Volcanism Physical / Metaphysical Law in Leanor | World Anvil
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Leanor is no stranger to volcanic activity. Particularly the region around the Sea of Fire, mainly the Dragon's Ridge, is known for its geothermal, tectonic and volcanic activity. The magma in the earth creates hot springs which have been used by the locals for as long as people lived there. Supposedly, the hot water and the minerals in it have healing properties that help with skin issues and sore joints.

The hot water was also used in the imperial palace in the city of Acadea, not only for thermal baths, but also for floor heating, and occasionally to torture uncooperative prisoners for information. Thermal baths were also found in the rest of the city as well as in other acadean settlements in the Dragon's Ridge. Additionally, the volcanic soil of the area is very fertile, making it very suitable for agriculture. For example, the Wolf Hills in southern Lupear and western Valeor, provide some of Leanor's best wine country.

While the volcanic activity certainly provides some favourable living conditions, the danger of the volcanoes must not be underestimated. Even a minor volcanic eruption or even just a small earthquake can cause considerable damage. Major quakes or eruptions have the potential to destroy entire cities or even regions. The most devastating and well known event of this nature in the common era was the destruction of the city of Acadea, which led to the fall of the Acadean Empire.

The city was surrounded by multiple volcanoes, which erupted in a destructive chain reaction of doom on June 24th, 479 CE. This event covered the entire city in ashes, killing most of the cities population , including the entire imperial household, as well as many visitors who were in town for the annual Feast of Enia. The entire event was documeted by an acadean sailor in his diary.

According to the people native to the area, the volcanic activity is directly linked to the Dragons of Old, which are worshipped as divine beings. Most of the dragons supposedly left or died a very long time ago, and only one dragon remains. That dragon, known by the name of Daivis the Sleeper, is said to be immortal and to sleep beneath the Dragon's Ridge. As long as he sleeps peacefully, nothing happens, but if he stirrs or, in the worst case, awakens, the earth quakes and volcanoes erupt. According to the myths, the Acadeans built their city dangerously close to Daivis' lair and thereby agitated him. In 479 CE, the dragon awoke and rained destruction on Acadea.



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Aug 14, 2023 08:01 by George Sanders

Chain reaction of doom! The Acadeans made a bad choice.

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Aug 14, 2023 19:23

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