Church of Mystra Organization in Not Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Church of Mystra

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Waterdeep has a strong tradition of both wizardry and sorcery. Waterdhavians inclined to worship one of the "arcane" faiths (Azuth, Mystra, Savras, or now Velsharoon) have traditionally favored the Lady of Mysteries, dating back to the establishment of the House of Wonder m the Year of Starlight (1215   In Waterdeep, the Church of Mystra has long played a secondary role to the Watchful Order of Magists & Protectors because the sale of spells and magic items is traditionally the province of the guild, not the church. The relationship between guild and church has been upset in recent years by the growth of the Enclave of Red Magic and attempts by Meleghost Starseer, the temple's high priest, to reach out to the Red Wizards.   Waterdeep's Mystran church is closely allied with the Church of Selûne, and the two faiths work together to battle the followers of Shar. In the aftermath of the Time of Troubles, Meleghost Starseer joined Naneatha Suaril in founding the Knights of the Blue Moon, in large part to remove High Moonknight Xale from his leadership role at the House of Wonder. Although Knights of the Blue Moon are officially welcome in the House of Wonder, Meleghost has made clear that he finds their presence distasteful.   Base of Operations: House of Wonder.   МИСТРА   Леди Тайн, Наша Госпожа Заклинаний Прароди¬тельница Магии   Мистра - повелительница магии, и всего с нею связанного. Она почитаема магами и теми, кто использует волшебство или волшебные предметы в     повседневной жизни. Ей возносят молитвы восхи¬щающиеся магией или страшащиеся опасностей, что она приносит. Мистра - божество той силы, которая вообще позволяет творить магию. Она вла¬деет Плетением и следит за ним, поддерживая этот проводник, посредством которого смертные и боги могут пользоваться чистой силой магии.   Мистра почитаема почти во всех уголках Фаэруна, что немудрено для земли, настолько пропитанной магией. Среди поклоняющихся и те, кто использу¬ют магию и те, кто с ней соприкасается, например, алхимики и мудрецы. Среди облаченных в синее жрецов Мистры можно найти волшебников, колду¬нов и даже несколько бардов. Цель этой веры очень проста - магия есть, и она должна распространяться. В норме обычая не забывать о тех, у кого высокий потенциал и находить хороших учителей для них.       Леди Тайн, Мать Всей Магии Великое божество   Символ: Круг из семи сине-белых звезд с красной мглой, текущей из центра Домашний план: Сердце Двеомера Мировоззрение: Нейтральное добро Сфера: Магия, заклинания, Плетение   Прихожане: Эльфы, полуэльфы, инкантатрикс, мистические странники, колдуны, танцоры заклинаний, передающие огонь заклинаний, волшебники   Мировоззрения клериков: CG, LE, LG, LN, NG Домены: Добро, Иллюзия, Знание, Магия, Руна, Заклинание Одобренное оружие: Семь кружащихся звезд (сюрикен)   Мистра (.мисс-трах, miss-trah) обеспечивает Плетение и близка к нему, по сути являясь его воплощением. Плетение - проводник, позволяющий смертным заклинателям и изготовителям магического получать доступ к сырой силе, которая является магией. Мистра - также божество тех возможностей, которые может вызвать магия, что делает ее самым мощным из существ, связанных с Торилом. Хотя она предпочитает добро, она узнала, что в качестве божества магии должна сохранять Баланс. Хотя она может предотвращать создание новых заклинаний и магических изделий, противостоящих ее философии, она редко делает это, если они не угрожают Плетению или магии вообще. Мистра выглядит как красивая человеческая женщина с темными гладкими волосами и сияющей кожей.   Церковь Мистры очень мощна по всему Фаэруну и имеет множество сторонников среди народных масс. Учитывая большое количество волшебников и колдунов среди набожных прихожан Леди Тайн, вера несомненно самая мощная на всем Фаэруне. Последователи Мистры потеряли много влияния начиная со Времени Неприятностей, когда магия взбесилась и причинила великие разрушение. Действия божества в течение прошлого десятилетия всего лишь привели больше прихожан, особенно злых волшебников и колдунов, в руки Шар.   Клерики Мистры выбирают одно время дня или ночи, чтобы последовательно молиться о заклинаниях. Они празднуют 15-й день Марпенота, годовщину возвышения нынешней Мистры из ее смертной формы, но в остальном имеют немного связанных с календарем ритуалов, больше сосредотачиваясь на персональном стиле поклонения. Для некоторых набожных тайных заклинателей это никогда не выходит за рамки шепота молитвы с каждым заклинанием, которое они читают, а некоторые думают о моральных последствиях его использования. Две церемонии, имеющие огромное персональное значение - Звездный Полет и Огонь Мага. Первая сосредотачивается на заклинании полета, позволяющего полет до тех пор, пока звезды видны на небе. Это часто используется как инициирование, когда индивидуум присоединяется к церкви Мистры, или в праздновании при венчании двоих прихожанин. Во время Огня Мага великая магическая сила струится по телу, сверкающему в мерцании синего огня, разливающегося очищением и обновлением. Гимн Леди - торжественный ритуал, исполняемый главным образом на похоронах. Пока живущее духовенство читает панихиду, возникают видения мертвых магов и мистранских клериков; Мистра часто дает при этом свое руководство. Клерики Мистры обычно мультиклассируют как тайные приверженцы, хранители двеомеров (см. Главу 4), колдуны или волшебники.   История/отношения: Мистра - третье божество, удерживающее положение Леди Тайн и Матери Всей Магии, начиная с возвышения Нетерила. Первой была Мистрил, погибшая при спасении Плетения от высокомерия архиволшебника-нетереза Карсуса. Вторая Леди Тайн была первой, создавшей Избранных Мистры, включая Эльминстера, Келбена и Семь Сестер. Она умерла от рук Хелма в течение Времени Неприятностей при попытке возвратиться на планы. В конце Кризиса Аватаров смертная волшебница по имени Миднайт ("Полночь") приняла имя своей предшественницы, поднявшись к божественности. Подобно Цирику и Келемвору, новой Мистре потребовалось некоторое время, чтобы вжиться в роль божествя. В течение десятилетия она во многих случаях билась против своего старого врага Цирика и на какое-то время отказала в использовании магии и божествам, и смертным. Однако с тех пор она, похоже, поняла свою роль стража Баланса и беспристрастного арбитра Плетения.   Общепринятый советник Мистры - Азут, хотя Лорд Заклинаний менее близок с ней, чем с предыдущей Леди Тайн. Саврас и Велшарун, таким образом также косвенно отвечающие перед Мистрой, служат Азуту. Мать Всей Магии поддерживает тесные союзы с божествами знаний, типа Огмы, Денейра и Милила, а также с божествами магии других пантеонов, включая Кореллона Ларетиана, Изис и Тота. Хотя она все еще страстно ненавидит Цирика и смотрит на возвращение Бэйна с расцветающей ненавистью, главный антагонист Мистры - Шар. Шар давно уже тайно создала Теневое Плетение в ответ на создание Селунэ Мистрил и Плетения (во что Шар также неосторожно сделала свой вклад). Мистра видит в действиях Шар прямую угрозу своей сфере и серьезную опасность для целостности Плетения, так что ее связи с Селунэ сильны и растут. Цель Мистры - в конечном счете включить Теневое Плетение в свою собственную сферу, даже если это означает пожертвовать своими последними остатками человечности и свойственного совершенства и поглотить больше тьмы, которая и есть Шар.   Догма: Любите магию для себя. Не обращайтесь с ней как с оружием, чтобы изменить мир по своей Воле. Истинная мудрость знает, когда не следует использовать магию. Стремитесь использовать магию все меньше, поскольку ваши силы развиваются, часто угроза или обещания ее использования опережают ее фактическую работу. Магия - Искусство, Дар Леди, и те, кто владеют ей - чрезвычайно привилегированны. Помня это, держитесь подобострастно, а не гордо. Используйте Искусство ловко и эффективно, а не небрежно и опрометчиво. Стремитесь всегда изучать и создавать новую магию.   Духовенство и храмы: Мистранское духовенство упорно трудится для сохранения всех магических знаний, чтобы магия могла процветать в будущем независимо от того, что случится с мыслящими расами Фаэруна или с силами планов. Они поддерживают секретные библиотеки, частные убежища, хорошо охраняемые научно-исследовательские лаборатории и маленькие скрытые притоны. Мистране также находят существ, квалифицированных в использовании заклинаний, и продолжают наблюдать за поведением индивидуумов, для которых вероятно стать важными владеющими магией. Духовенство активно разыскивает источники старой магии, часто в гробницах и опасных руинах - даже личей. Они считают более критичным знать о точном местонахождении артефактов и изделиях магической силы, чем обладать ими, но везде, где возможно, они работают для того, чтобы вырвать контроль над такими вещами у настойчиво злых, безответственных и ненадежных. Хотя некоторые из клериков Мистры следуют учению старшего, законно-нейтрального воплощения божества, большинство сменили мировоззрение в соответствии с ее текущим воплощением или покинули веру. Все духовенство Мистры, как ожидается, изобретет свою собственную новую магию (будут ли это заклинания или изделия) после получения достаточного опыта. Таким образом, магическое изучение остается растущим и ярким, а магия - удобным инструментом для правителей и инженеров для приручения Фаэруна, при этом оставаясь чем-то удивительным.   Храмы Мистры могут быть почти любого размера и стиля; некоторые святыни - естественные пещеры или гроты. Все они живут произведением искусства - или, скорее, Искусства - возведенные магией и окутанные бесчисленными заклинаниями. Большинство их наполнены магическими изделиями, многие из которых имеют скорее эзотерический, чем практический характер. Многие имеют открытый центральный внутренний двор, в котором проводятся ежедневные службы и из которого можно по ночам видеть звезды или их магическое представление. Меньшие дома размещают библиотеки магических знаний или служат цехами и лабораториями для экспериментирования в Искусстве. Места, посвященные божеству, усилены Плетением для увеличения силы накладываемых заклинаний. Любое заклинание, наложенное в их пределах клериками, может получать выгоду одного метамагического умения без необходимости занимать ячейку заклинания более высокого уровня; выгода заканчивается, если получатель покидает местоположение храма.   Церемониальная одежда клериков-мистран состоит из простых синих роб, иногда отороченных белым, завершаемых плащом глубоко-синего цвета в более холодном климате. Требуется некий синий головной убор, хотя он может варьироваться от простой тюбетейки в академических орденах Севера Побережья Меча до широкополых декоративных шляп и шлемов в южных землях.   Символом Мистры до Времени Неприятностей была сине-белая звезда, но используются и старые, и новые символы. Мистранские клерики очень терпимы к старшим поклоняющимся Мистре, поскольку они чувствуют, что продвижение приходит лишь от познания прошлого. Они позволяют стоять старым символам веры, но при создании новых символов они всегда используют новый символ своего божества.   Все владеющие магией и искатели тайных знаний любой расы приветствуются на службе Мистре. Иерархия мистранской веры широка и различна, разделяясь на ордена, концентрирующиеся на одной из форм магической энергии.   Отношения между различными орденами и подгруппами веры очень хорошие. И божественные, и тайные заклинатели наполняют свои ряды без оглядки на уровень или происхождение. Общее правило мистранской веры - талант и способности перевешивают социальный ранг или легендарные умения.   Церковь также поддерживает благородное общество паладинов, маленький орден рейнджеров и собрания бардов. Рыцари Мистического Огня часто сопровождают членов духовенства на заданиях по поиску утерянных запасов древней магии. Эти паладины также формируют кадры для лидеров маленьких групп вооруженных сил, охраняющих большие храмы и цеха Мистры. Рейнджеры, известные как Орден Метеора, служат для церкви разведчиками дальнего действия и шпионами. Они также разбираются с магическими угрозами против естественного порядка вещей, типа ослабленных извергов и существ, рожденных безответственным магическим экспериментированием. Барды Детей Звездной Иглы часто работают для церкви как сборщики информации и сплетники или проводят время в библиотеках, раскапывая магические знания и сохраняя их для потомства. Некоторые члены Звездной Иглы - Арфисты.   Seven or Nine Stars - THO 23/1/10 Mystra was more recently associated with seven stars, but in more ancient times, by nine stars (and the reasons behind that are yet another of the as-yet-unrevealed mysteries of Realmslore; Ed has written about this but his writings are in the hands of Wizards/TSR, and not yet shared with the rest of us). Neutral Alignment - Ed 16/7/10, responding to Markustay assertion about neutrality Markustay: First, I never said Mystra was a 'force for good' - she isn't. She is a force to promote Arcane magic, and she uses the weave to that end. Technically, I think of Mystra as more of an immensely powerful, sentient artifact. She was created by gods, and is the self¬aware consciousness of the weave. At that level of power, the difference between such an artifact and a 'true god' is negligible; merely a matter of semantics. She's like an overly-complex computer program that keeps needing to be rebooted every so often. Anyhow, the spread of Ubral (shadow) magic is what she is trying to prevent - its natural connections to death would have a devastating effect on the Realms (look at Anauroch). That may make it seem like she is a force for good, but technically 'Good vs Evil' don't enter into it - magic is merely a means to an end, and can be used for either. It is the type of magic she is most concerned with. While the 'free use of magic' is best-promoted by a free, democratic society, it is not necessary. She obviously had no problem with Aryvandaar and the Vyshann Empire (although it is questionable how much control she can exert over elves). Tyranny tends to lend itself to those in power being the only ones allowed to hold power, and that is the only reason why Mystra opposes those types of cultures." A: Markustay, every word of this is correct, and is superbly expressed. Right on, in every detail. - Ed 18/6/11 THO: Ed sees Mystra, on balance, as neutral, as follows (here follow the words of Ed himself): Ed: Mystra doesn't seek to shut out or favour entire races or kingdoms or regions or particular power groups in their access to ever-greater magic. She doesn't "play favourites." (Those who protest that the Chosen are her favourites have missed the point: they are her AGENTS rather than a "side" among conflicting mortal power groups.) Mystra does tend to foment rivalries between ambitious or evil mages, because it causes them to work harder at the creative side of magic, and she does tend to more freely disseminate magic among good- aligned casters who cooperate with others (because they will tend to spread magic more swiftly and freely). Mystra wants all races using more and more magic; to her, this is a desirable goal. So is peace, purely because it causes the deaths of fewer magic-using creatures than war. (Others may see these as "good" goals and they may well be...or may not. Even a kind, benevolent Mystra may be weakening or even dooming races by causing them to rely increasingly on magic and not, say, their thews. Only time will tell. It is tempting for a given mortal (both beings in the Realms and scribes here at the Keep) to view individual acts of Mystra in the light of their own personal definitions of good or evil and try to label Mystra in terms of alignment (or say that she's mislabeled in her official alignments, or defies the alignment system). However, this is short-sighted; her impact and pattern of activity can only be viewed over the long run, and HER OWN view of what she's trying to do is even-handed and neutral (and alignment is a description of a particular being's world-view and approach to life, the reasons behind a pattern of acts rather than a list of "dos" and "don'ts". . . at least it was according to Gary Gygax, who created alignment as part of the D&D game, because he and I and some other 'old hand" grognards had a long discussion about this, years and years ago). If I was a Knight of Myth Drannor, I would probably describe Mystra as "neutral with good tendencies" - - but if I was a Zhentarim, I'd probably say she was "neutral tempered with ruthless dislike of some," and if I was a priest of Torm or Helm, I'd say she was "neutral; for if she favoured good, she'd not have suffered the Zhents or Red Wizards to flourish as they did; and if she favoured evil, competing renegade magelords would rule most of the Realms, mustering dragons and worse as allies in an endless struggle to rule us all." Mortals seeking to judge a particular divine act as "in character" or "right" for a deity are playing themselves for fools from the start, because it's very rare (to unheard of) for any mortal to understand the deity, the various motivations and factors weighing into the deity's decisions, and the situation in which the act is being performed sufficiently well to properly judge the act. Or to put it more simply, "most gods are beyond the understanding of most mortals, almost all of the time." (Which is why, after all, some mortals suffer others to carry on careers as priests.) Voluntary limiting of power - Ed 16/7/10, responding to Hoondatha's assertion that her power has been limited Hoondatha: I remember from somewhere (and I can't remember where despite ten minutes of cudgeling my brains) that that hypothesis of Mystra intentionally weakening herself through Chosen had actually been confirmed. Or at least, as confirmed as anything related to the gods ever is. The worry, IIRC, was to keep Mystra from becoming an all-powerful weapon that gods could take control of and then use against other gods. Which explains why Bane devoted essentially his entire existence to trying to do just that. Mystra, and especially Mystryl, had the capability to be the most powerful diety in FR space by a fairly large margin. This was considered bad (again, I think you're right that it was Ao who handed that down), and so deliberate action was taken to weaken her. Remember, Chosen hold the silver fire, and can block Mystra from accessing it if they deem it necessary. I think at their core, the Chosen are a fire-break against Mystra becoming an all-consuming raging inferno, and any other good that they can do, either for Mystra or for the world at large, is a happy byproduct. Ed: Mystra is indeed an Overgod in waiting - - and could have become THE supreme Realms god had it been in her nature. However, as Hoondatha pointed out, she has voluntarily limited her power. Gods should NOT be seen as all-hungry entities obsessed with (or unable to stop themselves from) gathering ever more power. Their natures, portfolios and all, determine whether or not they are interested in power-gathering, or indifferent, or able to "turn away from it" from time to time, or likely to sacrifice themselves or their gains for what they see as a greater good or achievement or necessity. Paladins of Mystra - Ed and THO paraphrasing Ed, 2/10/12 "2) What are common oaths a Paladin of Mystra takes?" A: Ed says one of them is to defend all who use arcane magic from persecution because of their magic use. Another is to destroy no enchanted item, no matter what. "3) How would the established churches of Mystra react to a Paladin of their goddess that does not integrate with their organizations?" Ed: Quite well, because many of the relatively few paladins of Mystra act more or less as solo agents, assisting Mystran clergy when they are 'on the scene,' but otherwise following directives Mystra or Mystra's servitors (beings of the Weave) have personally given them. It doesn't matter whether or not individual priests of Mystra like this state of affairs; it's become the norm. "4) What exactly happens in a typical 15th of Marpenoth (Reference: 3.5ed's Mystra's ascension) celebration? Are they big groups, or on a smaller, personal level?" A: Ed says they're almost all small personal celebrations (in temples, individual prayer vigils), not revels. "6) What actions would a Paladin have to take for Mystra to strip him/her of his powers? How forgiving of mistakes is she (I.E., a Paladin is tricked into something, etc.)?" A: Ed says very forgiving. Second chances, accepts human fallibility (so few or no consequences if tricked into something). "8) What colors are Paladins of Mystra required to wear... and in the same vein as the above question, is it Mystra that requires them to wear those colors, or the religious order?" Ed: The religious order demands paladins of Mystra wear such colors if they want to recognized as paladins in good standing BY CLERGY OF MYSTRA. Mystra demands nothing in this regard. The colors are blue-white and silver, or failing that, royal blue and white. Best of all: a circle of seven or nine white stars or dots on a blue field (sash, surcoat, or cloak).     The church apparently sent out communiqués to its members with news of the opening of new temples and such.[2]   The church also found a duty to help folk driven insane by failed spellcasting.[1]   Many Mystran clergy wandered the land as itinerant clerics, seeking out and preserving old magic.[2]   Most worshipers of the Lady of Mysteries are human, but all natives of Faerûn who seek to become powerful in magic without benefit of divine aid must at least appease the goddess with sacrifices. (Burning items that have temporarily been enchanted with a spell is the easiest way to do this.) Wizards, especially good wizards, hold her name in special veneration, even if they primarily worship Azuth or some other deity.   All wielders of magic and seekers after arcane lore of any race are welcome in the service of Mystra. The hierarchy of the Mystran faith is wide and varied, separating into orders concentrating on one form of magical energy or another. Clerics, specialty priests, wizards, and bards can all he found in its ranks without regard to experience level or origin. The general rule of the Mystran faith is that talent and ability for the job outweighs social rank or legendary feats. Only those clergy members who gain their spells directly from a higher power gain their spells directly from the goddess, but all are welcome within the church's hierarchy. Relations between the various orders and subgroups of the faith are very good. The priests of Mystra are known as Servants of Mystery. Higher level priests, both those with title and lands and legendary adventuring priests, are called Ladies or Lords of Mystery. Titles within the faith vary from temple to temple and follow no standard form across the whole of the church, though most temples are rigidly self-consistent.   Mystran temples can be structures of almost any size or style, and some shrines are natural carves or special grottoes. Through the grace of the goddess, Mystran priests who stand in a place sacred to Mystra can cast spells for the maximum possible damage, duration, or extent of effect (their choice of which). Such places include all Mystran temples and shrines, and most private spellcasting chambers.   All priests of Mystra can cause their own flesh—all of it, or specific areas, such as a hand—to glow at will with a soft, blue-white radiance as a boon from Mystra. This radiance, known as weaveglow, is enough to read by or to allow a priest to clearly see items and surroundings within 5 feet. Most Mystrans keep this sign of the favor of the goddess secret from nonbelievers. As something mysterious, it is more useful, allowing them, for example, to feign affliction or magical attack. Weaveglow is granted to priests after their initiation, which is often a Starflight ceremony.   The church of Mystra preserved magical lore so that magic would continue and flourish in the future even if the dominant races of Faerûn were to fall. Its members also searched out those skilled in magic or who had the potential to use it, keeping a close eye on those who were likely to become skilled. Her clerics were encouraged to explore magical theory and create new spells and magic items. Sites dedicated to the goddess were enhanced by the Weave to allow any spell cast by her clerics while in them to be affected by metamagic  
  Creed: Seek to learn and create new magic always, and love the Art for itself, not for what it can do for you. Know when not to use magic and when a little of it, skillfully applied, can suffice.   Be deft and efficient in wielding the Art, never careless or reckless. Be mindful that the Art is the gift of the Lady of Mysteries, and use it humbly, not proudly. Teach magic to all, high and low, and use it to benefit others, so that acceptance of magic grows and the ability to wield magic wid¬ens from a select few to almost every creature of Faerun. Let magic prevail and brighten life, not reign over it and constrain it.   Craft new spells and magic items as the Lady’s visions and mysteries move you. Delight and thrill in the use of magic, but strive to master it ever more precisely, so that less of it can achieve more. Preserve magical lore, but share it rather than hiding it, that all may taste it and set aside their fear of its power.   Secular Aims: Of old, priests of Mystra were known as Mystrels, and later Mystwardens or Bearers of Mystery. By the 1300s DR, they were popularly called Magerobes, though they called themselves Servants (after “Servants of Mystra”). Like the Chosen of Mystra who are so infamous in tavern tales and legends, her Servants travel the Realms instructing creatures in the use of magic, and leaving spell scrolls, workbooks (sim¬ple spellbooks), and even magic items to be found. The intent is to leave so much magic in so many places that rulers, law keepers, and selfish wizards can’t hope to find all of it. Servants of Mystra are to work against those who seek to restrict magic, and humble or throw down those who seek to use magic for tyranny. Yet they are also to make sure that magic is alive everywhere—and used for good as well as for evil and selfish reasons, so that folk have some respite from brute force and the sword, and so that succor does not become a worse scourge than the sword it opposes.   The Servants of Mystra are few, and in the early 1300s DR they were so often attacked by evil spellcasters, and by rulers or rebels seeking to cap¬ture and control potent magic, that increasingly they took to traveling in disguises. A common disguise for Servants was as caravan merchants, in trains full of ordinary traders who had no idea who was in their midst. These Servants revealed themselves only in private to spellcasters or to those who had a gift for the Art but knew it not, or knew not what to do with their abilities.   So long as the Servants teach magic and spread it, Mystra cares not if they pursue side projects or hobbies, such as ruling small villages, founding or joining families that rise to wealthy near-nobility through their magical aid, or making themselves rich through their magic. Several became reclu¬sive rulers in the Border Kingdoms, but covertly taught scores of people in upcountry Sembia and the Vast to cast spells. Others did the same in the Tashalar and around the Lake of Steam, intending that no Calishite conqueror would suc¬ceed in expanding into such areas without being unexpectedly opposed by fierce magic. Mystra’s Chosen meddled in politics on a grand scale, and some of her lesser Servants have followed those examples, seeking to curb rulers who use brawl¬ing brawn in favor of those who respect magic and use it wisely, not tyrannically. Others prefer to work illusions to delight children and elders alike around a campfire or in a tavern taproom.


From 1358 DR, the patriarch of the church was Adon, who had been the first priest of the new Mystra.[1]   Even itinerant clerics like Tunaster Dranik would remain in at least yearly contact with the church, and be considered to be in good standing. They had superiors among the settled clergy at the temples.[2]

Публичное заявление

Mystra's church preserves magical lore in secret and hidden places so that magic would continue to flourish in the future even if the dominate races of Faerun were to fall. Its members also search out those skilled in magic or have the potential to use it. Her clerics are encouraged to explore magical theory and create new spells and magic items. Sites dedicated to the goddess are enhanced by the Weave to allow any spell cast by her clerics while in one of those sites to have one metamagic effect without the requisite need to take up a higher-level spell slot. Mystra honors the commitments that members of her clergy who joined before the Time of Troubles made to the previous goddess of magic (who was Lawful Neutral). They have not been forced to leave the clergy due to alignment differences.   Clerics of Mystra pick one time of day or night to consistently pray for spells. They celebrate the 15th day of Marpenoth, the anniversary of the ascention of the current Mystra from her mortal form, but otherwise have few calendar related rituals, focusing more on a personal style of worship. Her clerics usually multiclass as some kind of arcane spellcaster.

Принципы веры


  Seek to learn and create new magic always, and love the Art for itself, not for what it can do for you. Know when not to use magic and when a little of it, skillfully applied, can suffice.   Be deft and efficient in wielding the Art, never careless or reckless. Be mindful that the Art is the gift of the Lady of Mysteries, and use it humbly, not proudly. Teach magic to all, high and low, and use it to benefit others, so that acceptance of magic grows and the ability to wield magic wid¬ens from a select few to almost every creature of Faerun. Let magic prevail and brighten life, not reign over it and constrain it.   Craft new spells and magic items as the Lady’s visions and mysteries move you. Delight and thrill in the use of magic, but strive to master it ever more precisely, so that less of it can achieve more. Preserve magical lore, but share it rather than hiding it, that all may taste it and set aside their fear of its power.  

Secular Aims

  Of old, priests of Mystra were known as Mystrels, and later Mystwardens or Bearers of Mystery. By the 1300s DR, they were popularly called Magerobes, though they called themselves Servants (after “Servants of Mystra”). Like the Chosen of Mystra who are so infamous in tavern tales and legends, her Servants travel the Realms instructing creatures in the use of magic, and leaving spell scrolls, workbooks (sim¬ple spellbooks), and even magic items to be found. The intent is to leave so much magic in so many   places that rulers, law keepers, and selfish wizards can’t hope to find all of it. Servants of Mystra are to work against those who seek to restrict magic, and humble or throw down those who seek to use magic for tyranny. Yet they are also to make sure that magic is alive everywhere—and used for good as well as for evil and selfish reasons, so that folk have some respite from brute force and the sword, and so that succor does not become a worse scourge than the sword it opposes.   The Servants of Mystra are few, and in the early 1300s DR they were so often attacked by evil spellcasters, and by rulers or rebels seeking to cap¬ture and control potent magic, that increasingly they took to traveling in disguises. A common disguise for Servants was as caravan merchants, in trains full of ordinary traders who had no idea who was in their midst. These Servants revealed themselves only in private to spellcasters or to those who had a gift for the Art but knew it not, or knew not what to do with their abilities.   So long as the Servants teach magic and spread it, Mystra cares not if they pursue side projects or hobbies, such as ruling small villages, founding or joining families that rise to wealthy near-nobility through their magical aid, or making themselves rich through their magic. Several became reclu¬sive rulers in the Border Kingdoms, but covertly taught scores of people in upcountry Sembia and the Vast to cast spells. Others did the same in the Tashalar and around the Lake of Steam, intending that no Calishite conqueror would suc¬ceed in expanding into such areas without being unexpectedly opposed by fierce magic. Mystra’s Chosen meddled in politics on a grand scale, and some of her lesser Servants have followed those examples, seeking to curb rulers who use brawl¬ing brawn in favor of those who respect magic and use it wisely, not tyrannically. Others prefer to work illusions to delight children and elders alike around a campfire or in a tavern taproom.


Dogma: Love magic for itself. Do not treat it just as a weapon to reshape the world to your will. True wisdom is knowing when not to use magic. Strive to use magic less as your powers develop, for often the threat or promise of its use outstrips its actual performance. Magic is Art, the Gift of the Lady, and those who wield it are privileged in the extreme. Conduct yourself humbly, not proudly, while being mindful of this. Use the Art deftly and efficiently, not carelessly and recklessly. Seek always to learn and create new magic.   Dogma: Choice, decision, and knowledge, leavened with a healthy dose of good for the most individuals, are the hallmarks of Mystra's faith. Magic is great power, and it brings with it great responsibility. Mystra's clergy are given the following charge upon aspiring to the faith:   "Love magic for itself, not just as a ready weapon to reshape the Realms to your will. Learn when not to use your magic, and you will have learned true wisdom. Play with magic and learn how best to wield it, but not when the price is paid by others. Strive to use magic less and less as your powers develop, not more and more; often the threat and promise of Art outstrips its performance.   "Remember always that magic is an Art, the Gift of the Lady, and that those who can wield it are privileged in the extreme. Conduct yourself humbly, not proudly, while being mindful of this.   "Use magic deftly and efficiently; eschew carelessness and recklessness in the unleashing of Art. When magic imperils you, hide it or hurl it away into other planes rather than destroy it, for any destruction of Art is a sin.   "Seek always both to learn new magic and to create new magic, but experimenting to learn to craft something oneself is better than merely buying scrolls or hiring tutors. Exult more in creation than in hurling spells, and ensure that your creations are shared with others and so outlive you. Those who succeed in this last and in maturing into true wisdom and consideration for the greater balance of things in Faerûn in the use of Art are most favored in the eyes of the Lady and will serve her beyond death as beings who have become one with magic and live on in it forever."


One Mystran religious service took the form of an astrology show, in which a priest pointed out, named, and revered various stars and constellations.[3]   Day-to-Day Activities: Mystran clergy work hard to preserve all magical lore in secret libraries, private safeholds, well-guarded research laboratories, and small, hidden stashes so that magic flourishes in the future regardless of what befalls the thinking races of Faerûn or the powers of the planes. Mystrans also search out beings skilled in spell use, seeking to keep watch on the identities, powers, and behavior of individuals likely to become magic-wielders of importance.   Not everyone can find old magic of note, but all clergy of Mystra can devise their own new magic upon gaining sufficient experience, and they are expected to do so. In this way magical study remains a growing, vibrant thing, and magic does not merely become a handy power to serve rulers and engineers as a tool to tame the Realms, but remains a thing of wonder.   Holy Days/Important Ceremonies: In Waterdeep, the church of Mystra celebrates Gods' Day on the 15th of Marpenoth, the anniversary of Midnight's elevation to divinity as the new Mystra, with a huge festival centered around the House of Wonder that ends in magical fireworks that go long into the night. This holiday is being gradually adopted by shrines and temples of Mystra throughout Faerûn.   On the whole, though, the worship of Mystra tends to be a personal thing rather than a series of calendar rituals. For some mages whom the goddess counts as devout believers, it never goes beyond a whispered prayer of thanks to her with each spell they cast coupled with some thought as to the moral consequences of the use of this or that spell. For Mystra, that is enough. The goddess gains both delight and strength, however, from beings who do more in reverence to her. Two ceremonies of personal significance stand out: Starflight and Magefire.   Starflight is often used as an initiation when an individual joins the priesthood of Mystra or a celebration when two worshipers are wed. It is a special ceremonial cooperative magic worked by several priests that empowers one of the faithful to fly so long as stars are visible in the sky. This can make long journeys easy, provide a joyous change of pace, serve as a special means of looking over the land, achieve privacy for important discussions, place one of the faithful a safe distance away from precious things in order to try hurling spectacular spells, or provide a very special beginning for one's marriage.   Magefire is renewal; it is the exciting feeling of great magical power surging through one's body, blazing out as flickering blue fire as it spills forth, cleansing and renewing. With enough clergy powering it, this cooperative ceremonial magic can heal all sorts of fell conditions. Mystrans describe it as "the most blissful feeling one can know." It is spectacular to watch. The Mystran to he affected lies down on the ground and the circle of celebrants pours power into the worshiper—until his or her body, blazing with blue fire, slowly rises to hang in midair above those fueling the ceremony, humming and crackling with the power of the magic surging through it. Magefire often ends in a Starflight ceremony, provided the celebrants intone the correct incantation.   The Hymn to the Lady is a solemn ritual performed at funerals and magemoots, that calls up visions of dead mages and Mystran clergy as a plainsong dirge is intoned by the living clergy present. Mystra often uses these visions to insert her own guiding scenes. A modified Magefire ceremony may be employed at the end of the Hymn to raise the honored dead aloft into a floating pyre on high.   Major Centers of Worship: On the wooded eastern verge of Elventree stands a ruined, overgrown stone hall known as the House of Mysteries. It is reportedly the strongest place of power to Mystra in all Faerûn (along with the nearby Harper refuge, the House of the Harp).   Those who enter the House of Mysteries say that the inside is like a sound-eating dark void where soft voices whisper and glowing, varicolored motes of light drift about. No spell can illuminate this darkness, and out of it comes the Voice of the Goddess (or a senior devotee) answering questions with cryptic advice, identifying items apparently without need of spells, and (rarely) altering supplicants with spells that come "out of nowhere." Word of such puissant divine aid and guidance has spread swiftly across Faerûn, and wizards from distant realms indeed have come to Elventree in search of grandeur.   The largest temple to Mystra in all the Realms is located in Mt. Talath in Halruaa. It occupies an entire cavern complex, and its high priestess, Lady of Mystery Greila Sontoin, is very old but still capable of performing powerful ceremonies and casting mighty spells. The grand temple of the complex is open to all who want to worship, but the storerooms and libraries are only open to Halruaans of proven good intentions and of Mystra's faith. Non-Halruaans are sometimes admitted to certain libraries and halls deemed to contain nonsensitive items and reference works, but usually such admittance is at the price of a very steep admission fee.   Affiliated Orders: Most wizards and bards in the Mystran church are members of the clergy and belong to no special order, though the church of Mystra has close ties with Those Who Harp (the Harpers), an organization working for good and against the rise of great powers throughout Faerûn. Those bards who are not clergy members belong to the Children of the Starry Quill and often work as information gatherers and rumormongers for the church or spend part of their time in designated libraries unearthing magical knowledge and then preserving it for posterity. Some members of the Starry Quill are also Harpers.   The church also sponsors a knightly order of paladins and a small order of rangers. The paladins, the Knights of the Mystic Fire, are granted their spells by Mystra. They often accompany members of the clergy on quests to locate lost hoards of ancient magic and also form the cadre from which the leadership for the small groups of armed forces who guard Mystra's larger temples and workshops is drawn. The rangers, known as the Order of the Shooting Star, also receive their spells from Mystra. They serve as long-range scouts and spies for the church and also deal with magical threats that threaten the natural order of things, such as unloosed tanar'ri and baatezu and creatures born of irresponsible wizardly experimentation.   Priestly Vestments: The ceremonial garb of Mystran priests is simple blue robes that are sometimes trimmed with white. They are accented by a cloak of deep blue in colder climates. Some form of headgear is required, though this may range from a simple blue skullcap for the scholarly orders of the Sword Coast North to wide, ornate, blue hats and helms in southern lands.   Mystra's symbol was a blue-white star before the coming of the Avatars and now is a circle of stars in a ring, with a red mist rising toward (or flowing from) the center. Both symbols are still in use. Mystran priests are very tolerant of the older symbology and beliefs in Mystra, as they feel that one may only press forward by learning about the past. They let established symbols of the old Mystran faith stand, but when creating new symbols, they always use the new sigil of their goddess.   Adventuring Garb: In the field, priests of Mystra wear armor and bear the new symbol of Mystra on their shields as a display of their faith. If armor is inappropriate, they dress in the fashion of the land they inhabit appropriate for the inclement weather.


Children of the Starry Quill Order of the Shooting Star Knights of the Mystic Fire

Полученные божественные силы

Specialty Priests Dweomerkeepers   REQUIREMENTS: Intelligence 14, Wisdom 12 PRIME REQ.: Intelligence, Wisdom ALIGNMENT: LN, CN, NG WEAPONS: All bludgeoning (wholly Type B) weapons ARMOR: Any MAJOR SPHERES: All, astral, chaos, charm, combat, creation, divination, elemental, guardian, healing, law, necromantic, numbers, protection, summoning, thought, time, travelers, wards MINOR SPHERES: Animal, plant, sun, weather MAGICAL ITEMS: Same as clerics, plus all items normally usable by wizards except scrolls REQUIRED PROFICIENCIES: Spellcraft BONUS PROFICIENCIES: Astrology   Dweomerkeepers have a +2 bonus to their saving throws against any sort of magic. Dweomerkeepers function normally in both dead magic and wild magic areas. Once per day, dweomerkeepers can detect magic. The ability lasts for a turn, and the dweomerkeeper has a 10% chance per level to recognize if a certain type or certain sphere of magic is present. The ability functions otherwise as the 1st-level wizard spell detect magic. Dweomerkeepers can read magic as the 1st-level wizard spell and can also read the different mage-script used in the South in Mulhorand and elsewhere (a script usually unreadable with read magic. This does not enable them to cast wizard spells, merely to understand all magical writings. At 3rd level, dweomerkeepers gain the ability to cast Nystul's magical aura (as the 1st-level wizard spell) once a day. The faithful refer to this ability as Mystra's lingering touch. Dweomerkeepers need only touch an appropriate object to use this ability. At 5th level, dweomerkeepers are able to cast dispel magic (as the 3rd-level priest spell) once a day. At 7th level, dweomerkeepers can cast priest spells faster than other priests. Their casting time on all priest spells of one round or less are reduced by 3 (for example, a casting time of 7 would be reduced to 4). Spells taking more than one round to cast still require the usual amount of time. Priest spells cast by a dweomerkeeper always have a casting time of at least 1. At 9th level, dweomerkeepers are able to air walk (as the 5th-level priest spell) or convey the ability to air walk to a mount they are riding once a day. At 15th level, dweomerkeepers become immune to the effects of any three specific spells they choose. Mystran Spells 3rd Level   Starflight* (Alteration)   Sphere: Elemental Air, Travelers Range: 1O yards Components: V,S Duration: Special Casting Time: 2 turns Area of Effect: One to three worshipers of Mystra Saving Throw: None   This cooperative spell requires at least two Mystran priests casting the spell simultaneously. For every two additional Mystran clergy members (of any class) who participate in the ceremony, another Mystran worshipper can be affected, to a maximum of three worshipers. Other participating clergy have to either cast starflight or donate three spell slots of magical energy to the spell. Clergy who donate energy lose three levels of spells from memory as if they had been cast. Portions of a spell donated result in the loss of the whole spell as if it were cast. This spell bestows on its recipient the capability of magical flight. It empowers a worshiper of Mystra to move vertically and horizontally at MV 24 (A), and at MV 12 (A) if ascending and MV 36 (B) if diving sharply. The spell recipient can swoop and rise with a mere thought and can carry up to his own body weight along in flight. It lasts as long as stars are visible in the sky, normally ending with sunrise, but possibly terminating earlier because of a storm or heavy fog.   4th Level   Anyspell (Alteration)   Sphere: Charm, Creation Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: Special Casting Time: 7 Area of Effect: The caster Saving Throw: None   This spell allows the caster to read and then later cast any wizard spell of 1st to 5th level. Such a spell si readable via a read magic ability confered with the casting of anyspell, but only one spell can be read and cast for each casting of anyspell. Merely reading the titles of spells on scrolls or in spell books to find a desired spell does not exhaust the magic of the anyspell; an entire spell has to be read. Once anyspell is cast and a wizard spell is read, the wizard spell is retained in the priest's mind until the priest casts it. Such wizard spells are cast as if by a wizard of the same level as the casting priest, except that the user of an anyspell needs no material components to work the wizard spell.   While the priest has the wizard spell in mind, she or he cannot pray for a spell to replace the still-pending anyspell. In effect, one 4th-level spell slot is "lost" until the wizard spell is cast, at which point the duration of anyspell comes to an end. Note that in order to make effective use of this spell, the priest has to borrow the spell book of a wizard friend or use a found wizard scroll. (Priests of Mystra are not otherwise able to use wizard scrolls.) Using a scroll in this fashion uses up the spell read from the scroll.   Magefire* (Abjuration, Necromancy)   Sphere: Healing, Necromantic, Protection Range: 10 yards Components: V, S Duration: Permanent Casting Time: Two turns, plus one turn per additional effect desired Area of Effect: One worshiper of Mystra Saving Throw: None   This cooperative spell requires at least two Mystran priests casting the spell simultaneously. For every additional Mystran clergy member (of any class) who participates in the ceremony, another restorative benefit can be empowered. Other participating clergy can either cast magefire or donate four spell levels of magical energy to the spell. Clergy who donate energy lose four spell levels of spells from memory as if they had been cast. Portions of a spell donated result in the loss of the whole spell as if it were cast.   With only two casters, this spell works as a neutralize poison, cure disease, and a remove curse. For each additional clergy participating, another benefit is added and the ceremony takes another turn to complete. Benefits always take effect at the combined level of all the spell's participants. The additional benefits are, in order: cure blindness or deafness, heal, regenerate, and dispel magic. Additional participants past this point enable any effect to be repeated (if a dispel magic fails, for instance) or allows a special fell condition to be healed or dispelled at the DM's discretion.   6th Level   Wondrous Recall (Alteration, Enchantment/Charm)   Sphere: Charm, Creation Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 9 Area of Effect: The caster Saving Throw: None   This spell enables the caster to bring back into memory two duplicates of the last spell cast before the wondrous recall in order to enable that spell to be cast again twice. A cast wondrous recall appears as two phantom spells that can be carried in addition to the normal spell load of the caster. Each of these "extra" spells can be unleashed through a silent act of will a casting time of 1 and no need for material components. Casting these spells does not allow the priest to exceed the normal casting limitations of one spell being enacted in a round, however. If the caster so desires, one of the recalled spells can precisely duplicate in efficacy (hit points of damage done, area of effect, etc.) the original spell from which the recall copied its phantom spells or—if this exact duplicate is the second recalled spell to be unleashed—its recalled twin.   A priest may only carry in mind one cast wondrous recall (that is, two phantom spells) and one uncast wondrous recall at a time. Prayers for more than one wondrous recall are never granted and attempts to cast a wondrous recall while one is still in effect result in the caster being feebleminded (as the 5th-level wizard spell of the same name). Wondrous recall cannot recall 7th-level or greater spells.   7th Level   Spell Ward (Abjuration)   Sphere: Protection Range: Touch Components: V, S Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: One being Saving Throw: None   This powerful magic confers upon the caster or a single living touched spell recipient complete personal immunity to one specific, named wizard spell of each level (for example, lightning bolt, not just any lightning spell), which has to be determined during casting. In addition, a spell ward affords protection against any one form of damage of both natural and magical origin (typical forms are cold, electricity, fire, acid, rot, heat, life-energy drain, and poison). However, a spell ward cannot prevent the contraction of any disease.   Casters who use this spell on themselves can—at an immediate cost of 1d6 points of damage to themselves—transfer the protection of the ward to another being through touch. (Unaware or unwilling recipients require a successful attack on AC 10 to touch.) Such a transfer does not affect the duration of the ward; only the remaining time of protection is gained. No second transfer can be made, and a being who was not the spell's caster cannot transfer a spell ward to anyone. Spell ward does not work on automatons (such as golems) or undead creatures.

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