The Eres Species in Naneth | World Anvil
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The Eres

The Eres (air-res) were all powerful beings that created and shaped the world of Naneth. They currently reside in several separate Planes of Existence, such as the The Mortal PlaneThe Void and The Feywild.  


  The Eres were a large group of all-powerful creationist spirits. Those that created Naneth entered upon the mortal plane and received physical forms. Eldath and Silvanus were the first Eres to enter the mortal plane and began the creation of Naneth. Notable Eres that created life upon Naneth were Eldath, Silvanus, Armok, Sandrum, Torm. These beings lived in relative peace and agreement, until The Betrayal. The Eres named Bane corrupted portions of Naneth in secret, as an act of defiance to Eldath and Silvanus.   Bane, Bhaal and Myrkul betrayed the other Eres, corrupting their creations and committing acts of violence, including the murder of Rainbow Crow; one of the Eres. These three Eres were named The Dead Three, and were defeated in conflict with the other Eres. It was decided they should be banished to The Underblaze for the crimes against their own kin.   Originally, Eldath and Silvanus had intended to create Naneth as a peaceful world, free of fear and strife for the inhabitants. But The Dead Three's actions ended that possibility forever. Dismayed at what Naneth would and had become, the Eres decided to retreat back to other planes of existence. Perhaps they thought, Naneth would flourish without the interventions of any more gods. Eldath and Silvanus retreated to The Feywild, while other Eres like Kelemvor headed to The Void. Many others decided to stay on Naneth, sacrificing their physical forms to once again become faceless spirits. As the Age of Creation ended, Naneth was free to choose it's own fate going forward.


  The Eres, like other powerful spirits, were not fixed to a single form. They were able to change forms, whenever it suited them. As spirits, they continue to be immortal, even if the form they chose was made of flesh and blood. Each Eres possessed unique qualities and virtues, and the undeniable will to create more life. Apart from the power of creation, Eres also possessed acute magical abilities that allowed them access powerful casts of magic. While in spirit from, Eres display the ability to contact mortals on Naneth, even if they reside in a separate plane.   Presumably, as the gods of Naneth, Eres would posses the ability to alter the world to cataclysmic proportions, and given the chance, some surely would do so.    

Named Eres

Name Eres   Other Names Gods, Higher Deities   Dominions Naneth, The Feywild, The Void, The Underblaze, Infinium   Languages Common, Elvish, Dwarvish, Primordial, Celestial, Black Speech, Draconic, Chultean, Abyssal   Lifespans Immortal

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