Session 9 in Laan | World Anvil
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Session 9

Our chapter begins with the party agreeing on which lawyers they should visit over breakfast. As meals were completed and names were suggested, our heroes agreed to visit Rokrath, on the suggestion of Rohakarth. Upon arriving at Rokrath's place of business, the party noticed another man standing by the front door. He introduced himself as Johnathan, a clerk from the Law Guild. As the door opened, Sam Calas attempted to push himself ahead of the clerk in order to ask for services first, a gesture that Johnathan did not appreciate.

The door was answered by Rokrath's son, Jack, a young man who had just started his study of law in Fatoris. After receiving coffee from Rokrath's daughter, Wilma, our heroes did what they do best; sat in the waiting room trying to find a way to get ahead of Johnathan. As Jack returned, he stated that his father will listen to both proposals and take accept the contract for the favourable party. As Johnathan was being ushered up to the meeting room first, both Sam and Oryim stared daggers at him, causing him to spill his coffee on his shirt. This would be all that they needed to get in first.

After names were exchanged, Rokrath discussed some of the finer details of the case with the party, explaining that as they spoke the guards would likely be sending scouting parties to investigate their claims of assailants in the caverns under the mountain. He went on to say that if evidence was found, their position would be easily defensible. When asked about payment, he stated that the guild standard of 35 silvers would suffice, and would cover all expenses. As our heroes departed from the office, Johnathan was standing at the door rather unkempt after his episode with his caffeine.

Thus our heroes departed to meet the next lawyer, a gnomish woman by the name of Pewottle. As they arrived at her door, a man in a cloak was leaving. On their way out they bumped into Liaden O'Legal and wandered off. Liaden, immediately alarmed that something might be missing from her pockets, found that they had not taken anything, but rather placed a note in her pocket. As she began to read, Oryim noticed the brooch hold the cloak closed, the tell tale mark of House Canter. As they made their way inside, the wind had begun to pick up. An oceanic storm was brewing and would be in Fatoris by the end of the day.

The conversation with Pewottle was brief. Between their stuttering, they informed the party that they would not take their case or rather that they were unable at present. When pressed further, they claimed they were "not at liberty to say." Sensing that the scenario was fraught, Oryim decided to mention to the others that it was a member of the Canters who had just left the building as they arrived. This prompted Liaden to share the details of the note she was slipped. All that was written on it was a time and place: Midnight at an alley around the corner from the Canter building.

After meeting with all of the other lawyers, the party decided to try and discuss things with The Mistress, as they would probably want to know about the Canter's likely trying to jeopardise the trial. As they made their way into the town hall, the rain started. The light drops plinking off of the large windows. Standng behind the front desk was a small, lizard like being. Liaden identified them as a Kobold, a very uncommon race, particularly here in Mitlind. As the party began filling out their meeting requests, the ran built up strength and the main doors on the mezzanine above them opened. Emerging from the doorway was an ostentatiously dressed woman with sharp features. As she wandered down the stairway, the kobold lowered their head, paying respect to the lady of Fatoris herself; The Mistress.

The party watched as she stepped out into the rain, head held high as the rain caused her hair to immediately cling to her forehead and cheeks. In an attempt to expedite their meeting, Liaden and Sam followed closely behind. Orym on the other hand decided to hang back and blend in with the crowd. As she wandered through the streets, the rain continued to pelt the streets and our heroes. The locals all averted their gaze from The Mistress as she walked with purpose. t was Sam that took the plunge and called out to her. As his words reached her, she stopped and turned to face him. Her dark hair and well presented garb soaked through as she spoke. As she locked eyes with Sam, a feeling of dread came over him, soon followed by Liaden and Oryim.

She spoke with a soft and clear voice, but was easily heard over the torrent. She asked to what pleasure she owed the interruption to her business. Sam, struggled to find the words but ultimately informed her that the Canters were getting involved with some of the lawyers. The Mistress stated that she was well aware of Canter involvement, and that Sam and his allies needn't worry themselves with such trifles. She followed this by claiming that they should think of her as someone to trust and that Oryim should stop hiding. As she turned to leave, she wished them all farewell by name: Mr. Calas, Ms. O'Legal and Mr Daedark. At the mention of a last name, Sam and Liaden looked at Oryim, who decided they were in need of an explanation.

Reconvening at the Brave Inhibition our heroes shared their personal tales, but first was Sam. He shared his story of the fateful day he came home to his wife and daughter butchered as part of some dark ritual in his home town of Maplerun in Morris Cove. That their deaths lead him to investigate a cult that had formed in the countries far reaches, an investigation that would ultimately lead to him being fattened up emotionally to be used as a sacrifice. And, the real kicker, the man that killed him was his friend and mentor; a man named Rohan. He recalled that he awoke outside Boghaven naked, cold and with newly attained divine power. He explained that, since he was raised in an atheist country, his divinity and link to the gods is strange and unknown to him. The trauma of retelling the tale of his death gave him a vision as lightning cracked the sky, the faces of all the bar goers were Rohan's and the cloak that had been guiding him was sitting win the shadows, now smiling the eternal grin of a skull.

Following Sam's tale was Oryim, he told the others that he was from Fatoris, and was a viscount. He told them that he was largely raised by his mother, who had a problem with "sticky fingers." This lead to her attempting to flee the town with her Oryim. Once out of town, Oryim's mother went missing, and he presumed her to be dead. Intent on leaving the town his mother loved behind, he made his way to Twinriver, where he then joined the military. It wasn't long before he was thrown into the throngs of war as the Second Dossil War started. He joined with the local militia to defend the town of Twinriver from invaders in one of the most brutal wars ever seen. Once the war was over, he left Twinriver to wander the world and find his new place and, if he could, any clues about his mother. He finished his story by formally introducing himself by his full name: Inchel Reinna Daedark III.

Last to share their tale was Liaden. She started by reminding them that she was from Silvaantar but, unlike the others, her parents died very early in her life. A fact that very few of her community mention and are reluctant to speak about. After reaching maturity, she joined the ranger corps and then later the Druidic Counsel of Silvaantar. In honour of her parents, she opened an orphanage for those lost in the woods. A service invaluable during the Second Dossil War, as many families fled into the woods to escape the invaders. Though, somewhat ironically, she found herself to be infertile. Thus she tendered her resignation from the Druidic Counsel and prepared to try and find a possible cure. She left her partner behind to watch over the orphanage in her stead and embarked on their adventure.

With their tales shared, our heroes grew closer and understood each other just a little bit better. They returned to the Embassy to rest before their midnight rendezvous. Rokrath had been by while they were away to leave them a message. The party decided that they could afford to meet with him quickly before resting. Upon their arrival, Wilma let them in and offered them coffee while Jack went to retrieve their father. Wilma then proceeded to bombard the party with questions about scars, saying that scars are cool and that she reckoned she could take some of the horrors our heroes had faced. As the conversation dragged on and got more awkward, Rokrath arrived in the kitchen and began to discuss the offer the guild had put forward. They had offered him standard guild rate, but also that ths case would be awarded double time. This second offer, according to Rokrath, is extremely generous and is given very sparingly leading him to conclude that something fishy is going on with this case. After a short discussion, he agreed to work for the party under one condition: Guild standard rate, and to keep an eye on his daughter. He told them that she had been sneaking out at night and is worried that she might be associating with the wrong crowd. Our heroes agreed to these terms and welcomed Rokrath into their legal team.

After resting back at the embassy our heroes dressed and armed themselves, preparing for both the weather and a potential brawl in the streets or at their destination. As they wandered the streets, the storm had reached full force. the rain fell in horizontal arcs as the wind buffeted and chilled the party to the bone. Oryim noticed that they were being tailed while they walked. Eventually they came to their destination, where three figures waited for them down the end of the alley. Two were wearing dark coats and were dressed for the rain, the thhirst was standing under an umbrella and wearing a suit, the only light in the alley was the faint glow of a cigar in the third figure's mouth. The party were beckoned closer and greeted by the man under the umbrella. The man opened a door behind him and gestured for our heroes to follow him inside and into a dimly lit drawing room.

As the party sat down, the man with the cigar sat opposite them at a desk. He wasted no time and told the party that he had some questions and that they wouldn't be leaving until he had answers. The man started by telling them that documents had been stolen from M'orn a few weeks ago and that, when scrying on these documents, our heroes were shown. Confused the Canters continued to monitor their movements until they got to Wrain's Hall, when suddenly their scrying failed to work. On top of this, they have been unable to magically get in contact with their agent in the city, prompting them to ask the party what was happening there.

Our heroes were honest, sharing the details of the murders occurring in town and the unfortunate end of Nathan Cattas. This last statement seemed to shake the man with the cigar, as he claimed he received a letter from Nathan only two days ago through their internal system. This letter had his seal and claimed that everything was good. Liaden was quick to point out that this feat would be pretty easy to pull off if you had the seal of the man in question (Which would be easy since he was, in fact, dead). The man with the cigar shifted the focus back to the missing documents. Oryim remembered that they had taken some paperwork from someone wearing Canter iconography when they were still in M'orn, paperwork that they had brought with them.

Before being searched, Oryim asked what significance these documents could have and where they were being taken. The man with the cigar begrudged him these questions and told him they were on their way to Boghaven from High Gate, and that they related to the Canters' chief duty, which is preventing any future conflicts between their neighbouring countries. Before continuing this line of thinking, the other Canters in the room were instructed to search our heroes, eventually finding the papers that Oryim was carrying. As they were passed to The man with the cigar, he looked them over. Satisfied he folded them back up and placed them in the top draw of his desk. The man looked each of our heroes in the eye before saying "We'll be in touch." Before they were let go, Liaden chanced for a favour. She asked if they could, in any way, get the Law Guild master to go to Wrain's Hall so that he wouldn't be there for their court date. The man with the cigar pondered this for a moment, before agreeing to add it to their tab. And with that, our heroes were sent beck out into the gloom of night and the cold of the storm raging overhead.


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