Mystra Character in Not Forgotten Realms | World Anvil


Леди Тайн

Леди Тайн, Наша Госпожа Заклинаний, Прародительница Магии   Мистра - повелительница магии, и всего с нею связанного. Она почитаема магами и теми, кто использует волшебство или волшебные предметы в повседневной жизни. Ей возносят молитвы восхищающиеся магией или страшащиеся опасностей, что она приносит. Мистра - божество той силы, которая вообще позволяет творить магию. Она владеет Плетением и следит за ним, поддерживая этот проводник, посредством которого смертные и боги могут пользоваться чистой силой магии.   Мистра почитаема почти во всех уголках Фаэруна, что немудрено для земли, настолько пропитанной магией. Среди поклоняющихся и те, кто используют магию, и те, кто с ней соприкасается, например, алхимики и мудрецы. Среди облаченных в синее жрецов Мистры можно найти волшебников, колдунов и даже несколько бардов. Цель этой веры очень проста - магия есть, и она должна распространяться. В норме обычая не забывать о тех, у кого высокий потенциал и находить хороших учителей для них.     Леди Тайн, Мать Всей Магии   Великое божество  
  • Символ: Круг из семи сине-белых звезд с красной мглой, текущей из центра
  • Домашний план: Сердце Двеомера
  • Мировоззрение: Нейтральное добро
  • Сфера: Магия, заклинания, Плетение
  • Прихожане: Эльфы, полуэльфы, инкантатрикс, мистические странники, колдуны, танцоры заклинаний, передающие огонь заклинаний, волшебники
  • Мировоззрения клериков: CG, LE, LG, LN, NG
  • Домены: Добро, Иллюзия, Знание, Магия, Руна, Заклинание
  • Избранное оружие: Семь кружащихся звезд (сюрикен)
  Мистра (мисс-тра, miss-trah) обеспечивает Плетение и близка к нему, по сути являясь его воплощением. Плетение - проводник, позволяющий смертным заклинателям и изготовителям магического получать доступ к сырой силе, которая является магией. Мистра - также божество тех возможностей, которые может вызвать магия, что делает ее самым мощным из существ, связанных с Торилом. Хотя она предпочитает добро, она узнала, что в качестве божества магии должна сохранять Баланс. Хотя она может предотвращать создание новых заклинаний и магических изделий, противостоящих ее философии, она редко делает это, если они не угрожают Плетению или магии вообще. Мистра выглядит как красивая человеческая женщина с темными гладкими волосами и сияющей кожей.   Церковь Мистры очень мощна по всему Фаэруну и имеет множество сторонников среди народных масс. Учитывая большое количество волшебников и колдунов среди набожных прихожан Леди Тайн, вера несомненно самая мощная на всем Фаэруне. Последователи Мистры потеряли много влияния начиная со Времени Неприятностей, когда магия взбесилась и причинила великие разрушение. Действия божества в течение прошлого десятилетия всего лишь привели больше прихожан, особенно злых волшебников и колдунов, в руки Шар. Клерики Мистры выбирают одно время дня или ночи, чтобы последовательно молиться о заклинаниях. Они празднуют 15-й день Марпенота, годовщину возвышения нынешней Мистры из ее смертной формы, но в остальном имеют немного связанных с календарем ритуалов, больше сосредотачиваясь на персональном стиле поклонения. Для некоторых набожных тайных заклинателей это никогда не выходит за рамки шепота молитвы с каждым заклинанием, которое они читают, а некоторые думают о моральных последствиях его использования. Две церемонии, имеющие огромное персональное значение - Звездный Полет и Огонь Мага. Первая сосредотачивается на заклинании полета, позволяющего полет до тех пор, пока звезды видны на небе. Это часто используется как инициирование, когда индивидуум присоединяется к церкви Мистры, или в праздновании при венчании двоих прихожанин. Во время Огня Мага великая магическая сила струится по телу, сверкающему в мерцании синего огня, разливающегося очищением и обновлением. Гимн Леди - торжественный ритуал, исполняемый главным образом на похоронах. Пока живущее духовенство читает панихиду, возникают видения мертвых магов и мистранских клериков; Мистра часто дает при этом свое руководство. Клерики Мистры обычно мультиклассируют как тайные приверженцы, хранители двеомеров, колдуны или волшебники.  


  Мистра - третье божество, удерживающее положение Леди Тайн и Матери Всей Магии, начиная с возвышения Нетерила. Первой была Мистрил, погибшая при спасении Плетения от высокомерия архиволшебника-нетереза Карсуса. Вторая Леди Тайн была первой, создавшей Избранных Мистры, включая Эльминстера, Келбена и Семь Сестер. Она умерла от рук Хелма в течение Времени Неприятностей при попытке возвратиться на планы. В конце Кризиса Аватаров смертная волшебница по имени Миднайт ("Полночь") приняла имя своей предшественницы, поднявшись к божественности. Подобно Цирику и Келемвору, новой Мистре потребовалось некоторое время, чтобы вжиться в роль божествя. В течение десятилетия она во многих случаях билась против своего старого врага Цирика и на какое-то время отказала в использовании магии и божествам, и смертным. Однако с тех пор она, похоже, поняла свою роль стража Баланса и беспристрастного арбитра Плетения. Общепринятый советник Мистры - Азут, хотя Лорд Заклинаний менее близок с ней, чем с предыдущей Леди Тайн. Саврас и Велшарун, таким образом также косвенно отвечающие перед Мистрой, служат Азуту. Мать Всей Магии поддерживает тесные союзы с божествами знаний, типа Огмы, Денейра и Милила, а также с божествами магии других пантеонов, включая Кореллона Ларетиана, Изис и Тота. Хотя она все еще страстно ненавидит Цирика и смотрит на возвращение Бэйна с расцветающей ненавистью, главный антагонист Мистры - Шар. Шар давно уже тайно создала Теневое Плетение в ответ на создание Селунэ Мистрил и Плетения (во что Шар также неосторожно сделала свой вклад). Мистра видит в действиях Шар прямую угрозу своей сфере и серьезную опасность для целостности Плетения, так что ее связи с Селунэ сильны и растут. Цель Мистры - в конечном счете включить Теневое Плетение в свою собственную сферу, даже если это означает пожертвовать своими последними остатками человечности и свойственного совершенства и поглотить больше тьмы, которая и есть Шар.  


  Любите магию для себя. Не обращайтесь с ней как с оружием, чтобы изменить мир по своей Воле. Истинная мудрость знает, когда не следует использовать магию. Стремитесь использовать магию все меньше, поскольку ваши силы развиваются, часто угроза или обещания ее использования опережают ее фактическую работу. Магия - Искусство, Дар Леди, и те, кто владеют ей - чрезвычайно привилегированны. Помня это, держитесь подобострастно, а не гордо. Используйте Искусство ловко и эффективно, а не небрежно и опрометчиво. Стремитесь всегда изучать и создавать новую магию.  

Духовенство и храмы

  Мистранское духовенство упорно трудится для сохранения всех магических знаний, чтобы магия могла процветать в будущем независимо от того, что случится с мыслящими расами Фаэруна или с силами планов. Они поддерживают секретные библиотеки, частные убежища, хорошо охраняемые научно-исследовательские лаборатории и маленькие скрытые притоны. Мистране также находят существ, квалифицированных в использовании заклинаний, и продолжают наблюдать за поведением индивидуумов, для которых вероятно стать важными владеющими магией. Духовенство активно разыскивает источники старой магии, часто в гробницах и опасных руинах - даже личей. Они считают более критичным знать о точном местонахождении артефактов и изделиях магической силы, чем обладать ими, но везде, где возможно, они работают для того, чтобы вырвать контроль над такими вещами у настойчиво злых, безответственных и ненадежных. Хотя некоторые из клериков Мистры следуют учению старшего, законно-нейтрального воплощения божества, большинство сменили мировоззрение в соответствии с ее текущим воплощением или покинули веру. Все духовенство Мистры, как ожидается, изобретет свою собственную новую магию (будут ли это заклинания или изделия) после получения достаточного опыта. Таким образом, магическое изучение остается растущим и ярким, а магия - удобным инструментом для правителей и инженеров для приручения Фаэруна, при этом оставаясь чем-то удивительным.   Храмы Мистры могут быть почти любого размера и стиля; некоторые святыни - естественные пещеры или гроты. Все они живут произведением искусства - или, скорее, Искусства - возведенные магией и окутанные бесчисленными заклинаниями. Большинство их наполнены магическими изделиями, многие из которых имеют скорее эзотерический, чем практический характер. Многие имеют открытый центральный внутренний двор, в котором проводятся ежедневные службы и из которого можно по ночам видеть звезды или их магическое представление. Меньшие дома размещают библиотеки магических знаний или служат цехами и лабораториями для экспериментирования в Искусстве. Места, посвященные божеству, усилены Плетением для увеличения силы накладываемых заклинаний. Любое заклинание, наложенное в их пределах клериками, может получать выгоду одного метамагического умения без необходимости занимать ячейку заклинания более высокого уровня; выгода заканчивается, если получатель покидает местоположение храма.   Церемониальная одежда клериков-мистран состоит из простых синих роб, иногда отороченных белым, завершаемых плащом глубоко-синего цвета в более холодном климате. Требуется некий синий головной убор, хотя он может варьироваться от простой тюбетейки в академических орденах Севера Побережья Меча до широкополых декоративных шляп и шлемов в южных землях.   Символом Мистры до Времени Неприятностей была сине-белая звезда, но используются и старые, и новые символы. Мистранские клерики очень терпимы к старшим поклоняющимся Мистре, поскольку они чувствуют, что продвижение приходит лишь от познания прошлого. Они позволяют стоять старым символам веры, но при создании новых символов они всегда используют новый символ своего божества. Все владеющие магией и искатели тайных знаний любой расы приветствуются на службе Мистре. Иерархия мистранской веры широка и различна, разделяясь на ордена, концентрирующиеся на одной из форм магической энергии.   Отношения между различными орденами и подгруппами веры очень хорошие. И божественные, и тайные заклинатели наполняют свои ряды без оглядки на уровень или происхождение. Общее правило мистранской веры - талант и способности перевешивают социальный ранг или легендарные умения. Церковь также поддерживает благородное общество паладинов, маленький орден рейнджеров и собрания бардов. Рыцари Мистического Огня часто сопровождают членов духовенства на заданиях по поиску утерянных запасов древней магии. Эти паладины также формируют кадры для лидеров маленьких групп вооруженных сил, охраняющих большие храмы и цеха Мистры. Рейнджеры, известные как Орден Метеора, служат для церкви разведчиками дальнего действия и шпионами. Они также разбираются с магическими угрозами против естественного порядка вещей, типа ослабленных извергов и существ, рожденных безответственным магическим экспериментированием. Барды Детей Звездной Иглы часто работают для церкви как сборщики информации и сплетники или проводят время в библиотеках, раскапывая магические знания и сохраняя их для потомства. Некоторые члены Звездной Иглы - Арфисты.   A whisper, whisper through the day and night, Confiding all the secrets of a glean. A wonder, wonder when the dream takes flight, Revealing all the roads and gates unseen. The Mothers message bids the children seek What reaching for the stars they can achieve. A warning though for those whose hearts are weak When stepping towards the dangers of the Weave. Mystra NEUTRAL GOOD Other Names or Titles: Lady of Mysteries, Mother of All Magic, Mystryl (formerly), The Hidden One (in Rashemen) Symbol: A circle of seven blue-white stars with red mist flowing from the center Divine Portfolio: Magic, spells, the Weave Divine Residence: Dweomerheart Divine Allies: Chauntea, Eilistraee, Oghma, Selune Divine Enemies: Bane, Cyric, Lolth, Shar Exarchs: Azuth, Savras, Shandril   Mystra is the goddess of magic, spells, and the Weave. Originally known as Mystryl, the Lady of Mysteries has existed since before the dawn of life on Toril, albeit in different incarnations. As of the most recent era of her existence, the current goddess of magic is the third to bear the responsibilities of her role.   The current Mystra is a kind and thoughtful deity who respects the free will of mortals, even if some of those very mortals may pursue advancement in the arcane arts in ways that Mystra herself finds disturbing (if Mystra learns of the development of a new spell that would endanger the Weave or magic itself however, she may use her divine power to prevent its further development). As such, Mystra will normally act through her living worshippers, particularly her Chosen such as the famed Elminster Aumar. In dire situations that widely threaten the existence of magic itself (or the mages that use it), such as tears in the Weave or magical plagues, more direct interventions may occur but such happenings are quite rare.   The goddess of magic ultimately desires peace (if not camaraderie) between those who study the arcane arts, so that they may live to produce new imaginings of magic’s possibilities. From soft whispers on the wind to vibrant dreams, Mystra will from time to time aid mages in their work with indirect, subtle divine inspiration.   To truly understand the gravity of Mystra’s responsibilities, one must understand what the Weave itself is. The Weave is a construct of magic-directing forces; it permeates all of existence like a universally cast net. The Weave is not physically tangible, but has substance that can be manipulated or damaged. The Weave is a medium through which the raw magical energy that also permeates the universe can be harnessed. Arcanists are able to channel and shape magical energy through the Weave much like a blacksmith pours molten metal into a mold. Every magic spell ever invented is a variation on the mold that all spellcasters use to give shape to their harnessed magic. Without the stability provided by the Weave, creations of magic would be far more difficult to produce without failure or chaotic results.   The Weave is also intrinsically connected to Mystra’s existence. The goddess and the Weave could be described as one and the same. Changes or disturbances in the Weave as such are automatically detected by Mystra, and can affect Mystra on some level.   Mystra’s unity with the Weave grants her the ability to bestow or deny magic of any kind throughout the worlds within her Weave’s influence; the Lady of Mysteries can also alter the rules for how magic can be used within the Weave, though she will not change the rules for any reason other than protecting the stability of the Weave. It is speculated by religious scholars that there are rules of conduct that even Mystra must follow lest her authority be stripped in its entirety by an even greater power that few in the mortal realms are even aware of. These rules prevent Mystra from abusing her connection with the Weave as to make herself indisputable ruler over all the gods.   According to scholars, Mystra’s Weave is not the only one in the multiverse; other gods of magic on other worlds or planes of existence also maintain their own Weaves. For this reason, a number of mages that were visiting other planes or worlds during the Spellplague stayed away from Toril until Mystra’s return after the Sundering. The rules of magic may not always apply the same way between different worlds and planes however, so caution is usually advise when traveling from one Weave to another.   Mages thrive when the Weave’s integrity is undisturbed. There are few educated spellcasters that do not pay some homage to Mystra, for magic by its very nature is untrustworthy enough without risking the ire of the goddess. There is also the ambition of some mages to gain such favor with the Mother of All Magic that she bestows upon them the roles and abilities (powerful abilities according to lore) of her Chosen, the designated champions of her faith. It is rumored that Mystra’s Chosen can manipulate the very Weave around them to such extent that they can even cast spells normally in zones of wild magic and dead magic.   Chauntea, goddess of agriculture, cultivated plants, farmers, gardeners, and summer, has been a devoted friend of Mystra since before the dawn of life in the realms. The Earthmother is the very spirit of the world Toril; she owes much to Mystra for siding with Selune against Shar when Shar attempted to cover Chauntea’s body in darkness during the Days of Creation, the time before life began. The Weave is also connected in many ways to the balance of nature since magical energy is the very energy that enables life to exist; Chauntea has a deep stake in assisting Mystra in matters concerning the Weave, since disruptions to the Weave could damage the world, the body of Chauntea herself. Eilistraee, drow goddess of dance, song, beauty, swordwork, hunting, moonlight is a quintessential artist among deities. Mystra has always held a strong kinship with Eilistraee because the art of magic draws from the imagination just as dance and song do. Eilistraee in turn holds great reverence for the Lady of Mysteries for the wonders of beauty brought about as a result of Mystra’s personal philosophy of encouraging artistic expression through magic.   Oghma, god of bards, inspiration, invention, and knowledge, will normally keep a distance from the larger conflicts fought between deities and their faithful. Should Mystra’s existence be threatened however, Oghma will lend his aid, since Mystra’s spreading of magical knowledge and inspiration is very much in line with the creation and preservation of ideas promoted by Oghma’s faith. Should Mystra perish (again), there is no guarantee that the next deity of magic would share the same dogma as the current deity, so the Lord of Knowledge will act to ensure that Mystra remains very much alive and well in her position among the gods. Oghma will often send his exarchs Deneir (god of glyphs, images, literature, scribes, and cartography) and Milil (god of poetry, song, and eloquence) to act as his proxies for meetings with Mystra.   Selune, goddess of non-evil lycanthropes, moon, navigation, questers, stars, and wanderers, could be described as “the mother” of Mystra, since the original incarnation of Mystra (then named Mystryl) was born from a fateful combination of Selune’s and Shar’s essences. Each bearer of the role since the first has continued to side with Selune against the dark machinations of Shar. As the third incarnation of Mystra is yet young by the standards of deities, Selune offers the Lady of Mysteries wisdom and advice from time to time (much as a mother advises her daughter).   It is also worth noting that Kelemvor, god of the dead, remains a confidante of Mystra despite maintaining a neutral stance in the conflicts between gods. Kelemvor and the current incarnation of Mystra have known each other even before they ascended to their current positions of divinity. A number of bards sing of ill-fated love between the two at some point during the trials that brought them into the divine pantheon. Despite his neutrality, should some great threat to the Weave also pose a threat to the balance between life and death, Kelemvor would very likely step in to assist Mystra in solving the problem.   Bane, god of strife, hatred, tyranny, and fear, truly despises Mystra for both she and her previous incarnation have been the source of many frustrations and ruined plots. The Black Lord covets the power of Mystra because with control over magic itself, Bane could truly become ruler of all the gods, overcoming all who stand in his way. It may be Bane’s hope that the relative inexperience of the current Mystra will offer future windows of opportunity for Bane to usurp her authority and claim irresistible dominion over all the worlds. With his deep grudge, his disciplined patience, and ability to make meticulous, long-reaching plans, Bane is one of the most dangerous enemies that Mystra must be wary of.   Cyric, god of murder, lies, deception, and illusion, like Kelemvor, also knew the current Mystra since before they ascended into divinity. Cyric lost his sanity during his early years as a deity, and Shar took advantage of his madness to convince him into murdering Mystra; this act of murder caused the Weave to collapse and bring about the Spellplague. Cyric’s incredibly destructive action was punished by the gods Lathander, Tyr, and Sune, who imprisoned the Prince of Lies in an inescapable plane later known as The Supreme Throne. Cyric remains imprisoned, but his followers plot to find a way to release their deity. Mystra is particularly weary of Cyric despite his inability to reach her, for even from his prison, Cyric continues to whisper his insane commands to the remaining worshippers that revere the mad deity.   Lolth, the Demon Queen of Spiders, primary deity of the drow, delights in sowing chaos and ever desires greater power in her ambition. Such is Lolth’s ambition that she covets the divine authority of Mystra, and seeks to supplant the goddess of magic one way or another. One particular plot of Lolth’s ironically worked in the Lady of Mysteries’ favor, when the Spider Queen attempted to create a new Weave of her own from the tattered remains of Mystra’s Weave, devastated from the Spellplague; at that time, Mystra had returned, and took control of Lolth’s work to supplement the repair of the original Weave. Lolth holds great enmity for the much younger upstart deity who had the audacity to steal from the Demon Queen of Spiders, and has very likely added the Mother of All Magic as an objective of vengeance for the long game.   Shar holds the longest lived hostility against the goddess of magic across all three incarnations. Shar, goddess of caverns, dark, dungeons, forgetfulness, loss, night, secrets, and the Underdark, is resentful against the Lady of Mysteries for continually siding with Selune against Shar since the earliest age of Mystra’s existence. Shar begrudges the current Mystra for every offense made by all three incarnations with an undying bitterness that shall never end until the goddess of the Weave is erased altogether from the multiverse. It was Shar who orchestrated Cyric’s murder of Mystra, which led to the Spellplague, and after returning in the wake of the Sundering, Mystra is more vigilant than ever against the manipulations of the Lady of Loss. Shar is cold and calculating but her hatred leads her to unreasonable paths - a potential weakness that Mystra may be able to exploit in their future confrontations.  


  Exarchs are deities and demigods that serve other (usually more powerful) deities that protect, rule over and/or provide them with support against their enemies.  

Azuth (Lawful Neutral)

  Azuth is the god of wizards, mages, spellcasters in general, and magic-using monks. He was originally a mortal archmage whose achievements in magical research earned him the recognition of the second incarnation of Mystra, as well as the privilege of being first to bear the rank of Magister (a true grandmaster of the magical arts). Azuth also became the second Mystra’s consort and advisor; Mystra brought about Azuth’s rise to divine status, placing upon him the great responsibilities of preserving wizardry and the like in her worlds of influence. After the second Mystra perished and the current Mystra took her place, Azuth was grief-stricken, but welcomed the newly ascended deity with open arms; the first Magister pledged to the new Lady of Mysteries loyal service as an exarch. Azuth’s relationship to the third Mystra has been rumored to be much like that of a nagging parent due to the vast gap in their experiences and Azuth’s strict nature.  

Savras (Lawful Neutral)

  Savras is the god of divination, fate, and truth. He was a fierce centuries-long rival of Azuth, and fought with Azuth to become the primary deity of wizards, but ultimately lost. Savras was imprisoned by Azuth for a time, then released as an exarch of Azuth. When both Azuth and Savras were resurrected in the wake of the third Mystra’s return, Savras’ contract of servitude under Azuth had been long nullified by Azuth’s death during the Spellplague. The current Mystra offered Savras a new position as one of her exarchs. The All- Seeing Savras could foresee great need in the future for his role as Mystra’s exarch so he accepted the offer and took up residence in Dweomerheart, this time not as Azuth’s exarch but of Mystra herself. The flame of rivalry between Azuth and Savras has predictably rekindled since then.  

Shandril (Neutral Good)

  As a mortal human, Shandril Shessair was gifted with the power to channel and control spellfire, magical power in its raw form, which resembles silvery flames to the naked eye. Shandril’s life ended in a tragic demise that broke her very soul, but Mystra restored Shandril’s essence and gave the woman a new life and purpose. Shandril was remade into an immortal servant of Mystra, with the role of monitoring and governing the use of spellfire across the worlds within Mystra’s influence. Shandril was transformed into the very personification of living spellfire and granted a deep connection to the Weave that would allow her to appear anywhere the power of spellfire was present. Although Shandril’s abilities are far more limited compared to the other exarchs, it is rumored that she can never be slain so long as there is even a small vestige of Mystra’s Weave remaining. Not long before the Spellplague, which resulted from Mystra’s murder by Cyric, Shandril was sent to a remote location where she slumbered safely until Mystra returned. It is said that the Mother of All Magic divined her own coming death and took measures to protect Shandril, who would be among those most affected by the Weave’s collapse.  

Council of Arcana

  At the suggestion of the deity Kelemvor, Mystra organized various gods associated with magic so that they would meet regularly to discuss matters related to the stability of the Weave, as well as potential threats and mysteries associated with magic in their realms of influence. In addition, Mystra was concerned that feuds between the gods of magic could potentially escalate to a scale that would threaten the very balance of magic. The value of enabling arbitration by group mediation became one of the more pressing motivations for forming the Council of Arcana. Within the Council, no hierarchies are observed, all may speak freely, violence is forbidden, and Mystra serves as chairperson to announce the beginnings and endings of meetings as well as the current planned topics of discussion. Not every god of magic is a member of the Council but those who do attend the meetings are able to set aside differences for the sake of civil discussion. This does not necessarily make them allies, but it does provide a method for the involved parties to maintain vital communication, and perhaps keep tabs on each other. The following deities are among those that are known to be members of the Council. Azuth and Savras are also assumed to be members. Oghma may occasionally attend or send one of his exarchs to do so.  

Baravar Cloakshadow (Neutral Good)

  As the gnome pantheon’s god of illusions, deception, traps, and wards, Baravar Cloakshadow couldn’t resist attending meetings that would include both potential friends and enemies alike; the back and forth of intrigue and subtle wordplays would offer a treasure trove of personal delights for the Master of Illusion. Even without the fun to be had, Baravar would have attended the meetings anyway; he is known for his obsession with contingencies and preparations, and he does have a legitimate concern for the Weave’s integrity, since illusions tend to fail wherever magic itself is unstable.  

Corellon Larethian (Chaotic Good)

  Corellon Larethian is the elven god of magic, music, arts, crafts war, the elven race, poetry, bards, and warriors; he is also the leader of the Seldarine, the elven pantheon. Corellon is a compassionate protectionist deity who will readily intervene in matters of urgency that could potentially lead to the destruction of beauty and life; the integrity of the Weave would of course be among the highest priorities towards the protection of life and beauty. Due to his responsibilities as a pantheon leader, Corellon will often be too busy to attend most meetings; in Corellon’s absence, he usually sends his daughter Eilistraee as his proxy or leaves things to Hanali Celanil. Dugmaren Brightmantle (Chaotic Good) As the dwarven god of scholarship, invention, and discovery, Dugmaren Brightmantle is one of the most popular deities among dwarven mages and artificers. Dugmaren lamented the terrible loss of knowledge and inhibition of arcane innovation that resulted from the Spellplague. Although he won’t commit himself to taking a more active role as an ally of Mystra, the Errant Explorer will eagerly assist in preserving the Weave if necessary. Moradin, the leader of the dwarven pantheon, has also instructed Dugmaren to keep an eye on the duergar god Laduguer who also attends the Council of Arcana.  

Hanali Celanil (Chaotic Good)

  Hanali Celanil is the elven goddess of love, romance, beauty, enchantments, magic item artistry, fine art, and artists. Hanali had no particular interest in attending the Council of Arcana but since Corellon himself requested it of her, the Winsome Rose decided to attend out of curiosity. Hanali finds the Council rather entertaining thus far, more so for the interactions between the attending deities rather than the actual topics discussed. She also enjoys spending time with Eilistraee who often attends as Corellon’s proxy.  

Laduguer (Lawful Evil)

  Known as the Master of Crafts in the duergar pantheon, Laduguer is the duergars’ god of magic weapon creation, artisans, magic, and gray dwarves. Despite Laduguer’s strong xenophobia, he grudgingly attends the Council of Arcana in order to observe with his own eyes and ears the potential nuisances that may interfere with the magical traditions that he dearly clings to. There is also the matter of Lolth, whose ire has been provoked by Laduguer’s vigorous support of the duergars’ economic advantages over the drow in certain vital Underdark markets; being on the good side of Mystra, who is herself an enemy of Lolth, may provide Laduguer an extra card to play in coming gambits.  

Isis (Neutral Good)

  For the peoples of Unther and Mulhorand, Isis is the goddess of weather, rivers, agriculture, love, marriage, and good magic. Although she vehemently despises the god Set who also attends the meetings, it was her brother Thoth who convinced her to suppress her enmity for the sake of protecting the balance. Isis is also greatly concerned over how threats to the Weave could harm the societies that depend on magic to thrive. The Lady of Rivers will include subtle barbs against the evil Set in her addresses at the Council whenever possible; Set in turn reciprocates such mistreatment with barbs of his own as an exercise of wit.  

Set (Lawful Evil)

  For the peoples of Unther and Mulhorand, Set is the god of the desert, destruction, drought, night, rot, snakes, hate, betrayal, evil magic, ambition, poison, and murder. Despite the inclusion of betrayal in his portfolio, the Lord of Carrion will never act against the wellbeing of his followers, and attending the Council represents a necessity towards maintaining the wellbeing and loyalty of the faithful. Many of Set’s worshippers depend on magic to succeed in nefarious plots, so the stability of the Weave is a high priority, even if it means having to interact with insufferable do-gooders that are likely to get in Set’s way. There are also those among the Council members who might prove to be useful pawns towards Set’s ultimate objective of achieving supremacy as king of the gods in Mulhorand and perhaps beyond.  

Thoth (Neutral)

  For the peoples of Unther and Mulhorand, Thoth is the god of neutral magic, scribes, knowledge, invention, and secrets. The Keeper of Knowledge has held contact with all three incarnations of Mystra since it is also within his dogma to spread the use and study of magic. Thoth is mainly concerned with his own worshippers so he will not actively ally with other deities outside of his local pantheon unless a dire situation absolutely requires such. Known for his cool-headedness and restraint, Thoth has earned respect among his fellow deities as a bastion of reason. Thoth’s reputation and mastery of reason enabled him to convince his sister Isis to attend the Council of Arcana despite her reservations against any interaction with the deity Set outside of violent exchanges. Much preferring civilized diplomacy to barbaric violence, Thoth has become a major proponent of maintaining the communications and discussions made possible with the formation of the Council.  

Velsharoon (Neutral Evil)

  Formerly an exarch of Azuth, Velsharoon like Savras was released from a contract of servitude when Azuth perished in the events of the Spellplague. Unlike Savras, the Lord of the Forsaken Crypt was not offered a position as Mystra’s exarch nor did he ever desire such. Velsharoon is the god of necromancy, necromancers, evil liches, and undeath. His sole concern motivating him to cooperate with the Council of Arcana is that threats to the Weave would threaten the research that Velsharoon and his faithful conduct for their necromantic experiments. The Lord of the Forsaken Crypt otherwise has no concern for others and prefers to be left to his explorations of the boundary between life and death.  




  Once located on an expansive plateau in the heavenly plane of Elysium, Dweomerheart now resides in its very own plane of existence. The previous version was destroyed in a conflagration of blue flames when Mystra was slain by Cyric. At the time, many souls and even a few gods were lost but the majority were evacuated to Kelemvor’s Fugue Plane, where they were judged and appropriately relocated. After Mystra returned and the Weave was fully restored, the Lady of Mysteries constructed a new Dweomerheart, stronger and more secure than ever. The survivors among her faithful were all invited to the new home of the Mother of All Magic. The current Dweomerheart is a self-contained mountainous island surrounded by a seemingly endless ocean, with most of its inhabitants presiding in a vast city at the center. When one travels far enough away from the island that it disappears on the horizon, it reappears in the opposite direction. Each of the many mountains on the island contains a network of caves and tunnels in which all sorts of wildlife thrives. There are also many special caverns that are magically enchanted to simulate different types of environments, including forests, swamps, grassy fields, deserts, magma flows, crystal gardens, and even the void of wildspace. The varied environments are ideal for all sorts of magical experiments that can not be pursued within the usual outdoors or within the confines of the city. Powerful dimensional barriers prevent magical effects from leaking outside of the “testing caves”. Dweomerheart has a 24-hour day-and-night cycle in which the sky periodically transitions back and forth between a lightly clouded blue-white sky and a lightly clouded starry sky of black and blue. Most petitioners in Dweomerheart are either mages, scholars of magical lore, or those who were entranced by the beauty of magic. As such, visitors to the plane will normally see magic being flung about here and there at every hour as well as clustered groups discussing theories and techniques. Seven Stars The city of Seven Stars is a sprawling metropolis of stone, wood, and crystal buildings. The designs of all the structures exhibit a wide array of intricately developed architectural aesthetics, with a predominant blue and white theme honoring the favored colors of the goddess Mystra. Seven Stars is divided into nine districts, with eight of the districts each featuring schools, shops, and research laboratories specialized in one of eight categories of magic: abjuration, conjuration, divination, enchantment, evocation, illusion, necromancy, and transmutation. The ninth (and largest) district is at the center of the city and houses both a grand stadium where magical competitions are held and the white marble palace in which Mystra herself resides. Surrounding Mystra’s palace in the central district are seven huge ivory statues, each one shaped in the likeness of an armored knight. It is said that should Dweomerheart ever come under attack, the statues would awaken as magically empowered golems of unfathomable power and defend the city against looming threats. Inside Mystra’s palace are grand, opulent halls of diamond, silver, and platinum as well as lavishly decorated corridors beautified with chandeliers, ornaments, paintings, and tapestries. The decorations are redesigned at the end of every seven days, and dozens of mages are given the honor of leading the task by volunteer lottery.  

Sanctuary Arcane

  Floating high above the city of Seven Stars, the Sanctuary Arcane is an invisible adamantine/mithral fortress built for the purpose of providing a neutral space where the Council of Arcana could meet. There are portals in the Sanctuary Arcane that can only be used by other deities, and only when Mystra beckons them to come. Once inside the Sanctuary Arcane, visitors are unable to use offensive magic or swing weapons around, and all poisons and diseases are purified. The Sanctuary Arcane also serves as a platform of defense from which any possible (though unlikely) invasion by hostile forces could be detected and dealt with before it could reach the city (an “eye in the sky” as it were).  


These are the tenets that worshippers of Mystra are given to live by. 1. Love magic for itself, not just as a weapon of control and dominance that can reshape the world. 2. True wisdom comes from learning when to use magic as well as when to restrain oneself from using magic. 3. As your power develops, learn to use magic more and more sparingly, for the threat and promise of its art often outstrips its performance. 4. Forget not that the art of magic is a privilege bestowed by the Mother, and be humble, not prideful in its use. 5. Seek always to learn, discover, and develop new magic, but be careful not to be reckless in its use.  


  The clerics of Mystra, known as dweomerkeepers, are proponents of magical research and caretakers of the Weave. Every large institution of magical learning in the Realms will usually have one or two resident dweomerkeepers leading or assisting in ambitious projects pushing the boundaries of magical lore. The dweomerkeepers can also often be found wandering towards areas of reported dead or wild magic, so that they can use their divine gifts to repair the Weave in such locations. The paladins of Mystra are known as weave knights. They will often accompany dweomerkeepers when threats to the Weave are being investigated. Weave knights can also be found guarding hoards of magic items, notable research facilities, or libraries of arcane lore. As their name suggests, they are able to channel the Weave’s power into their weapons to deal with various threats. There are many temples and shrines devoted to Mystra, with the most prominent ones found in major cities where mages are more common. Civilization’s advancement and magic use seem to go hand in hand as societies develop, so the worship of Mystra is more commonly seen in the more civilized areas of the world. The church of Mystra is well-organized and sponsors many different groups devoted to the service of Mystra. The three most notable organizations sponsored by the church are as follows: an order of paladins known as the Knights of the Mystic Fire, an order of rangers known as the Order of the Shooting Star, and an order of bards known as the Children of the Starry Quill. Unlike most other clergies, clerics and paladins of Mystra do not share a traditional time of day or night to pray for their spells. It is simply left up to each individual to choose based on personal preference or convenience. The standard daily ritual for the cleric or paladin of Mystra is to meditate for a few minutes before sleeping or after waking, and focus on “feeling” their innate connection to the Weave, developed through their faith and service to the Lady of Mysteries. A sense of comfort and confidence is acquired from reconfirming the envelopment of the goddess’ will around those who act as her eyes, ears, and hands. Traditional ceremonial dress is a simple robe of blue fabric, sometimes trimmed with white, accented by a deep blue cloak in colder climates; the sleeves of the robe are usually tailored so that they allow great freedom for the arms, to facilitate the somatic movements of spell casting. Some form of blue headgear is also required, and is often adorned with a holy symbol of Mystra; the form of the headgear sees many different variations as one visits different sects of Mystra’s church. Clerics and paladins of Mystra, when not tasked with a specific objective from the church, will often be found seeking information about spellcasters, magic items, and stores of magical knowledge. Many of these devotees will join adventurers on quests and missions that provide opportunities to expand the church’s growing archives of documented lore. Participating in magical research or protecting the lives of emerging mages is also typical of the clergy. The lifestyle of clerics or paladins of Mystra typically revolves around an insatiable curiosity for magical knowledge. This curiosity can be expressed in many different ways. Some delve into deep scholarly studies through reading and peer discussion. Some travel from town to town listening to all the rumors and stories being passed around at taverns. Some explore the deep dungeons and ancient ruins of the world, hoping to find some clue or remnant of the past. As a faith that values individualism and creativity of expression, the path of Mystra’s faithful can go in countless directions. The 15th day of the month of Marpenoth (the 10th month in the 12-month calendar of Harptos used for the year) is celebrated as the anniversary of the current Mystra’s ascension to godhood. A series of spell castings, each coupled with a whispered prayer of thanks, is the traditional method of celebration for this holiday, and the festivities held at the city of Waterdeep are the most renowned because they incorporate magical fireworks into their planned events. It’s a popular excuse for mages to show off their flashiest spells for their friends, loved ones, peers, and rivals. There are three particular rituals that are practiced by most sects in the church of Mystra: “Starlight”, “Magefire”, and “The Hymn to the Lady”. “Starlight” is a ceremony that typically commemorates the initiation of a new priest of Mystra or the marriage of Mystra’s faithful. The ceremony is carried out under a night sky by two or more priests of Mystra. The priests conduct a special ritual that bestows the benefit of a fly spell on the new initiate or married couple. This magical effect lasts as long as the stars can be seen in the sky and if the recipient(s) still remains in mid-flight when the effect’s duration ends, they gently descend to the ground without harm. If the special conditions are not met, then there is no effect (for example, if the initiate is actually a spy working for another deity or if the couple were never wedded). “Magefire” is a ceremony of renewal. A circle of clergy surround a single person lying on the ground; the surrounding clergy conduct a ritual in which the person at the center of the circle slowly levitates about 8-10 feet above the floor. As the affected person levitates, blue fire crackles and hums around the person’s body; the blue fire has a healing effect that cures poison, disease, exhaustion, and fatigue. By the end of the ceremony, when the affected person safely comes back down to the floor and stops emanating blue fire, the person retains a feeling of vigor and refreshment - this feeling is described as “the most blissful feeling one could know” by those who have experienced it. “The Hymn to the Lady” is typically observed at funerals. the ceremony consists of clergy singing a plainsong dirge in a ritual that evokes illusory images of dead mages and clergy of the past - those who came before, and collectively over generations built a long and proud history preceding those who currently live in the present. The ceremony symbolizes how the mourned dead are joining that history and will have their stories preserved in memory as they pass on to the afterlife. It is said that the life story of every person honored by this ceremony is somehow kept within the Weave itself and certain magic spells have indeed been able to recall these stored memories of those who have passed on. Sometimes the “Magefire” ceremony may also be observed following “The Hymn to the Lady”, with the corpse being levitated instead of a living person; such an honor is usually granted at the funerals of well-accomplished members of the church or great heroes who died in the line of duty.  


Clerics and paladins can take special feats as servants of Mystra. Dweomerkeeper of Mystra Requirement: Cleric, worships Mystra As a dweomerkeeper of Mystra, you encourage the spread of magic and nourish the Weave with your faith. 6. You have advantage on Wisdom checks made to notice dead magic zones and wild magic zones, and you can cast cleric spells normally in a dead magic zone or wild magic zone. 7. You have advantage on Intelligence checks made to recall information on magic items and spells. 8. You treat detect magic as one of your prepared cleric spells without counting it towards your maximum limit. If you already do so, then choose any other 1st-level cleric spell for this instead. 9. When you prepare cleric spells, one of the spells can be from any class spell list. 10. You can expend a use of Channel Divinity as a reaction to gain advantage on a saving throw made against a spell effect. Weave Knight of Mystra Requirement: Paladin, worships Mystra As a weave knight of Mystra, you defend magical artifacts, places of magic, records of magic, and the Weave. 11. You have advantage on Wisdom checks made to notice dead magic zones and wild magic zones, and you can cast paladin spells normally in a dead magic zone or wild magic zone. 12. When you apply your Divine Smite extra damage, you can choose to deal force damage instead of radiant damage. 13. When you use Divine Sense, you also detect the locations of spellcasters, magic items, magical effects, dead magic zones, and wild magic zones. 14. You have resistance to damage from spell effects. Exclusive Spells Clerics and paladins of Mystra are able to prepare the following spells, unique to worshippers of Mystra. Weave Restoration 2nd-level abjuration (ritual) SPECIAL: You must be a worshipper of Mystra, as well as a cleric or paladin to cast this spell. SPECIAL: This spell can be cast normally in a dead magic zone or wild magic zone, as well as within the presence of an antimagic field, such as that which is created by the spell antimagic field. Casting Time: 1 action Range: Self (10-ft. radius sphere) Components: V, S, M (a tiny piece of transparent glass or crystal) Duration: Permanent You invoke the power of Mystra to repair the Weave in a dead magic zone or wild magic zone. Throughout the affected area within the spell’s range, magic can be cast normally, magic items will work normally, and magical effects will work normally. In addition, for 1 minute after this spell is cast, the affected area will suppress the effects of any overlapping area of an antimagic field, such as that which is created by the spell antimagic field. At Higher Levels. When you cast this magic spell with a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the radius of effect increases by 10 feet for each spell level above 2nd. Stars of Mystra 4th-level evocation SPECIAL: You must be a worshipper of Mystra, as well as a cleric or paladin to cast this spell. Casting Time: 1 action Range: Self Components: V, S Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute You invoke the wrath of Mystra to create seven Tiny floating orbs of light around you that follow you when you move, remaining within the space that you occupy. When you cast this spell, you can immediately command one of the orbs to shoot out at one creature within 100 feet. Make a ranged spell attack against the creature; on a hit the creature loses one 4th spell slot (or a slot of the next highest level that it can cast if it has no 4th level slots) as if it was expended. The creature also takes radiant damage equal to 1d6 per level of the spell slot that it lost. The orb that was shot is immediately dismissed after the attack whether it hits or misses. Once on your turn, as an action, you can make a ranged spell attack with one of the orbs. The orbs created by the spell each produce bright light out to 20-feet, and another 20 feet of dim light further out. At Higher Levels. When you cast this magic spell with a spell slot of 5th level or higher, the maximum level of the spell slot lost by an affected creature increases by 1 for each spell level above 4th. For example, if the spell is cast with a 6th level slot, then the affected creature loses a 6th level slot on a hit, or the next highest level of slot that it possesses.  


Other stories and information that might be shared among the faithful of Mystra.

The Birth of Mystryl

Before the dawn of mortal life, there were the sister goddesses Selune and Shar. Together they brought light and darkness to the worlds and all seemed harmonious until they disagreed on how much light and darkness should exist in all creation. Shar threatened to completely cover the most precious world Abeir- Toril in darkness, and Selune fought with Shar to prevent it. It is said that their battle would soon destroy all that was created, so in a desperate ploy to end the conflict decisively and quickly, Selune tore apart a piece of her own body and flung it at Shar as a weapon. the piece of Selune missed Shar’s vital center but also tore off a piece of Shar in its path. The essences of Selune and Shar mingled together and formed the first goddess of magic, Mystryl. It was then that Shar was forced to concede her defeat as Mystryl chose to side with Selune in the battle. Shar would hold an eternal grudge ever since, and Chauntea, then the spirit of the disputed world, would hold an eternal gratitude.

The Folly of Karsus

At the height of the ancient Netherese Empire more than a thousand years ago, before its more recent return as a power of Faerun, there was a powerful mage named Karsus. With the knowledge and experience of centuries of research and training, Karsus embarked on the most ambitious and most foolish of journeys: the creation of a spell that would steal the very power of an existing deity. Karsus sought to solve the problems facing the empire by becoming a god and using his divine power for the sake of Netheril’s survival. The grave mistake made then was that of all the deities that Karsus could have chosen, he chose to steal from Mystryl, the goddess of magic, spells, and the Weave. Upon casting the mighty spell, one of the most complex spells ever created, Karsus succeeded in taking Mystryl’s divine power, but his miscalculation immediately became apparent when his mortal mind connected with the Weave. The incredible pressure of maintaining the stability of the Weave was too much for the unprepared mage to handle, and magic throughout existence became chaotic. The floating cities of the empire fell to the ground in crashing destruction, killing millions of its citizens, and Karsus himself experienced his body torn apart in the tumult of the devastating event. To save the Weave and magic itself as well as countless more innocents, Mystryl sacrificed her own life to restore stability and passed on her mantle to another mortal far more compatible with her power; the destined mortal was a young woman who would become the second goddess of magic, taking on the name Mystra as an homage to the first while signifying the beginning of a new era for magic.

Midnight’s Ascension

There was a Time of Troubles more than a hundred years ago when the gods were somehow forced to walk among mortals as reduced states of their true glory, vulnerable to death by mortal hands. During this time, in an attempt to return to the heavenly realms, the second incarnation of Mystra was slain by the god Helm who was tasked to guard a passage leading back to the divine homes. In the aftermath, a young woman named Midnight, who was favored by the second Mystra, was chosen to bear the mantle of the goddess, and she ascended to the position by the highest divine decree. Midnight chose to adopt the name Mystra to make the transition go more smoothly for the sake of Mystra’s faithful.

The Spellplague

Less than thirty years after her ascension, the third Mystra was apparently murdered in 1385 DR, the Year of Blue Fire. Cyric had made his way into Mystra’s palace and drove his sword into her body, snuffing out her life and unleashing a torrent of magical energy in the form of blue fire. The Weave collapsed or destabilized all over the Realms, causing death and chaos. The resulting wave of destruction came to be known as the Spellplague.

Mystra’s Return

In 1479 DR, the Year of the Ageless One, it was revealed that Mystra had not completely perished thanks to her foresight and planning for such a situation. The goddess of magic was able to revive with the help of her Chosen, and over the next six years recovered her former glory and restored the Weave. With the return of Mystra after the Sundering, it has been rumored that a number of trusted deities have been granted a portion of Mystra’s hold on the Weave, in order to prevent such a tragedy as the Spellplague from ever happening gain; a selfless sharing of connection to ensure that Mystra’s death will no longer result (at least not immediately) in the Weave’s collapse.

Lovers Reunited

It was a terrible tragedy when the spellfire-blessed Shandril Shessair was separated her from her husband Narm Tamaraith in death. Shandril had used her spellfire to heal the body of her husband who was fatally wounded. Shandril mistakenly believed that she killed Narm instead of healing him, so she took her own life in the madness of grief. Narm had in reality been saved by the spellfire and Shandril had been repurposed by Mystra to start a new life as an exarch. Shandril, in her new form, bade Narm to find happiness with another woman as he lived the rest of his life, and left to perform her new role as a wandering watcher in service to a goddess. The story did not end there however. Narm’s love for Shandril could not be so easily extinguished. He would travel to the very stars if necessary to be with her again. The problem was figuring out how, and as an aspring wizard, Narm turned to magic. Narm sought out the elder archmage Elminster Aumar, who had previously tutored Narm for a brief time. After months of travel, Narm eventually found the Sage of Shadowdale and pleaded for more teaching. Out of compassion and curiosity, Elminster took Narm in as an official apprentice and to the archmage’s surprise, Narm developed his prowess in the wizardly arts with prodigious speed. The desire to reunite with Shandril drove the young man on with a madman’s pace but it is also speculated that the spellfire used to save Narm’s life did not completely dissipate. It is theorized that the remaining magical essence altered Narm’s mind and body in ways that would enhance his training as a shaper of spells. Impressed by Narm’s development and recognizing the purity of the man’s intentions, the goddess Mystra offered Narm the rank, responsibilities, and privileges of a Chosen, which included the ability to channel the silver fire of raw magic, also known as spellfire. Upon Narm’s acceptance of the new position as a Chosen, the power of spellfire enabled Narm to reach out into the Weave and call to his beloved. Miraculously, Shandril answered the call of Narm, and the lovers were finally together again. Mystra, taking pity on the couple, granted Shandril the additional ability to revert to her original human body. From then on, Shandril could always find Narm and Narm could always contact Shandril, thanks to their shared connection to the Weave. Narm survived the events of the Spellplague and the Second Sundering, and is said to be currently traveling across the worlds of Mystra’s influence, to investigate potential threats to magic and magic users. Shandril, who was recently reawakened from a protected slumber by Mystra, continues to watch over all users of spellfire and from time to time meets with Narm to share stories of their adventures and savor the continuance of their wedded bliss.  

Mystra, Mother of All Magic

Creed: Seek to learn and create new magic always, and love the Art for itself, not for what it can do for you. Know when not to use magic and when a little of it, skillfully applied, can suffice. Be deft and efficient in wielding the Art, never careless or reckless. Be mindful that the Art is the gift of the Lady of Mysteries, and use it humbly, not proudly. Teach magic to all, high and low, and use it to benefit others, so that acceptance of magic grows and the ability to wield magic wid¬ens from a select few to almost every creature of Faerun. Let magic prevail and brighten life, not reign over it and constrain it. Craft new spells and magic items as the Lady’s visions and mysteries move you. Delight and thrill in the use of magic, but strive to master it ever more precisely, so that less of it can achieve more. Preserve magical lore, but share it rather than hiding it, that all may taste it and set aside their fear of its power. Secular Aims: Of old, priests of Mystra were known as Mystrels, and later Mystwardens or Bearers of Mystery. By the 1300s DR, they were popularly called Magerobes, though they called themselves Servants (after “Servants of Mystra”). Like the Chosen of Mystra who are so infamous in tavern tales and legends, her Servants travel the Realms instructing creatures in the use of magic, and leaving spell scrolls, workbooks (sim¬ple spellbooks), and even magic items to be found. The intent is to leave so much magic in so many places that rulers, law keepers, and selfish wizards can’t hope to find all of it. Servants of Mystra are to work against those who seek to restrict magic, and humble or throw down those who seek to use magic for tyranny. Yet they are also to make sure that magic is alive everywhere—and used for good as well as for evil and selfish reasons, so that folk have some respite from brute force and the sword, and so that succor does not become a worse scourge than the sword it opposes. The Servants of Mystra are few, and in the early 1300s DR they were so often attacked by evil spellcasters, and by rulers or rebels seeking to cap¬ture and control potent magic, that increasingly they took to traveling in disguises. A common disguise for Servants was as caravan merchants, in trains full of ordinary traders who had no idea who was in their midst. These Servants revealed themselves only in private to spellcasters or to those who had a gift for the Art but knew it not, or knew not what to do with their abilities. So long as the Servants teach magic and spread it, Mystra cares not if they pursue side projects or hobbies, such as ruling small villages, founding or joining families that rise to wealthy near-nobility through their magical aid, or making themselves rich through their magic. Several became reclu¬sive rulers in the Border Kingdoms, but covertly taught scores of people in upcountry Sembia and the Vast to cast spells. Others did the same in the Tashalar and around the Lake of Steam, intending that no Calishite conqueror would suc¬ceed in expanding into such areas without being unexpectedly opposed by fierce magic. Mystra’s Chosen meddled in politics on a grand scale, and some of her lesser Servants have followed those examples, seeking to curb rulers who use brawl¬ing brawn in favor of those who respect magic and use it wisely, not tyrannically. Others prefer to work illusions to delight children and elders alike around a campfire or in a tavern taproom.

Божественные домены


Догматы веры

These are the tenets that worshippers of Mystra are given to live by.   1. Love magic for itself, not just as a weapon of control and dominance that can reshape the world.   2. True wisdom comes from learning when to use magic as well as when to restrain oneself from using magic.   3. As your power develops, learn to use magic more and more sparingly, for the threat and promise of its art often outstrips its performance.   4. Forget not that the art of magic is a privilege bestowed by the Mother, and be humble, not prideful in its use.   5. Seek always to learn, discover, and develop new magic, but be careful not to be reckless in its use.

Божественные цели и стремления


  Seek to learn and create new magic always, and love the Art for itself, not for what it can do for you.   Know when not to use magic and when a little of it, skillfully applied, can suffice.   Be deft and efficient in wielding the Art, never careless or reckless.   Be mindful that the Art is the gift of the Lady of Mysteries, and use it humbly, not proudly.   Teach magic to all, high and low, and use it to benefit others, so that acceptance of magic grows and the ability to wield magic wid¬ens from a select few to almost every creature of Faerun.   Let magic prevail and brighten life, not reign over it and constrain it.   Craft new spells and magic items as the Lady’s visions and mysteries move you.   Delight and thrill in the use of magic, but strive to master it ever more precisely, so that less of it can achieve more.   Preserve magical lore, but share it rather than hiding it, that all may taste it and set aside their fear of its power.  

Secular Aims

  Of old, priests of Mystra were known as Mystrels, and later Mystwardens or Bearers of Mystery. By the 1300s DR, they were popularly called Magerobes, though they called themselves Servants (after “Servants of Mystra”). Like the Chosen of Mystra who are so infamous in tavern tales and legends, her Servants travel the Realms instructing creatures in the use of magic, and leaving spell scrolls, workbooks (sim¬ple spellbooks), and even magic items to be found. The intent is to leave so much magic in so many   places that rulers, law keepers, and selfish wizards can’t hope to find all of it. Servants of Mystra are to work against those who seek to restrict magic, and humble or throw down those who seek to use magic for tyranny. Yet they are also to make sure that magic is alive everywhere—and used for good as well as for evil and selfish reasons, so that folk have some respite from brute force and the sword, and so that succor does not become a worse scourge than the sword it opposes.   The Servants of Mystra are few, and in the early 1300s DR they were so often attacked by evil spellcasters, and by rulers or rebels seeking to cap¬ture and control potent magic, that increasingly they took to traveling in disguises. A common disguise for Servants was as caravan merchants, in trains full of ordinary traders who had no idea who was in their midst. These Servants revealed themselves only in private to spellcasters or to those who had a gift for the Art but knew it not, or knew not what to do with their abilities.   So long as the Servants teach magic and spread it, Mystra cares not if they pursue side projects or hobbies, such as ruling small villages, founding or joining families that rise to wealthy near-nobility through their magical aid, or making themselves rich through their magic. Several became reclu¬sive rulers in the Border Kingdoms, but covertly taught scores of people in upcountry Sembia and the Vast to cast spells. Others did the same in the Tashalar and around the Lake of Steam, intending that no Calishite conqueror would suc¬ceed in expanding into such areas without being unexpectedly opposed by fierce magic. Mystra’s Chosen meddled in politics on a grand scale, and some of her lesser Servants have followed those examples, seeking to curb rulers who use brawl¬ing brawn in favor of those who respect magic and use it wisely, not tyrannically. Others prefer to work illusions to delight children and elders alike around a campfire or in a tavern taproom.  

Secular Aims

  Of old, priests of Mystra were known as Mystrels, and later Mystwardens or Bearers of Mystery. By the 1300s DR, they were popularly called Magerobes, though they called themselves Servants (after “Servants of Mystra”). Like the Chosen of Mystra who are so infamous in tavern tales and legends, her Servants travel the Realms instructing creatures in the use of magic, and leaving spell scrolls, workbooks (sim¬ple spellbooks), and even magic items to be found. The intent is to leave so much magic in so many   places that rulers, law keepers, and selfish wizards can’t hope to find all of it. Servants of Mystra are to work against those who seek to restrict magic, and humble or throw down those who seek to use magic for tyranny. Yet they are also to make sure that magic is alive everywhere—and used for good as well as for evil and selfish reasons, so that folk have some respite from brute force and the sword, and so that succor does not become a worse scourge than the sword it opposes.   The Servants of Mystra are few, and in the early 1300s DR they were so often attacked by evil spellcasters, and by rulers or rebels seeking to cap¬ture and control potent magic, that increasingly they took to traveling in disguises. A common disguise for Servants was as caravan merchants, in trains full of ordinary traders who had no idea who was in their midst. These Servants revealed themselves only in private to spellcasters or to those who had a gift for the Art but knew it not, or knew not what to do with their abilities.   So long as the Servants teach magic and spread it, Mystra cares not if they pursue side projects or hobbies, such as ruling small villages, founding or joining families that rise to wealthy near-nobility through their magical aid, or making themselves rich through their magic. Several became reclu¬sive rulers in the Border Kingdoms, but covertly taught scores of people in upcountry Sembia and the Vast to cast spells. Others did the same in the Tashalar and around the Lake of Steam, intending that no Calishite conqueror would suc¬ceed in expanding into such areas without being unexpectedly opposed by fierce magic. Mystra’s Chosen meddled in politics on a grand scale, and some of her lesser Servants have followed those examples, seeking to curb rulers who use brawl¬ing brawn in favor of those who respect magic and use it wisely, not tyrannically. Others prefer to work illusions to delight children and elders alike around a campfire or in a tavern taproom.

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