Sam Calas Character in Laan | World Anvil
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Sam Calas (Sam Cal-ass)

Personal History

  Sam was once a town guard, living a simple life and earning a simple living. However, something has turned him to adventuring. He seems to have a burgeoning relationship with faith, attempting to become a fully-fledged champion of Death.  

Calling for Aid from Within

During Session 4, Sam found himself unarmed and unarmoured. In desperation he beseeched something from deep within himself and asked for either a weapon or a shield. Whatever was inside him deemed it appropriate to respond. He became wreathed in smoke and his sight became blurred with visions of his past, and the man who upturned his life. His rage grew and he felt nothing but a burning desire for vengeance. If not for Kalydin summoning his guardian, Seraph, this rage may have continued unrestrained.  

Marked by Death

During Session 5, Sam spoke with Arthis about his past, where he revealed that he had, in fact, died before. Arthis taught Sam about the Death's Marked, mortal souls that are selected by Death to have another attempt at life but must complete a task for Death as payment. At the completion of this task, the mortal shall return to death and the afterlife they are sentenced to. Though they must relearn what task it is that they must fulfil.  

Recognising the Runes

During Session 7, the party entered a large underground structure with runes carved into the walls. Some of these runes were familiar to Sam, as they were there at a pivotal moment in his past.  

The Tale of Sam's Death

During Session 9 Sam shared his story with his allies. He told them that his wife, daughter and himself had all been killed by the same cult in Maplerun, Morris Cove.  

The Agreement: Part 1

During Session 16 Sam cast his mind back to the moment he died in an attempt to remember what colour robes the cultists were wearing in hopes that he may find a link between what was happening in Fatoris and what had happened to him. Instead he remembered a part of his agreement with Death  

The Agreement: Part 2

During Session 18 Sam, along with Kalydin sought out the head of the Ellbridge chapter of the Mitlind Priory, an old man named Father Elthwain. They wanted some guidance regarding their personal relationship with faith and the gods. Sam, who was identified as a Death's Chosen was told that; if an agreement had been made with Death, it was Sam who asked for something first.  

Shades of Guilt

During Session 22 Sam found himself in a dream scape of the Second Dossil War, a memory of his companion Oryim. He watched in horror as soldiers from his home Morris Cove routed the would-be militia of a small farming village for the smallest strategic gain. He discussed with Oryim at length the propaganda surrounding the wars that Morris cove was involved in and that such bloodshed was never mentioned. Later, in a dream scape designed like his old home in Maplerun. He felt overcome by shame and anger, even strangling and attempting to gut their Oryim who, in their eyes, looked like the murderer of his family. When he became overcome by this anger, he also became wreathed in black smoke, which began to take the form of monstrous limbs and a beaked head.  

The Deal

During Session 24, Sam dreamed up the memory of his deal with death. In so doing, he remembered all of it. He had asked Death to ferry his wife and daughter's souls to safety in exchange for service. Conviniently, Death had a task he needed complete. Deep in the Grimtooth Jungle, within the border of Morris Cove, lay an ancient temple. This temple was one of the few holy sites of Death, revered by the local population of Lizardfolk and Frogfolk. Within this temple, a treasure was protected. A treasure that had since been stolen. The land had been desecrated and now undead prowled the area in defiance of the rule of Death. Sam was to retrieve this treasure and reconsecrate the land. Sam agreed and, once given a Death mantle, began a Death's chosen.    

A Brush With the Past

During Session 32 Sam saw his old mentor and murderer of his family, Rohan Lyse. Now a lieutenant of the Morris Cove military and here to speak on behalf of Morris Cove at the peace summit being held in Mitlind. Terror and anger welled up within him, quelled by his new found ally, Sierra . Sam donned a mask, in order to not be seen or recognised by Rohan and vowed not only to kill him, but utterly destroy his life and reputation.


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