The High Druid

To meet the High Druid is to stand in the presence of the Awen personified. A stillness like a frozen lake lies around them in their knowledge of the land, of the air, of the Awen and its Nature, of your self, and of their own selves. That lays upon them as a peace that radiates like sunshine on midsummer's day. It is humbling to stand in the presence of such power and such wisdom. It makes even the proudest and oldest among them wish to sit at their feet and listen to their stories.
— Reflection of Queen Elrid


One must be a druid and have several decades of experience before being chosen as the High Druid, through a voting process of the eldest active druids. They can tell who is the most sensitive to the Awen and the most capable of fulfilling the role of shepherding the entire archipelago.


With the gathering of the eldest druids, they retire to a sacred grove in which they confer, neither sleeping nor eating until they have reached a decision. The reason for this is because while there is no High Druid, all of the isles are susceptible to drastic movements of the Awen, and there is no spiritual leader of the isles.   Upon their decision, a secret ritual is completed in which the High Druid expands the area from which their Awen is derived not simply to their initially selected location, but the entirety of the archipelago. It is an incredibly taxing, lengthy, and subtle ritual that would drive the vast majority of druids insane. Only one capable of being the High Druid has a chance of succeeding, for to draw such power, the High Druid must know the entire archipelago better than the house they were raised in.


The greatest duty of the High Druid is to be the caretaker of the Awen across all of Isles of Laeonesse, maintaining its health and ensuring that it is channelled properly for the benefit and growth of life throughout the isles.   The High Druid also serves as the one responsible for advising the lords and kings, according to their own discretion, and serving as a guidepost for the moral direction of the isles.


It is the duty of the High Druid to perform the midwinter and midsummer rituals on Mon Coimhead- Mount of the Watch, regardless of whether anyone else knows or observes the ritual. Their greatest charge is the preservation of Laeonessai culture, especially The First Song and the other religious stories and tales, as well as being the primary mediator between the Fae-Lords and the human lands.


The High Druid has the broadest reach and influence of all positions in Laeonesse, equaling if not exceeding that of a High King. They are immensely respected by the Laeonessai people, even if not by those from cultures less familiar with Awen. Otherwise, there are no more benefits than there are for being a normal druid.


The Dreughold Rebellion was the first major event in which the High Druid played a role. Rather, it was the High Druid that instigated the event, and led it to its conclusion. Ever since then, the High Druid has been consulted by kings and generals for their advice, playing a role in nearly every historical event in the isles, up until the Aelithi executed the last high druid at the razing of Ynys Awen. After this, it was The Elfen Emrys that became the High Druid, shepherdings its secrets and responsibilities through the four centuries of occupation. It was he that restored the High Kingship after the death of Uthan.

Cultural Significance

For the Laeonessai, there is no greater position than the High Druid. The role serves as their high priest, their moral leader, their cultural caretaker, and their mediator in a dangerous world. They pay the title great honor and respect whenever they get to meet a High Druid.
The Sais pay no mind to the religions or gods of other lands, for thei know that the power lies with the Night-King and their other dark gods that rule in the ice-locked forests of the far north. They recognize a priest, however, and will appeal to the High Druid to validate the legitimacy of their settlements, or target him for ransom in their more violent phases. This has never successfully happened, however.
For the Aelithi, the High Druid is a barbaric, savage priest of a wild religion that lacks the civilized nature of their own gods. As such, they view the title as political rather than anything more, recognizing the importance that the High Druid is held in by the rest of the Laeonessai. As such, they try to portray the High Druid as a vile, terrible role, as a monster that steals children and devours their souls.

Notable Holders

  • Cruithne Cruithson
Religious, Special
Active, although forbidden during the time Aelithi occupation, it was restored after the departure of the Aelithi empire
Cruithne Cruithson was the first High Druid and the founder of the druids, and he outlined the responsibilities of the druids in one of the secret songs that only the druids know.
Equates to
There is no equivalent to the High Druid. He or she is recognized and respected as the ultimate authority on the relationship between the Awen, the Fey, and the mortal lands, serving as leader of the druids and the bards.
Length of Term
For life
Past Holders
Related Locations
Related Professions


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Jul 19, 2018 20:01 by Heath O'Donnell

Very detailed, solid article. I would suggest using Key Value Pairs in this section. --Laeonessai::For the Laeonessai, there is no greater position than the High Druid. The role serves as their high priest, their moral leader, their cultural caretaker, and their mediator in a dangerous world. They pay the title great honor and respect whenever they get to meet a High Druid.--

For the Laeonessai, there is no greater position than the High Druid. The role serves as their high priest, their moral leader, their cultural caretaker, and their mediator in a dangerous world. They pay the title great honor and respect whenever they get to meet a High Druid.

Jul 19, 2018 20:05 by Kaleb Kramer

Thanks, I appreciate it! And that's brilliant, thank you, I had some recommend it elsewhere, but I couldn't find anything on how to make it work! Google just pulled up key-value databases and the like. Thanks for explaining that!

K.C. Kramer- Tales From Beyond the Horizon
Jul 19, 2018 20:06

Are they critical in leading any particular ritual or do they act as war-mages (if they indeed possess magic) or leaders in times or war or invasion?   (psst: arcipelago = archipelago?)   I'd suggest getting some pictures to set the mood, definitely. :)

Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.
Jul 19, 2018 20:15 by Kaleb Kramer

They do lead rituals, yes! Quite a few that I, ahem, just haven't managed to flesh out yet. It's on the list though! (Thanks for catching that!) And yes, I shall get some pictures! I was writing this as the wifi at my B&B was going crazy, so I could barely get the text together!

K.C. Kramer- Tales From Beyond the Horizon
Jul 19, 2018 20:12 by Koray Birenheide

"the High Druid must know the entire arcipelago better than the house they were raised in." aside from it being "archipelago" (you missed the "h"), I would have loved the non-sequitur "better than the house they were raised in. And also the house they were raised in, if it is located on the Archipelago." Just some dry humor. It's not actually that great, but boy would that have tickled my pickle :D   You have a lot of free space in your sidebar, so I would recommend adding some of your links as article blocks ^-^ Also, when you first mention the Awen in your quote, it is a bit disorienting, perhaps you could augment it with a tooltip?   Also a followup question: How many High Druids are there at once at any given time? Just one, or several? It sounds like several.

Jul 19, 2018 20:21 by Kaleb Kramer

Ah, that would have been funny, I admit. WIsh I had thought of it!   Good thought. What do you mean by an article block? Is there an example for that somewhere? And I must agree that I have no idea how to use a tool-tip, but I can link the article.   Just one! I tend to use their/they for the indefinite third person because I find the phrase "he or she" very clunky. I can adjust that though.

K.C. Kramer- Tales From Beyond the Horizon
Jul 19, 2018 20:32 by Koray Birenheide

Ah, gotcha on the they ^-^ And please, feel free to use that joke if you like it, free of charge and attribution! I'd enjoy seeing it up there xD   As for article blocks, they look like this:

The Magnificent Spire of Rahn
Building / Landmark | Jan 25, 2019

The Travlers Guide to Aqualon by Thadeus Fletcher was a regular column in the HJT Gazette in the 1580s GE. ~ 2154 Words

  So as you see they provide the header image, article title, and article excerpt in a stylish box that fits whatever container you put it into ^-^   I made a screenshot that shows you where you can find the article block bb code, just copy this line from the target-article and paste it into the article where the block is supposed to appear:

Jul 19, 2018 20:36 by Kaleb Kramer

Cool! I will keep that in mind for the joke.   Okay, thanks! That makes sense. And I see how that might make more sense for this article! I'll start tinkering with it.

K.C. Kramer- Tales From Beyond the Horizon
Jul 19, 2018 20:48 by Koray Birenheide

I am glad I could help you with your article ^-^

Jul 20, 2018 10:29 by Kaleb Kramer

I appreciate it!

K.C. Kramer- Tales From Beyond the Horizon