Eternal Hymn

Gifted to humanity by the Progenitor with its dying breath, the Eternal Hymn is a divine, wordless melody that keeps the Adversary imprisoned within the Heart of Hate as long as it is performed ceaselessly and in great enough numbers.
  The church of Resounding Truth was founded for this very purpose, and it recruits and trains new Orators, individuals tasked with performing the hymn. As it is a tonally difficult song to perform, the training of prospective Orators begins at an early age, often starting with the younglings joining the choir of their local chapel or cathedral.
  The hymn itself is immortalized in the Hallowed Hymnal.  


In addition to ensuring the Adversary's continued imprisonment, the hymn has other effects as well. The chief of these is its interaction with the Pools of Tears, causing the statues to weep a miraculous substance known as the Tears of the Divine.
  The hymn also seems to have a positive effect on those who listen to it, both in a physical and mental sense. All kinds of hurt is washed away when one is in presence of the hymn, including supernatural maladies such as the mind control imposed by the Tyrants.
  Those who spend an extended amount of time listening to the hymn, such as the Orators themselves, are less prone to depression, self-doubt or stress, which makes the chapels and cathedrals popular gathering spots for those who struggle with their inner demons.

Common ground

As upholding the hymn is the divinely ordained mission of humanity, it has become a sort of overarching anthem for the city-states, one which all peoples can rally behind and feel united in spirit and purpose. This unifying power is most evident during times of crisis, such as Host incursions or particularly large Wakes of Embers. In these times of war, the hymn provides comfort and healing, spurring those who listen to it to ever higher acts of heroism.
  The hymn does not have the same kind of effect on the Arachnitha or the S'aue, but members of these species still recognize the power the melody holds. The popular Arachnithan painter, Xyp'sho, once famously said that the hymn is like light woven into sound and that it is a rare privilege to live at a time during which such wonders exist.
  The S'aue, as usual, are more reserved in their appreciation and their interest in the hymn is more academic than artistic. They want to know what it is about the composition and tonality of the hymn that enables it to imprison a god, so that one day the processes involved might be understood and harnessed without the need for an entire labor force dedicated to the performing of a hymn. In this endeavor, the S'aue find commonality with the Sonorous Brotherhood, whose aims are largely the same.
Couldn't you just listen to it all day?

–A Telothian guard to another
A group of Orators performing in the largest indoor pool of tears to date, in the Everlasting Edifice

Cover image: by Midjourney


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May 2, 2024 22:38

Such a pretty snippet of the hymn!