Agrik Character in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil


The Evil god of Fire and War; the breeder of violence for its own sake.

Much of the inspiration and details are derived from Colombia Games and the Hârn Religion Team (HRT) Archive.

God Agrik (a.k.a. The Emperor of Flame, The Reasonless Reaper)

He is a deity for the ambitious and merciless.

Those who enjoy revenge, war, combat, cruelty, and destruction will find a welcome within his religion.

He is also the god of self-improvement, sacrifice, merit-based promotion, the survival of the fittest and might makes right.

His fire cleanses and destroys, it warms and burns.

His hatred for the Goddess Larani is unending.

Agrik is worshipped by dozens of squabbling sects most of which sponsoring its own fighting order.

The Hârnic Orders

Hèpekérian Orders

Clerical Order

Brotherhood of the Molten Flame

Order of Octagonal Pit

Sponsored Fighting Order

Order of the Seekers of Ilpynen

Order of Pameshlu the Insatiable

Azeryani Orders

Clerical Order

Embassy of Living Flame

Sponsored Fighting Order


Divine Domains

Fire, Pain, War, Conflict, Self Improvement, Domination, Renewal, and Change

Holy Books & Codes

The church has many holy books

The Balefire Chronicle - The churches primary holy book written by Moralin, the greatest of Ilpylen’s eight acolytes.

Other books contain dogma, spells, and rituals specific to a given order. These include;

Arvasursusav’hir - The Primary holy book of the Order of Hepra the Mace which is an ancient collection of Demon summoning invocations.

Codex of Balefire and Blood - Holy book held by the Order of the Fuming Gate

Uppriz'Vahungi - Rituals and indications used to create and bind a Shroud Ghouls.

Blood and Fire, the Dances of the Kukshin - Holy book of the Sisterhood of the Crimson Dancer and Order of Kukshin.

Caniconus Rarixa and the Vorgeirak scrolls - are used by the Order of Hepra the Mace and the Order of the Eight Demons contain the Ritual of Vorgeirak used to transform a wardog into a Hellhound.

Trials of Mamaka - The myths of the Holy Smith of Balgashang revered by the Order of Mamaka, Master of Steel.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The number Eight and any multiple of Eight.

Colors of flames (orange, yellow, crimson and red) and black.

Octagonal pit.

Fire and Balefire.

Demons and Severed Claws.

Eight drops of Blood.

The V'hir (Agriks' Sons).

The 888 Sacred Cairns

Gashang, Ágriks' flaming mace.

Sycanus, the sickle with which he cuts the souls from the body.

Armahnh, a great whip made of thunder.

Holy Artifact Materials

Lava, obsidian, steel, and jet

Holy Animals

Dragons, Tigers and the Wardogs.

Tenets of Faith

Fearless in actions.

Never show mercy or pity.

The end justifies the means.

Show determination.

Loyalty to those who earn it.

The belief that power is granted to those who deserve and use it.

Commandments of War

Fight until no enemy stands

Pillage until no wealth remains

Burn until nothing is left


The Balefire Disciplines

These are held on the 8th of each month although the specifics vary from Order to Order.

Low Ceremonies


These ceremonies are open to all adherents and include pyrotechnic displays, prayers and a real or symbolic sacrifice by combat.

Middle Ceremonies

These are available to priests, and members of the sponsored fighting orders. The warriors practice elaborate reenactments of mythological and historical combats to renew faith.

High Ceremonies

Attended only by priests. Each order has its ceremonies which can occasionally involve combat to the death and in some cases torture.

The Feast of Balefire

Occurs on the 8th of Agrazhar when many bonfires are lit, and ceremonies are undertaken.

Funerary Rites

As Agrik is a fire god adherents practice ritual cremation. The more important the worshipper, the larger the funeral pyres. Ashes are usually scattered to the wind, never over water. Occasionally the cremation pit may contain a live human sacrifice as well.

The Octennial Games

The Ukhila is probably the world’s greatest and most bloody tournament. Every eight years thousands gather at Lysara to participate in the Ukhila, an eight-day series of events including feasting, prayers, sacrifices, rituals, combat, clashes of armies, beast and monster combat. The highlight is the Pakara.


Each Fighting Order of Agrik, which attend the Octennial Games, appoints a champion. Over the first six days of the games they engaging in combat until two warriors remain, who will then do battle to the death on the last day. This victor earns the title Maparas, Warrior Supreme, and use of Juka-Melbesa, an enchanted flaming sword, for the next eight years.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Agrik is described as a mighty humanoid figure shrouded in crimson flame, with leathery, scalloped wings, razor-sharp claws, and cloven hooves. His left hand is missing two claws.

He is usually represented wielding either his flaming mace Gashang, Sycanus the soul cutter or Armahnh, the thunder whip.


Contacts & Relations

Demon Pameshlu the Insatiable

Agrik’s chief underling, the lord of frenzy and excess, and his appetite for blood is unrivaled. The Pamesani Games are named for him.


The Holy Smith of Balgashang, makes and maintains Agriks' and his sons great weapons.

Family Ties

The Eight Sons of Agrik

Prince D’kahn - Harbinger of War

Prince Zakronas - Master of Pain

Prince Aneshar - The Bringer of Decay

Prince Rashkahn - The Screamer in the Dark

Prince Naidurlas -Mindless Carnage

Prince Ashlagya – Hunter after Life

Prince Pavahnis - Judge of the Faithful

Prince Molgoshka - Keeper of the Foul Chamber

Articles under Agrik

Cover image: Agrik Header


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