Tymora Character in Not Forgotten Realms | World Anvil


The gamble of a chance is there to take
  When journey meets an unexpected turn.
  Oh, what delight awaits with bigger stake?
  What great reward could fortunes victor earn?
  Sometimes a gamble's won by subtle feel,
  Sometimes the single turning of a tile,
  But when that coin comes landing to reveal,
  ‘Tis Lady Luck who'll grant the winning smile.
  Тимора, светлоликая богиня удачи, которой возно¬сят молитвы картёжники и игроки Фаэруна Говорят, что Наша Улыбающаяся Леди никого не любит так, как тех, кто играет дерзко и с наивыс¬шим мастерством. Тем не менее, считается, что она приглядывает за каждым, кто ставит свое будущее на кон. Боевой клич последователей Тиморы - «Фортуна любит смелых». Хвала Тиморе уместна в любом слу¬чае, когда немного удачи помогли бы, но не тогда, когда страшатся неудач. (В таких случаях следует молиться Бешабе, чтобы избавиться от невезения; молитвы же обоим, лишь только разгневают бо¬гинь.) Обычно, гадают на будущее, бросая монеты незнакомцам (как правило, нищим) и спрашивая, не выпал ли орёл. Если выпал орёл, монета остается незнакомцу в качестве оплаты за благосклонность Тиморы. Если выпала решка, незнакомец может выбрать, сохранить монету (и невезение с ней) или вернуть ее. Почитающие Тимору - в отличие от народа, кото¬рый поминает её лишь бросая кубики - чаще всего дерзкие по своей природе. Искатели приключений и игроки составляют большинство среди них. Они полагают, что всё хорошее, что есть в их жизни про¬исходит от удачи и смелости, с которой они готовы рисковать. Последователи Тиморы есть среди всех слоёв населения: от молодого лихого аристократа, до идущего на риск купца; от мечтательного трудяги, до коварного бездельника. Жрецы Тиморы и храмы в честь Леди Удачи ред¬ки, так как её вера не склонна к созданию посред¬ников: «Пусть везунчик и Леди Удача разбираются сами», гласит старая пословица. Святилища Тиморы в игорных домах, впрочем, не столь необычны и, иногда, когда там появляется жрец, святилище, по сути, становится храмом Леди Удача, Леди-Которая-Улыбается, Наша Улыбающаяся Леди Среднее божество Символ: Серебряная монета с лицом Тиморы, окруженным трилистниками Домашний план: Светлые Воды Мировоззрение: Хаотическое добро Сфера: Добрая удача, навык, победа, авантюристы Прихожане: Жулики, игроки, авантюристы, Арфисты, легконогие халфлинги Мировоззрения клериков: СО, СИ, N0 Домены: Хаос, Добро, Удача, Защита, Путешествие Одобренное оружие: Вращающаяся монета (сюрикен) Тимора (Не -тоге -аЬ, тай-моур -а), дружелюбное, изящное и доброе божество доброй удачи, весьма популярна благодаря двум факторам. Во-первых, ее господство над избавлением лишь по счастливой случайности и над удачными открытиями делают ее покровителем расцветающего населения авантюристов Фаэруна, успокаивающих ее в надежде на длительное выживание и захватывающие находки. Однако, самое большое благо для ее церкви пришло в течение Времени Неприятностей, когда Тимора явилась последователям в Арабеле и основала магазин в храме, известном как Дом Леди. По мере того как весь континент трясло от дикой магии, Тимора предложила так необходимую стабильность и заверение, что некоторые божества все еще заботятся о своих человеческих субъектах. Способность фактически встретиться с божеством (конечно же, в обмен на разумное пожертвование церкви) поддержало веру в отчаянные времена, и ряды ее духовенства и последователей соответственно расширились. Те обыватели, которые не в состоянии воспринимать себя слишком серьезно, видят в служителях Тиморы энергичных защитников забав и приключений. Клерики проповедуют доктрину убеждения своих последователей пользоваться возможностями и делать что-нибудь вместо того, чтобы сидеть, ничего не делая. Соответственно, те, кто выбирают Тимору в качестве покровителя, обычно обладают интересом к жизни и уверены, что Леди-Которая-Улыбается гарантирует, что они проживут долгую и плодотворную жизнь. Халфлинги полагают, что Тимора - одна из Детей Иондаллы, и рассматривают широко распространенное поклонение ей в человеческих землях просто как величайшую из многочисленных шуток Леди Удачи. Клерики Тиморы, часто называемые несущими удачу, молятся о заклинаниях утром. Преданные обычно приветствуют друг друга, касаясь святых символов, часто охватывая их. Духовенство официально не признает никаких установленных ритуалов, религиозные соблюдения дико варьируются согласно каждому из храмов. Клерики Тиморы чаще всего мультиклассируют как барды или жулики, но они, как известно, пробовали практически все комбинации классов. Редкие немногие становятся покровителями (см. Главу 4). История/отношения: До Рассветного Катаклизма единственное божество, Тич, управляло и доброй, и плохой удачей. Непостоянное божество, внимание которого приносило бедствия столь же часто, как и спокойствие, Тич блуждала, управляемая лишь своими прихотями, редко увлекаясь чем-либо или кем-либо дольше чем на мгновение. Как сложилась удача, это любовное божество оказалось впутанным в войну между божествами, начатую Латандером, попытавшемуся реструктурировать Фаэрунский пантеон согласно своему чувству уместности. Быстро решив, что ее любовник стал в целом слишком серьезным, Тич поцеловала Лорд Утра неудачей и оставила его наедине с судьбой. Во время своих путешествий она натолкнулась на красивую розу, которую она попыталась сорвать. Любопытно, но цветок не шевелился, так что она прокляла его неудачей, после чего стебель сломался, и он упал на землю. Не особо задумываясь об этом инциденте, она поместила розу в свои волосы и продолжила свои блуждания, забыв об опасном искажении своей персоны. Роза была аспектом Моандера, божества гнили и распада. Очень быстро искажение Моандера проникло в ухо Тич, нетерпеливо иссушая жизненные силы божества и увядая ее форму. Когда она наконец возвратилась домой, забывшая Тич натолкнулась на своих друзей - Латандера и Селунэ, а также Азута, предупрежденных об атаке Моандера через консультацию с "Бледным Тессерактом". Прежде чем отвратительное существо, некогда бывшее Тич, смогло поприветствовать своих бывших компаньонов, Селунэ ударила зарядом очищающего света. Форма Тич расколась прямо посередины, и из шелухи появилось полностью новое божество. Сначала возникла яркая, несколько меньшая версия Тич, глядя на трех божеств со смущенным выражением спутанного признания, как будто она видела эти фигуры в грезах, никогда не встречаясь с ними. Второй возникла смелая, красивая Бешаба. После краткой битвы, в которой добрый и злой аспекты павшей Тич почти уничтожили друг друга, если бы не объединенные усилия Азута, Латандера и Селунэ, Бешаба прокляла этих четырех божеств, назвав их убийцами и лишенными удачи злодеями, не достойными и ее присутствия, и ее доброй воли. Поклявшись целую вечность запутывать их последователей неудачами, Дева Неудачи оставила собрание в потоке резкого дыма и сквернословия. Новорожденное божество, Тимора, просто пожало плечами, лишь немного нахмурившись, чтобы показать эмоции. Начиная с этого дня Тимора и Бешаба продолжили свою борьбу. Для Бешабы их битва - один из видов искреннего разрушения. Тимора, в свою очередь, стремится предотвратить буйства Девы Неудачи, иногда наказывая ее жестокие амбиции особенными оскорблениями. Хотя было бы несправедливо назвать Тимору жестокой, она восхищается практическими шутками, часто делая попытки принести хорошее настроение строгим божествам типа Хелма и Тира осторожным применением нежного раздразнивая и игривого обмана. Хотя она унаследовала все хорошие качества своей прародительницы, она также сохраняет многое из романтичной переменчивости Тич - она совратила множество божеств и бесчисленных смертных, редко оставаясь с одним любовником дольше чем на год или два. У нее есть несколько случайных долгих романов с божеством халфлингов Брандобарисом, страсть которого к смелым и грубым чудачеством конкурирует с ее собственной. Догма: Нужно быть смелым, поскольку смелость нужна для жизни. Храброе сердце и готовность брать риск перебивают тщательно выработанный план девять раз из десяти. Отдайтесь в руки судьбы и доверьтесь своей удаче. Идите и ведите себя как владыки самого себя, показывая вашу добрую или плохую удачу как доверие Леди. Преследуйте свои собственные уникальные цели, и Леди поможет этому. Без направления или целей Вы скоро познаете объятия Бешабы, поскольку не имеющие курса остаются на милосердии неудачи, которая не имеет милосердия вообще. Духовенство и храмы: Клерики Тиморы предпочитают веселость и спонтанность, веря, что те, кто наслаждается самой большой удачей - это те, кто принимает самый большой риск. Они делают свои храмы "подзаправочными станциями" для банд приключенцев, часто предлагая такие базовые элементы, как святая вода и излечивающие микстуры. Некоторые церкви идут дальше, предлагая немалую секретную помощь самым смелым из авантюристов в усилиях связаться с широкой публикой для "доказательства" ценности доктрины Тиморы. Клерики приветствуют удивительные успехи этих героев после их возвращения из опасных подземелий и заполоненных призраками гробниц, объявляя их выживание и награбленное наградой Леди Удачи. Когда такие группы поглощаются стенами из живущих щупалец или входят в сферу уничтожения во рту гигантского демонического лица-барельефа, тиморанские клерики особенно затихают. Каждый тиморанский храм - независимая структура со своей собственной иерархией и интерпретацией доктрины, которая обычно сводится к прихотям высокого священника или жрицы, являясь объединением веры и обычаев. Эта давняя традиция недавно столкнулась с вызовом Дарамоса Лаутира, высокого священника Дома Леди Арабеля, который стремится объединить церковь под единственным понтификом - самим собой.
TYMORA CHAOTIC GOOD Other Names or Titles: Lady Luck, Lady of Fortune, Our Smiling Lady, Patron of Adventurers, The Bright Lady, The Smiling Lady, The Lady Who Smiles, Tyche’s Fair-Haired Daughter (rarely used anymore except by some bards) Symbol: A silver coin featuring Tymora’s face surrounded by shamrocks, or in older sects, a shining, featureless silver disc Divine Portfolio: Good fortune, skill, victory, adventurers, adventuring Divine Residence: The Great Wheel, Gates of the Moon Divine Allies: Bes, Brandobaris, Hathor, Haela Brightaxe, Hanali Celanil, Kishijoten, Lakshmi, Lliira, Marthammor Duin, Nathair Sgiathach, Sehanine Moonbow, Selan, Selune, Shichifukujin, Squelaiche, Sune, Vergadain Divine Enemies: Bane, Beshaba, Cyric, Moander (presumed dead), Set, Shar, Talona, Talos, The Queen of Air and Darkness, Umberlee, Urdlen Exarchs: Finder Wyvernspur, Shaundakul Tymora is the goddess of good fortune, skill, victory, and adventurers. She is a kind, graceful, facetious gambler who prefers to fight her battles through mischief and clever twists of fate rather than brute clashes of force. The Smiling Lady’s sociable nature and avoidance of direct conflicts have earned her far more allies than enemies, and there are few foes who would brazenly escalate hostilities against Tymora, for even the most carefully laid plans can be unraveled by a sudden stroke of luck. Those who are openly hostile towards Tymora tend to be the most dangerous or the most foolish. The Lady of Fortune encourages all to overcome their fears and doubts, and take their chances with the opportunities they find on their journeys. Those who muster the courage to help themselves may find themselves with greater odds of success at the goddess’ whim, for fortune favors the bold. Tymora’s favor itself is also known to be fickle in its generosity, but to revel in the doubt and danger that comes with that uncertainty is known as the “Lady’s Joy”, or the “Lady’s Way”. Tymora spends much of her time participating in festivities and sightseeing places where games of chance are played, always on the hunt for new ways to tempt fate. There are also a number of adventurers in the realms that have caught Tymora’s attention, and she might observe these heroes from a distance as they wrestle with danger; the Lady of Fortune may intervene at a critical moment to bless the observed with a small nudge of luck that turns the tide of happenings in the adventurers’ favor. The birth of Tymora is said to have occurred during the early 8th century on the Dalereckoning roll of years, some time before the fall of Myth Drannor in 714 DR (Year of Doom) as part of a series of events known as the Dawn Cataclysm. An ancient goddess of fortune and luck named Tyche was corrupted by the evil god Moander, and Tyche’s longtime friend Selune attempted to purge the corruption, but in doing so split Tyche’s essence into two halves. Each half of Tyche became one of the twin goddesses Tymora and Beshaba, who proceeded almost immediately to attack each other out of instinct. The other gods in attendance forced the goddesses to stop their battle; as the moment turned to calm, it was clear that Tyche was dead, and the two sisters would take the absent goddess’ place, each in their own separate way. The church of Tyche proceeded to split between Tymora and Beshaba, both in the mortal realms and the divine. Tyche’s original divine realm of Brightwater (shared with Sune) on Mount Olympus in the plane of Arborea adopted Tymora as a new resident deity, while Beshaba left to create a new realm of her own, Blood Tor in the 13th layer of the Abyss (which would later be moved to the plane of Gehenna, now known as Banehold). A few thousand souls of the faithful in Brightwater migrated to Beshaba’s new realm; the Maid of Misfortune tempted each of those souls with a chance to fulfill grudges that they carried with them into the afterlife, and they were all too eager to take their new goddess up on her offer. Over in the living world, the presence of Beshaba was greatly welcomed by the wronged and downtrodden, so Lady Doom’s number of faithful would eventually grow large enough to rival Tymora, who had inherited most of Tyche’s following but faced obstacles in repairing the damage dealt to the dead goddess’ religion. In preparation of potential conflicts to come, Tymora worked fiercely to forge new relations with other gods as well as connect with those who had previously allied with Tyche. In 1358 DR (Year of Shadows), Lady Luck descended upon the city of Arabel (in northern Cormyr) in the form of an avatar, during a dire crisis in which all the gods walked the realms in mortal forms. The priests of Tymora were quick to rally the faithful, arranging for the people of the city to have opportunities during the day to gain an audience with the goddess herself, for a modest donation to the church. It was through that arrangement that the Lady Who Smiles briefly gazed upon the human adventurers Kelemvor and Cyric, who would later become gods of the Faerunian Pantheon beside Tymora and her peers. It is a popular debate among scholars whether the goddess had some subtle role in blessing the men who would go on to stand at the center of a storm of happenings that would rock the very heavens, alongside their companion Midnight (who later became Mystra, goddess of magic). Thanks to the entrepreneurial spirit of her priests, Tymora’s faith received a powerful boost in the realms, with those who had met the goddess spreading tales of her majesty far and wide. Within the decade following the Avatar Crisis, the realm of Brightwater was moved to a plane of its own, with the goddesses Lliira, Sharess, and Waukeen joining Sune and Tymora as inhabitants. The plane itself would be comprised of the realm of Brightwater, expressed as a sprawling city surrounded by endless fields of grass and flowers. The Lady of Fortune took this opportunity to build a new quarter of casinos and gambling halls as her divine realm within the new city of Brightwater, housing a central grand palace known as The Great Wheel, named for its horizontally oriented wheel shape. When the disaster known as the Spellplague was triggered by the death of the goddess Mystra in 1385 DR (Year of Blue Fire), the plane of Brightwater was flooded with wild magical energies from its planar connections to Realmspace. The city of Brightwater was set ablaze in azure flames and the plane itself destabilized to the point of near collapse, prompting the five resident goddesses to evacuate all of the faithful. The evacuees made their way to the goddess Selune’s home plane, The Gates of the Moon, where they remain to this day, in new divine realms created in the plane with the Moonmaiden’s generous permission. The former plane of Brightwater burned away to nothingness but the people were saved; the Bright Lady considered it a stroke of good luck that they managed to prevent the worst from happening. Tymora, taking the loss of her home and favorite gaming spots in stride, decided to move forward with even grander ambition. Lady Luck’s new realm would be named after her former palace, and be far more extravagant than the previous quarter. The new Great Wheel would gain an even stronger reputation than the previous realm as one of the flashiest, most festive places in the multiverse. Over a hundred years later, in the wake of the Second Sundering, Tymora’s church continues to flourish, and not a day goes by when an adventurer or gambler somewhere in the realms prays to the Smiling Lady for a bit of luck on a dangerous or challenging endeavor. DIVINE ALLIES BES (NEUTRAL) Symbol: A dwarf wearing panther skin Bes is the Mulhorandi pantheon’s god of luck and chance, mainly invoked in the seedy gambling halls and underground taverns of eastern Faerun on the world of Toril. He was long represented on Faerun by the dwarven god Vergadain (as a favor) until his cult largely died out on Toril, but sent an avatar with the rest of the Mulhorandi pantheon in their recent second arrival. The Short Father is usually uninterested in what goes on in the realms outside of gambling and games of chance, though he’ll always make exceptions on behalf of his friends in either the dwarven pantheon (especially Vergadain) or Mulhorandi pantheon. On a rare occasion, Bes will assist Tymora in blessing a particular gambler, adventurer, or party that has made a wager of extraordinarily high stakes. BRANDOBARIS (NEUTRAL) Symbol: A halfling’s footprint, oriented vertically with toes facing upwards Brandobaris, the halfling pantheon’s god of stealth, thievery, adventuring, and halfling rogues, has been Tymora’s paramour from time to time across the past few centuries. Their on and off again romance has spawned many scintillating tales of love and mischief among the storytellers of their respective churches. Although the Master of Stealth’s flippant attitude towards the conflicts of good and evil (in favor of seeking thrills) prevent him from becoming a permanent holder of the Smiling Lady’s heart, Brandobaris genuinely loves Tymora and will come to her aid if ever the goddess finds herself in dire straits. As the two deities are both patrons of adventurers, there are always opportunities for them to work together and perhaps even rekindle the flame between them for a year or two before they inevitably part from their fickle dalliances. HATHOR (NEUTRAL GOOD) Symbol: A horned cow’s head with a lunar disk above its forehead Hathor is the Mulhorandi pantheon’s goddess of motherhood, folk music, dance, the moon, and fate. The Nurturing Mother sends her priests out to wander the realm of Mulhorand, and provide compassionate aid to those in need; the goddess’ church has often contributed to spreading the very good fortune that Tymora is associated with, especially wherever their followers meet. Hathor’s gentle kindness and humility has made her an easy ally to cooperate with in containing the machinations of the evil god Set, who is always plotting to spread his brand of misfortune and foul play beyond Mulhorand and Unther to the rest of the realms. HAELA BRIGHTAXE (CHAOTIC GOOD) Symbol: An upright, unsheathed sword with its blade wrapped in two spiraling ribbons of flame Haela Brightaxe, the dwarven pantheon’s goddess of luck in battle, joy of battle, and dwarven fighters, is an exuberantly cheerful deity whose interest in the surface world as well as the subterranean makes her a staunch patron of adventurers much as Tymora is. It is not unheard of for extraordinary mixed companies of dwarves and other races to gain the attention of both the Lady of the Fray and the Lady of Fortune at the same time. Tymora will often make wagers with Haela over the outcomes of situations in which those who call upon them respectively are either competing or cooperating towards a difficult challenge. HANALI CELANIL (CHAOTIC GOOD) Symbol: A golden heart Hanali Celanil is the goddess of love, romance, beauty, enchantments, magic item artistry, fine art, and artists in the Seldarine (elven) pantheon, as well as an exarch of Sune (though she operates independently for the most part). As love and romance are often nurtured or facilitated through moments of good fortune, the Winsome Rose and the Smiling Lady have been known to collaborate once in a while in bringing couples together. KISHIJOTEN (NEUTRAL GOOD) Symbol: A white diamond in front of an upright folding hand fan Kishijoten is the goddess of beauty, song, dance, and luck in the Eight Million Gods pantheon of Kara-Tur. The Patron of Geishas usually conducts herself in an elegant, gentle, dignified manner, but is also known to become aggressive, reckless, and daring when she plays games of chance. It is the hidden passionate side of Kishijoten that has endeared the goddess to Tymora, and the two always try to make time for a friendly match whenever they visit each other. LAKSHMI (NEUTRAL GOOD) Symbol: An upright lotus blossom surrounded by six stars Lakshmi, goddess of wealth, fortune, and prosperity in the Vedic pantheon, is much like Tymora in that she prefers to approach conflicts with her wits rather than with violence. The Lady of the Lotus enjoys putting mortals to tests of virtue, so that they may prove themselves worthy of her blessing; Tymora will visit Lakshmi from time to time, making wagers over the outcome of such tests, and offering additional rewards to the mortals being tested should their objectives prove to be of particularly high risk. LLIIRA (CHAOTIC GOOD) Symbol: A triangle of three six-pointed stars (orange, yellow, red), with the orange star centered above the red star (left) and yellow star (right) If ever one needs an eager partner for games of chance, there are few better choices than Lliira, goddess of joy, happiness, dance, festivals, freedom, and liberty (as well as exarch of Sune). The Mistress of the Revels is a regular sight at the lavish, extravagant festivals that occur at Tymora’s divine realm, and the merriment is all the more enriched for it. A strong symbiosis between Lliira and Tymora has developed since good luck typically leads to greater happiness and Tymora encourages mortals to take initiative in moving forward towards their happiness. The two goddesses became fast friends thanks to the great compatibility of their faiths, and their faithful are very friendly and cooperative with each other as well. MARTHAMMOR DUIN (NEUTRAL GOOD) Symbol: An upright mace in front of a fur-trimmed leather boot Marthammor Duin, the dwarven pantheon’s god of guides, explorers, expatriates, travelers, and lightning, is considered an eccentric among his divine brethren for his strong interest in expanding the horizons of dwarves far beyond their clanholds, but Tymora considers the Watcher over Wanderers a kindred spirit. Marthammor’s urging of his faithful to brave the realms beyond their homes is very agreeable with Tymora’s teachings about overcoming fear to pursue adventure and opportunity; the two deities have thus from time to time found their faithful working together to promote such ventures as adventurers’ guilds and explorers’ expeditions. SEHANINE MOONBOW (CHAOTIC GOOD) Symbol: A misty crescent above a full moon Sehanine Moonbow is the elven goddess of death, dreams, mysticism, journeys, transcendence, the stars, the heavens, moon elves, and the moon in the elven pantheon (the Seldarine), as well as an exarch of Selune (though she operates independently for the most part). Sehanine’s encouragement of elves to go on journeys fits very well with Tymora’s nurturing of adventurers. The Lady of Dreams has occasionally granted daring elven heroes clues to achieving their objectives while requesting a bit of luck from Tymora to help the heroes along as they face danger in their pursuits. SELAN (NEUTRAL GOOD) Symbol: A moon within a ring and a tiny star orbiting the ring Selan, the Zakharan pantheon’s goddess of beauty and the moon, is said to be the beloved daughter of Selune, who seems to dote on the Garden Maiden as such. Tymora seems to have a close relationship with Selan as well, and always offers a warm welcome to the Zakharan goddess whenever Selan visits the Great Wheel. The Beautiful Moon’s renowned beauty, kindness and grace have inspired many of the bards in Tymora’s gambling palaces to write songs of love and joy with calm, soothing rhythms to set forlorn hearts at ease. Selan is usually the go-to contact should Tymora ever need to discuss a matter with the Zakharan pantheon at large. SQUELAICHE (CHAOTIC NEUTRAL) Symbol: A pot of gold under an arching rainbow Squelaiche is the god of leprechauns, cleverness, and luck in the Seelie Court pantheon. The Hoarding Sage had long been a friend of the goddess Tyche. In the wake of the schism in Tyche’s church between Tymora and Beshaba, the Lady of Fortune reached out to Squelaiche and secured his trust and fellowship. A lucky few adventurers blessed by the Bright Lady may have their wits tested by a leprechaun follower of Squelaiche, and rewarded generously upon success, often with a pot of gold or a magical boon of some sort. Should the Patron of Leprechauns himself provide the trials, it is said that the god will grant wishes to those who pass. SELUNE (CHAOTIC GOOD) Symbol: A pair of eyes encircled by seven stars Selune, goddess of good and neutral lycanthropes, the moon, navigation, questers, stars, wanderers, motherhood, and reproductive cycles, could be considered the midwife of Tymora’s birth, since it was the Moonmaiden’s power that caused the late Tyche to split into two beings. As a devoted friend of the deceased goddess, Selune has extended her affection to both Tymora and Beshaba, though the Smiling Lady is the only one of the sisters to accept warmth from the Mother of Moonlight. Tymora owes Selune a great debt for her aid and hospitality during the Spellplague crisis, and will always provide a bit of good luck to those who follow the moon for guidance in times of crisis. Selune will not intervene in the conflict between Tymora and Beshaba as they are both all that is truly left of the beloved Tyche, but may step in should there be tangible danger to the welfare of innocents, or to the twin goddesses themselves. SHICHIFUKUJIN (CHAOTIC GOOD) Symbol: A circle of seven stars orbiting a mountain The Shichifukujin are a set of seven sibling demigods, said to be the exarchs of the goddess Kishijoten in the Eight Million Gods pantheon of Kara-Tur. Their names are Benten, Bishamon, Daikoku, Ebisu, Fukurokuju, Hotei, and Jurojin; they are collectively known as the Seven Gods of Luck. They are very popular at festivals and in children’s stories in the realms of Kara-Tur, granting good fortune to common folk and protecting innocents from harm when they come across trouble. These demigods are a welcome guest at celebrations in Tymora’s realm as they spread good cheer wherever they go, and won’t hesitate to assist in defeating great evils that threaten the well-being of mortals in the living realms. SUNE (CHAOTIC GOOD) Symbol: The face of a beautiful woman with flowing red hair Sune, goddess of beauty and love, was one of the first allies of Tyche that Tymora reached out to following the schism of Tyche’s church, as Sune was also a resident of the realm of Brightwater. As Lady Firehair has always appreciated the role of luck in bringing people together in love, she was more than open to becoming friends with Lady Luck. The two goddesses got along so well that they continued to live together up until the Spellplague destroyed the old Brightwater. Although they now have separate realms, Sune and Tymora still live in the same plane within an easily traveled distance of each other, and frequently visit each other to enjoy conversations and shared entertainment (often in the form of theater shows and games of chance). VERGADAIN (NEUTRAL) Symbol: A golden coin with a bearded dwarf on its face Vergadain, the dwarven pantheon’s god of wealth, luck, chance, non-evil thieves, suspicion, trickery, negotiation, and sly cleverness, is often prayed to by dwarven merchants and adventurers seeking to become rich with coin. As such, it is said that parties or merchant companies that are blessed both by Vergadain and Tymora are bound to acquire wealth beyond their wildest dreams. The Merchant King is a common sight at Tymora’s divine realm during festivals, spreading a bit of good fortune wherever dwarves are gambling or merchants are selling. Vergadain’s jovial personality also makes him a good sport whenever the Bright Lady gathers gods of luck for a friendly game of chance. As a member of the Mulhorandi pantheon in the form of Bes, god of luck and chance (albeit in a transitional state since the real Bes arrived on Toril recently), Vergadain is also the usual go-between for Tymora when she needs assistance involving troubles bordering or crossing over into the Mulhorand and Unther regions, where the Mulhorandi pantheon has regional authority as per territorial agreements between the gods of Realmspace. DIVINE ENEMIES BANE (LAWFUL EVIL) Symbol: An upright black fist, with green rays emanating from between the fingers Bane, god of strife, hatred, tyranny, and fear, is obsessed with controlling everything within his reach and beyond, including fate itself, rather than leaving things to chance. If the Black Lord were to have his way, there would be no luck whatsoever except that which Bane decides is worthy exchange for obedience to his authority. Such oppression of fate would be harmful to the existence of Tymora’s philosophy therefore the goddess must oppose the Lord of Darkness however she can. Bane may hold a particularly strong grudge against Tymora for possibly blessing Cyric and Kelemvor during the Time of Troubles; the then-mortal adventurers were afterwards, through numerous strokes of luck, able to repeatedly foil Bane’s plots to acquire the Tablets of Fate, leading to a clash with Torm and Bane’s subsequent demise (the god-tyrant’s resurrection later on was a testament to his obsession with controlling fate itself). Tymora denies any meddling on her part, but the Lord of Tyranny places at least some blame upon the Smiling Lady nonetheless. BESHABA (CHAOTIC EVIL) Symbol: A joined pair of black antlers against a red field Beshaba, goddess of random mischief, misfortune, bad luck, and accidents, is the sister of Tymora, born at the same time when the goddess Tyche was split in two during the Dawn Cataclysm. The Maid of Misfortune, despite the stereotypical views of her, is not the direct antithesis of the Lady of Fortune, with her tenets preaching the balancing of fate with misfortune rather than eliminating good luck altogether, so there have been rare occurrences when the sisters are able to put aside their differences. Although their initial instincts drove them to attack each other, neither goddess is certain what would happen if either of the two sisters were to truly perish; a mutual dread of the goddesses possibly sharing their doom (as a result of their mystical connection) has kept them from dealing fatal blows to each other since their first confrontation. There are some gambles that are better left untaken. CYRIC (CHAOTIC EVIL) Symbol: A lit candle positioned above an eye with a purple iris and triangular pupil One of Tymora’s most fateful encounters was with Cyric, god of murder, lies, intrigue, deception, and illusion, before the Prince of Lies ascended to divinity. The Bright Lady often wonders how events might have transpired had she applied a deeper insight into the then-mortal adventurer rather than treating as just another participant in the long lines that were organized to enable mortals to meet the goddess during her time as an avatar in Arabel. Cyric has caused a great deal of suffering and misfortune upon gods and mortals alike since the end of the Time of Troubles, and is likely to promote even more such trouble, so Tymora is greatly opposed to the ways of the Dark Sun. As the destruction of her former home in the old Brightwater was also the fault of Cyric (for slaying Mystra, which triggered the Spellplague), it’s not likely that Lady Luck will ever release her grudge against the currently imprisoned god; in fact rumor has it that Tymora has been granting some luck to a number of deities who are in the process of siphoning Cyric’s hold over his divine portfolios, including the returned goddess Lleira, from whom Cyric had stolen the portfolio of illusion. MOANDER (CHAOTIC EVIL) Symbol: An upright male human right hand, fingers outstretched, with an open human fanged mouth, lips parted as though speaking, set in its palm. Moander, god of rotting death, decay, and corruption, was the cause of the very corrupting illness that afflicted Tyche and led to her being split into Tymora and Beshaba during the Dawn Cataclysm. The Rotting God would meet his end later on at the hands of the hero Finder Wyvernspur (now Tymora’s exarch) during the Time of Troubles, at which point it was thought that Moander’s terror was truly over. As of late, the Lady of Fortune has learned of stirrings and rumors regarding the few remaining cultists of Moander, and dreads a possible return of the Darkbringer just as many gods have come back to life in the wake of the Second Sundering. Should the evil god return, there is no doubt that he would conspire against his slayer, but Tymora will fiercely defend the young deity that has become like a son to her. SET (LAWFUL EVIL) Symbol: A coiled cobra Set, the Mulhorandi pantheon’s god of the desert, destruction, drought, night, rot, snakes, hate, betrayal, evil magic, ambition, poison, and murder, is a vile schemer who promotes the ideology of ends justifying means. As such, the Lord of Carrion has caused great misfortune to the mortals of the living realms. Set’s reveling in the suffering of others has made him an enemy of many gods, including Tymora. The Lady Who Smiles will happily bless adventurers in conflict with the followers of Set should such situations come to pass. SHAR (NEUTRAL EVIL) Symbol: A full black disk with a deep purple border Shar, goddess of caverns, darkness, dungeons, forgetfulness, loss, night, secrets, and the Underdark, is an ancient foe that is so well-skilled in planning dark machinations that she can cause misfortune for even gods of luck such as Tymora. According to some scholars, the Lady of Loss may have goaded Cyric into performing the murder of Mystra, which led to the Spellplague and subsequently the destruction of the original realm of Brightwater that Tymora once inhabited. A number of deities including Tymora discussed attempting to imprison Shar along with Cyric as punishment for the Spellplague, but there was too little support for such extreme action, since the Mistress of the Night was not directly involved in the tragic turn of events. Tymora, as most other gods in her pantheon, approach any matters concerning Shar with great caution but must oppose the Dark Goddess’ desire to quench the ambitions and hopes of mortals, for such is in direct opposition to Lady Luck’s encouragement of taking action and gambling for the hope of success. TALONA (CHAOTIC EVIL) Symbol: Three golden amber teardrops on a purple triangle, with the teardrops arranged in triangle formation and both the teardrop formation and purple triangle pointed downwards Talona, goddess of disease and poison, is a great source of misfortune for the people of the realms, as her followers spread sickness as far and wide as possible. The Lady of Poison is therefore a natural enemy for the Lady of Fortune in the regular conflicts of interest between gods. Since Talona is an exarch of the far more dangerous goddess Shar, Tymora must hold herself all the more in caution’s grip when dealing with the Mother of All Plagues, but nonetheless those who pray to Tymora for success in containing the illnesses harnessed by Talona’s cultists can expect some luck in their endeavors. TALOS (CHAOTIC EVIL) Symbol: Three lightning bolts, each of a separate color, radiating explosively from a central point Talos, god of storms, destruction, rebellion, conflagration, earthquakes, and vortices (as well as leader of the Gods of Fury alongside Umberlee, Malar, and Auril), has brought countless tragedies upon mortals of the realms with his unapologetic violence. The church of Tymora often serves as a beacon of hope in the wake of destruction caused by either the Storm Lord or his faithful. Without providing respite from the harm caused by Talos, the people of the realms might lose hope for their futures and subsequently faith in the Smiling Lady, so Tymora will often grant survivors a bit of luck in escaping the reach of the Destroyer. THE QUEEN OF AIR AND DARKNESS (CHAOTIC EVIL) Symbol: A black diamond within a circle of ten stars The Queen of Air and Darkness is the goddess of illusions, darkness, secrets, murder, and Winter in the Unseelie pantheon. She seeks to strip others of their free will and corrupt good creatures to evil, and would destroy all who oppose her if possible. The Wretched Queen can not stand those who find happiness in innocence, so she tempts mortals to steal happiness away from the innocent; this practice places the Queen of Air and Darkness at odds with Tymora, for those who are blessed by Lady Luck may soon find themselves become victims at the hands of the evil Queen’s followers. UMBERLEE (CHAOTIC EVIL) Symbol: A forked blue-green wave, curving left and right Umberlee, goddess of oceans, currents, waves, and sea winds (as well as member of the Gods of Fury alongside Talos, Malar, and Auril), is a great source of danger to sailors traveling on the seas. The Queen of the Depths revels in the destruction of ships within the storms and thrashing waves that she creates, so there is often a “tug of war” between the chaotic forces wielded by Umberlee and the luck bestowed by Tymora upon travelers braving the waters. URDLEN (CHAOTIC EVIL) Symbol: A white mole with jagged claws. Urdlen, the gnomish pantheon’s god of greed, bloodlust, evil, hatred, uncontrolled impulse, and spriggans, is a murderous opportunist who seeks wealth and blood by any means necessary. The Crawler Below leads his faithful in the taking of lives and riches, bringing great suffering to communities where the cult of Urdlen has a foothold. Many heroes blessed by Tymora have found themselves tasked to capture or eradicate the faithful of Urdlen; as such, the Pale Slayer begrudges the Patron of Adventurers for her meddling no matter how distant or subtle Tymora’s assistance may be. EXARCHS Exarchs are deities and demigods that serve other (usually more powerful) deities that protect, rule over and/or provide them with support against their enemies. FINDER WYVERNSPUR (CHAOTIC NEUTRAL) Symbol: A white harp in a gray filled-in circle Finder Wyvernspur, god of life cycles, transformation of art, and saurials, was a mortal adventurer until he ascended to divinity in 1358 DR (Year of Shadows), after slaying the malevolent god Moander and acquiring the Darkbringer’s divine spark. After settling into his role as a deity and realizing the limitations of going at things alone, Finder pledged himself to Lady Luck’s service as an exarch. When he was still a mortal, the friendly, outgoing Finder Wyvernspur suffered greatly from the consequences of his arrogance, pride, and vanity. The responsibilities of godhood and the influence of the friends and followers alike have helped Finder acquire a deep sense of humility and an acknowledgement of his former reputation as a selfish, vain fool (a shameful reputation that he aims to avoid repeating). The goddess Tymora, who has been aiding the Ascended Harper since his rise to divinity, has developed a motherly affection for Finder, and greets him warmly as such whenever they meet. The role played by the Nameless Bard in service to Tymora is currently that of an overseeing manager of the arts at the Great Wheel, as well as a capable troubleshooter when the Lady of Fortune needs discreet investigation of concerns outside of her divine realm. Finder will otherwise spend the majority of his time tending to the needs of his faithful or traveling to places where great works of art or great artists have been rumored to exist. The Patron of Saurials teaches his followers to seek reinvention of themselves so that their art and spirits do not stagnate, and to accept the transient nature of life so that they can find their places in the great cycle that all living things are a part of. To express their faith in the Nameless Bard’s teachings, many who worship Finder set out to seek adventure and explore their horizons before settling down. Those of Finder’s faithful who return from journeys take time to reflect upon their experiences and develop revelations that breathe new life into their artistic pursuits. SHAUNDAKUL (CHAOTIC NEUTRAL) Symbol: A bearded man wearing cape and boots, and walking over a gust of wind Shaundakul, god of travel, exploration, portals, miners, and caravans, serves Tymora by guiding or assisting adventurers who are on dangerous journeys and crafting portals that ensure smooth operations of festivities throughout the Great Wheel. Much of the flow of wealth and supplies that passes through Tymora’s divine realm is made possible through the meticulous work performed by the Helping Hand. When he isn’t working on improving the network of portals in the Great Wheel, or coming to the aid of adventurers, Shaundakul enjoys going on personal jaunts to map out unexplored regions of the multiverse. The Rider of the Winds maintains an explorers’ guild within his personal palace at the Great Wheel, where it is said that one could find guides for every known realm in the many planes of existence. Simply traveling to a new place is homage to Shaundakul’s ideal of taking journeys for the sake of self-enrichment. According to ancient texts, Shaundakul was an exarch of Tyche, the original goddess from whom Tymora and Beshaba sprang. After the Sundering of Fates, both of the newly born goddesses vied for the allegiance of Shaundakul, as he was pledged to their original incarnation of Tyche. The Rider of the Winds eventually chose to ally himself with Tymora and spurn Beshaba, whose pettiness and delight in the misfortune of others filled Shaundakul with disgust. The incensed Beshaba has held a deep-seated grudge against the Helping Hand lasting to the current day. In 1385 DR (Year of Blue Fire), Shaundakul visited his friend Labelas Enoreth, a god of the elven pantheon (The Seldarine) with the fabled ability to peer into the past, present, and future at will. Not long before the coming Spellplague would begin, Labelas foresaw a possible wave of destruction in the upper realms, and thereafter kept busy assisting the Seldarine to prepare for cataclysm, though he could not clearly see the source of it (the collapse of Realmspace’s Weave and the cascading magical energies that would be unleashed). The Lord of the Continuum informed Shaundakul of his foresight during the Helping Hand’s visit, with little time to spare. Shaundakul had barely a precious few minutes to return home then bring himself along with his divine realm through an immense planar gate, brought into existence by Shaundakul’s governance over the divine portfolio of portals. Although the Rider of the Winds had only meant to transport his faithful safely away from the initial wave of the Spellplague, the destabilization of magic across many planes closely connected to Realmspace in the wake of Mystra’s death caused Shaundakul’s portal magic to malfunction. The portal that was created would transport through time instead of planar boundaries; the god and his petitioners did not move to another plane as originally intended, but to the same relative location in 1486 DR (Year of the Nether Mountain Scrolls), skipping past over a century in the course of minutes. The disappearance of Shaundakul during the Spellplague had been a great mystery until the portal-hopping god and his realm returned from their unexpected jaunt through time. Tymora was deeply heartened by the arrival of her old friend, but also concerned about the state of the Helping Hand’s church, for Shaundakul’s long absence had caused his faith in the mortal realms to dwindle greatly. Lady Luck used her own priests to spread news of Shaundakul’s return, preserving the Bearded Walker’s foothold in Realmspace and saving the weakened god from dying by lack of worship. Since then, Shaundakul has chosen to serve Tymora as an exarch out of gratitude and friendship. AFTERLIFE daylight and glow with bright luminescence during the evening. GATES OF THE MOON This domain of the gods consists of an endless ocean populated with many islands, clustered in archipelagos spread across the plane. Above the ocean is a starry sky, and the ocean is illuminated by perpetual light from what appears to be the moon of Toril, named Selune after the goddess Selune, who presides over the Gates of the Moon as the primary administrator. The moon experiences a cycle of phases over the course of a 24-hour period, enabling the residents to keep time by it. When entering the Gates of the Moon, petitioner souls appear as they did in life, at least until they enter a particular god’s realm within the plane, whose ambient magic may alter their appearance according to the god’s preference. Each archipelago is ruled over by a god living in the Gates of the Moon, including the deities Finder Wyvernspur, Liira, Sehanine (though she primarily resides in Arvandor), Selan (a goddess from the Zakharan pantheon), Selune, Sharess, Shaundakul, Soma (a god from the Vedic pantheon), Sune, Tymora, and Valkur (though he never stays for long). This divine plane receives its name for the planar gates located on each island that can be used to visit other deities’ realms as well as the other islands in the Gates of the Moon. There are also earthmotes in the plane, floating islands that maintain their positions unless moved by Selune herself. These earthmotes are the homes of Selune’s angels, and are scattered in strategic locations to keep watch over the waters around the water-bound islands. THE GREAT WHEEL The divine realm of Tymora consists of seven earthmotes in a circular formation that float about a mile apart from each other, seventy-seven miles from the center of Gates of the Moon, where Selune’s divine realm of Argentil lies. There is a 24-hour day and night cycle in the environment containing the Great Wheel, with the sky brightening during the day, and darkening during the evening, with the moon above Selune’s divine realm becoming visible as day fades to night. There is a vast blanket of stars visible in the night sky of Lady Luck’s realm, with many constellations arranged in the shapes of legendary adventurers and gamblers from the history of Realmspace and beyond. The sky within the borders of the Great Wheel are usually free of clouds, except when special events call for clouds to be in the sky for games and races. When a petitioner soul enters the Great Wheel’s domain, their clothes are transformed aside from appearing as they did in life. The clothes they wear become extravagant or adopt vibrant colors and patterns to match the festive mood of Tymora’s divine realm. Every gambler in the arms of Lady Luck is able to try their luck in style. The floating islands of the Great Wheel hover in place 777 feet above the surface of the ocean, connected by golden-hued bridges of solid, indestructible magical force that sparkle in The border between the Great Wheel and the waters outside of Tymora’s territory is marked by an invisible, illusory wall that lets creatures and objects pass through. While inside the border, the horizon appears to share the same day-night cycle as the Great Wheel. When crossing to outside the border, the air shimmers and the sky’s visible image changes accordingly to the endless moonlit night. The gods Finder Wyvernspur and Shaundakul also live in the Great Wheel. Finder maintains a single palace resembling a stone-brick castle that can teleport itself from one earthmote to another. At his castle, Finder maintains a portal to his previous home in Selune’s palace, which served as a temporary realm for the Nameless Bard and the souls of his faithful while he established his church in Realmspace. The chambers within Finder’s palace section are filled with the sounds of music, and works of art created by the Ascended Harper’s faithful can still be found throughout the halls of the palace. Shaundakul maintains a flying palace somewhat shaped like a giant metallic bird that regularly docks at each earthmote on a rotating monthly schedule and disappears from time to time (Shaundakul often flies the palace through portals to visit other planes in the multiverse). The Helping Hand’s flying palace used to dock regularly at Selune’s divine realm aside from his own former personal island, which sank during the Spellplague. Housing for the faithful is located for the most part in spacious apartment complexes on each of the Great Wheel’s. earthmotes, with more luxurious abodes inhabited by those who progress well in the rankings of the realm’s game tournaments. Buildings of the Great Wheel vary greatly in their architectural design, partly thanks to the work of artisans under the supervision of Finder Wyvernspur, who emphasizes reinvention of self in his teachings. The most prominent structures that can be found are casinos, theaters, and stadiums, all places where entertainment can be found. The increasingly complex assortment of constructed locations have made the cities of the Great Wheel a wonder to behold. The god of crafting and invention himself, Gond the Wonderbringer, has been commissioned from time to time to lend consultation on building projects that require an extensive knowledge of engineering. The many spires, towers, and domes of the earthmote cities look like jeweled crowns on the floating islands as one approaches the realm. There is a special gambling tournament held every year (by Toril’s passage of time) in the Great Wheel: the Grand Tournament of the Stars. Participants from other realms as well as local gamblers are invited to compete against each other in games that test luck, wit, and skills of strategy. Entire stadiums may be reserved for the preliminary qualifying rounds, while the final rounds are held within Tymora’s personal palaces. Magical illusions will convey sounds and images of the final matches to every gathering place in the Great Wheel so that everyone in the realm can bear witness to the birth of a new tournament champion.
  If a lucky gambler should win the Grand Tournament of the Stars, they will have the supreme honor of playing an exhibition match with the Smiling Lady herself, for any game that they choose. Whether they win or lose the so-called “Honor Match”, Tymora will grant the gambler a wondrous gift: one wish of their desire within the power of the goddess to grant, and their likeness carved into the evening sky as a constellation of stars. THE LUCKY SEVEN On each of the seven earthmotes, Tymora maintains a central palace where she personally rests and entertains guests while regularly touring the Great Wheel. The palaces are known as the Lucky Seven, and they all serve as homes for the goddess as well as grand casinos where the best gamblers in the realm arrive by invitation to play against each other. It is unpredictable whether one will see the Smiling Lady appear at one or all seven central palaces at any given time. Some say that Tymora spins a wheel to randomly determine where she goes to next. Each palace of the Lucky Seven is known for its flawless white marble walls and floors, as well as its golden staircases, golden fixtures, golden window frames, golden doors, and golden statues. One may find on the walls many paintings of game tournament champions, famous adventurers, scenes of historically lucky events, and scenes depicting Tymora’s past victories of cunning and wits against her foes. There are thousands of angels that serve in all positions at the Lucky Seven, from service staff to management, deterring (by subtle threat of force) violent altercations and unmannerly disruption of activities. The most powerful faithful of Tymora’s exarchs have often found positions themselves within the Lucky Seven. The saurial champions among Finder’s faithful in particular have developed well-respected reputations as skilled dealers in the gilded casinos thanks to their people’s natural talent for maintaining good “poker faces”. The Lucky Seven are sometimes referred to as the most glamorous barracks in the divine realms for all the strength concentrated in them. It is rumored that the Lady of Fortune keeps a turning wheel in the throne room of each of her central palaces. Should a visitor earn the goddess’ favor somehow, Tymora will spin the wheel, and wherever the wheel stops, a particular prize is marked. The randomly selected prize is then given to the visitor as a reward. It is also rumored that Tymora’s sister Beshaba has a similar wheel, spun to randomly determine punishments for those who have displeased the Lady of Misfortune.

Божественные домены

PENSH, SERAPH OF FORTUNE (NEUTRAL GOOD) Formerly a divine servant of the goddess Tyche, this angel, highest ranked among all of Tymora's angels, was on an important mission in a distant realm on behalf of her original mistress when Tyche died. Pensh was on her way back when she sensed the passing of the goddess. At first, the Seraph could not believe that Tyche was truly gone, with Tymora and Beshaba taking up the roles left behind by the deceased deity. Pensh traveled the planes searching for answers but found none. Eventually, the mournful angel acknowledged the passing of Tyche and chose to present herself to Tymora as a servant, in honor of what was left of Tyche within Tymora, who seemed more like the late Tyche than Beshaba. Delighted, the Smiling Lady instated Pensh to the position of Fortune's Seraph once more. The Seraph has faithfully served Tymora in the centuries that have since passed. The primary responsibility of the Seraph has been to deliver messages from Tymora, but it has become a popular joke that Pensh's most prevalent duty is to inform the goddess about trouble with the guests at the gambling halls of the Great Wheel. When she isn't busy on a particularly urgent assignment as the Seraph of Fortune, Pensh serves as a hostess for important visitors arriving at the central casinos of the Great Wheel, as well as an executive manager overseeing the organizing of activities in the realm (including renovation and construction). Although her true form of a six-winged, huge golden angel is impressive, Pensh prefers to spend most of her time in the guise of a tall, beautiful female elf with long, flowing golden hair and eyes of golden yellow, dressed in a glamorously designed gown made from the rarest materials. Pensh is known for having an approachable, warm demeanor when greeting guests, while demonstrating a frighteningly frigid disposition towards troublemakers causing problems for others in the Great Wheel. Pensh's cunning and wit are said to be second only to the goddesses out of all the residents in the Gates of the Moon; she is also known for her strong sense of curiosity, making her well suited to detecting problems that need to be solved. A notable object that the Seraph carries at all times is an amulet worn from her neck on a mithral chain, a golden coin with a red pentagram engraved on it. The amulet happens to be the very image of the deceased Tyche's holy symbol. It is said that there is some special property possessed by the coin that prevents its wearer or wielder from ever experiencing bad luck, even if a goddess of misfortune such as Beshaba should attack the wearer with bad luck.

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These are the tenets that worshippers of Tymora are given to live by. • Live with boldness, for to dare is to live and those who overcome their fears are able to live without regret. • Have faith in the fate that you pursue and trust your own luck, for to master one’s own path shows the very confidence that the Smiling Lady favors. • Devote to finding a unique goal to strive towards, for to wander aimlessly invites misfortune. • Embrace the uncertainty of fate, for great fulfillment awaits those who challenge the unknown and move forward on their chosen paths. • Do not hesitate to raise the stakes as fate guides you, for with greater risks can come greater rewards, and those who fall can rise again so long as they persevere.

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