Companions of Roving Doom Organization in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Companions of Roving Doom

Some of the inspiration and details are derived from Colombia Games.

An Agrikan fighting order sponsored by the clerical order, the Pillar of Fire.

The Companions are a powerful force in Rethemi affairs and are known for their efficiency, brutality, and intimidation.

They are employed to “lean on trouble-makers" and are highly mobile with significant cavalry of all types and warships allowing deployment anywhere in the Kingdom of Rethem within a few days.



Akarata (Grandmaster) Bremel Kawaran - A loyal supporter of the previous King Chafin III and a heartless, efficient killer. He has yet to prove is loyalty to the new King Kabe II Araku.

Public Agenda

Enforcers for the Crown.


1 Keep

3 Chapterhouses

12 Manors

3 Warboats

Considerable financial support


604TR - The Order was established and assisted Arlun the Barbarian to found the Kingdom of Rethem.

717TR - Most of the priests of the Companions sponsoring Cleric Order, the Pillar of Fire, died in a suspicious fire in their temple in the City of Golotha. The Agrikan primate, Klyrdes Bisidril, is said to have been behind this "accident" with only a few dozen priests escaping with their lives. The Companions showed little loyal to their clerical brothers.

731TR - Rethem descends into Civil war with the Companions fighting for King Chafin III Araku against the Earl of Tormau.

723TR - The Tormau Rebellion end badly for the royalists. King Chafin III dies at the Battle of Rylosin Forest. The Companions, with most of there forces intact, agree to terms. They are now vassals of the new king King Kabe II Araku; however they have yet to demonstrate their loyalty. The surviving clerics of the Order of the Pillar of Fire receive royal support and re-establish their roll of spiritual guidance for the Order. The relationship between the Orders is tense.


The Companions control Arketh Keep and 7 manors on Boka Bay.

Additionally, they control a highly fortified chapterhouse of Teregan on the Border with the Kingdom of Kanday and 5 manors.


The order has a potent fighting strength.

A typical Company consists of 2 Heavy Knights, 4 Medium Knights, and 14 Light Calvary.

Warships have a complement of 4 Octads of Marines, many of them are of Ivinian Origin.

Arketh Keep

Garrison consisting of 1 Company and 2 Octads of Medium Infantry.

Rapid deployment forces 3 Companies strong supported by 3 warboats. These are available any time at the direction of the crown.

2 Companies in the manors around Arketh.

Teregan Chapterhouse

Consists of the Akarata’s Guard, 2 Octads of highly trained Heavy Knights.

2 Companies in the manors around Teregan.


A reserve core consisting of retired Companions and supporters from the laity can double the size of the Order in a crisis.

Sizable forces in the Northern Viking kingdoms of Ivinia are also available, although this will take time to organize.


The Companions are sponsored by the Clerical Order of the Pillar of Fire

Trade & Transport

The Order's three warboats, are well maintained and can be used to deploy considerable forces anywhere in Boka Bay within a few hours.

Live Bold and Prosper

Founding Date
Military, Knightly Order
Alternative Names
The King's Bully Boys
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Related Ranks & Titles
Related Ethnicities

Order of the Pillar of Fire 

by Columbia Games

Cover image: by Attacus
Character flag image: by Columbia Games


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