солнца, сложенный из розовых, красных и желтых драгоценных камней Домашний план: Дом Природы Мировоззрение: Нейтральное добро   Сфера: Атлетика, рождение, творческий потенциал, рассвет, возобновление, само-совершенствование, весна, живучесть, юность   Прихожане: Аристократы, художники, атлеты, торговцы, монахи (Солнечная Душа), молодежь Мировоззрения клериков: СО, ЬО, N0   Домены: Добро, Благородство, Защита, Возобновление, Сила, Солнце Одобренное оружие: "Говорящий с Р ассветом" (легкая или тяжелая булава)   Всякий раз, когда люди предпринимают новую поездку, заключают контракт или начинают политические или романтичные отношения, скорее всего они шепчут молитву Латандеру (лах-тан-дер, \ah-than-der), божеству рассвета, возобновления и живучести. Хотя он - один из старейших членов фаэрунского пантеона, Лорд Утра тем не менее сохраняет радостный оптимизм юнца, делающий его совершенным символом начинания. Готовый получить поражение сегодня, чтобы сосредоточиться на победе завтра, Латандер проповедует доктрину действенных добрых дел и постоянной девальвации традиций и нравов общества. Он также торопит разрушение нежити, которую рассматривает как мерзкое искажение, дразнящее созидание и истинную жизнь.   Критики предполагают, что агрессивный альтруизм Латандера часто пересекает путь его здравому смыслу. Его тщеславие и энтузиазм заставляют обесцениваться последствия его действий: он просто надеется на лучшее и бросается на проблему, независимо от вариантов. Этот недостаток его характера яснее всего проявился при Рассветном Катаклизме, катастрофе, уступающей лишь Времени Неприятностей, во время которой Латандер попытался изменить весь пантеон по своему образу и подобию и этим вызвал большую божественную борьбу. Его окончательный провал окончился уничтожением нескольких божеств и мощных аутсайдеров, привел к краху полдюжины теократий и предвестил падение Миф Драннора.   Несмотря на неудачи в отдаленном прошлом, вера Латандера и сегодня остается чрезвычайно популярной и мощной, особенно среди идеалистической молодой знати (хотя редко - среди их родителей). Они утверждают, что Лорд Утра лично попросил их заботиться о делах меньших, словно сам случай благородного их рождения предоставил им предписание служить смертными представителями Латандера. Для многих молодых аристократов уход в латандеризм - последнее восстание перед принятием обязанностей знати. Однако те, кто имеет более истинное сердце, остаются в церкви и часто отступают от глубоких различий в своем сообществе. Обыватели ценят это, что делает Лорда Утра популярным среди всех социальных классов.   Клерики Латандера молятся на рассвете. Большинство святых служб также проводится в те часы, когда свет солнца прорезает горизонт, вторичные сборы проходят при высоком солнце и на закате. Церемонии радостны, но достойны и характерны пением, подношениями и ритуалом питья колодезной воды, которой коснулся свет рассвета. Утром Разгара Лета и по утрам весеннего и осеннего равноденствий латандерские клерики исполняют Песнь Рассвета, популярную и сложную музыкальную церемонию, привлекающую к соборам Лорда Утра даже не-прихожан. Законные клерики часто мультиклассируют как паладины.  


  Дружелюбное поведение Латандера делает его почти столь же популярным среди других божеств, как и среди смертных Торила. Однако, божества обычно имеют более долгую память, чем их последователи; многие ценят призывы Латандера к действию и его альтруистические напыщенные речи, но стараются не дать ему нанести слишком много урона статус-кво. Он хорошо уживается с другими идеалистическими божествами типа Эльдат и Ллииры или с таковыми типа Льюру и Сиаморф, предпочитающих сосредотачиваться в жизни на радостном и добром. Командование Лорда Утра творческим потенциалом обеспечивает ему дружественные контакты с Огмой, Милилом и Гондом, а его неустрашимая ненависть к нежити сделала его легким союзником Келемвора. Чонти, похоже, ценит его жизнерадостность больше, чем любой другой член фаэрунского пантеона, возможно, потому, что это радует ее древнюю душу. Она и Латандер полагают, что их судьбы переплетаются, и хотя за столетия их роман периодически исчезал и вновь вспыхивал, они, кажется, всегда возвращаются друг к другу.   Латандер несколько наивно считает злых божеств типа Бэйна, Цирика, Ловиатар и Талоса лично ответственными за большинство бед Торила. Особенно он ненавидит Шар, которую рассматривает как вечную силу развращения, грязный рак в сердце всех темных интриг против него и его церкви. Латандер полагает, что Рассветный Катаклизм произошел потому, что шпионы Леди Потери тайно исказили его усилия, и он разрабатывает планы для гарантии того, что этого не случится вновь.   Хелм недолюбливает Лорда Утра еще с Рассветного Катаклизма, когда Латандер косвенно послужил причиной уничтожения Мурдан, меньшего божества резона и прагматизма. Без сомнения, Бдительный был бы огорчен, узнав, что Латандер начиная со Времени Неприятностей работал над несколькими заклинательствами и махинациями, столь давно вызвавшими эту катастрофу. Огма, Чонти и Ллиира знают о планах Латандера, но пока помалкивают. С возвращением Бэйна многие из прогрессивных божеств полагают, что следует предпринять прямые действия для уничтожения зла раз и навсегда, и никакие непреднамеренные последствия планов Латандера не могут угрожать миру настолько же, как желание просто стоять и ничего не делать. Догма: Стремитесь всегда помогать, способствовать новой надежде, новым идеям и новому процветанию всего человечества и его союзников. Священная обязанность - способствовать новому росту, питать поднимающееся и работать для возрождения и возобновления. Совершенствуйтесь сами и будьте плодородны и разумом, и телом. Везде, где Вы идете, сейте в умах семена надежды, новых идей и планов на розовое будущее. Наблюдайте каждый восход солнца. Рассматривайте последствия ваших действий, чтобы минимальные ваши усилия могли дать величайшую и лучшую награду. Избегайте негативности, поскольку из смерти приходит жизнь, и всегда будет новое утро, чтобы обернуть задержку в успех. Придавайте больше важности действиям, которые помогают другим, чем строгой приверженности правилам, ритуалам и диктату ваших старших.  

Духовенство и храмы

  Клерики Латандера - обычно кипучие утописты, "утренний народ" во всех смыслах фразы. Они поощряют социальный, культурный и политический прогресс как предвестников личной свободы, артистического самовыражения и гармонии рас. Клерики Латандера поддерживают спортивные и артистические соревнования для выделения талантов сообщества, и они часто финансируют возвращение утерянных сокровищ или важных символов, чтобы дать народу надежду и поощрить дальнейшие добрые дела. Принципы латандеризма проповедуют уважение к товарищам и естественному миру и нетерпимость ко злу или тем, кто невольно помогает злу пассивным бездействием. Воинственные последователи стоят в авангарде усилий по очистке цивилизованных земель от вредных тварей или производят счистку заразы нежити с лица мира. Мощные члены церкви защищают свои общины от пагубных экстрапланарных сил, действуя как экзорсисты или убийцы извергов. Церковь не признает никакой центральной власти; главе любого храма предоставли повсюду отдают равное уважение. Клерики называют друг друга Несущими Рассвет. Показушные соборы Латандера, с их избытком скульптур и безвкусными витражами, отражают великое богатство ордена. Все храмы включают массовый зал, который стоит в восточном направлении, позволяя конгрегации наблюдать первые лучи поднимающегося солнца. В переполненных или окруженных стенами городах храмы строятся в высоту, и церемонии проводятся на третьем или даже четвертом этаже строения. Когда такое строительство невозможно, солнечные лучи передает сложный ряд зеркал. Латандерианская архитектура находится во власти сложных фонтанов, часто стекающих в мелкие рвы святой воды по всему храмовому комплеку. В пределах последнего года самые доверенные служители Латандера получили сообщение о секретном плане их божества. Несущие рассвет говорят о таинственном случае, известном как Избавление, который будет иметь важные последствия для мира, особенно для тех, кто противостоит латандерианской вере. Никто из смертных не знает деталей Избавления, но старания Лорда Утра играть все более активную роль в делах Торила наполняет его и так легковозбудимых прихожан почти тревожным ликованием. Они начали агрессивные усилия по обращению в веру, чтобы поощрить других присоединиться к своей церкви, пока не стало слишком поздно.     Lathander The holy symbol of Lathander Title The Morninglord Deity LevelGreater Deity Portfolio Athletics Birth Creativity Dawn Renewal Self-perfection Spring Vitality Youth Lathander (lag-THAN-der) is the enthusiastic god of new beginnings. Whenever one embarks on a new journey, enters a contract, or starts a political or romantic relationship, chances are good that they whisper a prayer to Lathander. Though he is among the oldest of the Faerunian pantheon, the Morninglord nonetheless retains the optimism of youth that makes him the perfect symbol of beginnings. Ever willing to pass over the defeat of today to focus on the victories of tomorrow, Lathander preaches a doctrine of proactive good works and constant reevaluation of society’s traditions and mores. He also urges the destruction of undead, which he views as a vile corruption that mocks creation and true life. He has since the Spellplague revealed to be Amaunator transformed..   Worshipers Novices in the Lathanderian faith are called the Awakened while clerics are known as Dawnbringers. The full priests take a new name in his service when they are ready to signify that Lathander has personally recognized and accepted them. This new name can either be used instead of their old name or simply used only when addressing other Dawnbringers and when in solitary prayer. Other titles include (in ascending order): Dawngreeter, Dawnlord, High Dawnlord and Dawnmaster while an elite cleric is referred to as a Morninglord. All followers are required to be of neutral to good alignment. All of Lathander’s clergy respect art, liberty, nature and culture, promote betterment of oneself and strive to bring hope to their followers and others. Many of these followers work in various creative arts. They are intolerant of evil, especially undead and inaction that causes evil to prosper. Most ceremonies of Lathander are held at dawn and actions and contracts agreed to at sunrise are said to be blessed by him. Funerals, among his followers, are held at dusk, and followed by a wake that lasts until dawn.   Some followers of Lathander insist that he is in fact the reincarnation of Amaunator, the Netherese god of the sun. Others take this heresy further, claiming that he will take up the mantle of the lawful neutral Amaunator again, and that the transformation from deity of the morning to sun god is imminent.   Orders Order Of The Aster A small restricted order of paladins and fighters sponsored by the Church of Lathander Order of the Sun Soul A monastic Brotherhood with links to Sune and Selune as well Lathander Lathander, the Morninglord   Relationships Lathander and Chauntea had been romantically connected for centuries, and saw each other as kindred spirits. His allies included Gond, Tymora, Tyr, Torm, Ilmater, Sune, Selune, Oghma, Kelemvor, and Mielikki. His foes are Cyric, Talos, and Shar. Helm held a great deal of resentment for Lathander, as the latter indirectly caused the death of Helm’s lover, Murdane.   History Lathander was the central figure in the Dawn Cataclysm, an ill-fated attempt by the Morninglord to reshape the Faerunian pantheon in his own image. Several deities were killed in the events that followed, including the goddess Murdane, a death for which Helm never forgave Lathander. The Morninglord believed that his efforts went so wrong because of the interference of agents of Shar, and secretly began working on a second attempt at reforming the pantheon.   At some point between the Time of Troubles and the end of the Spellplague, Lathander disappeared and was replaced by the resurrected Amaunator, presumably confirming the truth of the theory that the two were one and the same. Moreover, the formerly-lawful neutral Amaunator had apparently inherited the goodness of Lathander, as he was now lawful good. Dogma Strive always to aid, to foster new hope, new ideas, and new prosperity for all humankind and its allies. Perfect thyself, and guard ever against pride, for it is a sacred duty to foster new growth, nurture growing things, and work for rebirth and renewal. Be fertile in mind and in body. Consider always the consequences of thine actions so that the least effort may bring the greatest and best reward. Wherever you go, sow seeds of plants, tend the growing things you find, and plant seeds of hope, new ideas, and plans for a rosy future in the minds of all. Whenever possible, see each dawn.   Lathander English EDIT   SHARE   A depiction of the Morninglord. Lathander (Greater deity) Basic information Title(s) Morninglord[1][2][3][4][5][6][7] Commander of Creativity[2][3] Inspiration's Dawn[7] The Rose-and-Gold God[7] Bringer of the Dawn Lord of Birth and Renewal Patron to Spring and Eternal Youth Mentor of Self-Perfection[8] Aspects/Aliases Amaunator Pantheon Faerûnian pantheon Gender Masculine 5e 3e 2e 1e 5th Edition Statistics[9][7] Alignment Neutral good Symbol Road traveling into a sunrise Portfolio Dawn, renewal Domains Life, Light Worshipers Merchants, travelers Channel Divinity Preserve life Radiance of the dawn Lathander (pronounced: /lɑːˈθɑːndɛr/ lah-THAN-der[6][10]), whose title was The Morninglord, was a deity of creativity, dawn, renewal, birth, athletics, spring, self-perfection, vitality and youth. He favored those who dispelled the undead and blessed those who planted new life. Lathander was also the god called upon to bless birth and fertility related ceremonies.[citation needed] Some saw him as the neutral good aspect of Amaunator[18] but the two were considered separate deities again after the Second Sundering.[19]   Contents[hide] History Relationships Worshipers Temples Orders Prophets Favored sayings Appendix Gallery Notes Appearances References Connections HistoryEdit Lathander was the central figure in the Dawn Cataclysm, an ill-fated attempt by the Morninglord to reshape the Faerûnian pantheon in his own image. Several deities were killed in the events that followed, including the goddess Murdane, a death for which Helm never forgave Lathander. The Morninglord believed that his efforts went so wrong because of the interference of agents of Shar, and secretly began working on a second attempt at reforming the pantheon.[20]   In 916 DR,[21] Lathander, enraged with the unchanging, tyrannical, undead-centric philosophy of the Cult of the Dragon, sent an avatar to Cormanthyr to personally do battle with Sammaster during a Harper raid. He destroyed Sammaster but was wounded in the battle.[22]   In 1345 DR, Lathander's worshipers, along with those of Selûne, Shar, and Tempus were involved in religious unrest, culminating in the Night of Temple Fires.[23]   In 1358 DR, Lathander met the Heroes of Waterdeep after they restored one of his sacred statues in Myth Drannor, and requested them to rid his temple there of the Dark God and he offered them help in their quest. In the event that the adventurers recovered the Morning Light, he bestowed them the magic sword Dhauzimmer.[8]   At some point between the Time of Troubles and the end of the Spellplague, Lathander disappeared and was replaced by the resurrected Amaunator, presumably confirming the truth of the theory that the two were one and the same. Moreover, the formerly lawful neutral Amaunator had apparently inherited the goodness of Lathander, as he became lawful good.[citation needed]   Lathander, however, returned during the events of Second Sundering in 1486 DR, thanks to the effort of his Chosen and prophet Stedd Whitehorn.[24] However, by the year 1491 DR, Amaunator and Lathander were once again worshiped as separate beings.[25] It is unknown if they were actually separate beings by this time or if Lathander was simply granting spells to the followers of Amaunator.[speculation]   RelationshipsEdit Lathander and Chauntea had been romantically connected for centuries, and saw each other as kindred spirits. His allies included Gond, Tymora, Tyr, Torm, Ilmater, Sune, Selûne, Oghma, Kelemvor, and Mielikki. His foes were Cyric, Talos, and Shar. Helm held a great deal of resentment for Lathander, as the latter indirectly caused the death of Helm's lover, Murdane.[20]   WorshipersEdit Lathander symbol The holy symbol of Lathander.   Lathander Symbol-5e The holy symbol on a flag.   Novices in the Lathanderian faith were called the Awakened, while clerics were known as Dawnbringers. The full priests took a new name in his service when they were ready to signify that Lathander personally recognized and accepted them. This new name could either be used instead of their old name or simply used only when addressing other Dawnbringers and when in solitary prayer. Other titles included (in ascending order): Dawngreeter, Dawnlord, High Dawnlord, and Dawnmaster, while an elite cleric was referred to as a Morninglord. All followers were required to be of neutral to good alignment.[citation needed]   All of Lathander's clergy respected art, liberty, nature, and culture; promoted betterment of oneself; and strove to bring hope to their followers and others. Many of these followers worked in various creative arts. They were intolerant of evil, especially undead and inaction that caused evil to prosper. Most ceremonies of Lathander were held at dawn and actions and contracts agreed to at sunrise were said to be blessed by him. Funerals, among his followers, were held at dusk, and followed by a wake that lasted until dawn.[citation needed]   Some followers of Lathander insisted that he was in fact the reincarnation of Amaunator, the Netherese god of the sun. Others took this heresy further, claiming that he would take up the mantle of the lawful neutral Amaunator again, and that the transformation from deity of the morning to sun god was imminent.[citation needed]   TemplesEdit Eveningstar: In 1372 DR, there was a large temple located in Eveningstar.[26] Lathander's Light: In Dagger Falls, the temple of Lathander there was rebuilt in 1372 DR after the Zhents burnt it down during their occupation of Daggerdale.[27] Spires of the Morning: A grand temple to Lathander in Waterdeep at the northern spur of Mount Waterdeep.[28] Morninglow Tower: The largest temple in Daggerford, it shared the hill with the ducal castle and was directly supported by the duke.[29] Rhyester's Matins: This major temple in Silverymoon had a ceiling and wall made of glassteel.[30][31] Temple of Lathander in Myth Drannor: In 1358 DR, the Heroes of Waterdeep came to liberate the temple from the Dark God.[8] Song of the Morning: In 1368 DR, there was a major temple to Lathander in Beregost, dominating the town.[32] OrdersEdit Order Of The Aster: A small restricted order of paladins and fighters sponsored by the Church of Lathander.[citation needed] Order of the Sun Soul: A monastic Brotherhood with links to Sune and Selûne as well.[27] ProphetsEdit Rhyester of Silverymoon[33] Favored sayingsEdit "From death, life."[16] "There is always another dawn."[16] "In the dawn, beauty reigns, and the way is clearer."[16]   -137 DR [Year of Blooded Sunsets] The paladin Gen Soleilon of Lathander leads a company that destroys the vampire Orlak "the Night King" and is crowned the new king of Westgate. Gen becomes known as "the Radiant King". » 808 DR [Year of the Crescent Moon] The Zealot Fires The temple of Shar, Sharess, and Ibrandul in Calimport are destroyed by zealous Lathanderian priests. » 916 DR [Year of the Sinhala] The Harpers arrange an ambush of Sammaster and his Cult of the Dragon entourage as they travel to visit two green dragons just outside the tiny village of Hap in Battledale. Despite their efforts, Sammaster and his followers proved too powerful, until an avatar of Lathander appears and seemingly obliterates Sammaster. » 998 DR [Year of Much Iron] War Lord Lauroun establishes a naval guard to protect the city and its trading partners. Construction begins on fortifying the harbor and Deepwatch Isle. A temple and monastery to Lathander breaks ground far to the north of the city (at the present site of the Spires of the Morning). » 1101 DR [Year of the Maelstrom] The Spires of the Morning, the abbey and temple to Lathander in Waterdeep becomes part of the city as the walls expand to accommodate more settlers. (The perimeter approximates the current paths of Trader's Way and Andamaar's Street). The plateau north of the city is all irrigated farmland. » 1146 DR [Year of the Tardy Guests] The Tome of the Morning is revealed by Brother Quitherus Ardabad, an elderly underpriest when Lathanderian lay adventurers come to the Sunrise Spires temple located on the north bank of the RIver Chionthar several days travel upstream from Baldur's Gate looking for aid. The First Prior of the monastery reacts with shock and fury to learn that a holy relic of Lathander could be in his monastery without his knowledge. Lathander himself manifests in support of the elderly underpriest.   The adventurers, The Rose-Red Shield, leaves the monastery with the elderly Quitherus in tow.   The First Prior is later found dead, blasted to ashes before his own alter. The four surviving Holy Priors of the monastery conclude (after much prayer and divination) that the First had turned so far from the faith as to challenge Lathander and compel the god to return the Tome back to the temple. »   1152 DR [Year of the Portentous Wave] Brother Quitherus Ardabad, priest of Lathander and possessor of The Tome of the Morning dies to the rigors of travel and battle in Velen. During his travels with the Rose-Red Shield company, he uses the Tome to good use, saving the lives of various members many times. He even attracts four fellow priests of Lathander to join the Shields. At his death, the four priests engage in a bitter struggle for supremacy. One of the priests dies, a second is cast out. The two remaining priests, Lithconter and Voraux, come to a truce, and jointly wields the Tome with the Shields up and down the Sword Coast. » 1168 DR [Year of the Leering Orc] The members of the Rose-Red Shield company begins to grow tires of dodging all the enemies they had made. Matters come to a head in this year when their leader, Daranthas Pelodir, the "Sword of Lathander" is lured into a trap by brigands and slain by their leader, a beholder. The surviving Shields hurl themselves recklessly into a hunt for revenge, and by the time the beholder is slain, only Lithconter, Voraux, and a half-elf mageling, Verendra Tathtar are left alive. The three decide the the Shields should vanish, and they end up in the village of Broken Blade, a now forested hamlet west of Eversult. Verendra would sometimes pose as the wife of Lithconter, and sometimes as the bride of Voraux.   In the years to follow, the half-elf would out live the Lathanderian priests, and the mage would live out alone in the woods, except for the occasional visit from Harpers. »   1221 DR [Year of the Frozen Flower] The half-elf mage Verendra Tathtar dies. The Tome of the Morning is not found in her home in the woods. Only a note scratched into the front door, "Lathanderians, seek your book where the Morninglord walked twice". Only senior clergy of the faith knew of the lore, a certain mountaintop in the Orsraun Mountains north of Turmish. One priest acts on his knowledge and brings the Tome in triumph to a Lathanderian temple in Arrabar in the fall of this year.   There, an ambitious young priest by the name of Tethtor Kandrath reminds the priests that the god wanted the Tome to be out in the hands of the people, and so volunteers to take it. The high priests reluctantly agrees, and Tethtor begins to travel and spread the word of Lathander's faith. »   1222 DR [Year of the Horn] Tethtor Kandrath, possessor of The Tome of the Morning, is found headless amid the trampled ruins of his campsite near Samra. The Tome is gone. » 1260 DR [Year of the Broken Blade] Lathander appears to certain of his clergy, commanding them to build a temple in ruined Myth Drannor, and giving them the Dawnstone for their alter. These clergy form a special order, the Seekers of the Dawn, and found the Dawnspire in the ruins. » 1304 DR [Year of the Stag] The black dragon, Aglistralarraghautha and her brood terrorizes the many farms in the Reddansyr area and Aglistralarraghautha herself tears open a warehouse near Teziir, which was owned by Maeran Faerlin, a rising merchant of Westgate. Maeran declares war on the dragons, and asks for donations from the dragons victims for his "dragon hunt". He hires a trio of mages, a band of archers and a minor priest of Lathander, Alion Narithryn. They are known as the Hunting Hands. Maeran trusts The Tome of the Morning into Alion's hands and has him cast the dragonbane spell. The Hands were successful in slaying Aglistralarraghautha and all but one of her brood, but at the cost of all the Hands, save Alion and many farmers. Although Alion was heralded as a dragonslayer, he silently returned to his home in Westgate.   Less than a month later, a high-ranking Lathanderian priestess appears to him and commands him to go to Reth, where a irresponsible noble merchant had let his pet blue dragon hatchling escape. Alion takes the Tome and presumably ends the threat to the Vilhon, as he, the dragon and the Tome vanish from the notice of historians. »   1345 DR [Year of the Saddle] Night of the Templefall Fires consume the Spires of the Morning (temple to Lathander and Waterdeep's oldest temple) and the House of Heroes (temple to Tempus) in early winter (the church is Shar is suspected due to the religious strife between these churches). Both temples are rebuilt within the next year. » 1346 DR [Year of the Bloodbird] A burning, yet untouched Tome of the Morning is seen carried down the Streets of Waterdeep in the summer of this year. A local Lathanderian sees the book and reports it to the local temple. A message is found seared into the gates of the Spires of the Morning temple: "To all who love Lathander, seek the book that burned bright this night and yet was not consumed. Far from here, where men and caravans pass by the frozen Warrior King, however hard he rides". Abrith Greilslake, a visiting adventurer from Cormyr, unravels the riddle to refer to the statue of King Dhalmass in Arabel and hastens there. He finds the Tome strapped to the shoulders of the statue and claims it. However, he is forced into hiding in the Stonelands as Cormyrean officials lay claim to the Tome since it was found on crown property. Cormyrean hunting parties give chase, but run into Zhentarim bands, who also were seeking the Tome. The fate of Abrith and the Tome is unknown. »   1368 DR [Year of the Banner] The Fellowship of the Purple Staff is founded in The Dragon Coast region by a group of like minded priests of Chauntea, Helm, and Selune who united to settle the area of the Gulthmere Forest and the other lands north of Turmish into a more civilized land they would call the "Holy Realm". They are soon after bolstered by the local faithful of Lathander and Sune. »   Iyachtu Xvim, godson of Bane, attempts to deceive Lathander into rejoining Tymora and Beshaba back into Tyche. The kender Emilio Haversack is gated to Sigil. He joins Joel, the Rebel Bard, and his companions in thwarting Xvim's plans. »   1370 DR [Year of the Tankard] Following his mother's death, Daelegoth Orndeir inherits her position as archbishop of The Dragon Coast and high priest of the Temple of the Morn. Long welcome at the Temple of the Morn, Brothers of the Glorious Sun soon assumes most of the leadership positions within the Church of Lathander in the region. » 1374 DR [Year of Lightning Storms] Midwinter Daelegoth completes the development of his first epic spell, Amaunator's eternal sun. » Alturiak 17 Daelegoth leads an elite company of the Brotherhood of the Eternal Sun in a surprise attack against an encampment of shades exploring the ruined city of Karse in the depths of the High Forest. At the same time, House Dlardrageth also attacks the Shades. The shades suffer severe casualties, and Prince Brennus Tanthul is gravely injured and forced to flee. » Ches 28 Edicts issued in the name of High Radiance Durneth Seafarer, at the Tower of the Morning in Telpir (a large port town located at the northwestern end of the Guthmere Forest) are perceived among the Morninglord's faithful as giving credence to the teachings of the Risen Sun heresy. » Tarsakh 16 Daelegoth's research leads him to conclude that the Shard of the Sun, a holy relic of Amaunator, lies within Hulrundrar's horde. Daelegoth leads a bold assault on the Smokespire, (the westernmost peak of that arm of the Troll Mountains that shelter the upland forest of Amn north of Eshpurta). The Smokespire is one of the lairs of Balagos "the Flying Flame", who captured it in turn from the old red dragon Hulrundrar. Although Balagos is not present during the raid, Daelegoth and his followers defeat the Flying Flame's defenses and servitor dragons left behind to guard the Smokespire and recovers the Shard of the Sun. » Tarsakh 19 The leaders of three leading churches of the Morninglord, High Radiance Ghentilara of Waterdeep, High Morninglord Chansobal Dreen of Marsember, and High Morninglord Ombital Duskroon of Ordulin meet in secret at Morningmist Hall in Marsember to discuss Daelegoth and the Risen Sun heresy. » Mirtul 5 Word reaches Daelegoth of the secret meeting in Marsember between High Radiance Ghentilara, High Morninglord Chansobal Dreen, and High Morninglord Ombital Duskroon. » Mirtul 6 Daelegoth performs a public miricle atop Temple Hill in Elversult, requesting that Amaunator (Lathander) spare the city and the surrounding farmlands from the effects of the melting of the High Ice in far-off Anauroch. Over the course of the next month, word spreads along the Trade Road of bountiful fields, abundant rainfall, and perfect weather. New converts flock to the Church of Lathander and the Tower of the Morning. » Mirtul 6 House Dlardrageth's legion destroy the Morninglord's temple in Myth Drannor, killing most of the clerics, although a few escape through a portal. » Kythorn 19 Daelegoth preaches that he has seen a vision of an eternal sun rising high above the land, heralding the rebirth of Amaunator. The service is interrupted by an attack by three princes of Shade, but Daelegoth and his followers drive them off, despite significant casualties. In the wake of the attack, Daelegoth requests and receives a second miracle, healing all the wounded and raising most of the dead. » Flamerule 12 The three high priests of the Marsember Conclave (High Radiance Ghentilara, High Morninglord Chansobal Dreen, and High Morninglord Ombital Duskroon) issue an edict reiterating that the teachings espoused by Daelegoth are heresy and that he risks excommunication from the faith. » Flamerule 14 Righteous Brother Hronkil Elgresson Waterdeep openly endorses Daelegoth and urges the Order of the Sun Soul to proclaim its belief in the Risen Sun heresy. » Flamerule 21 Emissaries from the temple of the Morninglord in Waterdeep, Marsember, and Ordulin (sent by High Radiance Ghentilara, High Morninglord Chansobal Dreen and High Morninglord Ombital Duskroon respectively) attempt to meet with Daelegoth in Elversult but are rebuffed when they refuse to acknowledge imminent ascension of Amaunator. » Midsummer Daelegoth successfully casts Amaunator's eternal sun, which brings forth a second sun that never sets over the city of Eversult. Word quickly spreads across Faerun, and would-be converts begin showing up at the doors of the Morninglord's temples, seeking to convert to the "church of Amaunator". » Midsummer Daela (of the Band of Falling Waters) is observed clad in a halo of white fire. Rumors spread that she is blessed of the Morninglord, Lathander and that her vision of a new kingdom is blessed by the gods. » Eleasis 6 The leaders of the Marsember Conclave (High Radiance Ghentilara, High Morninglord Chansobal Dreen, and High Morninglord Ombital Duskroon) announce their intent to "further study" Daelegoth's teachings. Behind the scenes, the leaders of the faith are hesitant to act, seeking a sign from the Morninglord about whether or not there is some truth behind the Risen Sun heresy. In the meantime, converts continue to flock to the Church of Amaunator in Elversult. » 1385 DR [Year of Blue Fire] Deneir writes himself into the Weave via the Metatext in an attempt to stabilize it and causes him to pass away from known existence. Lathander, Tyr, and Sune imprison Cyric in the Supreme Throne for 1000 years.   The World Tree is destroyed.   Lathander reveals himself to be Amaunator in the weeks just after the Spellplauge.   Priests of Hanali Celanil open a portal to Arvandor near Evereska, and learn that their deity exists in Arvandor only as an avatar of Sune.   Shar turns the Plane of Shadow into the Shadowfell. This event along with the effects of the Spellplague causes the prison of Shadraxil to weaken. The shadow dragon petitions Shar for assistance in escaping in return for his service. Shar agrees and sends her servants to the town of Winterhaven to prepare to free him. They are defeated after many years of excavations and preparations by adventurers. »   1486 DR [Year of the Nether Mountain Scrolls] The fleet of Turmish engages with the pirate fleet of Umberlee's chosen, Evendur Highcastle, emerging victorious thanks in part to Anton Marivaldi and Umara Ankhlab. Harpers free the Chosen captives of Netheril from their prison in the Lost Peaks, including Stedd Whitehorn, the chosen of Lathander.   Stedd Whitehorn heals Lady Cindermoon of her mental degradation, thereby revitalizing the Emerald Enclave. »   1487 DR [Year of the Rune Lords Triumphant] The Sundering comes to an end during this time. It sees the return of the following gods: Mystra Helm Mask Lathander Bhaal Eilistraee Vhaeraun Lathander   Title • The Morninglord Deity Level Greater Deity Portfolio • Athletics • Birth • Creativity • Dawn • Renewal • Self-perfection • Spring • Vitality • Youth Lathander (lag-THAN-der) is the enthusiastic god of new beginnings. Whenever one embarks on a new journey, enters a contract, or starts a political or romantic relationship, chances are good that they whisper a prayer to Lathander. Though he is among the oldest of the Faerunian pantheon, the Morninglord nonetheless retains the optimism of youth that makes him the perfect symbol of beginnings. Ever willing to pass over the defeat of today to focus on the victories of tomorrow, Lathander preaches a doctrine of proactive good works and constant reevaluation of society’s traditions and mores. He also urges the destruction of undead, which he views as a vile corruption that mocks creation and true life. He has since the Spellplague revealed to be Amaunator transformed.. Worshipers Novices in the Lathanderian faith are called the Awakened while clerics are known as Dawnbringers. The full priests take a new name in his service when they are ready to signify that Lathander has personally recognized and accepted them. This new name can either be used instead of their old name or simply used only when addressing other Dawnbringers and when in solitary prayer. Other titles include (in ascending order): Dawngreeter, Dawnlord, High Dawnlord and Dawnmaster while an elite cleric is referred to as a Morninglord. All followers are required to be of neutral to good alignment. All of Lathander’s clergy respect art, liberty, nature and culture, promote betterment of oneself and strive to bring hope to their followers and others. Many of these followers work in various creative arts. They are intolerant of evil, especially undead and inaction that causes evil to prosper. Most ceremonies of Lathander are held at dawn and actions and contracts agreed to at sunrise are said to be blessed by him. Funerals, among his followers, are held at dusk, and followed by a wake that lasts until dawn. Some followers of Lathander insist that he is in fact the reincarnation of Amaunator, the Netherese god of the sun. Others take this heresy further, claiming that he will take up the mantle of the lawful neutral Amaunator again, and that the transformation from deity of the morning to sun god is imminent. Orders • Order Of The Aster • A small restricted order of paladins and fighters sponsored by the Church of LathanderOrder of the Sun Soul • A monastic Brotherhood with links to Sune and Selune as well
Lathander, the Morninglord  
Relationships Lathander and Chauntea had been romantically connected for centuries, and saw each other as kindred spirits. His allies included Gond, Tymora, Tyr, Torm, Ilmater, Sune, Selune, Oghma, Kelemvor, and Mielikki. His foes are Cyric, Talos, and Shar. Helm held a great deal of resentment for Lathander, as the latter indirectly caused the death of Helm’s lover, Murdane. History Lathander was the central figure in the Dawn Cataclysm, an ill-fated attempt by the Morninglord to reshape the Faerunian pantheon in his own image. Several deities were killed in the events that followed, including the goddess Murdane, a death for which Helm never forgave Lathander. The Morninglord believed that his efforts went so wrong because of the interference of agents of Shar, and secretly began working on a second attempt at reforming the pantheon. At some point between the Time of Troubles and the end of the Spellplague, Lathander disappeared and was replaced by the resurrected Amaunator, presumably confirming the truth of the theory that the two were one and the same. Moreover, the formerly-lawful neutral Amaunator had apparently inherited the goodness of Lathander, as he was now lawful good. Dogma Strive always to aid, to foster new hope, new ideas, and new prosperity for all humankind and its allies. Perfect thyself, and guard ever against pride, for it is a sacred duty to foster new growth, nurture growing things, and work for rebirth and renewal. Be fertile in mind and in body. Consider always the consequences of thine actions so that the least effort may bring the greatest and best reward. Wherever you go, sow seeds of plants, tend the growing things you find, and plant seeds of hope, new ideas, and plans for a rosy future in the minds of all. Whenever possible, see each dawn.   Lanthandarites in Eveningstar and what you might find in and about The House of the Morning if you poke about enough First of all: the clergy of the temple leave tending sheep and goats to the citizen farmers of Eveningstar, and confine themselves to growing herbs and vegetables, making "physics" and "cordials" (medicines), and doctoring. They make steady amounts by the sale of bulk vegetables (including wares stored under straw in shallow caves they've dug in the cliff face to the west of the stream valley) to passing caravan merchants (the locals, of course, grow their own), and make the main Temple Income from the selling of bottled sauces and jarred preserved herbs, plus some of the aforementioned medicinal cordials (they blow their own glass bottles, BTW). The temple maintains "offices" of prayer (somewhat akin to a real-world Benedictine monastery) around the clock, and much of the daily work of the temple is farming, by hand, in the fields, and by visiting the people of Eveningstar and wayfarers stopping at local inns (in the Knights' time, the Lonesome Tankard). These visitations are to help, advise, and encourage new ventures, inventions, and innovations both large and small among the general populace. The basement of the temple consists of low-ceiling cellars full of kegs of ale (the main drink of the clergy; this is watered-down ale, more "treated water" than "stuff to get drunk on"), hanging meat (the clergy have their own smokehouse on the west side of the mouth of the stream gorge), and stored root vegetables, plus the "underkitchens" where pickling occurs, vegetables are chopped and boiled, and so on (spit roasting occurs outdoors, even in severe winter weather). The upstairs of the temple consists of several "cells" (quiet rooms) for solitary prayer and contemplation (farthest from those stairs), three large dormitory rooms (two-decker bunk beds for the clergy to sleep in), a row of garderobes and a bathroom (meaning: room with copper sit-baths; water is pumped by hand from cisterns), several meeting rooms, and then, closest to the stair you had the priests descend, a robing room (cloakroom, with outerwear boots, sandals, Cloaks, hoods, and wintercloaks all stored, with benches for getting dressed and undressed), plus a toolroom and workshop. As for memories...hoo boy; much consultation and doctoring of wounded Knights, an adventuresome interlude involving Torm trying to find a private spot for some hanky-panky with a willing lass but being continually interrupted by oh-so-genuinely-helpful priests, and at least one instance in which the clergy hid a runaway outlaw from Purple Dragons searching for him, because they disagreed with the policing methods. Oh, and Lord Tessaril stood up for them doing so, when it finally got found out. Tessaril and Charisbonde were staunch friends, and worked together covertly quite a bit. (And there is - - correctly - - rumored to be vast wealth hidden in or around the temple, but the individual priests of today haven't the faintest where it is or how to access it, no matter how much they get enchanted or tortured by someone wanting to find it.) The temple coffers are banked in Suzail; they can buy and sell all of Eveningstar several times over, and are rumored (again, correctly, though they won't admit which ones) to have part ownership in several trading costers.  


  NEUTRAL GOOD   Other Names or Titles: Inspiration’s Dawn, Lord of the Dawn, Lord of the Rising Sun, The Commander of Creativity, The Morninglord, The Rose-and-Gold God   Symbol: A sunrise made of rose, red, and yellow gems.   Divine Portfolio: Athletics, birth, creativity, dawn, renewal. self-perfection, Spring, vitality, youth Divine Residence: Morninglory, Eronia (Elysium, 2nd layer)   Divine Allies: Amaunator, Chauntea, Deneir, Eldath, Gond, Horus-Re, Kelemvor, Kossuth, Liira, Lurue, Mielikki, Milil, Oghma, Selune, Sune, Tyr, Torm   Divine Enemies: Bane, Bhaal, Cyric, Ibrandul, Loviatar, Moander (presumed dead), Myrkul, Shar, Talona, Talos   Exarchs: Murdane   Lathander is a god of athletics, birth, creativity, dawn, renewal. self-perfection, spring, vitality, and youth. His faith is widespread among the people living on the surface of Toril. Those who practice the creative arts such as fictional literature, playwriting, sculpting, painting, and dance find comfort in calling on the Commander of Creativity for inspiration in creating new works; engineers, architects, and inventors also pay homage to Lathander for the same reason. Many weddings and birth celebrations will include some form of thanks or platitude to the Morninglord. Farmers give prayers to Lathander along with Chauntea for good harvests when Winter ends and Spring begins.   Lathander is a cheerful, optimistic altruist who gets along well with other deities and helps others in need with great passion and generosity. Some scholars have suggested however that this deity is prone to vanity and overzealousness, sometimes letting his emotions (or perhaps his sense of moral superiority) cloud his judgement; such suggestions have met with fierce argument and the occasional fist from the Morninglord’s faithful. Lathander fiercely promotes causes of good and has a strong hatred of undead; he will readily assist any non-evil god in any battle against malevolent forces, which has earned him a reputation as a meddler, but has earned his church great popularity for being proactive in the realms.   Sometime AFTER THE FALL of ancient Netheril in -339 DR, but before the fall of Myth Drannor in 714 DR, a pivotal series of events known as the Dawn Cataclysm took place. Cities were destroyed, gods were slain, and lands were devastated as a result of circumstances directly and indirectly related to the Dawn Cataclysm. Historians have found too few pieces of documentation to give an exact accounting of what went on, but the prevailing theory is that Lathander set forth in motion a plan to remake the world by reshaping the divine hierarchy itself, with good vastly dominating evil. Despite the Plot ending in failure, the actions taken by the Morninglord reverberated throughout the realms. One of the most noted consequences of the turmoil was the splitting of the goddess Tyche (Lathander’s lover at the time) into the goddesses Tymora and Beshaba, which left Lathander heartbroken as neither goddess retained the love that Tyche held for Lathander.   The Lord of the Dawn was placed on trial by his fellow deities for his actions during the Dawn Cataclysm. Lathander was too grief-stricken and dejected from losing Tyche to properly defend himself, however other gods rose to speak in his defense. It was found that Lathander neither betrayed his portfolio (since he sought to bring about a renewal, despite the overly ambitious scale of it) nor ignored his faithful in the process. It was then that the god of nature, Silvanus, offered to watch over the Rose-and-Gold God so that those leery of a future second attempt at reshaping reality could be quelled in their worries. With the majority in agreement, Lathander’s divine realm was moved to a plane called the House of Nature, where Silvanus and other deities could prevent the Morninglord from overstepping his bounds once again; the case was considered settled with this concession. Afterwards, over the centuries up to the Spellplague, Lathander continued to fulfill his duties as a god as well as he could. A controversial belief known as the Risen Sun Heresy spread among the remaining faithful of Amaunator, who was believed by some scholars to have faded away or perished during the Dawn Cataclysm. The Risen Sun Heresy claimed that Amaunator and Lathander were one and the same, with Lathander being the reincarnation of the Light of Law; the faithful of Amaunator transferred over to the faith of Lathander as a result. Since clerics of Amaunator somehow maintained their ability to pray for magical power and lost none of it in changing their allegiance to Lathander, support was slowly growing for the heresy. With the influx of Amaunator’s faithful combined with the Morninglord’s passionate dedication to his work for bettering the lives of mortals, the Church of Lathander grew vastly large in popularity and his power grew steadily stronger.   At some point during this period between the Dawn Cataclysm and the Spellplague, the Lord of the Rising Sun began to occasionally send strange messages to his clerics about a mysterious “Reckoning” or “Deliverance”, leading some to believe that another Dawn Cataclysm was on the horizon. Lathander’s behavior would reportedly demonstrate odd quirks or mood swings from time to time during this period as well. This strangeness could not be explained until the controversial “Convergence of Suns Theory” [see pages 20-23] emerged in the wake of the Second Sundering.   In 1385 DR, the god of murder Cyric lived up to his portfolio and slew Mystra, goddess of magic; the Weave of magic collapsed without the goddess to maintain it and a wave of blue fire swept both the divine and mortal realms. Many lives were lost and the gods’ domains were tossed into disarray. Lathander joined the deities Sune and Tyr in capturing Cyric, and imprisoning the Prince of Lies in his own realm (“The Supreme Throne”) for a designated period of 1000 years as punishment for murdering Mystra and causing widespread destruction (remembered to this day as the Spellplague).   Not long after Cyric was forced into incarceration, the Morninglord mysteriously vanished, and the god Amaunator surprisingly appeared to all of Lathander’s clergy as the new god of their church. The Risen Sun Heresy that had long been considered a fringe belief became the official doctrine; Amaunator was announced as the new incarnation of Lathander in a cycle of change and rebirth. Almost all of Lathander’s faithful accepted the change, with a few exceptions that migrated to the shelters of other faiths. Amaunator’s unexpected shift towards a bias of good over evil gave further credence to the belief that Amaunator and Lathander had been one and the same all along. A number of theologians surmised that the god had retained the goodness of Lathander from his experience as the Commander of Creativity. Nearly a hundred years later, great confusion spread during the Second Sundering when it was revealed that Amaunator and Lathander were not the same being; the voice of the Rose- and-Gold God had returned to his clergy while Amaunator’s had not faded. Both deities spoke to the leaders of the then amalgamated church and explained that as separate entities, they would soon begin a re-structuring of the church into two separate organizations.   To this day, there is still some confusion but the two gods are tirelessly working to set things right. Amaunator, god of bureaucracy, contracts, law, order, the Sun, and time, was mistaken as Lathander for a long time, and a lack of denial (for some mysterious reason) caused the faithful of both churches to merge as one. In the wake of the Second Sundering and the revelation that the two are separate beings, they have worked together to smoothen the transition for their respective faithful. As such, many of their servants continue to work together as colleagues and comrades, and will likely continue to do so for the foreseeable future. The Morninglord and the Keeper of Law also maintain and protect the Sun together with Horus-Re and Kossuth.   Chauntea, goddess of agriculture, plants cultivated by Humans, farmers, gardeners, and summer, has long been a dear friend of Lathander. When the Morninglord was grieving over losing his lover Tyche, it was the Earthmother herself who helped him through that dark period with her ancient wisdom and compassion. Many songs have been sung by bards of an imagined romance between the two deities, but Lathander’s heart aches for the deceased Tyche still, and Chauntea continues to provide him advice and words of comfort as a friend. When Lathander was placed on trial by the gods for his actions in the Dawn Cataclysm, Chauntea convinced Silvanus to vouch for Lathander and offer to watch over the Rose-and- Gold God. Chauntea may be the one deity who is most privy to Lathander’s secrets and confidence. Deneir, god of glyphs, images, literature, literacy, scribes, pictorial and literary art, and cartography, is an exarch of the god Oghma; Deneir is charged with the preservation and organization of records in the Library of All Knowledge (in Oghma’s domain). The Scribe of Oghma enjoys every new work of innovation that comes his way, with many such works made possible by Lathander’s work as a god of creativity. Deneir will happily assist Lathander in that particular aspect of his work by offering a relevant piece of information from the Library’s archives that could help spark a chosen mortal’s streak of genius (ex. the location of a place of beauty, a missing mathematical concept, the identity of a qualified instructor, the missing ingredient for a delicious food recipe).   Eldath, goddess of quiet places, springs, pools, peace, and waterfalls, is a pacifist, so she won’t go out of her way to fight unless it’s for self-defense. As such, the Green Goddess and her faithful will offer only passive support to Lathander and his church. The Morninglord respects Eldath’s way of life though he himself practices aggressive policies against evil-doers. At times when Lathander needs a peaceful solution to a crisis, Eldath is often the first one that he turns to for counsel after consulting his own aides. Gond, god of artifice, craft, construction, and smithwork, appreciates Lathander’s work in encouraging creativity among mortals, which has helped bring about many awe-inspiring masterpieces of craftsmanship over the ages. The Lord of the Dawn will often seek Gond out for ideas on how to make weapons, armors, and other objects that are useful in combating the undead. The Wonderbringer is all too willing to share his insight and professional expertise on such a matter, since the necessities of the living are what make most innovations of technology possible. Gond otherwise could not care less about Lathander’s meddling in the affairs of gods and mortals alike.   Horus-Re, the Mulhorandi god of the Sun, vengeance, rulership, kings, and life, is a devoted comrade of Lathander when it comes to the protection of life and the destruction of undead. Although the Pharaoh of the Gods feels that the Morninglord is too reckless or too liberal at times, there is a strong bond of friendship born out of a mutual desire for promoting the cause of good. The Master of Vengeance is also one of the gods that works with Lathander to maintain and protect the Sun. Not long after achieving godhood, Kelemvor, god of death and the dead, approached Lathander to form an alliance for eradicating the undead from the lands of their influence. The Commander of Creativity was ecstatic of the proposal, since the previous gods of the dead were practically compliant in abetting the creation of undead abominations. The churches of Kelemvor and Lathander now readily share relevant information and resources in their collective war against the unliving threats that plague the realms. Kossuth, god of elemental fire and purification through fire, cares not for any of Lathander’s exploits in the living realm except for their shared responsibility: the maintenance and protection of the Sun. The Firelord regularly meets with Lathander and the other gods of the Sun as a necessary chore and to comply with a primal accord made long ago. Kossuth will only fight alongside the others if the Sun is in danger, since as part of the contract he agreed to, the territory of the Sun’s physical body belongs to the Lord of Flames and his faithful.   Liira, goddess of joy, happiness, dance, festivals, freedoms, and liberty, considers Lathander to be a kindred spirit. The two of them share a bright optimism and positivity that few other gods could match. The Lady of Joy rarely gets directly involved in any of the Rose-and-Gold God’s battles, but will happily assist him in repairing damage dealt by evil-doers upon the peoples of the realms. As an exarch of Sune, Liira is often sent to Lathander as a messenger, relaying important information or inquiries from the goddess of love.   As a symbol of hope, Lurue, goddess of talking beasts and intelligent nonhumanoid creatures, sends her servants to aid and provide comfort to the needy, which is much in line with Lathander’s altruistic work. The faithful of the Unicorn Queen and the Lord of the Rising Sun occasionally work together on missions of rescue and mercy. Lurue will often tag along with Mielikki when the Forest Queen meets with Lathander, since Lurue is a close friend, confidante, and steed to the goddess of rangers.   Mielikki, goddess of Autumn, dryads, forest creatures, and rangers, is also a meddler when it comes to helping others, but she focuses her efforts on preserving a peaceful balance between civilization and nature, protecting nature from evil and ignorance, and helping those in need in the wilderness. Despite being an exarch of Silvanus, who is almost singularly focused on protecting nature, the Lady of the Forest is given free reign to carry out her duties as she sees fit, and that sometimes involves cooperation with Lathander. Silvanus sees Lathander as a troublemaker whose recklessness has in the past endangered the balance of nature, which is intolerable, but their mutual hatred for the undead keeps them from being at odds. As such, Mielikki is not restricted in fighting alongside Lathander but she is also directed to maintain a watchful eye on the Morninglord as she does so.   As an exarch of Oghma and a god of poetry, song, and eloquence, Milil welcomes Lathander’s work in inspiring creativity. Unlike Deneir, who prefers to spend his time cooped up in the Great Library, the Lord of Song enjoys sending avatars out on adventures, and his travels often find him positioned to assist others in fighting against the evil forces of the realms (though he refrains from direct assistance unless the threat is truly dire). He’ll gladly aid the faithful of Lathander in their efforts to do good, and even more enthusiastically partake in the many festivities that are held on different days of the year in Lathander’s name.   Oghma, god of bards, inspiration, invention, and knowledge, is very fond of Lathander since the Lord of the Dawn also works to encourage the conception of new ideas and concepts. Since the Morninglord has a habit of being overzealous, Oghma will occasionally remind Lathander about placing duty above petty disputes and the responsibility of gods when the fate of their protected worlds hang in the balance. Oghma will only share information with Lathander and never engage in battles, since the Binder wholeheartedly believes that the enlightenment of knowledge is the best path towards obtaining one’s goals rather than potentially messy violence.   Selune, goddess of good/neutral lycanthropes, the Moon, navigation, questers, stars, and wanderers, is Lathander’s strongest ally against Shar, and is just as proactive when it comes to battling against the forces of the Dark Goddess. The Lord of the Rising Sun has earned the respect of the Moonmaiden with his passionate zeal that never dies even in the wake of losses or failures; as such, Selune is a loyal ally in the never-ending war against evil and despair.   Sune, goddess of beauty, love, and passion, was among the three gods who imprisoned the god of murder Cyric as punishment for the murder of Mystra in 1385 DR; Lady Firehair fought courageously alongside Lathander and Tyr to force the Prince of Lies into submission. It was not the first time that the goddess of love and the Commander of Creativity had joined forces in battle, and it would certainly not be the last. Sune’s role in nurturing love and passion matches well with Lathander’s role in nurturing vitality and youth so even when they are not fighting as allies in divine conflicts, their efforts complement each other in the everyday lives of mortals under their guidance and grace.   Few have aided Lathander’s battles against evil with such zeal and enthusiasm as Tyr, god of justice. The Maimed God will readily provide aid to the Morninglord for the sake of smiting down the plots and threats of those who would harm the innocent and the helpless. The two deities share many of the same common foes, so their collaboration is as much born of necessity as it is born of their shared desire to eradicate evil and bring hope to the people of the realms. Of all the gods engaging in battles between good and evil, Tyr and Lathander may be the most obstinate of the lot; this often results in heated arguments between them, but they always resolve their spats amicably with mutual respect for each others’ views.   Torm, god of duty, loyalty, obedience, and paladins, is a reliable comrade against the evil powers. Lathander particularly values the Loyal Fury’s aid against the constant plotting and intrigue of Bane, god of tyranny. Torm has a personal longstanding feud with Bane, which has earned him invaluable insight against the Lord of Darkness. Torm also shares a hatred for Cyric, who represents the very epitome of the depravity and cruelty that the Patron of Paladins has vowed to protect others against. As an exarch of Tyr, Torm will sometimes meet with Lathander as a proxy, offering his own formidable experience as a warrior to discussions on matters of grave importance. Unlike his lord, Torm tends to be more soft-spoken with a calm demeanor, and he tends to approach arguments with the Lord of the Dawn with more logic and reasoning than passion and fury.   Bane, god of strife, hatred, tyranny, and fear, seeks domination of all peoples under the rule of an iron fist; his servants sow seeds of fear and despair, trampling over any that get in their way. The dark future that would result from Bane’s success is the sort of thing that Lathander will resist at all cost. The Black Lord’s penchant for spreading his faith’s influence through both politics and military conquest have made for a difficult, complex foe; the Lord of the Dawn is hard-pressed to formulate strategies that will succeed on multiple fronts in the conflicts between them. Fortunately, Lathander is not alone in this fight, otherwise the Black Hand might very well crush the throat of the Rose-and-Gold God’s church.   Bhaal, god of murder, ritual killings, and assassins, has long been an object of hatred for Lathander, for spreading fear, killing innocents, and raising undead abominations. The Ravager and his followers are disrespectful of the sanctity of life, spilling blood and desecrating corpses as they please. As a protector of life and hope, the Lord of the Dawn will never allow the schemes of Bhaal to go unchallenged. With Cyric currently imprisoned and thus partially incapacitated, the Lord of Murder sees an opportunity to steal the resources of a rival god of murder. Lathander is troubled over whether to let the churches of Bhaal and Cyric clash unabated because if Bhaal successfully absorbs Cyric’s church, it would be almost as terrible as if the two gods of murder fully joined forces to unleash mayhem upon the realms.   Not long after imprisoning Cyric, god of murder, lies, intrigue, deception, and illusion, in the murderous god’s own realm (named The Supreme Throne), Lathander vanished and was replaced by Amaunator until the time of the Second Sundering. When the Morninglord returned, he also resumed his battles against the Prince of Lies despite the latter being trapped by the bindings of three gods. Cyric continues to scheme and communicate with his faithful from his prison, and has placed vengeance upon Lathander, Tyr, and Sune (the gods responsible for the imprisonment) just under his own liberation as the top priority of his church. The servants of Cyric are expected to attack Lathander’s church at any opportunity, so the Lord of the Rising Sun urges his faithful to keep a watchful eye for any potential movements from those that follow the god of murder.   Ibrandul, god of caverns, dungeons, the Underdark, and skulks, is more of a rival of opposing discussion than an actual enemy for the Morninglord. The Lord of the Dry Depths preaches that there is falseness in judging things as good and evil since ethics are determined by subjectivity and preference; this is a stark contrast to Lathander’s strongly ideologic beliefs of what determines good and evil. The faithful of Ibrandul generally provide beneficial services to the communities in which they live so there is no open hostility between the churches of Ibrandul and Lathander, so their conflicts tend to be expressed in the form of public debates and battles of politics. Before the Second Sundering, the evil goddess Shar had subsumed Ibrandul and infected his church with evil factions such as the Shadows of the Night, a conclave network of skulks that raided the surface from underground lairs. After Ibrandul was resurrected, he largely put an end to the more societally destructive activities initiated under Shar’s influence, but not enough to quell Lathander’s suspicion that not all of the Dark Goddess’ corruption has been expunged from the Skulking God’s faith.   Loviatar, goddess of pain, hurt, agony, torment, suffering, and torture, is an aggressive deity who preaches an ideology of what Lathander considers a twisted perversion of justice and enlightenment; the Lord of the Dawn finds such teachings, which glorify horrific activities, wholly unacceptable and has given orders to block the teachings’ spreading wherever they turn up. The Maiden of Pain is also the consort of Bane, making the faithful of her church natural allies of the church of a powerful foe; whenever followers of Bane start causing trouble, the followers of Lathander are also weary of Loviatar’s followers supporting the Banites. The faithful of Loviatar tend to be subtle and insidious in their methods, insinuating themselves especially into the powerful political and financial factions of cities - this makes it difficult for the more transparent organizations of the Rose-and-Gold God to pose a tangible threat for the cultists of the Willing Whip. Moander, god of rotting death, decay, and corruption, was an enemy against whom Lathander held the deepest grudge of all. During the era of the Dawn Cataclysm, the Darkbringer had infected the Morninglord’s lover Tyche with a vile, painful sickness. Tyche’s dear friend Selune, with a heavy heart attempted to put Tyche out of her misery with a powerful beam of light, which had the unexpected effect of splitting Tyche into the goddesses Tymora and Beshaba. Neither of the goddesses retained the same love held by Tyche for Lathander, which broke his heart and drove him to attack Moander at every possible opportunity no matter the risk to self. The Rotting God would actually meet his end later on at the hands of the hero Finder Wyvernspur during the Time of Troubles, at which point it was thought that Moander’s terror was truly over. With the return of many dead gods in the wake of the Second Sundering however, Lathander suspects that either Moander has returned somehow or that the Jawed God’s remaining faithful are somehow close to reviving their master. The intelligence received by Lathander as of late suggests that there have been some troubling movements among the remnants of Moander’s church. Myrkul, god of death, decay, old age, exhaustion, dusk, and Autumn, was confined to an artifact that housed his essence until he was freed during the events of the Second Suffering. This cold, calculating deity was always a difficult foe for Lathander to understand or outwit. Myrkul’s followers spread fear and sickness throughout the land during his time as the Judge of the Dead (until Kelemvor usurped Possession of that authority), all to selfishly increase the number of souls under his reign, which angered Lathander greatly. As of late, the Reaper and his servants have been acting with more caution and prudence in their vile activities, perhaps due to greater scrutiny as Myrkul now plays a new role as a member of the recently formed Court of Souls, in the domain of Kelemvor, god of the dead. Myrkul’s increased secrecy and shift towards more subtle maneuvers has made Lathander far more uneasy about the long term of their conflict. Shar, goddess of caverns, dark, dungeons, forgetfulness, loss, night, secrets, and the Underdark, is among the oldest of the gods, and therefore is one of the most dangerous. Her desire to destroy all things in existence coupled with her love of secrecy makes her one of the few beings that Lathander approaches with extreme caution no matter what. Other gods that let their guards down around the Lady of Loss have been destroyed in her traps and manipulations, and there will likely be others. The Morninglord is at least somewhat aware that Shar made it possible for Cyric to slay Mystra, which brought on the Spellplague, but holds himself back since immediate direct actions could be suicidal. Lathander’s followers on the other hand are directed to readily combat the followers of Shar and cleanse Shar’s influence from the realms wherever they find it. Talona, goddess of disease and poison, directs her followers to spread sickness to all who live, that they might raise her glory in their suffering. As a god of vitality, Lathander looks after the health of mortals, so the Lady of Poison is in direct conflict with the Lord of the Rising Sun. As an exarch of Shar, Talona’s movements and strategies may very well be an extension of her mistress’ will, which makes the Mother of All Plagues an opponent that should not be underestimated.   Talos, the god of storms, destruction, rebellion, conflagration, earthquakes, and vortices, cares not for the weak and the innocent that get trampled upon by his servants, nor the suffering of families from the havoc that he wreaks. Lathander opposes the Destroyer to protect those who would be harmed by such callousness for the welfare of mortals.   Although neither allies nor enemies to Lathander, both Tymora and Beshaba, the goddesses that were born from Tyche’s destruction, seem to have a cold relationship with the Morninglord. It is rumored that there was an incident in the year 1368 DR that caused the two goddesses to view Lathander with wariness and possibly even disdain.  


  Exarchs are deities and demigods that serve other (usually more powerful) deities that protect, rule over and/or provide them with support against their enemies.   MURDANE (LAWFUL NEUTRAL)   During the events of the Dawn Cataclysm, Murdane, goddess of pragmatism and reason, is believed by scholars to have perished as the result of her church being destroyed in the enormous tsunami that destroyed the empire of Jaamdhath in -255 DR. The loss of her followers caused her to fade away as many dead gods have in the history of the realms. Her lover Helm, the god of guardians, protectors, and protection, held Lathander responsible for the death of Murdane, but relaxed his enmity when he discovered Murdane was among the gods resurrected in the Second Sundering, possibly a reward for his trustworthy service to an even higher power.   Since the tsunami that indirectly claimed Murdane’s life was a side effect of Lathander’s schemes during the Dawn Cataclysm, the Morninglord begged for the goddess’ forgiveness. The Voice of Reason agreed to forgive Lathander on the condition that the Lord of the Dawn accept her as an exarch. Murdane explained that given his zealous habits, Lathander would be in need of a calm, collected advisor in his service, to regularly remind him of the dire consequences that can ensue in the heat of recklessness. Lathander could not argue with the undeniable truth laid before him, so he granted Murdane the role and authority of an exarch in his domain.   As the exarch of Lathander, Murdane has been exceedingly efficient in overseeing the reorganization of the petitioner souls in his divine domain (following the revelation that Amaunator and Lathander were wholly separate beings). It is believed that the Thinking Goddess has knowledge of what really happened during what was erroneously thought to be a reincarnation cycle between the Keeper of Law and the Lord of the Dawn. Murdane however remains silent to any inquiries on that matter and will quickly shut down any that dare pester her about it. Murdane’s main duties, aside from advising Lathander with her analytical and reasoning skills, include keeping records of her and Lathander’s faithful in both the living world and the afterlife, as well as gathering intelligence with her currently expanding resources so that the Morninglord is not caught unaware of his enemies’ schemes as he has been in the past.   Murdane EDIT   SHARE Murdane Basic information Power level Dead power Formerly: Lesser deity[1] Died Unknown Influence Portfolio Pragmatism, reason[1] Murdane was a lesser deity of pragmatism and reason.[1]   Contents[hide] Relationships History Appendix Notes References RelationshipsEdit She was the lover of Helm the Watcher, god of guardians.[1]   HistoryEdit During the divine event known as the Dawn Cataclysm, Lathander the Morninglord set into motion events that indirectly led to the death of Murdane.[1] Murdane was drowned in the watery embrace of Umberlee, Queen of the Depths.[2]   This event was linked to the destruction of the empire of Jhaamdath beneath an enormous tsunami in the Year of Furious Waves, –255 DR. However, cause and effect were unclear; whether Jhaamdath's flooding led to or was caused by Murdane's drowning was unknown.[2][note 1]   This caused Helm the Vigilant One to view Lathander with ill will thereafter.[1] AFTERLIFE ELYSIUM Often described as the “most relaxed, restful plane in the multiverse”, Elysium is a vast realm of four layers; each layer of the plane is home to creatures of good and clear conscience, and presents a landscape of breathtaking natural beauty. In artistic depictions, the plane appears as four floating continents arranged vertically from top to bottom, with a large space in between each part. A deep river called Oceanus runs through each continent to the next in succession; it serves as a connective waterway for transportation between the layers. Each layer experiences a standard 24-hour day and night cycle, with bright, sunny days and cool, calm nights. There is never any bad weather, including rain, but every morning a fresh coat of dew appears on the plants of the plane, keeping them moist enough to thrive. Living creatures and petitioner souls alike will never fail to find sustenance from the fruits and vegetables naturally growing in Elysium, as long as they desire it. The environment is however hostile towards undead, even at night, causing such creatures (should they enter Elysium) to continuously burn in the ambient radiance of the plane itself. One of the most notable properties of Elysium (referred to as “travelers’ way” or travelers’ travail”) is that travelers passing through a layer will reach any desired destination within that layer in just hours by simply walking and focusing on the destination in mind. Walking towards a destination on another layer will have the same desired effect, with a longer travel time (it may take up to a full day or two). Traveling to the river Oceanus and then using the waterway is usually the quickest method of traveling between layers. Petitioner souls that enter Elysium appear as they did in life, without any disfigurements, diseases, or defects. Child petitioners seem to “mature” naturally as if alive, until they reach their prime as adults. Adult petitioners are free to appear as aged as they choose to be (but still in the form of adults). There are a number of deities that maintain divine realms within the layers of Elysium; all of them are either gods of great kindness and compassion, or those serving such beings. When crossing from one deity’s realm to another, there may be a gradual shifting of the sky’s appearance, as well as the amount of light in the environment; the landscape otherwise remains unchanged, seamlessly connecting every realm as a consistently shaped world.   ERONIA   The second layer of Elysium is known for its rugged geography, with steep hills, high cliffs, high steppe plateaus. and rocky mountains. Travel on the river Oceanus is most dangerous here due to the deep gorges, grand canyons, surging rapids, and high cascades created by the water’s shaping of surrounding terrain; a bad sharp turn could mean hitting an even sharper cliff face or jutting stone formation, possibly resulting in a violent, capsizing collision.  MORNINGLORY Lathander’s realm in Eronia is located in a spacious, lushly gardened valley noted for its rolling hills, flower fields, and pleasant greenery. The sky over Morninglory is perpetually illuminated by an eternally fixed Sun directly above the city of BrightValley at the center. In the distance from the center, one can see the low-hanging mountains that line the borders of the realm. The entire valley is largely decorated with flowers of ruby, crimson, yellow, and pink. When a flower is picked, a new one immediately grows in its place; picked flowers never wither either, but vanish within hours if discarded. Originally, there were no buildings of any sort in the valley (except for a single grand temple), and the Sun was kept half- revealed from a single side of the realm. The petitioner souls of the faithful had however found comfort in the brightness and civilization of Amaunator’s aesthetic during his time as Lathander’s replacement, so the Morninglord reshaped the domain to suit their hearts’ desires.   BRIGHTVALLEY   The city of BrightValley, located at the center of Morninglory, is a sprawling metropolis of white and gold structures typically consisting of stone, ivory, glass, crystal, gold, and/or marble. Thousands of artists spend their time painting murals upon the walls of the buildings, and new building projects are always underway while maintaining a balance between urban expansion and nature’s preservation. Theaters, workshops, and schools are a common sight on the gold-paved streets. BrightValley hosts one of the most diverse blends of culture and society in the Outer Planes. THE HOUSE OF ROSES Within the central district of BrightValley is Lathander’s personal abode, a great temple known as The House of Roses. It towers above all other buildings in the city, and is by far the most opulently decorated in the realm; there are countless gems, reflective metals, and colored glasses bedecking the walls of the temple, with vast arrays of blooming roses lining every gate and major archway. The House of Roses is built upon a sturdy hill, surrounded by the housing residences of Lathander’s servants; they live in convenient proximity to the Morninglord should their services be needed. Lathander’s exarch Murdane also lives and works in The House of Roses, always busy at work sorting through reports and chasing after the Lord of the Dawn to examine or approve important documents. As part of an accord reached with Amaunator, Lathander maintains a portal here leading to The Palace of the Four Suns within the divine realm of Eternal Sun. The Commander of Creativity uses this portal to attend regular meetings with Amaunator, Horus-Re, and Kossuth, the other stewards of the Sun in the Material Plane of the living world.    DOGMA   These are the tenets that worshippers of Lathander are given to live by. • Strive always to aid, to encourage the birth of hope, ideas, and prosperity in all the peoples of every realm, that they may in turn do the same for others in shared camaraderie. • Always seek the perfection of self, for though such an objective is an endless struggle, the growth and lessons gained along the way are precious and invaluable. • Nurture the growth of the young, for it is the sacred duty of each generation to educate and empower the successors of their legacy. • Never give in to negativity, for where there is a will to continue, there is always a solution to be found just as there is always another morning to rise from failure to success. • Do not let rules and traditions prevent you from performing good deeds for the sake of others, for it is far less regretful to do good in the light of altruism than to do nothing in the shadow of complacency.   CLERGY   The clerics of Lathander, known as morninglords/ morningladies, go out to both the common folk and nobles alike to perform miracles and blessings. They freely provide sustenance, medical care and sanctuaries to the needy, and are often called upon to oversee childbirths and officiate at weddings. The christening of a new ship or building is also a common situation where a morninglord/morninglady might be asked to offer a prayer. Those who are starting a new chapter in life can easily be found in the company of a morninglord/morninglady, seeking advice and words of encouragement. The paladins of Lathander are known as dawnseekers. They roam the realms searching for people in trouble or vile creatures to destroy. They may also be found performing mundane services that are nonetheless important to the lives of everyday folk, such as guarding a mother as she gives birth to a child, or helping to find a family pet after it has gotten lost in the wild. No job is too big or too small for a dawnseeker, a way of living that has earned them a reputation as meddlers just as their deity is known for being. Perhaps as a result of his proactive stance on acts of kindness and generosity, Lathander’s church is widespread throughout the realms (particularly in civilized areas such as towns, villages, and cities) and enjoys one of the largest followings among the Faerunian pantheon. His priests are very popular for their message of hope and goodwill, as well as their tireless efforts towards improving the standards of living for the masses. The greater bulk of the Morninglord’s church is loosely organized with no overarching hierarchy or central authority, but never lacking in willing volunteers and ministers. A few of the sects within the church have however learned valuable lessons from the rigid hierarchy of Amaunator’s faith and are pushing towards a stronger infrastructure that improves order and efficiency in the collective activities of the faithful. Despite the lack of a general hierarchy, the clergy of Lathander do have ranked titles by which they denote levels of experience and achievement. In times of emergency, leadership is deferred to the highest ranked members available. In ascending order, the titles are as follows: Awakened (novice acolyte), Dawnbringer (graduate priest), Dawngreeter, Dawnkeeper, High Dawnkeeper, Dawnmaster, Morning Paragon, Morning Sage, Morning Master, Morning Grandmaster, and Sunrise Elder. Clerics and paladins of Lathander usually pray for their spells at dawn; this symbolizes the faith’s emphasis on renewal and growth. As the sun appears in the sky, new light shines upon the world to usher in new hopes and dreams. As the sun rises, so does the growth of vitality and invention rise to the occasion. The standard daily ritual for the cleric or paladin of Lathander is to pray at dawn for guidance during the day, and again at twilight for the strength to meet the next dawn. The servants of Lathander often follow their morning prayer with a half hour to an hour of physically training their body, even if it takes the form of a simple walk. This exercise is performed as part of a commitment to fostering personal vitality as well as maintaining one’s capability of helping others. Most ceremonies organized by the servants of Lathander, such as marriages, funerals, or contract signings, are held at dawn, to invite a blessing from the Lord of the Rising Sun. Funerals organized by the faithful consist of a solemn, candlelit ceremony called the Going Down. The mourners carry candles in a circle around the deceased while a presiding priest claps, rings a bell, or beats a drum (making sure that all the mourners get a chance to complete at least one circle around the deceased). At the twelfth sound made by the priest, the mourners blow out the flames from their candles. The priest then lights one new candle, speaks words of comfort for the bereaved, then blows out his own candle to conclude the ceremony. This symbolizes the cycle of the sun as it rises at dawn and goes down for the evening, to be later followed by a new dawn; a life has ended its time in the mortal realm and begins anew in the light of the Morninglord (the afterlife). The Going Down is followed by a wake that lasts until dawn, ending in a call for prayers. For obvious reasons, these funerals are not for those planned for resurrection. The priests of Lathander perform a special song on special occasions, Midsummer morning, and on the mornings of the vernal and autumnal equinoxes. This is the Song of Dawn, which praises Lathander and reaffirms the servants’ devotion to the Rose-and-Gold God’s cause. The Song of Dawn is popular for childbirth and child-naming events, as part of wishing for a child’s good health and uninterrupted journey of growth to adulthood. Traditional ceremonial dress is a long-sleeved robe colored in bright shades of yellow, red, and pink, often referred to as a “sun robe”; the robes are typically adorned with decorative patterns of roses. The highest ranked priests of temples often have their sun robes trimmed with ornately crafted gold ribbons. The robe may be accompanied by a sunburst headpiece, worn toward the back of the head to emulate a rising sun. An Awakened (novice acolyte) will have short sleeves on their robe to distinguish them from the full-fledged priests. The highest ranked leaders of a temple or shrine will wear predominantly white robes to denote their responsibilities. Clerics and paladins of Lathander will vary greatly in their preferred methods of approaching problems, but all share the same desire to perform good deeds and fight against evil. During the time of Amaunator’s reign, many protocols and organizational techniques were adopted that are still being used; this has led to many of Lathander’s servants being far more teamwork-oriented than they were before the Morninglord’s disappearance. The lifestyle of a cleric and paladin of Lathander can also vary greatly, since the religious institutions of the Commander of Creativity have amassed great wealth and popularity over the ages. Funding to support quests or organize events will almost never be a problem for all but the most remote temples and shrines. Many of the clerics and paladins pursue education (also well-funded) in a second or even third vocation other than their religious duties, as an exercise of their personal growth; such vocations are usually those that contribute to the arts and sciences, such as architecture, painting, sculpting, cooking, engineering, music, dance, or creative writing.  
  Many blessings of the Morninglord be upon you. Lathander always welcomes the newly awakened. New beginnings are sacred to Him who rises with the sun. Be always awake and ready for new things, open to ideas, and strive to discover that which remains hidden. Awakened, Dawnbringers, and Morninglords alike must greet the morning sun as a returning friend with these words: "Blessed Lathander, the cycle begins anew. With the rising sun a new world lies before us. Let there ever be good and those who seek it. Give me the strength to be the change I wish to see in the world. I shall see it done". This prayer is named by the faithful "Dawn Praise". At the waning of the sun "Dusk Praise" is to be observed: "Blessed Lathander, allow me to contemplate the victories and failures of this day in the light of the waning sun. These will shape me; no one is the same person they were yesterday. May tomorrow bring renewed blessings". Those who follow the light of Lathander must see the good in all things. A positive energy flows through us by His light. It inspires others, banishes shadows, and reveals those things which are shroudedЛатандер (великий бог) Лорд Утра Символ: Восход солнца, сложенный из розовых, красных и желтых драгоценных камней Мировоззрение: Нейтральное добро Сфера: Атлетика, рождение, творческий потенциал, рассвет, возобновление, само-совершенствование, весна живучесть, юность Домены: Добро, Благородство, Защита, Возобновление, Сила, Солнце Одобренное оружие: "Говорящий с Рассветом" (легкая или тяжелая булава) Латандер (лах-тан-дер) - мощное, обильное божество, популярное среди простолюдинов, знати, торговцев и молодежи. Хотя иногда и дающий избыточный энтузиазм и тщеславие, он - оптимистическое божество, благословляющее новые предприятия и уничтожающее нежить своей булавой Говорящий с Рассветом. Латандер - яркая сила, наслаждающаяся делать физические вещи просто ради исполнения их. Обращенные на восток церкви Латандера в общем богаты и не боятся показать это (иногда до уровня безвкусицы). У церкви нет никакой центральной религиозной силы , и глав каждой из церквей уважают о динаково, независимо от их размера. Церковь поощряет преданных строить новое, восстанавливать бесплодные области, способствовать росту на культивированных землях, вытеснять зло и работать для восстановления или вести цивилизации к новым высотам гармонии, искусства и прогресса. Церковь поддерживает спортивные соревнования для продвижения духа единства и товарищества, продвигает искусства через подобные соревнования и финансирует во звращение утерянных изделий. Клерики Латандера молятся на рассвете. Церковь проводит церемонию, называемую Песней Рассвета, утром в Разгар Лета и в равноденствия. При этом ее духовенство и преданные поют соразмерно и противосоразмерно, восхваляя Лорда Утра. Клерики Латандера, как ожидается, будут держаться физически пригодными и будут делать его храмам регулярные подношения из монет, изделий, изобретений или продовольствия. Его законные клерики могут свободно мультиклассировать как паладины. История/отношения: Обычно изображаемый как молодой привлекательный мужчина, Латандер - стар ая сила с длинной историей продвижения созидания, прогресса и новшества. Он выступает против божеств зла, разрушения и смерти. Его союзники включают божеств природы (особенно Чонти), добра, искусства, красоты и изобретений. Традиционно противник божества мертвых, Латандер принял выражение ненависти к нежити Келемвора и не обижается на него . Догма: Стремитесь всегда помогать, способствовать новой надежде, новым идеям и новому процветанию всего человечества и его союзников. Священная обязанность - способствовать новому росту, питать поднимающееся и работать для возрождения и возобновления. Совершенствуйтесь сами и будьте плодородны и разумом, и телом. Везде, где Вы идете, сейте в умах семена надежды, новых идей и планов на розовое будущее. Наблюдайте каждый восход солнца. Рассматривайте последствия ваших действий, чтобы минимальные ваши усилия могли дать величайшую и лучшую награду. Избегайте негативности, поскольку из смерти приходит жизнь, и всегда будет новое утро, чтобы обернуть задержку в успех. Придавайте больше важности действиям, которые помогают другим, чем строгой приверженности правилам, ритуалам и диктату ваших старших. in mystery. We are called by Him to build a better world. We lead through example. We are pioneers, explorers, innovators, and leaders. When faced with fear and darkness, we call to the Morninglord: "Holy Lathander, protect me in my hour of need. Darkness shall never overcome the light; this is as true as the morning sun chasing away the night that lingers. Strengthen me through the light of your word, your deeds, and your thoughts. Holy Lathander, give me strength".  

Святые книги и коды

Holy book of Lathander SUN RISE “It is Dawn, O seeker of light. What is thy first duty?”   “I shall say a prayer to the light”   ***   Prayer to the Dawn   “We welcome you, Morning Lord, and we honor you this day   Celebrating your light, as we partake in our journey once more   Great and powerful, the Sun is your blessing and shows us your loving way   Thank you for your gifts, thank you for your warmth that touches us to the core   Shining down on the land and sea, making things grow and bloom   Your eternal love will always be in our hearts, O Lord of the Sun   We honor you Dawn Lord, for you are the beacon who casts away the gloom   And we devote our days in your holy name, and the darkness we shun.”   “What shall you do second?”   “I shall hold high the Holy Book that the Sun might bless it”   “How shall the Ritual end?”   “I shall reflect on the glory of the Light as it conquers the Dark”   ***   NOON “The Sun is high. Noon is upon us. How shall thee honor the Lord of Light?”   “I shall sing a hymn to Praise Lathander”   Chant of High Noon   1   O Lord of Light, forever in our hearts   Always inspiring us in our arts   Seal our hearts with your blessed sun   O joyous day, when the heavens open   Chorus   Zenith of the Sun   We thank thee for all thou hath done   We raise our palms to this holy star   Hear our chanting from afar   2   O Lord of Light, illuminating the path   Saving us from the darkness beckoning wrath   We carry out your will, Dawn Lord   Your light, your loving ways are forever adored.   Chorus   ***   “How shall you next welcome the zenith of the Sun ?”   “I shall rise my hands to the sun”   “How shall the noontide ritual end?”   “I shall rejoice at the dominance of Light”   ***   DUSK “it is dusk, and as the Darkness moves in, the Evening Ritual must be said to ward off evil. What is the first step?”*   “I will recite the eight tenants of faith”   The eight tenants of faith Watch each sunrise. For each day is a gift. Always aid. Strive always to aid, to foster new hope, new ideas, and new prosperity for all kind and its allies. Nurture life. It is a sacred duty to foster new growth, nurture growing things, and work for rebirth and renewal. Perfect yourself. Be fertile in mind and in body. (research “fertility shakes” and foods) Bring Hope. Wherever you go, plant seeds of hope, new ideas, and plans for a rosy future in the minds of all. Think ahead. Consider the consequences of your actions so that your least effort may bring the greatest and best reward. Avoid negativity. For from death comes life, and there is always another morning to turn a setback into a success. Rules are secondary. Place more importance in activities that help others than in strict adherence to rules, rituals, and the dictates of your seniors. ***   “The Shadows grow longer. What must be done second?”   “I will hold high my children that they might see the Sun”   “How shall the Evening Ritual end?”   “I shall mourn as I watch the Sun give way to the onslaught of night, and greet Seluné, friend and ally of our Morning Lord. For the darkness is no more under her beautiful silver light.”   Lightstone, Dawn’s Light, Sun rays are Holy Symbols   Verse of Dusk Farewell, Illuminated one, until we meet again   We carry the sun in our hearts until then   Give us the strength to carry on   Until the next dawn   We greet your ally the Moonmaiden   Her silver light guides us until then   There is always another dawn   Farewell, precious sun.   ***   Celebrations & Gatherings Spring Equinox – Ches 19 : Priests of Lathander perform the Song of Dawn, and praise the sacred relationship between Chantea and Lathander. The entire day is consecrated to love, living things and planting the seeds for a beautiful future. (Flowers are very important. Roses.)   It is also when weddings are performed for those who have these faiths, if one praises Lathander and the other Chauntea it is custom for them to bond on the the Spring Equinox at high noon. The bride and groom are both crowned with rose and golden grain and light ceremonial clothing. Both priests of the faith must be present to officialise this bond. It is said, that those who wed on this day will have many happy, healthy children and will be blessed by both deities with a long loving life. The marriage must be consummated at dusk for this blessing to occur, and it must be done with the pure hearts and in love.   During this day, those who are in love, have loved, or seek love plant a seed as a symbol of their dedication, their memory or their future to always love and be the best person they can possibly be.   It is known for widows and widowers to go to the grave of their loved on and place a rose bush and speak to their loved ones of happy things that have came to pass.   *   Summer Solstice – Kythorn 20 : Worshipers of Lathander celebrate with a day of prayer, relaxation, and sunbathing. The sun dance and meditation steps are required. During this day, the followers of Lathander dedicate to peace, relaxation and self-worth. It is often a day when the follower bares themselves to the sky, naked and proud. Ceremonial paints and pastes are placed on the body as the follower raises their arms towards the sacred sun and sing the hymn of the Summer Solstice. It is known for preists of Lathander to receive direct instructions from the Lord of Dawn, were it be a prophecy, an order, an answer or even a quest Lathander speaks to those who are worthy.   The Dawngreeters, DawnLords, high Dawnlods, Dawnmasters will gather to the Morninglord on this day and together they pray and on this day Lathander speaks directly to them. It is a day when the order present the new followers and Lathander blesses them through the hands of the Morninglord or Lady.   *   Summertide festival – Flamerule full moon (July) This entire day is dedicated to the summer’s prime and the alliance made with Selûne . The followers of Lathander and Selûne gather to common places, most commonly on top of hills or places of celebration built for this sole purpose.   The day is celebrated as soon as the dawn creeps, feasts are prepared days in advance. During the day games and other fun amusements are done such as pie making, face painting, egg running, art competitions, sports and much more. As the dusk comes, plays and dances commence, the night is dedicated to the arts and the alliance made with Selûne. They feast and praise the alliance, raising their glasses to their wise gods. Great bonfires are made and dances are performed.   It is also when weddings are performed for those who have these faiths, if one praises Lathander and the other Selûne it is custom for them to bond on the Summertide festival at dusk as the moon and sun meet. Silver crowns are worn encrusted with moonstones, white and silver for the Selûne followers, sun stones, gold and red are worn for the Lathander followers.   *   Midsummer merriment – Elesias 1 (August) Midsummer morning, priests of Lathander perform the Song of Dawn, like every day, but it is a day that those of the faith can assemble and pray together, in the consecrated buildings, lands and dedicated places of the faith.   It is custom to have a great feast, this great feast can be prepared up to a month in advance. In Waterdeep, the Morninglady, her High Radiance Ghentilara had the most extravagant feasts, they would be organised and prepared months in advance. Her High Radiance would gather the poor, the homeless, the rich and the modest together, and together they would dine.   It is tradition to have tables surrounding a pole with ribbons, flowers and the ground is decorated with the symbol of Lathander. Children will dance around the pole, ribbons in hand as they sing the joyous tune of Midsummer. Golden and red wines are drunk exceptionally this day (abusing alcohol is shunned upon for followers of the dawn and should be consummated for exceptional happy occasions) tasty berry and honey treats called Morninglord’s Soft spots, are made and consummated.   The feast ends with a prayer at dusk, together all party members join in hand and sing the Verse of Dusk, all while praising Lathander for his radiant glory.   *   Soft Spot recipe: Puff Pastry:   5 cups bread flour 2 ½ teaspoons salt 2 cups water, or as needed 2 cups unsalted butter, at room temperature Topping:   ½ cup melted butter ½ cup Honey ¼ cup finely chopped hazelnuts 1 pint heavy cream 1 teaspoon vanilla 3 cups berries, any combination, washed and dried Pastry directions:   Directions   1. Mix the flour and salt together in a large. Gradually stir in water until the dough holds together enough to clean the sides of the bowl. You may not need the full amount of water. Shape into a flat ball, and allow to rest for at least 10 minutes.   2. On a lightly floured surface, roll out the dough into a large rectangle about ½ inch thick. Butter in the center and fold the two ends over it so that it is completely encased in dough. Roll out the dough again, taking care not to let the butter break through the dough, to about ½ inch thickness. Fold. By this time the butter is starting to warm up. Place the dough on a baking sheet and mark it with two pokes from your finger (two turns). Wrap in cold damp cloth and keep in cool area for least 30 minutes.   3. Repeat this rolling, folding and turning two more times, leave to rest in cool space. Repeat two more times for a total of 6 “turns”.   Topping directions:   1. Cut pastry dough into 12 rectangles and place on a baking sheet about ½-inch apart. Brush each with melted butter.   2. Combine ¼ cup of the sugar with the hazelnuts and sprinkle generously over the surface of each rectangle. Bake for 8 to 10 minutes or until the pastries are deep golden brown. Allow to cool.   3. Meanwhile, whip the cream with the remaining sugar to a light peak. Gently fold the whipped cream and vanilla into the dairy.   For each Soft spot   Place a pastry rectangle on a plate. Top with a generous spoonful of the whipped cream-yogurt mixture. Scatter berries on top of that and place a small dab of whipped cream-yogurt mixture on top of the berries. Place another pastry rectangle on top. Repeat the process for each Soft Spot, finishing with the last pastry rectangle and crowning it with honey.   *   Highharvestide – Eleint 14 (September)   A day when those of every faith celebrate differently, although one element remains the same, they all have a great feast.   Gathers of Lathander help the farmers with their crops, helping them store for the winter.   It was said that children born on this day were favoured by Tymora to have lifelong good luck but be smitten with wanderlust. Another legend was that humanoid females born on this day had control over their reproductive system (i.e., got pregnant only when they wanted to) by force of will alone, and that they could instantly sense when they had been poisoned, either by ingestion or being bitten by a venomous creature for example. It has been known for Lathander to bless women who he deemed fit to raise the greatest heroes of the generation. This blessing however, is rare, but when it occurs, the priestess is the order’s top priority. Herself and the children are under the strict protection of the order.   Rarely, but it has occurred, the Dawnlord blessed someone who did not share the faith or was not a priestess, this caused a rift in the order. The reason being, the one of these rare occurrences, touched by this blessing was a dark elf, Viersaaria a Drow. Although many are still confused about this, some believe that Lathander did this to counter Shar, his foe. The order of the Sun Soul appointed Iris Dusaut and Brandon Hallwalker, two high ranked monks of the Sun & Moon to find this woman and bring them to their monastery so she could receive protection and raise her children in the sun and moon’s blessed light. This adventure quickly became legend as Lathander and Shar directly fought against each other with their mortal pawns.   Child birth *Insert information about childbirth*   *   Elegy for the Dead Although one of the eight Tenants of faith state to not be sad of a death, the faith of Lathander know that the grieving process is important. It is important to mourn your loved ones and then recollect the joyful memories made with them. In death, life. The Elegy is meant to reflect on the good deeds of the fallen. Sunstones are placed on the forehead and heart of the body. If it is a woman, and if this woman had children, a wreath of flowers is placed on their womb, each rose represents their children. If it is a man, a wreath of flowers is placed in their hands, each rose represents their children.   Your last [Sun rise, Noon, Sunset, depending on when they died.] go to the arms of Lathander, be in his eternal warm soothing light. We will miss [quality, even if evil you must find one], we will cherish your moments. [If children] Your legacy will continue though out [children names], through them you shall live on.   For in Death, Life.

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