Kingdom of Freynia

Once the target of mockery and something of a fever dream, the Kingdom of Freynia has become a powerful nation on its own. Founded by the lost and the curious, Freynia has become an important player in international trade and trusted by its neighbours.

Work in progress.


Freynia is divided into 4 holds, all held by a Jarl, one of them being the ruling King of Freynia. Each Hold answers to the Jarl of the area, and other jarls to the one that is ranked as the king and sent them part of the wealth they have taxed from the citizens. Jarls can rule their lands quite freely but must answer to the king for anything that goes against the king's rule, and seek the king's advice in situations of grave importance.

Jarls are served by thanes. Thanes offer them guidance and act as their eyes, ears and hands among the people. They often are put in custody of fortresses, castles and matters of smaller areas or towns, making them often wealthy landowners, but this solely depends on the Jarl. Thane is in its core an honorary title, but more often than not, Jarls let the title run in families that have given them good service. It is not uncommon for Jarl to name their own relatives as thanes as well.

Work in progress.


Freynians are most famously merchants, shipbuilders and sailors, which shows in their cultural heritage.

Work in progress.


Work in progress.


Legends begin with Bertram Frey, who was a preacher of Ilmater in the Kingdom of Vilender. It is told that Bertram believed more just world for the people of Vilender and caused all kinds of trouble with his political opinions. Eventually, he managed to rile up a large following, which he promised to take over the ocean and find a more peaceful place for his people in the west and land of the elves.

In 8483 AoP, Bertram Frey and large group of his followers crossed the Long Sea and they settled to the coast of Umeros. However, as people kept coming to the new area and claim piece of it to their own, the area became cluster of petty kingdoms, and remained as so for over 1000 years.

The Kingdom of Freynia was founded by Geir Von Olney, who claimed to be a descendant of Bertram Frey. He managed to unite the petty kingdoms under one banner and frey-identity in the year 1697 AoS.

Work in progress.

Demography and Population

Kingdom of Freynia is rather homogenous at the first glance, as it is more likely to freynians move around the world than people stay at their lands. Most of the people are human and frey, but some variation do occur.

Work in progress.


Kingdom of Freynia covers the North-east side of Umeros, separated from Empire of Islenor by the White Peaks. Under these mountains is the dwarven kingdom of Thal Lodir.

Work in progress.


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Technological Level

Work in progress.


Religion has a important role in Freynian society, ant the most important of the gods are considered to be The Triad; Tyr, Ilmater and Torm. That said, gods of nature are also highly revered by the common people.

Due to the marine nature of the nation, several religious practices abroad have been taken as part of Freynian ways. Church of Deneir has risen in popularity in past decades in the scholarly circles.

Chuch and nation are fairly separate, making the influence of religious leaders quite limited in the political game.

Work in progress.

Foreign Relations

Diplomacy and trade are prefered by Freynians over warfare and mayhem, making them welcome sight in most harbours. Freynians have friend relations with the Dwarfs of Thal Lodir and high elfs of the Empire of Islenor.

Work in progress.

Agriculture & Industry

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Trade & Transport

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Work in progress.

"The Righteous will Endure."

Founding Date
1697 AoS
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state

Work in progress.

Major Exports

Work in progress.

Major Imports

Work in progress.

Official State Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities

Articles under Kingdom of Freynia

Age of Prosperity

8605 TbS 0 TbS

Age of Scars

0 TbS and beyond


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